EN: Ok, so a few weeks ago I promised to make a post with my latest vintage finds. And since you sent me positive feedback…here it is 😀 Except for the first 2 items which I bought online and were a bit more expensive, all of the other pieces are thrifted with my own two hands.
So here they are:
RO: Ok, deci v-am promis acum cateva saptamani ca o sa fac o postare cu ultimele mele achizitii vintage. Si din moment ce v-ati aratat interesate…iata:D O mica precizare: exceptand primele 2 produse pe care le-am cumparat de pe bloguri si care au fost ceva mai scumpe, toate celalalte haine sunt cumparate de subsemnata din second handuri autohtone.
1. Louis Feraud dress-It’s made out of silk, mid length, fits me like a glove and it’s designed by L.F. How could I resist to this beauty?
1. Rochie Louis Feraud– E facuta din matase, are lungime medie, mi se potriveste ca o manusa si e creata de L.F. Cum as fi putut sa rezist frumusetii asteia? Raspuns: N-as fi putut.
2. Moschino skirt– This one is one of the most special items I posess. I bought it online after falling in love with that incredible print! It was pretty big for me but I had it altered and now all I can think about is autumn coming faster so I can wear it.
2. Fusta Moschino– Aceasta este una dintre cele mai speciale haine pe care le detin. Am cumparat-o online dupa ce m-am indragostit de imprimeul acela incredibil! Imi era destul de mare dar am dus-o la croitoreasa, mi-a rezolvat-o iar acum nu ma gandesc decat sa se raceasca mai repede vremea ca sa o pot purta.
3. Lanvin blazer– I swear, angels sang the moment I touched this jacket. It has the most amazing shape I ever saw.
3. Sacou Lanvin– Era o melodie tampitica acum cativa ani care zicea ceva de niste ingeri cantand:-? Nu-mi aduc aminte prea clar versurile dar…si in cazul meu, ingeri au cantat in momentul in care am pus mana pe jacheta asta:D N-am mai vazut niciodata o forma atat de spectaculoasa.
It’s tailored, fitted on the waist and it has those amazing pleats on the back. What’s there not to love?
Este croit ca un sacou, cambrat pe talie si are niste pliseuri spectaculoase pe spate. Se poate mai bine de atat?
4. Cacharel pants– Perfect fit, made out of red velvet and high waisted. LOVE.
4. Pantaloni Cacharel– Marimea perfecta, facuti din catifea rosie si au talie inalta. LOVE(a se citi love, nu lav)
5. Thierry Mugler blazer– Have I ever told you what a HUGE HUGE HUGE fan of Thierry Mugler I am?
5. Sacou Thierry Mugler– V-am spus vreodata ce MARE MARE MARE fan Thierry Mugler sunt?
No? Well… He is a french designer who’s “clothes are easily identifiable by their style and their structure. Suits, dresses and jacket pieces which emphasize a woman’s elegance while harmonizing and resculpting their bodies. He reinvented the notion of seduction and was subsequently labeled a “provocative designer” by the media.”
Nu? Ei bine…T.M. este un designer francez “ale carui haine sunt usor de recunoscut dupa stil si structura. Sacourile, rochiile si jachetele accentueaza eleganta femeii armonizand si restructurand corpul acesteia. A reinventat notiunea de seductie si hainele sale au fost ulterior etichetate ca “provocatoare” de catre media.”
I have never found a piece of clothing to fit me as perfect as this blazer does. It’s perfectly tailored to my body.
N-am mai dat niciodata peste o haina care sa mi se potriveasca atat de bine ca sacoul acesta. Parca a fost croit pe corpul meu.
6. Thierry Mugler blazer 2– This one needed a lot of tailoring since the size was way too big but I only got the waist altered and left the shoulders just as big as they are cause I like that 80’s vibe they have.
6. Sacou Thierry Mugler 2– Asta mi-a mancat zilele(sau mai bine zis i le-a mancat croitoresei) cu modificarile din moment ce era mult prea mare pentru mine. S-a lucrat insa numai la zona taliei si am lasat umerii asa mari cum sunt fiindca imi place aerul asta optzecist pe care il confera sacoului.
And how cool are those buttons?
Si cat de misto sunt nasturii astia?
7. Louis Feraud skirt– I got it a few weeks ago for only 4 dollars.
7. Fusta Louis Feraud– Am luat-o acum cateva saptamani pentru vreo 12 ron parca.
Of course it was too big and I had to get it fitted. Story of my life.
Normal ca mi-a fost prea mare si a trebuit modificata. Povestea vietii mele.
8.Pierre Gabriel dress– I’m not sure who is this Pierre dude but I like how cute he designed this dress. The fabric it’s pretty thick so I won’t be able to wear it till autumn but I sure can stare to those taffeta ruffles…
8. Rochie Pierre Gabriel– Nu stiu cine e nenea asta dar a croit misto rochia de fata. E facuta dintr-un material grosut deci nu o s-o pot purta pana vine toamna. Ma multumesc insa cu holbatul la volanele din tafta…
9. Guy Laroche skirt– Ah, another amazing designer from the last century! I’m not sure which words to use to describe my love for this skirt…Hmm.
9. Fusta Guy Laroche– Ah, inca un designer uimitor din secolul trecut! Nu prea stiu ce cuvinte sa utilizez ca sa pot descrie exact sentimentele mele fata de fusta asta…Hmm.
10. Mid length purple tutu skirt, green pussy-bow shirt (you’ve seen this one before but I like the purple-green combo so I used it in the photo), a boxy bag and the newest shoes I bought(no, they’re not vintage but I couldn’t resist not photographing them).
10. Fusta tutu mov de lungime medie, camasa verde cu funda la gat (ati mai vazut-o dar mi-a placut combinatia verde-mov si am folosit-o pentru poza), o geanta cutioasa patratoasa si ultima achizitie in materie de pantofi(nu sunt ei vintage dar nu m-am putut abtine sa nu-i pozez).
They have the most delicious mint-green color!
Au cea mai delicioasa culoare verde-menta!
That’s all folks! 😀
Cam astea:D