A shining beacon of hope



(vintage Levi’s, New Yorker poncho, Zara booties, vintage bag, earrings and hat, Terranova gloves)

Remember that scene in The Devil Wears Prada when Andy (nearly crying) goes to Nigel for advice and he turns her into a mega fashionista?
Nigel: I don’t know what you expect me to do. There’s nothing in this whole closet that’ll fit a size six. I can guarantee you. These are all sample sizes- two and four. All right. We’re doing this for you. And…
Andy Sachs: A poncho?
Nigel: You’ll take what I give you and you’ll like it. We’re doing this Dolce for you. And shoes. Jimmy Choo’s. Manolo Blahnik. Nancy Gonzalez. Love that. Okay, Narciso Rodriguez. This we love. Uh, it might fit. It might.
Andy Sachs: What?
Nigel: Okay. Now, Chanel. You’re in desperate need of Chanel.
Andy, you and me both.

Oh well, at least the dress was nice




(River Island leggings, New Yorker boots, thrifted jacket, no name accessories)

EN: And you guys thought I was stylish! Ha.
Well, I would if I could, but I can’t so I won’t.
The past couple of days I’ve been basically wearing the same thing: thick tights underneath thick pants(I miss my skirts), layers and layers of tops, ugly shoes (this kind of big boots are the only ones that keep me from falling on ice) and the rest of the winter proof arsenal such as hats, gloves and scarves.

RO: Si voi care credeati ca sunt stylish! Ha.
Ma rog, as fi daca as putea, dar nu pot asa ca nu sunt.
De cand ne-a lovit era glaciara, n-am purtat altceva afara de ciorapi grosi sub pantaloni grosi (mi-e dor de fuste), straturi si straturi de bluze, incaltari hidoase (genul asta de bocanci fiind singurele pe care le pot purta fara sa alunec pe gheata) si desigur, restul arsenalului anti degerat, format din caciuli, manusi si fulare. Nu suport vremea asta de nicio culoare, si cred ca nici ea pe mine. Era sa mor alunecand in spagat de vreo 3 ori. Cool, stiu.


Thing is, this weather makes me feel like I have nothing to wear. So I shop.
Few days ago I went shopping with my mom and I tried on these pants first. They looked good on the hanger, all sparkly and nice, but when I tried them on…disaster. The cut was so weird, I’ve never seen pants so ill-fitting. And that’s just wrong, clothes should fit you, you needn’t fit them!

Nu-mi arde nici de cochetareala, am senzatia ca daca nu ma pot incalta cu nimic decent, n-am nici cu ce ma imbraca. Asa ca ma duc la cumparaturi.
M-am dus acum cateva zile cu mama prin oras si am gasit pantalonii astia scurti la New Yorker. Erau si la reduceri asa ca am zis sa-I probez. Aratau bine pe umeras, stralucitori si luciosi asa, dar nu prea. I-am imbracat si mi s-au parut foarte ciudati, croiti execrabil cu o talie ciudata si un format tembel. Ceea ce e aiurea, hainele ar trebui sa ni se potriveasca noua, nu noi lor!


Later on, I went thrifting and I found some great things that will be fun to use when spring arrives. I also bought some pretty jewellery this week…

Mai tarziu am fost si prin sh uri si am gasit niste lucruri grozave. De care bineinteles ca nu ma voi putea bucura pana nu se termina cu porcaria asta de iarna. Am mai luat si niste bijuterii zilele astea…


And hair dye. I like to experiment with my hair so I thought i should lighten it a couple of shades. Don’t worry, it won’t turn out to be that fair, I just want to make it a nice light brown.

Si vopsea de par. Ma bate gandul de o schimbare de mult si m-am gandit ca n-ar fi o idee rea sa ma deschid putin la culoare. Nu va ganditi ca o sa-mi iasa nuanta la fel de blonda ca cea a gagicii de pe cutie, va fi doar un saten mai deschis.



