Canary yellow





EN: Got this vintage Louis Feraud when I purchased that blue Thierry Mugler blazer (definitely a good day for thrifting!) and I never wore it because: 1) when I bought it, the weather was way too hot for such a skirt and 2) after the weather has cooled down, I was anxious to play with layers and thick knits. So my pretty canary yellow LF skirt was left on the hanger with no one to play with her. So sad.
Anyway, a while ago I had some shopping to do so I figured I should wear it before the ice age strucks again.

Worn here with a vintage blouse and belt, a Zara trench coat, Stradivarius boots, vintage Chanel bag and some random jewellery.

RO: Am luat fusta aceasta vintage Louis Feraud in ziua in care am cumparat si sacoul albastru Thierry Mugler (clar o zi buna pentru thrifting!) si n-am purtat-o pana recent pentru ca: 1) cand am luat-o, era exagerat de cald afara si deci imposibil de suportat pe piele, si 2) dupa ce s-a potolit caldura, mi-a venit pofta de straturi si tricotaje groase. Si uite asa, fusta mea galben canar LF a ramas “cel mai prost din curtea scolii”, fara niciun copil dornic sa se joace cu ea. Ce trist.
Ma rog, acum ceva vreme, am avut niste treaba prin Afi si m-am gandit ca daca tot ma paste zapadalaul si era glaciara e pe vine, ar fi o idee buna sa o scot la aer.

Purtata aici cu o bluza si o curea vintage, un trench Zara, cizme Stradivarius, geanta vintage Chanel si niste bijuterii oarecare (H&M, vintage si New Yorker).


Confessions of a shoe addict


EN: Hello, my name is Andreea and I’m a shoe addict.
I belive that there is no such thing as owning too many pairs of shoes. And I really have no idea how many I own.
I have shoes in my closet that I have only worn once and yes, I have shoes in my closet that I’ve never worn at all.
I tend to buy ridiculously uncomfortable shoes for no good reason other than I like them and they make me feel good about myself. Cause the way I see it, if I feel good I do good.
Yes, I know all about the damage high heels can do to my spine, bla bla bla but unfortunately i just can’t resist to a pretty 6 inches heel. And I’m so not looking for a cure of it.
So, given my endless love for shoes, it’s pretty obvious that I was super excited when I was asked to take these gold IL PASSO babies home with me and test their versatility.
I put together two outfits, both glamorous and opulent, perfect for the holidays.

RO: Buna, numele meu este Andreea si sunt dependenta de pantofi.
Nu cred in sintagma conform careia o femeie poate avea prea multe perechi de pantofi. Si chiar habar n-am cate detin.
Am perechi in dulap pe care nu le-am purtat de cat o data si da, am si perechi pe care nu le-am purtat nici macar o data.
Am tendinta de a cumpara pantofi excesiv de incomozi doar de dragul de a-i avea, pentru ca imi incanta ochiul si pentru ca ma fac sa ma simt bine cand ii incalt. Pentru ca in mintea mea, daca ma simt bine, fac bine (stiu, suna cretin in romaneste, e vorba despre acel “if I feel good I do good”)
Si da, stiu si despre toate teoriile care sustin ca tocurile inalte sunt nasoale pentru coloana si ca o sa anchilozez, bla bla bla :-@:-@:-@ bla. Bla. Bla. Prea tarziu insa, chiar nu-mi pasa si chiar nu caut vindecare.
Asadar, luand in considerare situatia, pasiunea si piticii de pe creier, va dati seama ce super incantata am fost cand am primit perechea aceasta aurie de la IL PASSO. Sa o iau acasa, sa o iubesc, sa o testez, sa o invelesc si s-o tin departe de pisicii mancatori de pantofi:-w
Ca tot sunt sarbatorile si imi imaginez ca nu toata lumea stie ce sa poarte, am creat doua tinute folosind aceiasi pereche de pantofi, ambele luxoase si opulente, cum imi place mie.



