
No, I haven’t died. I’m just busy. My exams will start in a week and I’m freaking out! I have lots of books to read, tons of projects to do, 20 bottles of pepsi to drink (works like coffee for me) and no time. Things are crazy here so please bear with me.

Nu, n-am murit.Sunt doar ocupata.Intr-o saptamana incep sesiunea si ma crizez:D Am o groaza de carti de citit, tone de proiecte de facut, 20 de sticle de pepsi de baut(mi-am facut aprovizionarea-functioneaza pe post de cafea pentru mine) si prea putin timp. Lucrurile au luat-o razna dar promit sa imi revin dupa ce scap de stres🙁

I’m wearing Topshop boyfriend jeans(lately I’ve been living in this pair, they are so comfy!), vintage sweater and hat, Zara booties, random brand accessories and jacket

Port jeansi model boyfriend Topshop(in ultimul timp traiesc in perechea asta, sunt extrem de comozi), palarie si pulover vintage, botine Zara, jacheta si accesorii oarecare

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Hasta la vista baby.I’ll be back.

Underneath your clothes

Hello my lovelies!
How was your New Year? Mine didn’t go that well.I had some plans for the last couple of days but they were ruined for some particular reasons…Anyway, this is what I wore on the last day of 2010.I was dying to wear those lace dresses I got, so I armed myself with the fluffy coat(yes, again the fluffy coat), a cardigan, 2 pairs of stockings plus those high socks and I was ready to face Siberia:D Don’t worry, I’m still alive:D
La multi ani dragele mele!

Cum a fost Revelionul vostru? Al meu nu prea a decurs cum trebuia.Am avut planuri pentru weekendul acesta dar au ramas la nivelul de “plan” dintr-un motiv sau altul…Trecand peste, asta am purtat in ultima zi din 2010.Eram disperata sa port rochiile acela de dantela pe care le-am luat, asa ca m-am inarmat cu haina pufoasa(da, din nou haina pufoasa), un cardigan, doua perechi de ciorapi plus sosete inalte si gata:> Pregatita sa infrunt Siberia.Inca traiesc, nu va faceti griji:D

Vintage coat, bag and hat

Haina, geanta si palarie vintage

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New Yorker lace top/dress+ vintage silk slip worn underneath

Top/Rochie de dantela New Yorker+ furou de matase vintage purtat pe dedesubt

Random brand cardigan and jewellery

Cardigan si bijuterii oarecare

ASOS socks and Stradivarius boots

Sosete ASOS si cizme Stradivarius

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And this is my dress for the evening…(part of it:D)
Si aceasta a fost rochia mea pentru seara…(ma rog, o bucata:D)
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Worn with 5 inches of awesomeness just to be sure I’ll feel the thrill of the heel in the next year too:)))
Purtata cu vreo 13 cm de toc asa ca sa fiu sigura ca o sa simt si la anul emotia tocului(tampit mai suna in romana:)))

Ho ho ho

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Full time skirts

Although is winter and I complain about the cold 95% of the time, I plan on wearing more skirts and dresses than I did in the summertime.It’s quite funny to see me picking up sheer blouses and shorts while outside the water is freezing since in the summer I was dreaming about boots and faux fur coats. I’m planning on experimenting with all the dresses and skirts I have in my closet, layers, otk socks and boots, chunky knits and hats to seal the deal.Speaking of hats, today i was lucky enough to find a burgundy one in one of my favourite thrift shops.I bought it immediately although i still dream about that blue one that never seemes to come across me🙁