In my last post I was telling you about some new furry friends my mom recently brought home. Ta-da! Two fluffy rabbits, the black one is a girl and we named her Angelina Jolie, haha, and the white one is the boy and we call him Panda 😀

Va spuneam in ultima postare de niste prieteni parosi noi. Ta-da! Intr-o zi a venit mama acasa cu 2 iepurasi 😀 Cel negru e fetita si am numit-o Angelina Jolie iar cel alb e baietel si ii spunem Panda:))



Aren’t these the cutest paper bags ever? I bought some earrings from C&A and I was super excited to see them wrapped in these girly packages. They remind me of popcorn bags…

Nu-i asa ca-s dragalase foc ambalajele astea? Mi-am luat niste cercei de la C&A si duduia de la casa mi i-a impachetat in chestiile astea simpatice. Imi aduc aminte de pungile de popcorn…


I know this may come as a shock but I do bath.

Si stiu ca asta va veni ca un soc, da’ chiar ma spal.


So. Gossip girl. I just finished watching the latest episode and I’m a bit disappointed. A few years ago I used to be a big fan of the show but now they just seem to recycle their plot lines over and over. It’s boring, full of clichés and so p
redictable! The only reason why I’m still watching it is the eye candy=great styiling.

Deci Gossip Girl(pentru cei care nu urmariti serialul,treceti de partea asta). Tocmai am terminat de vazut ultimul episod si am ramas la fel de dezamagita ca acum 2, 3, 4, 20, 40 de episoade. Ce naiba se intampla, mi se pare aceiasi tampenie repetata iar si iar si iar! Imi placea mult la inceput, conflictul era interesant si replicile foarte bine gandite. Acum ma plictiseste de moarte, nu trec 30 de secunde fara un nou cliseu, platitudini la tot pasul si e atat de previzibil! Nu ma mai surprinde cu nimic…asta pe langa faptul ca personajele se contrazic frecvent. Si care-i faza cu universitatea?!?! Adica stiu ca e doar un serial si ca toti astia d’al da Blair, Chuck, Nate, Serena, Georgina samd, sunt multi-milionari din calitatea lor de someri producatori de schimb de oxigen, dar parca acum 2 sezoane erau cu educatia, colegiul, alea alea. Gata? Dupa un an? Misto, e bun sistemul, ar trebui sa-l implementam si noi. Ma rog, poate sunt eu carcotasa. Ma uit in continuare in orice caz, mai mult din cauza stylingului.




Anyway, this last episode bored the hell out of me. All that crap with Georgina trying to destroy Blair’s wedding and Chuck’s arrival at the church…I just don’t buy it. Not to mention Blair’s boring lines. I miss her bitchyness:(
And what about the Prince? Dude, you’re so lame.

Ca sa ma pastrez pe aceiasi linie, ultimul episod m-a plictisit de moarte. Tot cretinismul ala cu Georgina care vine ea de nu stiu unde sa ii distruga nunta lui Blair( /:) alta treaba n-ai?) si Chuck chemat de soacra mica sa intrerupa nunta, cum apare el ma la biserica si cum ii marturiseste Blair ca ea tot il iubeste da’ stai sa vezi ca juramantul (alt cretinism) si Doamne Doamne si mai baga si 2 lacrimi de crocodil si gata cliseul. Era mult mai interesanta in ipostaza aia bitchy din primul sezon. Acum…pana si cu Dan se pupa.
Si care-i treaba cu Printul? Mai papagal se poate? Sa nu ne pripim totusi, ca din episodul asta se face Gigi Duru si-i arata el lui Blair raraila. Rrrrrrrrr. R.



Oh well, at least Serena’s pink dress was nice.

In fine, bine ca macar Serena a avut rochia misto. Aia roz.



