The tutu

EN: Today i went thrifting/vintage shopping, whatever. I spent my morning „fighting” with old ladies for skirts, digging through piles of old junk for hidden gems, trying to get some bargain goodies. I almost lost my wallet but that’s ok, it wasn’t much in there, except for some important papers, including my identity card. And that would’ve been a tragic loss.
Anyway…i returned home with a lot of goodies, among which i got a very strange thing, supposed to be a white tutu (i guess). It has this very odd shape, no hem line and i think it was handmade. It reaches my knees. If i think about it, it’s pretty ugly but that’s exactly why i bought it, besides the idea of wearing it with my Litas (can’t wait to wear them again!), a leather jacket and a tophat. I’m not sure where i’ll wear it but i get pretty excited just thinking how people are going to stare:D (I’m joking about the enthusiasm, of course…i told you i hate stares and bad jokes:)

RO: Am fost azi prin SH uri. M-am smardoit cu pensionarii, m-au imbrancit tiganii (sau rromii, ca s-o ardem neologistic), era sa raman si fara portofel, dar s-a meritat pana la urma (nu stiu daca v-am mai spus, dar aici in sh urile pe care le frecventez eu, e bataie mare pe marfa intre categoriile mai sus mentionate. Defapt, eu cu mama, pensionarii si doamnele in fuste colorate cu banuti in par plus ai lor masculi palariosi, suntem cam singurii cumparatori. Foarte rar s-a intamplat sa vad persoane mai tinere sau din alte categorii sociale…Nu ca asta ar fi o problema, doamne fereste. Am vrut doar sa enunt de la cine imi iau coate pentru d’al da Escada si alti d’astia.) Revenind…Dupa tot tambalaul despre care v-am spus, m-am intors acasa cu cateva bunaciuni bune bune care-s la spalat/dezinfectat/calcat acum. Printre ele, am gasit un fel de tutu din acela cum au balerinele, alb la culoare dar foarte ciudatel. Adica are o forma aiurea rau, n-are tiv, sunt mai multe straturi de material si se vede ca e facut manual. Imi ajunge pana la genunchi. E chiar uratel daca il studiem in detaliu dar mi-a placut mult de tot asa neobisnuit cum e si m-am gandit ce bine va tine companie Litelor (muhahaha, inca putin si le scot de la naftalina), unei geci de piele si eventual o palarie gen joben:D L-am luat. Nu stiu unde o sa-l port dar ma apuca entuziasmul numai cand ma gandesc in ce hal m-ar crucifica romanasii sa ies asa pe strada:D Glumesc referitor la entuziasm, v-am spus ca ma enerveaza toti dobitocii care se baga in seama… si in general jignesc:)



I wore a Primark skirt i got a few years ago, a Bershka t-shirt, ASOS sandals, no name bag and jewellery and a vintage Christian Dior men’s shirt (just to make sure my ass is not that much on show:D)

Am purtat o fusta de la Primark luata de pe un blog acum cativa ani, tricou Bershka, sandale ASOS, geanta si bijuterii no name plus camasa barbateasca vintage Christian Dior (prea mulata fusta ca s-o port cu spatele neacoperit:D)




P.S. Of course Bubu (my cat) had to sleep on the freshly washed tutu.

P.S. Normal ca Bubu (motanul casei) a trebuit sa doarma pe tutul proaspat spalat.

Nothing short of


EN: As a non tall girl that I find myself, I consider the mini length to be the best option for my not so long legs. I do wear maxi’s and I’m really into midi lengths lately but, whenever I feel like elongating those pins to the maximum, minis are my best friends. Of course I wouldn’t wear something this short to school, work or anything like that, but for a night out or a very hot day (I’m so tired of this heat, can’t wait for autumn to arrive!), I would say a big, fat, YES!

RO: Ca o duduie ne-inalta ce ma aflu, gasesc lungimea mini ca fiind cea mai buna optiune pentru picioarele mele nu atat de lungi pe cat mi-as dori. Port si maxi-uri, imi plac foarte mult si lungimile medii in ultimul timp, dar, oricand vreau sa-mi “lungesc” la maxim picioarele, fustele si rochiile mini sunt cele mai bune prietene pe care le pot avea. Desigur ca n-as purta ceva atat de scurt la scoala, serviciu, samd (oricat de mult as vrea eu picioare lungi), dar pentru o noapte in oras sau o zi incredibil de calduroasa (mai am un pic si emigrez cu temperaturile astea, abia astept toamna!), as zice un mare si gras DA!


One of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I own…They also happen to have a 6 inches heel.