The first one is my interpretation of a new year’s eve outfit. I chose a green fitted dress, something like a Herve Leger (well, mine it’s obviously not a Herve but a Debe. Debenhams I mean), lots of jewellery and a small, round clutch bag big enough to keep some money, my cell phone and a lipstick.
To keep the look glamorous and sophisticated I would suggest wearing a faux-fur/fur coat on top.

Prima este o varianta pentru revelion. Am ales o rochie mulata verde, ceva in genul Herve Leger. Bine, a mea nu e Herve, e Debe.
Da ma bineeeee, Debenhams. Vroiam sa par si eu mai rafinata :-@
Am asezonat cu bijuterii multe in aceiasi culoare ca si pantofii (ca un pont, metalicele merg cu orice) si am ales o geanta mica, rotunda, suficient de incapatoare pentru niste bani, telefonul mobil si un ruj.
Pe deasupra as sugera purtarea unui blani artificiale sau naturale, cum vreti voi, pentru a mentine trasatura luxoasa.




For my second outfit I used harem pants (I know you love them), a vintage pussy bow shirt and a printed blazer with big gold buttons. Added a statement belt, a bag, some jewellery and the IL PASSO shoes and you’re set.

A doua tinuta este ceva mai simpla si mai purtabila dar fara a-i lipsi opulenta despre care vorbeam mai sus. Ma rog, nu stiu daca purtabil este cel mai potrivit cuvant, pantalonii harem nu sunt pentru oricine insa ce vreau sa punctez este ca, spre deseobire de prima tinuta, aceasta merge zi de zi. Cum spuneam, am folosit pantaloni harem Bershka, o camasa vintage cu funda si un sacou cu imprimeu si nasturi mari aurii. Am adaugat o curea statement, cateva bijuterii, ochelari, pantofii IL PASSO si gata. Desigur, in functie de mediu si de temperaturi, se cere ceva pe deasupra 🙂

Sper sa va placa propunerile mele si sa-mi fie cu iertare pozele facute in casa:D O raceala urata nu m-a lasat sa defilez in rochie prin centrul orasului, unde aveam initial de gand sa fac pozele.

Thank you, IL PASSO!

Sweet dreams are made of this. Wishlist

EN: I truly believe I should be kept away from online stores, especially around the holidays. I have an enormous wishlist and tons of bookmarked links to things I will never afford, unless I’ll sell one of my kidneys or something like that. Anyone interested? No? Oh well, I was just kidding.
Ok then, without furher ado, I give you my sweet escape from reality aka…My Wishlist!

RO: Cred cu tarie ca mi-ar fi necesar un ordin de restrictie pentru magazinele online. Mai ales acum in perioada sarbatorilor.Topshop, Asos, River Island, Net-a-porter(deja visez), Solestruck, Etsy si multe, multe altele. Niste nemernici.
Am un ditai wishlistul si bookmarkuri fara numar catre tot felul de lucruri pe care nu o sa mi le permit in veci (normal), poate doar daca imi vand un rinichi sau ceva vital. Doritori? Nu? Nimeni? Eh, voi pierdeti :-“ (Glumeam, se intelege)
Bun, deci daca nu vreti rinichi, fara sa o mai lungim, va prezint o mica parte din wishlistul meu, total departe de realitate :>


1.Dolce & Gabbana Printed silk-satin dress $1,456
2.Marc by Marc Jacobs Lucy ostrich-effect PVC tote $280
3.Kenneth Jay Lane 22-karat gold-plated oversized necklace $90
4.Topshop Premium Tear Drop & Ring $50
5.Vintage Thierry Mugler suit $1,050.00
6.Yves Saint Laurent Tribute chai suede sandals $717.50
7.Topshop Knitted Gold Sequin Jacket $140
8.Topshop Tape and Bow Skirt Prom Dress by Dress Up Topshop $160
9.River Island black point ankle boots $172
10.Yves Saint Laurent book $47.46
11.Yves Saint Laurent Parisienne L’Essentiel – Eau de parfum $114
12.Deborah Marquit Giardino di Fiori Italian lace underwired bra $195

Hmmm, now that I look at it, I feel quite inspired by the #8 and #9 combo. I would totally wear that with a leather jacket for Christmas!