Desi e iarna si ma plang din cauza frigului 95% din timp, mi-am propus sa port mai multe fuste si rochii in lunile urmatoare decat am facut-o in timpul verii.E chiar amuzant sa ma vezi cum intind mana spre bluze din voal si pantaloni scurti in timp ce afara sunt turturi iar cand era vara visam la cizme si haini de blana artificiala.Mi-am propus sa experimentez cu toate rochiile si fustele pe care le am in dulap, cu straturi, cu sosete peste genunchi, cu cizme, cu tricotaje si palarii ca sa fie treaba treaba:D Am dezvoltat o pasiune pentru palarii, sunt primul lucru pe care il caut cand cotrobai prin magazinele sh.Ca tot veni vorba, am mai gasit una azi, intr-o culoare inchisa de rosu.Mi-a placut, asa ca am luat-o imediat desi inca visez la acea palarie albastra care nu pare sa mai imi iasa in cale odata🙁
Took these shots yesterday and yes, i know you’ll think i freezed but seriously, i felt quite warm:D
Pozele acestea le-am facut ieri.Da, minus nu stiu cate grade si veti crede ca am inghetat dar chiar n-am avut probleme:D

I paired my actual favourite coat with some random brand wedges(very comfortable)…

M-am infofolit cu haina mea preferata la ora actuala si niste cizme oarecare(foarte confortabile si calduroase)…

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Vintage hat and bag, random brand necklaces and bracelets…

Palarie si geanta vintage, accesorii no name…

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Terranova knitted skirt, Asos otk socks, random brand sweater and a vintage sequined vest

Fusta Terranova, sosete peste genunchi Asos, un pulover oarecare si o vesta cu paiete vintage(e pentru copii defapt dar mi-au placut foarte mult textura si culoarea, so…am insfacat-o:D)

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How about you? What will you be wearing this winter?:)

Dar voi? Ce veti purta iarna aceasta?:)


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Need.Want.Won't get

Why do these have to cost so much?So sad
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Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony
available for preorder here

I’m pretty sure these will be everywhere in a couple of months…

Sunt destul de sigura ca in cateva luni incaltarile acestea vor fi peste tot…

I wanna go back home

After last Friday’s exam I run straight to grab my luggage and rushed to the railway station.This time the road wasn’t that boring given the fact that there where a few classmates with me(time seemes to go by faster when you have friends with you, right?) but lasted longer due to the tricky weather.Every time i go home, i feel great.It’s strange how i feel like i wanna leave faster when i’m there and when i get here i feel so sad i can’t stay no more with my familly.Moody, eh? Anyway, i spent time with my mother, went shopping(can’t wait to show you the pretty stuff i got!:D), ate like 2 boxes of candy, went on some shorts walks and i finally got the change to take some photos!Hallelujah!

Dupa examenul de vinerea trecuta, am fugit sa-mi iau bagajul si am plecat direct spre gara.De data asta drumul n-a mai fost atat de plictisitor avand in vedere ca am mers impreuna cu alte colege(parca timpul trece mai repede cand ai prieteni cu tine, nu?) dar a durat mai mult din cauza vremii urate. De fiecare data cand ma duc acasa, ma simt grozav.E ciudat cum ma apuca sa plec cat mai repede cand sunt acolo iar cand ajung aici ma simt trista ca nu mai sunt cu familia mea.Am toane…
Asadar, am petrecut timp cu mama, am fost la cumparaturi(abia astept sa va arat ce am mai gasit:D), am mancat cam 2 cutii de dulciuri, am facut cateva plimbari scurte si in sfarsit am apucat sa fac poze!Aleluia!

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As i told you, i got these boots last week.It was love at first sight and now i love them even more:D Pretty comfortable too, and they keep me warm

Va ziceam ca am luat cizmele astea saptamana trecuta.A fost dragoste la prima vedere iar acum le iubesc chiar mai mult:D Bonus, sunt comode si imi tin de cald

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Paired them with a vintage Cacharel sweater, fake leather Bershka shorts and vintage accesories
(belt and hat)

Le-am purtat cu un pulover vintage Cacharel, pantaloni de piele falsa Bershka si accesorii vintage(curea si palarie)

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There were also some necklaces and lots of rings but of course i forgot to put them on when i got out of the house:D

Mai aveam cateva lanturi si multe inele dar desigur ca am uitat sa le port cand am iesit din casa:D

Hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as i did! xoxo

Sper ca v-ati bucurat de weekend asa cum m-am bucurat si eu! :*


Considering the weather, it’s quite probable i’m starting to go into hibernation mode.I haven’t gone out since Tuesday or done anything besides eating, watching movies, cleaning my closet(this only happens when i’m really bored), eating, sleeping, eating and cuddling under piles of fluffy stuff.
Of course now i’m starting to panic cause tommorow i have an exam which makes me wanna eat even more.Does that ever happen to you? I eat a lot because of stress.
Anyway, due to these horible weather conditions, i’m a unable to do a proper outfit post which totally sucks cause being my name day and such, i bought some stuff this week:D Hopefully tommorow i’ll take some photos…
Till then, Tuesday was my name day so…

Avand in vedere vremea, e foarte probabil ca o sa intru in hibernare.N-am mai iesit de Marti sau facut orice altceva afara de mancare, filme, curat in dulap(asta se intampla destul de rar si numai cand sunt foarte plictisita), mancare, somn, iar mancare si culcus sub tone de chestii pufoase.
Maine am un examen si deci evident ca incep sa ma panichez, ceea ce ma face sa vreau sa mananc chiar mai mult.Vi se intampla vreodata asta? Eu mananc mult pe fond emotional…
Revenind, sunt impotenta sa fac un outfit post decent din cauza vremii(ceea ce ma oftica avand in vedere ca am luat niste lucruri zilele trecute fiind ziua mea de nume si pe care vreau sa le port).Sper ca maine voi putea face cateva poze…
Pana atunci, Marti fiind ziua Andrelelor si Andrelilor,iar eu fiind una dintre ei…

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(Bershka jeans, Ralph Lauren sweater, Pierre Cardin coat, Jessica Simpson shoes, random brand accesories, vintage hat) 
I went to the mall(the main purpose was to find a bloody floppy hat which of course doesn’t exist in our shops here)

Am fost prin mall(scopul principal era sa gasesc o afurisita de palarie cu bor larg care evident, nu exista in magazinele noastre)

(Bershka jeans, Ralph Lauren sweater, Pierre Cardin coat, Jessica Simpson shoes, random brand accesories, vintage hat)
No hat but boots:D

These i quite love.They are even better than otk as they almost reach the middle of my thigh, have a comfortable heel(just 10 cm) and the colour is just perfect! I’ve been searching for a pair in this colour for ages:D
Then there were the leather pants(fake of course).I saw a few pairs at Zara, Stradivarius and some other shops i can’t remember now but decided for a brown pair from Bershka(these ones i got as a gift:D Thank you, D :*)

N-am gasit palarie dar am luat niste cizme:D
Le cam iubesc.Aproape ca imi ating jumatatea coapsei, motiv pentru care le iubesc mai mult decat cele peste genunchi, au un toc comfortabil(cam 10 cm) iar culoarea e perfecta! Chiar cauta o pereche in culoarea asta de mult.
Apoi pantalonii de piele(falsa desigur).Am vazut cateva perechi la Zara, Stradivarius si alte magazine ale caror nume nu mi-l amintesc acum dar m-am hotarat pana la urma pentru o pereche Bershka(defapt, le-am primit cadou:D Sar’na, D :*)

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Yes, i know it’s a very fucked up corporation(Mc’Donalds i mean) but a salad and some coke can’t harm anyone, right?

Da, stiu ca e o corporatie foarte controversata(la Mc’Donalds ma refer) dar o salata si cola nu pot face rau nimanui, nu?

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Stay warm!

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Stripe Me Up

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(Bershka trench coat, Topshop shorts, Meli Melo otk socks, Jeffrey Campbell shoes, Bershka t-shirt, vintage hat and belt, vintage Louis Vuitton bag)

Had this coat since last year but never wore it. I used to have a fixation on trench coats back then and bought like 5 of them but of course, now they lie at the bottom of some box hidden in the basement.Anyway, I left the house in Topshop shorts, some otk socks, a loose t-shirt, the trenchcoat(to avoid freezing)and my beloved Litas.Truth to be told, almost every day of the last week I’ve been wearing my Litas so this outfit couldn’t be an exception.