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(Topshop coat, vintage belt and hat, C&A scarf, no name bag, earrings and gloves, Deichmann boots)

EN: Don’t be fooled by the happiness of these photos-especially if you live in Romania, aka Siberia. I may seem joyful or delighted by this white crap, but that’s just because I have funny friends who make me laugh and because people were staring at us and because we were almost hit by a car while taking these photos. Truth is I hate winter more than Coke hates Pepsi, more than vampires hate daylight, more than Tom hates Jerry, more than Eminem hates Britney, more than Kate hates food, you get the point.
Hopefully I’ll still be alive by the time spring arrives, that’s my biggest wish at the moment. That, and passing all my exams. Speaking of which….Friday marks their end, just one more and I’m done! Need to study really hard for this one though.
Other than that, I’m having a pretty good time at home, indulging in too many sweets, reorganizing my closet, watching serials and playing with some new furry friends I’ll soon show you guys:D

About the outfit, these days I’m trying to stay away from the Michelin man look as much as I can. I’m using a lot of layers to keep me warm and cozy (you don’t wanna know how many clothes I’m actually wearing here) and I’m never leaving the house without a hat of any kind, a thick scarf and gloves.

What do you do to keep warm in the winter?

RO: Nu va lasati pacalite de aparenta fericire din aceste poze-mai ales daca aveti ghinionul de a trai in Romania, cunoscuta in perioada aceasta si sub denumirea de Siberia. E doar o aparenta. O fantasma. O iluzie. O himera. O naluca. Imi dau seama ca par vesela si incantata de porcaria asta alba, insa nu mi se trage decat de la glumele prietenelor, de la fetele trecatorilor stupefiati ca facem poze si de la masina care era sa ne faca shaorma cu de toate daca ne calca. Adevarul este ca defapt urasc iarna mai ceva decat uraste Coca Cola Pepsi, mai ceva decat vampirii lumina, mai ceva decat Tom pe Jerry, mai ceva decat Eminem pe Britney, mai ceva decat Kate mancarea, ati inteles ideea.
Sper sa apuc primavara, asta e dorinta mea cea mai mare in prezent. Asta, si sa trec de sesiune fara restante. Mai am unul si-am scapat, Vineri il dau, iar dupa sunt un om liber:D Buba e ca trebuie tocit zdravan pentru asta…
Afara de asta, ma simt destul de bine acasa, ma rasfat cu (prea) multe dulciuri, m-am ocupat si de reorganizarea unei parti din dulap, ma uit la seriale si ma joc cu niste noi prieteni blanosi pe care vi-i voi arata in curand:D

Cu privire la tinuta, zilele astea incerc sa ma feresc cat mai mult de lookul omuletului Michelin-adica ma folosesc cat mai mult de straturi multe si subtiri si evit sa trantesc texturi groase. Nu v-ar veni sa credeti daca v-as spune cate haine am defapt pe mine in pozele astea, dar repet, sunt subtiri si din cauza asta mi le permit fara un efect prea inestetic. Pe langa asta, nu ies niciodata din casa fara ceva de pus pe cap de orice fel, o esarfa groasa si manusi. Ajuta mult. Zilele trecute am facut prostia de a pleca pana la magazin fara manusi in maini si abia daca le mai simteam cand am ajuns acasa. Proasta idee.

Voi cum va incalziti zilele astea?

Does this t-shirt make my heart look big?


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„The heart (♥) has long been used as a symbol to refer to the spiritual, emotional, moral, and in the past, also intellectual core of a human being. As the heart was once widely believed to be the seat of the human mind, the word heart continues to be used poetically to refer to the soul, and stylized depictions of hearts are used as prevalent symbols representing love.”