Hmmmm, interesant e ca acum cand ma uit mai atent la el, pus la cap asa, ma foarte tenteaza combinatia rochiei 8 cu botinele de la 9. Ce mi-ar place sa port asta cu o jacheta de piele pentru ziua de Craciun!

…And then there were none







There are times when I just don’t feel the appeal of fussy garments. A cashmere sweater, a blazer, some random jeans, wedges and accessories and bish-bash-bosh, DONE. A comfortable casual Sunday outfit:)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Jeans: Levi’s
Blazer: vintage YSL
Booties: 99 zip wedges by Jeffrey Campell
Glasses: Asos
Sweater and bag: no name

RO: (A se citi cu o considerabila doza de sarcasm)

Unul dintre motivele pentru care am deschis blogul acesta, pe langa cele evidente ca preaslavirea, adoratia, contemplarea, idolatrizarea si veneratia eterna, banii facuti din reclame, smecheria la mine in cartier, comentariile multe care incep sau se termina cu “fataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, c3 m4rph4 3 r0kitz4 4st44444”, mistourile facute de doctoranzii in nimic, lectiile de  stil/nutritie/gramatica/semantica servite de cititorii de Kant, Schopenhauer si Nietzsche (hai si Proust in pauza de masa), plus desigur divenia clasica cu gura intredeschisa si ochi mijiti de pitipoanca in toate portretele, este (despre motiv vorbeam ca de acolo am plecat) sa postez cu ce ma intolesc. In general, daca ati observat, tinutele mele se recomanda ca a fi demne de amuzamentul celor mai fini cunoscutori intr-ale vesmintelor: ma refer desigur, fara sa generalizez, la mancatorii de pufuleti cu surprize si chipsuri cu ceapa pe strada, la sunculoase ragaitoare de mici in troleu, cu ochelari de soare in club si bot roz, la leopardite, la tigroaice, la tipologiile pe sistem de sanziene, adeline, biance si daniele, o intreaga menajerie placuta romanului de zi cu zi, pe care, si eu la randu-mi, il plac nespus. De placut, ma place si el. Are grija sa mi-o spuna frecvent. Ma observa, ma cerceteaza, ba chiar ma studiaza cu un ochi critic de antropolog ce ar starni negresit invidia chiar si celui mai pertinent doctorand in materie de resturi osteologice. Apoi rade. Cumva, ma gaseste comica. Daca e insotit, le face semn celorlalti indivizi sa ia si ei parte la distractie. Analog, daca vreti, o cireada de boi. Ce? E doar o analogie nevinovata, nu sunt malitioasa. Nicidecum, sunt zen. Cum spuneam, il amuz. Face semn si urmeaza verdictul. Ii place melteanului sau nu?
Dăcât că nu-i place.
In ăst timp ma cuprind gandurile, privirea mi se intuneca iar framantariile interioare nu-mi dau pace. Cam ca atunci cand ma tavalesc in chinuri, jelind ca o bocitoare profesionista pe masura remuneratiei, pentru ca, ghici ce, una dintre fanele lui Kant despre care vorbeam mai sus, considera potrivit sa ma informeze ca nu e bine ce fac pe blogul meu. Intr-o forma sau alta, gresesc. Dar ea, gingasa faptura, erudita fara doar si poate, ma invata. Ma invata, ba! La dracu, tot stau si ma intreb uneori, in noptile pustii si reci…de ce…dar oare de ce oi fi facand eu ce vreau si nu ce vor altii.  Nu pot sa-mi explic. Cred ca tine de fizica cuantica raspunsul.
Si de ce oi fi purtat ochelari cu lentile de plastic, iarasi nu pot sa-mi explic. Probabil ca sa ma ia baetii de pe strada la misto si lasele conectate la net la comentarii anonime.