N-am purtat niciodata trenchul acesta desi il am de anul trecut.Pe atunci aveam o obsesie cu trenchurile, motiv pentru care am cumparat vreo 5 dar desigur, acum zac la fundul unei cutii ascunse in subsol. Oricum, am plecat de acasa in pantaloni scurti Topshop, sosete peste genunchi, un tricou largut si trenchul(fac turturii destul de rapid avand in vedere cat sunt de friguroasa:D) si mult iubitele platforme Lita.Ca sa fiu sincera, aproape in fiecare zi a ultimei saptamanii le-am purtat deci outfitul acesta nu putea fi o exceptie:D

P.S. Big thank you for all your comments, I really enjoy reading them!

P.S. Un maaaaaaaare multumesc pentru comentariile voastre, imi face mare placere sa le citesc!

Monroe, not Moss

Like it? 😀 For those of you who are here for the first time, i changed the layout.Since the beggining, i had this problem with the size of the pictures because of the 3 columns my old template had.Not anymore:D Oh, and as promised, below will be the translation for my romanian readers.Ok, enough with the administrative stuff.One of the A/W collections i really liked for this year was the Louis Vuitton one.Don’t know if i told you before but i’m a big fan of curves, waistlines, boobs:D and all of those things that make a woman A WOMAN.Pin up, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren and so on, i love them all.Although boyish frames can have their appeal, i’m tired of anorexic girls and this collection is the perfect antidote for all those skinny jeans years.I love the classy image of the LV woman shown here, she looks so elegant and feminine without beeing tacky or vulgar.

Va place? 😀 Pentru cei care sunt pentru prima data aici, am schimbat layoutul.Am avut probleme cu marimea pozelor inca de la inceputul acestui blog din cauza modelului cu 3 coloane pe care vechiul template il avea dar am scapat in sfarsit de problema.Si dupa cum am promis, voi posta si traducerea in romana pentru cititorii autohtoni. Ok, gata cu administratia.

Una dintre colectiile toamna-iarna ale acestui an care chiar mi-a placut a fost cea Louis Vuitton.Nu stiu daca v-am mai spus dar sunt un mare fan al formelor, taliei, sanilor:D si toate acele lucruri care fac o femeie FEMEIE.Pin up, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren si asa mai departe, imi plac toate.Desi siluetele androgine au farmecul lor, mi-au cam ajuns pana peste cap anorexicele iar aceasta colectie este(pentru mine cel putin) antidotul perfect pentru toti acei ani de suprematie a jeansilor skinny.Imi place foarte mult imaginea femeii LV din aceasta colectie, foarte eleganta si feminina, departe de orice pitipongeala chiar daca isi expune decolteul.

Anyway, beeing so in love with this collection you can imagine my happiness when i found this skirt. It would’ve been perfect if i also had a crinoline or a corset but still, when i got dressed, this is what i had in mind.

Asadar, fiind atat de incantata de colectia aceasta, va puteti imaginea fericirea mea cand am dat peste una bucata fusta ampla.Ar fi fost perfect sa am si o crinolina sau un corset dar chiar si asa, imbracandu-ma, am avut in minte aceasta colectie.

I paired it with a random brand t-shirt and a Zara cardigan…
Am purtat-o cu un tricou oarecare si un cardigan Zara…

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Vintage belt and hat
Curea si palarie vintage…

Obvious, i couldn’t help but swirl:D
Evident, nu m-am putut abtine sa nu ma invart:>

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Body consciousness

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Dress: H&M

Blazer: vintage
Boots and bag: random brand


Jeffrey, meet Pierre

After ages of struggling, my Litas finally arived!Maybe i should tell you how i almost lose them because of the romanian postal service…or maybe not, i’m just too happy to have them!

I was obsessed with these shoes regardless the hokerish look some people think they have,they are just perfect!Should i mention how comfortable they are despite the height of the heel? Or how many looks they got?Anyway, I’m so in love with these shoes that i could marry them:D Am i broke? Yes i am. But i would still buy them in every colour possible if i had the cash!

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Remember the post where i was talking about a thrifted Pierre Cardin coat/dress?Well, here you have it:)

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Worn with some simple black tights and a white sweater…

…vintage hat and bag

How do you feel about the Litas? Love’em or hate’em?

Looking for Something?