Unele dintre cele mai comode incaltari din dulapul meu…Care printre altele au cam 15 cm de toc.



Dress/Rochie: H&M

Shoes/Sandale: Jessica Simpson

Belt/Curea: vintage

Clutch/Plic: vintage

Sunnies/Ochelari de soare: vintage Ray-bans

Jewellery/Bijuterii: no name, H&M, C&A, New Yorker




EN: Remember I told you a few posts ago about some Kenzo pants that were too small for me? Well, my dressmaker is a genious:D She enlarged the sides of the pants with some fabric from an old black skirt that I brought along with me and now…they fit:D I’m not sure what are they made from but it looks a lot like brocade. And I love brocade. Of course my mom had to inform me that they remember her of the curtains we used to have in the bathroom in ’93 but that’s ok, I can live with that:))

RO: Va aduceti aminte cum ma plangeam acum cateva postari despre niste pantaloni Kenzo care imi erau mici? Ei bine, i-am rezolvat gratie croitoresei mele geniale:D M-am dus la ea cu pantalonii si o fusta neagra mai veche si, folosind materialul fustei, a atasat ca niste fasii lungi pe lateralele pantalonilor iar acum…imi vin:D Nu sunt sigura din ce material sunt facuti dar mi se pare ca imita binisor tesatura de brocart. Iar mie imi place brocartul. Desigur ca a trebuit mama sa imi taie putin elanul comentand ceva de genul “zici ca porti draperia pe care o aveam in baie in ‘93” dar e ok, pot trai cu informatia asta:))


My vintage Lanvin sunnies have finally arrived…

Au sosit in sfarsit si ochelarii de soare vintage Lanvin…

I’m wearing vintage Kenzo pants, a vintage shirt, Miu Miu shoes, Asos watch, no name jewellery, vintage clutch and vintage Lanvin sunglasses.

Port pantaloni vintage Kenzo, o camAsa vintage, pantofi Miu Miu, ceas ASOS, bijuterii no name, plic vintage si ochelari de soare vintage Lanvin.


Give me purple and some green, please

EN: If you read this blog, than you already know I’m not a skinny jeans/pants person and I almost never wear them. I feel so much better in loose silhouettes that don’t cling to the body, like skirts, dresses or wide legged pants! So, it’s only natual that I’m thrilled to see such a wide variety of trousers out there right now, although most of them are skinnies. In my opinion, this kind of cut only looks good on thin frames with narrow hips, models or elementary school girls.

I fell in love with the amazing loose fit of these pants and the richness of their purple color so I bought them immediately, even though they were all sold in my size and I had to buy a bigger size.

RO: Daca cititi blogul acesta(eventual de mai mult de 2 zile), stiti deja ca nu sunt o fana a pantalonilor sau jeansilor de tip skinny si ca port asa ceva foaaaaaaarte rar. Ma simt mult mai bine in siluete lejere care nu se lipesc de corp, cum sunt fustele, rochiile sau pantalonii largi! Deci va dati seama ce incantata sunt sa vad o asa paleta larga de optiuni in magazine. Ma rog, modelul skinny inca e tatal lor dar e bine ca apar si altele afara de cele care vin bine pe 1) scolarite de clasa a6a cu solduri nedezvoltate, 2) Naomi Campbell, 3) siluete tip mar, 4)Naomi Campbell si 5)dudui cu metabolism beton si silueta pe masura.

Perechea de fata mi-a picat cu tronc din cauza formei grozav de lejera si bogatiei culorii, asa ca i-am cumparat imediat in ciuda faptului ca n-am mai gasit marimea mea si a trebuit sa iau una mai mare.


The necklace is also new (well, it’s vintage actually but it’s new in my jewellery box), I got it last week from etsy.

Colierul e nou si el (ma rog, e vintage de fapt dar e nou in cutia mea de bijuterii), l-am luat saptamana trecuta de pe etsy.


It has this tassel fringe in the back which is actually way longer (it reaches my thighs) but for this kind of look, I prefer wearing it shorter. It would look so much better with a backless dress!

Are in spate un lant care e mult mai lung decat l-am prins eu (daca il las liber, imi ajunge pana la coapse) si de care atarna un fel de ciucuras cu franjuri. Pentru genul acesta de tinuta, prefer sa nu-l las la lungimea originala dar ar arata senzational cu o rochie cu spatele gol!



I’m wearing River Island trousers, Stradivarius top, ASOS clutch and watch, River Island sandals and a vintage necklace.

Port pantaloni River Island, top Stradivarius, plic si ceas ASOS, sandale River Island si un colier vintage.