Dar eu sunt zen.
Iar la urmatoarea postare cred ca scriu despre incalzirea globala. Sau cum sa salvam pinguinii. Daca aveti recomandari de subiecte mai banale sau mai cu ifose de atat, prestati comentariu va rog.

Hai pup fata, pup.

Staying still doesn't work


EN: I just finished painting my nails.

With three different colors: emerald green, mint green and canary yellow.

Now, question: Why do my nails always get messed up right after i paint them?!?!?! Is it really that hard for me not to rub my eyes nor my face? Apparently yes.

How about you? What color are you nails right now? 😀

RO: Tocmai mi-am terminat de dat cu oja unghiile.

Cu 3 culori diferite : verde smarald, verde menta si galben canar.

Acum, intrebare: De ce trebuie intotdeauna sa le stric imediat dupa ce le fac?!!?! E chiar atat de imposibil sa nu ma frec la ochi, sa nu ma manance fata, sa nu bag mainile in carpe samd? Aparent da :>

Voi ce culoare aveti unghiile acum? 😀



As for the outfit, you can’t even imagine how comfy these pants are! I think I’m gonna get married in them or something.

Cat despre tinuta…nici nu va puteti imagina cat sunt de comozi pantalonii astia! Cred c-o sa ma marit imbracata cu ei sau ceva.

Pants/Pantaloni: Mango
Blazer/Sacou: vintage Kenzo
Shirt/Camasa: no name
Hat/Palarie: vintage
Watch/Ceas: Asos
Earrings/Cercei: vintage Givenchy


Yep, it’s still December


Miranda Priestly: [rolling her eyes] Did you fall down and smack your little head on the pavement?
Andy Sachs: Not that I can recall.

EN: Ok, who hasn’t seen The Devil wears Prada? You’re really missing out if you haven’t.

RO: Ok, cine n-a vazut Diavolul se imbraca de la Prada? Ratati un film misto si amuzant daca nu l-ati vazut.




That line was the first thing that popped into my mind after downloading these photos from my camera. The thing is, they were taken a few days ago when the weather was pretty springy here in Romania (although now is raining and it’s so freaking cold!) so I thought I should take advantage of what could possibly be the last warm days here before spring arrives. I noticed I haven’t worn dresses in a while so I figured it was time for pulling out the big guns and go mini in this cute Asos number. Worn with a silk vintage robe, no name wedges and bag, some old suede gloves and a New Yorker beanie.

Schimbul de replici de mai sus a fost primul lucru ce mi-a venit in minte cand descarcam pozele astea. Stiu ca e inca Decembrie (deci iarna) si ca acum ploua de rupe (deci e un frig canceros afara) dar zilele trecute vremea a fost relativ primavaratica, soare, fara vant, placut… M-am gandit deci, ca sunt sanse mari sa nu mai pup asa temperaturi pana in Martie-Aprilie si ca ar fii pacat sa nu profit. Mers la dulap, scos una bucata rochie (ca tot n-am mai purtat demult…nu stiu de ce, m-am profilat mai mult pe fuste decat rochii in ultimul timp), imbracat, trantit ceva pe deasupra, bam bam bam cateva accesorii si gata. Si serios ca n-am inghetat. Rochia e de la ASOS, haina de deasupra (care habar n-am ce este dar mama o considera halat:-w) e ceva vintage din matase, pantofii, geanta si manusile sunt no name iar bascuta e luata din New Yorker.

Stay warm, people. Snow will be here before we know it and I’ll be busy hibernating.

Stati la caldura, dragelor. Maine-poimaine ne trezim cu ditai zapada si nu stiu de voi, dar eu o sa fiu ocupata cu hibernarea.


