Zara booties

EN: Yep, the booties from yesterday’s post. 
Lately I’ve been trying to fill the gaps in my wardrobe as much as I can – as I noticed, there are some areas I need to work on, like buying a perfect fitting dress for winter or some boots that won’t slip on ice (definitely not these) or some basic, black booties. And I found them! These are from Zara, very basic, very casual and really comfortable ankle booties. They’re made from something resembling suede and they feature a very decent 4 inches heel, plus a tiny platform in the front, for added comfort. I could walk all day long in these babies without feeling any pain at all. The only minus I can think about (even though, I don’t mind it at all) is the closure part, as it doesn’t have any zippers or buckles. It’s a pull on style bootie with elastic in that middle-stripey-area, which will probably get looser in time. However…they only cost $59.90 so I think it’s pretty reasonable. They come in three colors: khaki, black and sand. All beautiful, I bought the black ones because I just needed something dark that will go well with most of what I have in my closet.
And they’re preeeeeeeeeeeeeettyyyy! <3

RO: Da, alea din postarea anterioara
Nu stiu de ce sunt ele denumite pe site “high heel ankle boot” ca nu-s deloc high heel. Defapt, au un toc foarte comod (si modest dupa parerea mea) de 10,5 cm. Unde mai pui ca e gros – deci mai multa stabilitate – si ca au si o mica platforma in fata (1, maxim 2 cm sa zic ca are). 
Sunt genul de ghetute “de tăbăceală”, cum ar zice bunică mea. De purtat agresiv, abuzat frecvent si asortat la (aproape) orice. Pentru asta le-am si luat: aveam nevoie de ceva comod, intr-o culoare inchisa, care sa nu-mi dea prea multe batai de cap si sa se potriveasca la tot ce am deja in dulap. Singura problemuta (ma rog, pe mine nu ma deranjeaza) in cazul lor, este sistemul de incaltare: nu au fermoar, capse sau altceva, doar un elastic care se dilata si contracta in functie de cat se trage de el. Se incalta usor in orice caz si avand in vedere ca se vand la 169 ron…mi se pare mai mult decat decent 🙂 Sigur, nu e piele dar sunt frumoase. Le gasiti in magazine in 3 variante de culori, pe negru, kaki sau bej, cu mentiunea (pentru bucurestence) ca a trebuit sa umblu un pic pana le-am gasit pe ale mele. In Sun Plaza si Afi nu aveau decat bej si kaki dar gasiti sigur pe negru in Baneasa sau la Unirii. 


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