Now that we cleared that up, I don’t remember ever thinking about the symbolism of the heart. However, I find it interesting how we tend to associate our emotional feelings with our heart, and therefore we pair the discomfort/pain with the emotional loss and we get a „heartache” or „heartbroken.” I mean, it’s not as if we are physically injured or our heart literally hurts! At least in my experience.
On a more superficial note, it is hardly surprising that every now and then, I tend to start little dramas whenever my heart desires something, my mind knows i cannot have. Such as shoes worthy of blowing my rent on. Or the entire Oscar de la Renta ss 2012 collection. Or Johnny Depp. Things, possessions, that have the power to make or ruin my day regardless of whether I need them or not. And what’s funny is that once I have what I desire, it no longer has the power over me that was the very source of its allure.
Having said that, you can only imagine my surprise when I noticed that days have passed, outfits have been worn and I’m still stoked about this t-shirt! Perhaps because it carries my name. Or maybe because it makes people smile? Mneah, no matter…I think it was the heart the one that won my heart.

T-shirt: courtesy of T!na R
Skirt: vintage
Shoes: Stradivarius
Rings: H&M
Scarf and earrings: no name

In another train of thoughts…go buy Glamour this month:D You can find me at page 56!




Dalmatian coat


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(Topshop coat, vintage Louis Feraud pants, vintage shirt, hat and earrings, vintage Escada belt, no name bag, Topshop booties, H&M rings)

EN: A few months ago, you may remember me telling you about my intention to buy a fabulous faux fur coat. I was searching for something big and bold and thick enough to keep me warm during the dreadful winter, also for a good price that won’t deprive me of other things I need. Such as my kidneys.
So I spotted this coat on the Topshop website and although it was love at first sight and I knew I have to have it, at that time I didn’t have enough money to buy it. Damn you, credit card. You always spoil my fun.
Anyway, I kept waiting, hoping it will still be there when the sales start, and last month, two hours after the sale launch, I finally bought it. At half price!
I think this is the best investment I have made in years. Reminds me a bit of Chanel…and I think that’s somewhat appealing.
The booties you already know, they were bought along with the coat and except for the bag, the rest of my outfit is vintage.

RO: Poate va aduceti aminte (nu va aduceti aminte sigur) ca acum cateva luni spuneam ca vreau neaparat ca anul asta sa-mi cumpar o haina fabuloasa de blana artificiala. Nu stiam exact ce vroiam, doar sa fie mare, indrazneata si suficient de groasa cat sa ma pastreze in viata pe timp de iarna. Ah, si sa aiba si-un pret decent care sa nu ma lipseasca de alte trebuincioase. Cum ar fi rinichii. Mai imi trebuie, nu de alta.
Si prin Octombrie parca, o vad pe asta pe Topshop. Mi-a placut mult, ma uitam la ea de mai multe ori pe zi si chiar mi-o doream foarte tare, dar la momentul ala nu aveam suficienti bani cat sa o cumpar. Deh…student traitor pe banii parintilor. Si am asteptat, sperand ca o mai prind la reduceri in marimea mea, posibil la un pret mai bland.
Bun. In Decembrie, dupa ce intrasem in vacanta, aveam un proiect de facut (normal, pentru ce altceva sa fie vacanta?!?doh). Era ultima zi in care il puteam trimite, ma trezisem undeva in jur de ora 6 dimineata si ma asezasem la calculator pornita sa fac dracia. Bineinteles, mailul, blogul, facebookul si alte siteuri deschise. Si cum scriam eu pe jumatate adormita, gata sa imi cada capul pe masa, aud un “poof” salvator. Primisem un e-mail de la Topshop in care eram anuntata ca incepand din momentul acela s-a dat start la reduceri. Stiti cum m-am trezit? BAM! Da la o parte foi, deschide siteul, vezi cati bani ai pe card si hai. Pe ele. Nu m-a surprins sa vad ca se dadeau produsele cu viteza luminii, le vedeam pe site ca disponibile, le puneam in cos sa le cumpar iar cand ajungeam la finalizarea comenzii, ma trezeam ca “ne pare rau, produsele nu mai sunt disponibile”. Am vrut asadar sa iau si alte lucruri dar se pare ca am fost prea lenta. M-am ales doar cu botinele, haina si…un 10 la proiectul respectiv :))
Afara de geanta, restul tinutei este alcatuita din piese vintage.