Picture 081aa

Freedom baby!

Libertate, tati!



EN: I never liked snake print. Actually animal print. I have always associated it with witchy long red nails, pointy shoes, clothes that are too tight, bleached hair or too much skin show. In a sentence, I thought it was the tackiest thing going on. My opinion hasn’t changed that much (in any of those combos mentioned above, it can still be tacky) but as I got older (don’t I sound wise?!? Take that, Gandhi!), I noticed I’m becoming more and more attracted to exotic skins and leopard print.
Anyway, today I’m all about the python skin. Seeing so much of it on the runways this season, I remembered I had some vintage snakey pants somewhere in the bottom of my closet, waiting to be worn. Was I sceptical? Yes. But since Miuccia said snake is in…who am I to argue? (Classy worn snake skin, of course). Do they push my boundaries? A lot. And that’s good.

RO: Nu mi-a placut niciodata imprimeul de sarpe. Defapt, nu mi-a placut niciodata imprimeul de orice fel de animal. L-am asociat permanent cu unghii lungi, rosii, de vrajitoare, incaltaminte cu bot ascutit, haine prea stramte, par ars (de “preferinta” blond, dar merge si mai inchis) sau prea multa piele la vedere. Intr-un cuvant, mi s-a parut cel mai VULGAR lucru posibil. Per total nu mi-am schimbat parerea nici acum daca ne referim la oricare dintre combinatiile de mai sus (si la dracu, des le mai vad…pe strada sau chiar la televizor) dar pe masura ce am mai capatat experienta (nu-i asa ca suna intelept din partea mea?!? Ia-o p’asta, Gandhi!), am observat ca sunt din ce in ce mai atrasa de pielea de reptile. Vazand atat de multa si pe pasarelele colectiilor din sezonul acesta, mi-am adus aminte ca am undeva prin vagaunile dulapului, o pereche de pantaloni cu un imprimeu de genul, asteptand sa vada lumina zilei. Sceptica am fost? Da. Dar daca a zis Miuccia ca e de bine cu sarpele…cine-s eu sa comentez? (Bine, madame Prada n-a zis ca e cazul sa ma transform in J.Lo, dar in doze mici, cred ca poate arata foarte bine). Ma forteaza sa-mi depasesc limitele? Da. Mult. Iar asta e foarte bine.




I’m wearing vintage Laurel by Escada pants, vintage blouse (that was actually a dress), Zara sandals, ASOS clutch, no name hat, Veronique’s Boutique necklace, H&M rings and vintage bracelet.

Port pantaloni vintage Laurel by Escada, bluza vintage (care defapt a fost rochie si am ciopartit-o), sandale Zara, plic ASOS, palarie no name, colier Veronique’s Boutique, inele H&M si bratara vintage.


Now tell me:D How do you feel about snakeskin print? Would you wear it?

Gata, va ascult:D Ce parere aveti despre imprimeul de reptila? Purtati, l-ati purta?

Veronique's Boutique


EN: A while ago, Veronica, the owner of Veronique’s Boutique, asked me to pose for her handmade collection of accessories and clothes. Of course I said YES! and a month later, at 104 °F and a lot of people staring, the photoshoot took place. So, for a few hours I enjoyed wearing Veronica’s creations:

RO: Acum ceva vreme, Veronica, posesoarea siteului Veronique’s Boutique, mi-a propus sa ne intalnim si sa pozez pentru colectia ei handmade de accesorii si haine. Normal ca am acceptat iar o luna mai tarziu, prin iulie, coboram din tren la Bucuresti inarmata cu centuri, camasi si unghii verzi, pregatita de pozat. Sau stat la pozat mai bine zis. Sedinta s-a desfasurat pe parcursul mai multor ore (la 40 de grade afara si romani curiosi-logic), timp in care m-am bucurat de creatiile Veronicai:

From headbands and colorful clamps

De la bentite si clame colorate


Cameo rings

Inele camee



Broches and jabots

Brose si jabouri









To mini skirts

Pana la Fuste scurte





Or maxi’s

Sau lungi




Lovely, huh? Click here to visit her shop!

Dragalase, nu-i asa? Puteti vedea mai multe produse aici!