Cause there's no place like home

EN: If I were a hypocrite, I would probably tell you that I was really busy these past few days. Or that I was sick. Or that my computer got sick. And so on and so on. The truth is, I haven’t posted in a while because… I wasn’t in the mood. I enjoyed a looooong weekend (maybe too long), away from Bucharest but home, with my family. Of course, you can guess what happened there: food orgy, lots of thrifting ( and it was worth it!), shopping, gifts, long walks, same loud music from across the street, fat cats, cold pastry cafes, all in all a lovely atmosphere that makes me nostalgic now that I’m back in Bucharest…
Here are some photos I took…

RO: Dac-as fi ipocrita v-as spune ca am avut multa treaba zilele trecute. Sau ca am fost bolnava. Sau ca a facut varicela calculatorul meu. Si tot asa si tot asa. Adevarul este ca n-am mai postat de atatea zile pentru ca…n-am avut chef. M-am bucurat de un weekend poate prea prelungit, afara din Bucuresti, si m-am dus acasa, la parinti. Acolo bineinteles: orgie culinara, smardoiala cu pensionarii la sh (muhaha, veti vedea in poze ca s-a meritat:D), cumparaturi, cadouri, plimbari, aceleasi manele la carciuma de peste drum, pisici grasi, cofetarii unde nu se da drumul la caldura (probabil sa tina mai mult prajiturile), 3 beculete ratacite prin copaci (cica sarbatori, aer festiv alea alea:>) si per total o atmosfera calda dupa care tanjesc acum ca am revenit in Bucuresti…
Iata si cateva poze…


Wearing a vintage Cacharel belt with my mom’s belt

Port o rochie vintage Cacharel accesorizata cu centura mamei


My cat Bubu, posing like Kate Moss or something

Bubu, surprins intr-o moment de Kate Moss cu gura usor intredeschisa


Super yummy cakes, but like I said, there was no heat in the bakery so we had to buy, leave and eat home. Wtf?!?

Delicioase prajituri, dar cum va spuneam, caldura ioc. Normal, doar e decembrie, la ce dracu sa foloseasca o temperatura de peste 12 grade?!?!?! Le-am luat si le-am mancat acasa.




Fluffy knits, a thrifted Laurel by Escada cardigan worn with tights and a knitted headband

Tricotaje pufoase, un cardigan Laurel by Escada, purtat cu ciorapi grosi si o bentita tricotata


Big, white faux fur, vintage hat, glittery body, 2 vintage clutches, vintage Givenchy earrings, New Yorker watch and bracelet

Haina de blana artificiala, mare si alba, un body sclipicios, 2 plicuri vintage, cercei vintage Givenchy, ceas si bratara New Yorker



A few weeks ago I got for testing some new hair products from Newtone. I received in the package: shampoo, conditioner, a lotion with antibacterial and regenerating action and a package of fortifying capsules that act against hair loss, stimulate hair growth and fortify the structure of hair and fingernails.
I have normal to oily hair, so, for me, the most important thing to check when I buy a new shampoo, is how quickly does my hair get oily. Anyway, I was pretty satisfied to notice that these products don’t make it greasy, they smell really good (especially the conditioner, it’s pink and smells like candy!), the hair is shiny and looks healthy. That’s why I kept using them:)

Acum cateva saptamani am primit pentru testare gama Newtone de ingrijire a parului, ambalata frumos intr-o cutie si care continea: sampon, balsam, lotiune cu actiune antibacteriana si regeneratoare, plus un supliment de vitamine Entovit ce actioneaza impotriva caderii parului, stimuleaza cresterea parului, fortifica structura firelor de par si a unghiilor.
Bon. Parul meu este normal spre gras, inainte sa ma tund scurt chiar si cadea destul de mult, am firul subtire si moale, iar pentru mine, criteriul de selectionare al unui sampon e pe baza de “mi se ingrasa parul repede sau nu?” Nu am avut probleme, nu mi s-a ingrasat parul, nu mi-au aparut iritatii, balsamul e roz si miroase a bomboane de-ti vine sa-l mananci, parul straluceste si e fluffy asa cum imi place mie dupa spalare, si deci da, pe baza criteriilor astora, am folosit produsele de atunci la fiecare samponare (cu mari eforturi de a nu baga botul in balsam:D)
Din cate am inteles, produsele se gasesc in farmaciile Dona si Sensiblu si pot fii achizitionate la pret special de sarbatori. Va las aici si un link cu un filmulet interesant facut de cei de la Newtone: link