{New} prints in my closet

Forgive me, for I have shopped.


♥ 1 ♥ Leopard print dress – My heart actually skipped a beat when I saw this. Made of the softest, buttery fabric that imitates suede, with a gorgeous shape and an amazing waist detail, It was love at first sight. Unfortunately, I don’t know what to tell you about the label, as I bought it from a local store.

♥ 2 ♥ Thrifted scarf – This scarf is huge. Super versatile and great for instantly jazzing up an outfit. Also, I absolutely loved the zodiac print and the silky fabric. And for 1$, how could I have said no?!? Bargain!

♥ 3 ♥ Thrifted sequin blazer – Ever since Miu Miu’s models strutted down the runway last spring, I haven’t been able to stop lusting after glittery, embellished, sequin thingies. And unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably noticed that sparkles are everywhere right now. Only problem is that they can be quite pricey. Lucky me I found this gorgeous gold blazer 😀 It’s a little too big for me but looks great cinched at the waist and worn as a dress!

♥ 4 ♥ Vintage shirt – The photo does no justice to the real beauty of this shirt. It’s made of pink silk, it has fabric covered buttons, and, most important! It has a peplum 😀 Just so you know, this spring, I’m planning to wear peplum like there’s no tomorrow!

♥ 5 ♥ Thrifted blue leopard print blazer – Bold. Oversized. Opulent. Just how I like it.

♥ 6 ♥ Vintage reconstructed blouse – I was very drawn by the print of this dress (now a blouse), I’ve had it in my closet for ages and never wore it. I loved the fabric, but not so much the large, frumpy, shape so I decided to get rid of the skirt and only keep the upper part. Looks pretty good to me, don’t you think?

♥ 7 ♥ Topshop Dalmatian faux fur coat – And now, la piece de resistance ! Possibly the best investement I have made in years. Stay tuned, outfit post to come soon!

♥ 8 ♥ Polka dot body – Great for layering!

♥ 1 ♥ Rochie cu imprimeu de leopard – Inima mea a inceput sa salte cand am vazut rochia asta. A fost dragoste la prima vedere, bunaciune maxima facuta din cel mai fin si matasos material ce imita pielea intoarsa, cu o forma superba si un detaliu grozav in zona taliei. Din pacate nu prea stiu ce sa va spun de eticheta, am luat-o din Buzau de la un magazin oarecare…

♥ 2 ♥ Esarfa sh – Esarfa asta e imensa. Foarte versatila si purtabila intr-o multime de feluri. Pentru imprimeul ala cu zodiac si materialul matasos, eu zic ca si-a meritat cei 3 lei:)

♥ 3 ♥ Sacou din paiete sh – Din primavara trecuta, de cand a inceput nebunia Miu Miu cu sclipiciunile, am tot salivat dupa lucrusoare stralucitoare, impodobite, paietate, brodate, samd. Daca ati fost prin magazine in ultimele 6 luni, probabil stiti si voi despre ce vorbesc. E plin. Problema este ca in general sunt scumpe. Eu insa am avut bafta de gasi sacoul acesta auriu:D Imi este putin mare dar arata grozav cu o curea in talie si purtat ca rochie!

♥ 4 ♥ Camasa vintage – Cred ca nici daca imi propuneam nu scoteam o poza mai nasoala ca asta. Nu se intelege nimic din forma reala a camasii, insa ca idee, este relativ stransa pe corp iar in jurul taliei e croita ca o silueta peplum. Culoarea este roz deschis iar nasturii sunt imbracati in aceiasi matase din care este facuta bluza. Ca idee:D La primavara, am de gand sa exploatez treaba asta cu peplumul ca si cand ar intra zilele in sac!

♥ 5 ♥ Sacou cu imprimeu albastru de leopard – Indraznet. Oversized. Opulent. Cum imi place mie.

