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I wish you all a very happy Easter!

Last day

Took these photos a few days ago when the weather was so much colder, as if we were in October not April! I guess that was the last day I wore boots for this season. So bye bye my beloved over the knee boots, see you next autumn!
Worn with this vintage dress which I totally fell in love with the minute I saw it. I got it for a dolar or so but I had to alter it cause it was waaaaaaaaay too big for me. This is one of the best things about vintage;no matter how big something is, you can always get it altered and make it work for you. And you don’t have to break the bank to do that…

Am facut pozele astea acum cateva zile cand vremea era mult mai rece, de parca am fi in Octombrie, nu in Aprilie! Cred ca asta a fost ultima zi in care am purtat cizme pe sezonul asta. Asadar pupici iubitele mele cizme peste genunchi, ne vedem la toamna!
Purtate cu aceasta rochie vintage de care m-am indragostit din prima clipa in care am vazut-o. Am luat-o pentru vreo 3 lei sau ceva asa dar a trebuit evident s-o duc la modificat pentru ca era o marime hipopotamica. Asta imi place mie mult la lucrurile vintage si anume ca pot fii modificate cu usurinta, oricat de mari ar fi astfel incat sa se potriveasca corpului fiecaruia. Si nici nu implica niste sume mari…

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Boots/Cizme: Stradivarius

Cape/Pelerina: vintage

Bag/Geanta: C&A

Dress/Rochie: vintage

Hat/Palarie: vintage



I really need some more yellow in my life! And how incredibly cute are those bow platform sandals from ASOS?!? ♥ ♥ ♥

Am nevoie de ceva mai mult galben in viata mea, sunt intr-o mare criza! Si cam cat de dragalase sunt platformele acelea cu funda de la ASOS?!? ♥ ♥ ♥
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Let’s see some more yellow…
Sa vedem mai mult galben…

Michael Kors cashmere dress, 995$

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Deborah Marquit french lace balconette bra, 195$

Deborah Marquit french lace briefs, 110$

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ASOS Tailored Ponti High Waisted Slim Flare Trousers, 50$

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Diane von Furstenberg sandals, 275$
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Asos trench coat, 100$

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Charlotte Olympia platform pumps, 930$
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Moschino skirt, 860$
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Zara mini skirt with pockets, 60$

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How often do you wear yellow?

The black and white cake

Coming from a family of food lovers where every meal must end with a dessert definitely leaves marks on you. No, I’m not talking about weight or body issues(I hate the obsession created around that crap!) but, what I’m trying to point out is the connections we establish between food and our memories.(at least from my point of view). Speaking of desserts…I don’t know about you but I for one, have strong feelings for my granny’s sweets. And everytime she pampers me with cakes(everytime meaning all the time) I tend to connect the flavour with a certain memory from the past. Gimme cake with strawberry filling and I’ll think about my birthday, gimme mint ice cream and I’ll remember how I spoiled my aunt’s red dress, gimme homemade chocolate and I’ll soon be feeling like all of my face is covered with it, just as I did when I was a kid.

Atunci cand provii dintr-o familie de gurmanzi in care orice masa trebuie sa se incheie cu un desert, asta sigur lasa urme asupra ta. Nu, nu ma refer la greutate sau probleme fizice( urasc obsesia care s-a creat in jurul tampeniei asteia!) dar, ceea ce incerc sa evidentiez sunt legaturile pe care le formam intre mancare si aminitirile noastre(vorbesc in numele meu si din punctul meu de vedere, foarte probabil ca voi sa nu aveti amintiri cu batai pe cozonaci). Si vobind despre deserturi…eu am sentimente puternice pentu dulciurile bunica mii:D Si de fiecare data cand ma rasfata cu prajituri(de fiecare data insemnand mai mereu) tind sa fac legatura rapid intre aroma si un anumit moment din trecut. Tortul cu umplutura de capsuni ma va duce cu gandul la zilele mele de nastere, inghetata de menta imi va aminti de o rochie rosie a matusii mele pe care am distrus-o cu mult talent trantind o ditai bucata de inghetata verde pe ea, in timp ce ciocolata de casa ma va face sa ma simt de parca am ciocolata si-n urechi, asa cum faceam cand eram copil.