Topshop coat, a gift from my mother

Palton Topshop, primit in dar de la mama


Grizolino, another of our cats. I think me and my mom are starting a collection or something

Grizolino, alt motan al nostru. Cred ca incepem sa-i colectionam sau ceva (eu si mama)


Some vintage Escada

Ceva vintage de la Escada


And some vintage Celine

Si ceva vintage Celine


Just in case you wan’t to scare your kids…show them this photo

O poza in caz ca vreti sa va opriti copiii din crestere


Pumkin pie. Yum!

Placinta de dovleac. Yum!



Luella cashmere sweater

Pulover de casmir Luella


Two other coats, as a gift to myself. The green one is from Asos and the white one is from Topshop

Alte doua haini (pute a dependenta deja), cadou de la mine pentru mine. Ala verde e de la Asos iar cel alb, Topshop.


Shopping with my mom; I was wearing a thrifted faux fur, vintage Levi’s, a no name bag and Jeffrey Campbell booties.

La cumparaturi cu mama (au oglinzi mari astia in mini prix); purtam o haina de blana artificiala, jeansi vintage Levi’s, o geanta no name si botine de la Jeffrey Cambell.

That’s all folks!

I'm blue da ba dee da ba die







EN: I’ve been wearing these boots for the past 3 days. I usually like changing my shoes every day, mostly because I don’t wear the same style two days in a row and I like doing the opposite of what I previously did. So to speak, if today I’m dressed like a naphthalene smelling granny, it’s quite possible that tomorrow I’ll be rocking leather pants, motorcycle boots and creepy jewellery.
Anyway, the point is I’m crazy about these boots. They are super comfy and they have a lot of fun going on because of that catchy color. I’ve already worn them above and below the knee with mini skirts and dresses and I decided to give them a go also with skinny jeans. As you may recall, I’m not a big fan of skinnies and so far it seemed impossible for me to find a flawless pair, but I really like the way they look with vintage blazers! Especially with the cropped ones, with big shoulderpads. Clearly I’m obsessed with them but really, how many do I need? Answer: every single one I find. That was a trick question. Haha

RO: Port cizmele astea de 3 zile incontinuu. De obicei nu port aceiasi incaltaminte 2 zile la rand, in principiu pentru ca abordez stiluri diferite de la o zi la alta si imi place sa ma duc exact in directia opusa a ceea ce am purtat anterior. Ca sa spun asa, daca azi sunt imbracata ca o mamaie mirositoare a naftalina, maine e foarte probabil sa ma prezint in pantaloni de piele, cizme de motociclist si bijuterii creepy.
Ma rog, ideea este ca imi plac mult cizmele astea. Sunt foarte comode si ochioase prin culoare si deja le-am purtat deasupra si sub genunchi cu fuste si rochii mini. De data asta am ales sa le cobor la nivel de botine si sa le port cu jeansi skinny. Daca va aduceti aminte, nu sunt o iubitoare a jeansilor de acest fel (poate si din cauza faptului ca n-am reusit pana acum sa gasesc o pereche fara cusur) dar imi place tare mult cum vin cu ceva masiv in partea de sus, de genul sacourilor vintage! Mai ales cele scurte, pe talie, cu pernute mari la umeri. E mai mult decat evident ca sunt obsedata de ele, dar pe bune, cate mai trebuie? Raspuns: toate pe care le gasesc. Asta a fost o intrebare capcana:))

Blazer/Sacou: vintage
Jeans: C&A
Boots/Cizme: no name
Rings/Inele: H&M
Earrings/Cercei: vintage
Watch/Ceas: Asos
Sunnies/Ochelari de soare: vintage Ray-bans


“Look, muddah, If you wanna chastise me, try psychology.”