In a manner of speaking

EN: Went vintage shopping today and found a few pretty things like a crazy red jacket with huge shoulder pads and pleats around the waist, an YSL parka jacket for men which I’m totally going to wear as oversized as it is, some high waisted shorts and a pair of tiny KENZO pants that are too small for me and I can’t zip up. This is new for me, I usually find huge pieces that have to be cut smaller, never tiny sizes. Damn, wish I knew what I could do to make them fit! Any ideas?(no, weight loss is not an option)

RO: M-am dus la cumparat de vintage astazi(ma rog, acum cateva ore ca am pornit de dimineata) si am gasit cateva lucruri frumusele ca o jacheta rosie cu umeri hipopotamici umflati cu pernite si pliseuri in jurul taliei, o jacheta parka YSL barbateasca care e putin oversized dar o s-o port exact asa pentru ca-mi place, niste pantaloni scurti cu talie inalta si am mai gasit si o pereche de pantaloni KENZO care imi sunt mici si nu-i pot inchide. Asta e ceva nou pentru mine, in general gasesc lucruri care imi sunt mult prea mari si trebuie micsorate, niciodata marimi mici. Of, nu prea stiu ce sa le fac ca sa-mi vina… Are cineva vreo idee?( nu, pierderea in greutate nu e o optiune)




Wearing a vintage Guy Laroche skirt, no name t-shirt, Forever 21 shoes, Mango bag and vintage and no name jewllery.

Port o fusta vintage Guy Laroche, tricou no name, pantofi Forever 21, geanta Mango si bijuterii vintage si no name.


Hey there birdie


Hi there. It’s me, a fatter and more accessorized version of Twiggy.

Salut salut. Sunt eu, o varianta de Twiggy mai grasa si mai accesorizata.



Few things in life are as enjoyable as wearing a new pair of really pretty shoes, wouldn’t you agree? Well, maybe I’m exagerating a bit, but still, I love my new Miu Miu’s.

Putine lucruri in viata sunt la fel de placute ca o pereche noua de pantofi frumosi, nu-i asa?
Bine, exagerez(putin cam mult) dar totusi, sunt indragostita pana peste cap de noii mei Miu Miu.


Worn with a vintage dress, no name bag, vintage Escada belt and vintage YSL, ASOS and no name jewllery.

Purtati cu o rochie vintage, geanta no name, curea Escada vintage si bijuterii vintage YSL, ASOS si no name.


Vintage finds

EN: Ok, so a few weeks ago I promised to make a post with my latest vintage finds. And since you sent me positive feedback…here it is 😀 Except for the first 2 items which I bought online and were a bit more expensive, all of the other pieces are thrifted with my own two hands.
So here they are:

RO: Ok, deci v-am promis acum cateva saptamani ca o sa fac o postare cu ultimele mele achizitii vintage. Si din moment ce v-ati aratat interesate…iata:D O mica precizare: exceptand primele 2 produse pe care le-am cumparat de pe bloguri si care au fost ceva mai scumpe, toate celalalte haine sunt cumparate de subsemnata din second handuri autohtone.

1. Louis Feraud dress-It’s made out of silk, mid length, fits me like a glove and it’s designed by L.F. How could I resist to this beauty?

1. Rochie Louis Feraud– E facuta din matase, are lungime medie, mi se potriveste ca o manusa si e creata de L.F. Cum as fi putut sa rezist frumusetii asteia? Raspuns: N-as fi putut.


2. Moschino skirt– This one is one of the most special items I posess. I bought it online after falling in love with that incredible print! It was pretty big for me but I had it altered and now all I can think about is autumn coming faster so I can wear it.

2. Fusta Moschino– Aceasta este una dintre cele mai speciale haine pe care le detin. Am cumparat-o online dupa ce m-am indragostit de imprimeul acela incredibil! Imi era destul de mare dar am dus-o la croitoreasa, mi-a rezolvat-o iar acum nu ma gandesc decat sa se raceasca mai repede vremea ca sa o pot purta.



3. Lanvin blazer– I swear, angels sang the moment I touched this jacket. It has the most amazing shape I ever saw.

3. Sacou Lanvin– Era o melodie tampitica acum cativa ani care zicea ceva de niste ingeri cantand:-? Nu-mi aduc aminte prea clar versurile dar…si in cazul meu, ingeri au cantat in momentul in care am pus mana pe jacheta asta:D N-am mai vazut niciodata o forma atat de spectaculoasa.


It’s tailored, fitted on the waist and it has those amazing pleats on the back. What’s there not to love?

Este croit ca un sacou, cambrat pe talie si are niste pliseuri spectaculoase pe spate. Se poate mai bine de atat?