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There was also a cake…one of my favourites…called “black and white”. A delicious dessert with fluffy dough and many creamy layers of chocolate and cream. It tasted it divine but what I liked most about it was the aesthetic appeal. Literally, it was a black and white…cake. On the other hand… Being away from home most of the time with no one to cook for me, I don’t eat it that much today but everytime I wear this dress I start thinking about my granny’s black and white cake. Just like the cake, it’s one of my favourites and it makes me feel happy : )

Mai era o prajitura…una din preferatele mele…numita “prajitura alb si negru”. Delicioasa, facuta din aluat pufos si multe multe straturi cremoase de ciocolata, frisca si inca ceva ce habar n-am cum se numeste. Avea un gust senzational dar ce imi placea mie cel mai mult era aspectul. O prajitura pur si simplu…alba si neagra:D Pe de alta parte… Fiind departe de casa in cea mai mare parte a timpului fara cineva care sa ma hraneasca(traiesc pe baza de sandwichuri, habar n-am sa fac niciun ou prajit), nu o mai mananc atat de des dar de fiecare data cand port rochia asta ma gandesc la prajitura alb si negru a bunica mii. La fel ca prajitura, rochia e una din preferatele mele si ma face sa ma simt fericita : )

Dress/Rochie: vintage

Tights/Ciorapi: ASOS

Shoes/Pantofi: Forever21

Coat/Haina: vintage Pierre Cardin

Jewellery, hat, bag and belt/Bijuterii, palarie, geanta si curea: vintage


Rumors I've Heard About Anna Wintour

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source: here

Haha : ) In case you haven’t seen these before(I haven’t), take a look.

Haha : ) In caz ca n-ati mai vazut desenele acestea (eu nu le mai vazusem), aruncati o privire. Eu zic ca merita 😀

Thank you, S, for showing me these :*

Color blocking

Hello hello! I’ll be off shopping for vintage goodies in a few seconds but I had to post these pictures first:D Sooooo: Because of the low temperatures we have here in (Siberia) Romania, I’ve become very black and white lately and without noticing, I woke up being into nudes, whites and dark hues. And this is odd considering my love for flashy colors and crazy combinations.

‘Neata:D Mi-am racolat mama(de cateva zile sunt acasa, bucurandu-ma de o mini vacanta) si urmeaza sa plecam la cumparaturi in cateva minute dar am vrut sa postez mai intai pozele astea:D Asadaaaaaaaar: Din cauza temperaturilor cancerigene pe care le avem aici in (Siberia) Romania, in ultimul timp m-am imbracat destul de mult in alb si negru si fara sa imi dau seama, m-am trezit dintr-o data pasionata de nuante nude, tonuri de alb si tonuri inchise.

So, a few days ago, I said to myself “today I’ll wear color” and I put these items together. I think blues and greens make an awesome combo but if you add some purple too…ah, perfection! I’m deeply in love with these colors together <3

Acum cateva zile insa, mi-am spus “astazi voi purta ceva colorat” si am pus laolalta hainele astea. Dupa parerea mea, nuantele de albastru si cele de verde formeaza o combinatie grozava dar daca mai adaugam si ceva mov…deja o dam in perfectiune:D Sunt indragostita pana peste cap de culorile acestea puse impreuna! 

Also, meet my new vintage blouse:D Spotted a few weeks ago in one of my favourite vintage shops and felt in love with the color(I think I have a fetish for that shade of green) and the pussy bow so I bought it right away. I didn’t like the sleeves too much, they were plain and simple so I made them puffy with a simple wire and here it is, the green puffy sleeved pussy bow shirt:D

De asemenea, va prezint noua mea bluza vintage:D Am luat-o acum cateva saptamani dintr-unul din magazinele mele preferate vintage, indragostita fiind de culoare(cred ca am un fetis pentru nuanta asta de verde) si de funda legata in jurul gatului. Ce nu prea m-au incantat au fost manecile, simple si plictisitoare, asa ca le-am facut bufante cu ajutorul unei ate:D

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Trench: Bershka

Pants/Pantaloni: Etam

Blouse/Bluza: vintage

Shoes/Botine: Litas by Jeffrey Campbell

Bag/Geanta: no name

Jewellery and belt/Bijuterii si curea: random brands and vintage/ luate din magazine oarecare si vintage


Ok, now i'm ready

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Last year I remember I was crazy about the Miu miu SS collection, especially the shoes(shocking, right?) but of course I couldn’t get my hands on any of the pieces because of those mean mean prices. So sad. No kitty, birdie or flowery print for me or my feet. Anyway, If you remember(see this post here) I got these knock offs last winter from Forever21. They may not be Miuccia’s babies but…Miu miu look alikes for 30 bucks? Yes please.