EN: Unga bunga binga inga binga binga bunga.
I defy you to say that 5 times in a row really fast:D
Silly, I know.

RO: Unga bunga binga inga binga binga bunga.
Va provoc sa spuneti asta repede de 5 ori la rand. Repede repede:D
Copilaresc, stiu.

Pants/Pantaloni: Bershka
Leopard print top: New Yorker
Jacket/Jacheta: vintage Versace
Booties/Botine: Topshop
Earrings/Cercei: vintage Givenchy (just bought them from Etsy, it’s the best place to find awesome vintage pieces/abia i-am luat de pe Etsy, e cel mai grozav loc pentru cumparat piese vintage)
Belt, scarf and bracelets/Curea, esarfa si bratari: vintage
Necklace/Colier: Meli Melo


Not only strawberries are delicious in red


EN: Last year I remember I had a thing for capes. Websites and blogs were full of them ( normally, that should’ve made me like them less, but noooo, not this time), the shops were crammed with capes and I couldn’t decide to buy one or not. I almost got a pretty, camel one from ASOS but it didn’t happen since I was a bit too sceptical about the fabric made almost entirely from polyester. Anyway, by the time I finally decided to buy, there was no winter left and my enthusiasm perished.
So a few weeks ago I went thrifting. The store was pretty big and unorganized, there were things everywhere and the sales woman seemed bored and quite rude. Anyway, I walked inside and started digging through Hawaiian print shirts, ugly dresses from the 90’s, mens checked jackets and ragged H&M t-shirts… nothing promising on the horizon. I got disappointed and wanted to leave. I slipped through the racks and as I wanted to get out, I suddenly spotted something red that looked so much like a cape, hung up near the counter. My first thought was that maybe it’s not for sale since the saleswoman kept it “hidden” behind the counter. However, I asked her about it and I was pleased to find out that not only it was for sale but she also gave me a discount! I paid, she wrapped it, I said goodbye, she didn’t respond and that was that. Now I have a pretty red cape:D
Should I mention that I bought it 20 times cheaper than on ASOS? I think not:))

RO: Mi-aduc aminte ca anul trecut aveam un fix cu pelerinele. Cautam online, cautam prin magazine, blogurile erau pline (ceea ce insemna ca in mod normal ar fii trebuit sa-mi piara entuziasmul, insa nu, ma incapatanam tot mai tare ca vreau una), ma tot suceam si razgandeam cu gandul la a cumpara o blestemata de pelerina. Vazusem ceva interesant la ASOS si-mi aduc aminte ca era si la reduceri intr-un timp, insa nu m-am incumetat fiindca mi se paruse mult prea scumpa pentru o compozitie majoritar formata din polyester (a se citi plastic). Pana la urma a venit primavara si s-a dus dracului vremea rece cu pelerinele ei cu tot. Bon. Ma duc acum vreo doua trei saptamani intr-un sh dubios. Intru…la tejghea o cucoana sictirita (normal), dau buna ziua, nu mi se raspunde (normal) si incep sa scormonesc printre cutii, rafturi, umerase. Imi trec prin maini cateva camasi cu printuri Hawaiene, rochii cu talia joasa din materiale groase si urate, sacouri barbatesti cadrilate, tricouri de la H&M rupte…nimic promitator. Ma lamuresc rapid si ma indrept spre iesire. Cand sa ies, vanzatoarea nu mai era la tejghea. Iar in locul in care statea ea, se vedea pe un umeras ceva asa rosu dintr-o stofa groasa ce semana izbitor a pelerina. Jubilez. Ma opresc in loc brusc si ma uit dupa vanzatoare sa intreb care-i treaba cu pelerina, gandindu-ma in sinea mea ca poate nu e de vanzare din moment ce o tine dupa tejghea si cum ma targuiesc eu cu asta sa mi-o dea. Vine, imi asez un ditai ranjetul binevoitor pe fata, dau buna ziua din nou (desi eram convinsa ca m-a auzit de prima data) si intreb ce e aia, dati-mi-o incoace s-o vad:D Se intoarce, imi da haina relaxata si-mi spune ca e la reduceri ca o tine acolo de vreo 2 luni si n-a luat-o nimeni. O intorc pe toate partile, o probez si da, era intr-adevar o pelerina. “Pai de ce o tineti dupa tejghea, poate din cauza asta nu s-a vandut, n-a vazut-o nimeni”, intreb eu. Da din umeri cu acelasi sictir, ii spun sa mi-o impacheteze ca o iau, ii dau banii, iau punga si plec bine pa, te-am pupat pe buletin:D Are rost sa mai spun ca am luat-o de vreo 20 de ori mai ieftin decat cea de pe ASOS? Banuiesc ca nu:))