4. Cacharel pants– Perfect fit, made out of red velvet and high waisted. LOVE.

4. Pantaloni Cacharel– Marimea perfecta, facuti din catifea rosie si au talie inalta. LOVE(a se citi love, nu lav)


5. Thierry Mugler blazer– Have I ever told you what a HUGE HUGE HUGE fan of Thierry Mugler I am?

5. Sacou Thierry Mugler– V-am spus vreodata ce MARE MARE MARE fan Thierry Mugler sunt?

No? Well… He is a french designer who’s “clothes are easily identifiable by their style and their structure. Suits, dresses and jacket pieces which emphasize a woman’s elegance while harmonizing and resculpting their bodies. He reinvented the notion of seduction and was subsequently labeled a “provocative designer” by the media.”

Nu? Ei bine…T.M. este un designer francez “ale carui haine sunt usor de recunoscut dupa stil si structura. Sacourile, rochiile si jachetele accentueaza eleganta femeii armonizand si restructurand corpul acesteia. A reinventat notiunea de seductie si hainele sale au fost ulterior etichetate ca “provocatoare” de catre media.”


I have never found a piece of clothing to fit me as perfect as this blazer does. It’s perfectly tailored to my body.

N-am mai dat niciodata peste o haina care sa mi se potriveasca atat de bine ca sacoul acesta. Parca a fost croit pe corpul meu.

6. Thierry Mugler blazer 2– This one needed a lot of tailoring since the size was way too big but I only got the waist altered and left the shoulders just as big as they are cause I like that 80’s vibe they have.

6. Sacou Thierry Mugler 2– Asta mi-a mancat zilele(sau mai bine zis i le-a mancat croitoresei) cu modificarile din moment ce era mult prea mare pentru mine. S-a lucrat insa numai la zona taliei si am lasat umerii asa mari cum sunt fiindca imi place aerul asta optzecist pe care il confera sacoului.


And how cool are those buttons?

Si cat de misto sunt nasturii astia?


7. Louis Feraud skirt– I got it a few weeks ago for only 4 dollars.

7. Fusta Louis Feraud– Am luat-o acum cateva saptamani pentru vreo 12 ron parca.


Of course it was too big and I had to get it fitted. Story of my life.

Normal ca mi-a fost prea mare si a trebuit modificata. Povestea vietii mele.



8.Pierre Gabriel dress– I’m not sure who is this Pierre dude but I like how cute he designed this dress. The fabric it’s pretty thick so I won’t be able to wear it till autumn but I sure can stare to those taffeta ruffles…

8. Rochie Pierre Gabriel– Nu stiu cine e nenea asta dar a croit misto rochia de fata. E facuta dintr-un material grosut deci nu o s-o pot purta pana vine toamna. Ma multumesc insa cu holbatul la volanele din tafta…


9. Guy Laroche skirt– Ah, another amazing designer from the last century! I’m not sure which words to use to describe my love for this skirt…Hmm.

9. Fusta Guy Laroche– Ah, inca un designer uimitor din secolul trecut! Nu prea stiu ce cuvinte sa utilizez ca sa pot descrie exact sentimentele mele fata de fusta asta…Hmm.



10. Mid length purple tutu skirt, green pussy-bow shirt (you’ve seen this one before but I like the purple-green combo so I used it in the photo), a boxy bag and the newest shoes I bought(no, they’re not vintage but I couldn’t resist not photographing them).

10. Fusta tutu mov de lungime medie, camasa verde cu funda la gat (ati mai vazut-o dar mi-a placut combinatia verde-mov si am folosit-o pentru poza), o geanta cutioasa patratoasa si ultima achizitie in materie de pantofi(nu sunt ei vintage dar nu m-am putut abtine sa nu-i pozez).


They have the most delicious mint-green color!

Au cea mai delicioasa culoare verde-menta!


That’s all folks! 😀

Cam astea:D

Can't touch this!





EN: Because sometimes I want something different and a bit outrageous, a few days ago I chose to wear harem pants. Not any kind of harems, NO NO NO!(see here and here some less scandalous versions of me wearing dropped crotches) but the MC Hammer kind of ones. I felt good 🙂

RO: Pentru ca uneori am chef sa port ceva mai diferit si scandalos, acum cateva zile m-am imbracat cu pantaloni harem. Nu orice fel de pantaloni harem, m-ati mai vazut voi cu asa ceva dar mai cuminti( aici si aici se gasesc versiunile mai potolite) ci genul acela MC Hammer din videoclipul numit in titlu:P) M-am simtit bine 🙂

Shirt/Camasa: vintage Hermes
Harem pants/Pantaloni harem: Topshop
Sandals/Sandale: miniprix
Clutch/Plic: vintage
Necklaces/Coliere: vintage and vintage YSL
Watch/Ceas: ASOS


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