Anul trecut eram obsedata de colectia Primavara-Vara Miu Miu, mai ales de incaltaminte(vine ca un soc, stiu) dar desigur, mi-a fost imposibil sa pun mana pe vreun flec sau nasture din cauza preturilor rautacioase. Trist. Fara pasarele, floricele, pisicute pentru mine sau picioarele mele. Am trecut peste depresia cu pricina si, daca va aduceti aminte(vedeti postul de aici), iarna trecuta am luat pantofii astia de la Forever21. Nu sunt ei tocmai iesiti din mainile Miucciei dar…replici Miu miu pentru 30 de dolari? Da, va rog.

Blazer/Sacou: stolen from my mom/sutit de la mama

Blouse/Bluza: Miss Selfridge

Skirt/Fusta: no name

Shoes/Pantofi: Forever21

Hat and clutch/Palarie si geanta: vintage

Have a lovely week!


Yep, I’m wearing harem pants. I know you hate them, who doesn’t? :)) A few years ago I used to hate them too, mainly because I was only living in dresses and skirts but now I think about them as a great piece to have and wear in this huge sea of skinnies. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with skinnies, I’m just sick of people who wear this type of cut only. The crotch and waist is very low so it usually sits on my hips but, as I already told you, I’m a big fan of high waists so I used a belt to lift the waist up. Looks a bit weird but I don’t care, I feel really good in these pants!

Dap, port pantaloni harem. Stiu ca-i urati, cine n-o face?:)) Acum cativa ani si eu faceam parte din categoria celor care strambau din nas cand auzeau de ei, mai ales din cauza faptului ca traiam numai in rochii si fuste dar acum ii vad ca pe ceva grozav de avut si purtat in marea asta de pantaloni skinny. Nu ma intelegeti gresit, nu e nimic in neregula cu pantalonii skinny, atata tot ca mi s-a acrit mie de ei si de tipele care poarta NUMAI croiul asta. Talia e foarte joasa si in mod normal imi sta cazuta pe solduri dar, dupa cum v-am mai spus, prefer taliile inalte si din cauza asta am folosit o curea ca s-o ridic. Arata putin ciudat dar nu-mi pasa, ma simt prea bine in pantalonii astia!

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  Pants/Pantaloni: Stradivarius

Cape/Pelerina: vintage

Shirt/Camasa: random brand

Shoes/Botine: ASOS

Hat, belts and bag/ Palarie, curele si geanta: vintage

Crazy legs

I spent this last weekend in my hometown doing nothing productive-eating lots and lots of junk(blame the granny), sleeping too much, digging through piles of stuff I don’t wear anymore and should throw away, shopping with my mother for vintage pieces(I got some goodies you’ll soon see), drinking iced tea, realizing my cat gets fatter and fatter everytime I come home, watching Psycho(again, for like the zillion time) and getting measured by the lady who alters my clothes.

Mi-am petrecut weekendul trecut acasa, in provincie, nefacand mare lucru- mai exact, mancand multe, multe prostii(sunt scuzata, e vina bunicii), dormind prea mult, rascolind prin tonele de haine pe care nu le mai port si pe care ar trebui sa le arunc dar nu ma indur, cumparand vintageuri cu mama(am luat niste bunatati pe care le veti vedea in curand), band ceai cu gheata, dandu-mi seama ca motanul meu devine din ce in ce mai gras de fiecare data cand vin acasa, uitandu-ma la Psycho(din nou, pentru a miliarda oara) si luandu-mi-se masurile de tanti care imi modifica hainele.

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Anyway, this is what I wore while going shopping. The weather was fine so I didn’t need any covering but the shoes killed me. Seems weird considering the low heel but trust me, they are little murderers. Besides that, the only uncomfortable things were the stares(had to take this shots before leaving the house, I had a feeling I won’t be able to do them while being in the city). But that’s fine, even my mom said those leggings are crazy:))

Iar asta am purtat cand am mers la cumparturi. Vremea a fost placuta si n-am mai avut nevoie de nimic pe deasupra dar pantofii m-au terminat. Pare ciudat avand in vedere ce micut e tocul dar credeti-ma, aveti in fata o pereche asasina. Pe langa asta, singurul lucru incomod a fost holbatul(aveam un sentiment inca de cand m-am imbracat ca n-o sa pot face pozele in oras tocmai din cauza asta, asa incat le-am facut pe picior de plecare, inainte de a ne urca in masina). Dar e ok, daca pana si mama a zis ca leggingsi astia sunt bolnavi:))

