EN: If I were a hypocrite, I would probably tell you that I was really busy these past few days. Or that I was sick. Or that my computer got sick. And so on and so on. The truth is, I haven’t posted in a while because… I wasn’t in the mood. I enjoyed a looooong weekend (maybe too long), away from Bucharest but home, with my family. Of course, you can guess what happened there: food orgy, lots of thrifting ( and it was worth it!), shopping, gifts, long walks, same loud music from across the street, fat cats, cold pastry cafes, all in all a lovely atmosphere that makes me nostalgic now that I’m back in Bucharest…
Here are some photos I took…
RO: Dac-as fi ipocrita v-as spune ca am avut multa treaba zilele trecute. Sau ca am fost bolnava. Sau ca a facut varicela calculatorul meu. Si tot asa si tot asa. Adevarul este ca n-am mai postat de atatea zile pentru ca…n-am avut chef. M-am bucurat de un weekend poate prea prelungit, afara din Bucuresti, si m-am dus acasa, la parinti. Acolo bineinteles: orgie culinara, smardoiala cu pensionarii la sh (muhaha, veti vedea in poze ca s-a meritat:D), cumparaturi, cadouri, plimbari, aceleasi manele la carciuma de peste drum, pisici grasi, cofetarii unde nu se da drumul la caldura (probabil sa tina mai mult prajiturile), 3 beculete ratacite prin copaci (cica sarbatori, aer festiv alea alea:>) si per total o atmosfera calda dupa care tanjesc acum ca am revenit in Bucuresti…
Iata si cateva poze…
Wearing a vintage Cacharel belt with my mom’s belt
Port o rochie vintage Cacharel accesorizata cu centura mamei
My cat Bubu, posing like Kate Moss or something
Bubu, surprins intr-o moment de Kate Moss cu gura usor intredeschisa
Super yummy cakes, but like I said, there was no heat in the bakery so we had to buy, leave and eat home. Wtf?!?
Delicioase prajituri, dar cum va spuneam, caldura ioc. Normal, doar e decembrie, la ce dracu sa foloseasca o temperatura de peste 12 grade?!?!?! Le-am luat si le-am mancat acasa.
Fluffy knits, a thrifted Laurel by Escada cardigan worn with tights and a knitted headband
Tricotaje pufoase, un cardigan Laurel by Escada, purtat cu ciorapi grosi si o bentita tricotata
Big, white faux fur, vintage hat, glittery body, 2 vintage clutches, vintage Givenchy earrings, New Yorker watch and bracelet
Haina de blana artificiala, mare si alba, un body sclipicios, 2 plicuri vintage, cercei vintage Givenchy, ceas si bratara New Yorker
A few weeks ago I got for testing some new hair products from Newtone. I received in the package: shampoo, conditioner, a lotion with antibacterial and regenerating action and a package of fortifying capsules that act against hair loss, stimulate hair growth and fortify the structure of hair and fingernails.
I have normal to oily hair, so, for me, the most important thing to check when I buy a new shampoo, is how quickly does my hair get oily. Anyway, I was pretty satisfied to notice that these products don’t make it greasy, they smell really good (especially the conditioner, it’s pink and smells like candy!), the hair is shiny and looks healthy. That’s why I kept using them:)
Acum cateva saptamani am primit pentru testare gama Newtone de ingrijire a parului, ambalata frumos intr-o cutie si care continea: sampon, balsam, lotiune cu actiune antibacteriana si regeneratoare, plus un supliment de vitamine Entovit ce actioneaza impotriva caderii parului, stimuleaza cresterea parului, fortifica structura firelor de par si a unghiilor.
Bon. Parul meu este normal spre gras, inainte sa ma tund scurt chiar si cadea destul de mult, am firul subtire si moale, iar pentru mine, criteriul de selectionare al unui sampon e pe baza de “mi se ingrasa parul repede sau nu?” Nu am avut probleme, nu mi s-a ingrasat parul, nu mi-au aparut iritatii, balsamul e roz si miroase a bomboane de-ti vine sa-l mananci, parul straluceste si e fluffy asa cum imi place mie dupa spalare, si deci da, pe baza criteriilor astora, am folosit produsele de atunci la fiecare samponare (cu mari eforturi de a nu baga botul in balsam:D)
Din cate am inteles, produsele se gasesc in farmaciile Dona si Sensiblu si pot fii achizitionate la pret special de sarbatori. Va las aici si un link cu un filmulet interesant facut de cei de la Newtone: link
Topshop coat, a gift from my mother
Palton Topshop, primit in dar de la mama
Grizolino, another of our cats. I think me and my mom are starting a collection or something
Grizolino, alt motan al nostru. Cred ca incepem sa-i colectionam sau ceva (eu si mama)
Some vintage Escada
Ceva vintage de la Escada
And some vintage Celine
Si ceva vintage Celine
Just in case you wan’t to scare your kids…show them this photo
O poza in caz ca vreti sa va opriti copiii din crestere
Pumkin pie. Yum!
Placinta de dovleac. Yum!
Luella cashmere sweater
Pulover de casmir Luella
Two other coats, as a gift to myself. The green one is from Asos and the white one is from Topshop
Alte doua haini (pute a dependenta deja), cadou de la mine pentru mine. Ala verde e de la Asos iar cel alb, Topshop.
Shopping with my mom; I was wearing a thrifted faux fur, vintage Levi’s, a no name bag and Jeffrey Campbell booties.
La cumparaturi cu mama (au oglinzi mari astia in mini prix); purtam o haina de blana artificiala, jeansi vintage Levi’s, o geanta no name si botine de la Jeffrey Cambell.
That’s all folks!