Yummy coffe drink thingie



Cape/Pelerina: thrifted
Boots/Cizme: Stradivarius
Skirt/Fusta: vintage Etro
Bag/Geanta: vintage
Beret/Bereta: vintage
Turtleneck sweater/Helanca: no name


Thierry Mugler


EN: You know what I like the most…?? You may be tempted to say high heels or cake (or anything sugary) and you’re done, case solved:D but regardless of my other addictions, what I’m trying to point out here is that I love Thierry Mugler as much as Gollum loves his ring. I’m totally digging the way he celebrates women’s curves with his uber feminine designs, accentuating the waist and giving you that delicious hourglass figure. I don’t know, I’m one of those people who like to see hips and boobs, a waist maybe?
Anyway, so I found this Thierry Mugler blazer a while ago and I was more than thrilled to take it home with me. It’s not as fitted as I would like (it would’ve been perfect if my waist were strangled enough) but I’m too crazy about those shoulders, thus, I’ll wear it till death do us part.

RO: Stiti ce-mi place mie mult de tot…?? Ati putea fii tentate sa spuneti tocuri inalte sau prajituri (sau orice super nociv cu gust dulce) si gata, m-ati inchis:D dar lasand laoparte celelalte dependente ale mele, ce incerc eu sa spun aici, este ca imi place de Thierry Mugler cum ii placea lui Gollum de inel. Imi place felul in care evidentiaza formele corpului femeiesc cu hainele lui super cambrate (nu mulate), punand accent pe talie si exagerand soldurile sau umerii intru obtinerea siluetei acelea delicioase de clepsidra. Posibil sa am eu ceva la cap, stiu ca se fetisizeaza in draci scandura, insa, in limitele normale si sanatoase, imi place sa vad solduri si sani…poate si o talie?
Bon, deci am gasit sacoul acesta Thierry Mugler vara trecuta si-am fost mai mult decat incantata sa plec cu el acasa. Evident, romanta nu este completa. Eram mai fericita daca m-ar fii cuprins si el mai zdravan in talie, dar e suficient de mers la sala in umeri cat sa-l iubesc.




I’ve also seen some very attractive Mugler pieces on Ebay and if that pink dress somehow finds her way under my Christmas tree, or the Tooth fairy will be making a lovely appearance soon, I wouldn’t complain. Should I spell that, mom? E-B-A-Y. Got it?

Am mai vazut de curand niste chestii Mugler foarte asa si pe dincolo pe Ebay si serios ca nu ma supar catusi de putin daca ma trezesc cu ele sub brad, de Craciun sau daca se simte Mos Nicolae, Zana Maseluta, cineva acolo. Sa mai spun o data, mama? E-B-A-Y. Pricepusi?


Blazer/Sacou: vintage Thierry Mugler
Shirt/Camasa: vintage Cacharel
Jeans: no name
Booties/Botine: Jeffrey Campbell
Earrings/Cercei: vintage(bought them at the Absolutely Fabulous fair/I-am luat de la targ, de la Absolutely Fabulous)
Rings/Inele: H&M


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