Leggings: no name

Clutch: vintage

Shoes/Pantofi: Stradivarius

Sweater/Pulover: no name

Glasses/Ochelari: Orsay


Lace and Moschino

Ok, so I’ll start this post by complaining. Please bear with me, it’s a shoe situation. I’m going mad here a bit worried since my ASOS order still hasn’t arrived and it should’ve been here since Thursday! I’ve already been two times to the post but all I got were raised eyebrows and stupid answers. Of course they know nothing, I often wonder how they remember to breathe. Lousy people.

On a more happier note, I finally got a Moschino belt! I’ve been dreaming of one for ages and thanks to etsy, now I have it:D Of course the belt was a bit raged and H-U-G-E so I had to change it but at least I got the letters. Viva Etsy!

Ok, deci am sa incep postarea asta lamentandu-ma. Va rog suportati-ma, e grava treaba din moment ce e vorba despre pantofi. Sunt (la un pas de ma urca pe pereti aici) cam ingrijorata din cauza ultimei comenzii ASOS care tot n-a ajuns desi trebuia sa fie aici de cel tarziu Joi! Nu mi s-a mai intamplat niciodata de cate ori am primit pachete de la ei sa intarzie atat de mult  Am fost la posta de 2 ori pana acum dar tot ce am primit au fost priviri plictisite si raspunsuri in scarba. Normal ca nu stie nimeni nimic, defapt deseori ma intreb cum oare stimabilele cucoane de la oficiu nu uita sa respire. Sunt foarte inteligente, serios. Ne cunoastem de multi ani si m-am convins pe parcurs…

Ca sa va spun si ceva pozitiv, am reusit in sfarsit sa am o curea Moschino! Tanjeam dupa una de mult timp si gratie Etsy…acum am:D Cureaua era relativ rupta pe alocuri si cam M-A-R-E, astfel incat a trebuit sa o inlocuiesc dar macar m-am facut cu literele:D Viva Etsy! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Worn here with a lace dress, a random brand blazer, Jeffrey Campbell shoes and a big bag to fit all my junk.

Purtata aici cu o rochie de dantela, un sacou oarecare, botine Jeffrey Campbell si o geanta mare sa-mi incapa toate porcarille inauntru. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Oh, and I totally forgot to tell you guys about this feature I got in Forever21’s blog, The skinny. Check it out here 😀 Plus the interview the lovely Julie from Julie’s Wonderland did with me. Check it out here.

Ah, si am uitat sa va spun despre acest feature in care apar, pe blogul Forever21, The skinny. Arunca-ti o privire aici 😀 Plus interviul pe care draguta de Julie de la Julie’s Wonderland l-a facut cu mine. Il gasiti aici.

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Woodstock vibe

Altough Woodstock(1969) doesn’t exist anymore and Janis Joplin is long gone, I often find myself searching for inspiration in those times. It’s not the first time I express my love for the hippies, the 60’s and the 70’s, Jimmy Hendrix and the „psychedelic revolution” but everytime I picture these things I find myself a bit at a loss for words when trying to imagine how it really was back then. A time machine would be helpful…

Desi festivalul Woodstock nu se mai desfasoara din 1969 iar Janis Joplin a parasit de mult aceasta lume, de foarte multe ori ma gasesc inspirata sau cautand inspiratie in acele vremuri. Nu e prima data cand va spun despre pasiunea mea pentru hippioti, anii 60 si 70, Jimmy Hendrix si “revolutia psihedelica” dar de fiecare data cand incerc sa imi imaginez lucrurile astea, imi dau seama ca imi e oarecum imposibil sa inteleg si sa am o imagine clara a felului in care erau lucrurile si lumea atunci. O masina a timpului ar fi binevenita…
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Moving swiftly along…

This season the shops are crammed with 70-esque pieces( and I couldn’t be more happier, haha:D) so I checked a few of them and put together some of my favourite pieces in the sets you can see below.

Trecand rapid peste…

Sezonul asta magazinele sunt ticsite de piese a la anii 70(si ce “rau” imi pare, haha:D) care de care mai tentante asa incat am verificat unele siteuri si am pus laolalta cateva dintre piesele mele preferate. Le puteti vedea in seturile de mai jos.

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Looking for Something?