♥ 6 ♥ Bluza vintage modificata – Initial chestia asta a fost o rochie. Mare, lunga, lalaie, imi venea pana la genunchi si in principiu statea ca pe gard pe mine. Am cumparat-o pentru material mai mult si n-am purtat-o niciodata, stiind ca intr-o zi se va gasi ceva de facut din ea. Iar de curand am fugit cu ea la croitoreasa si mi-a rezolvat problema scapandu-ma de fusta. E dragutica, nu?

♥ 7 ♥ Haina de blana artificiala Topshop – Muhahahaaaaaaaaaa, si acum piesa de rezistenta! Cred ca asta este cea mai buna investitie pe care am putut s-o fac anul trecut. Fiti pe faza, in curand va arat si niste tinute cu ea:D

♥ 8 ♥ Body imbulinat – Numai bun pentru layering!



In the end, I would like to show you guys something big, a pretty dream that my heart longed to one day have. As you probably know, I’ve always been a fan of girly, feminine looks. I’ve always loved retro silhouettes, pin-up, high waists, big dresses, corsets, cat eyes, minis, one piece swimsuits, garters and girdles, etc etc. And I’ve always lusted for one of those big, puffy dresses they used to wear back in the 50’s. Unfortunately, never in my thrifting experience have I seen such a piece. Buuuuut, as a vintage and E-bay freak that I am, I was lucky enough to score this purple crinoline for sale. I swear, the minute it arrived, I was jumping around like popcorn in a microwave!
It’s absolutely H-U-G-E, just as I wanted, and it’s made of tons and tons of delicious layers of fabric, like a cake. Looks stunning underneath a circle skirt or dress! And I’m about to eat it, seriously.

In incheiere, as vrea sa va arat ceva mare, in toate sensurile
posibile, ceva la care visam de mult. Probabil stiti, mai ales voi cele care imi sunteti alaturi aici de la inceputuri, ca dintotdeauna m-am declarat pro feminitatii. Cu tot ce implica ea. La fel de bine probabil ca stiti cat de mult imi plac siluetele retro, pin-up, taliile inalte, rochiile mari, corsetele, “ochii de pisica”, lungimile mini, costumele de baie dintr-o bucata, portjartierele, samd. Imi doream de mult o rochie din aceea mare, “umflata”, cum se purtau in anii 50, insa niciodata, de cand umblu eu prin sh-uri, nu mi-a fost dat sa intalnesc asa o piesa. Dar! Ca o avida amatoare de vintage si de E-bay ce sunt, am avut bafta de a gasi crinolina aceasta de vanzare! Va jur ca in momentul in care a ajuns pachetul, topaiam prin casa ca popcornul la microunde.

Este absolut I-M-E-N-S-A, exact cum mi-am dorit-o, si e facuta din tone si tone de straturi delicioase de material, ca un tort cu multa crema intre blaturi! Arata senzational sub fustele si rochiile clos…Si mai am un pic si o halesc. Serios.

Puss In Boots

Morning ladies, hope you’re all enjoying the weekend!





(Asos coat, River Island skirt, vintage shirt, New Yorker tights, New Look belt, vintage scarf, no name boots, vintage earrings, H&M ring and vintage Chanel bag)

EN: After taking my third exam yesterday, I took the train home and somehow, I almost managed to miss it. I arrived to the railway station about an hour early, naively thinking that 60 minutes will be more than enough to buy a ticket and get seated. Unfortunately I made the mistake of thinking that the ticket ladies behind the counters can actually move. Anyway, the train was like 6 minutes away from leaving and I was near the ticket booth (at first there were twenty-some people ahead of me in line), now with only two ladies in front of me. So I had two options: either I patiently stay in line, lose the train and waste my next few hours languishing the railway station, OR put on my best Puss in Boots face to get the ladies ahead of me to take pity on me and let me buy a bloody ticket. I felt a little embarrassed but it worked. With the help of divine intervention, I somehow managed to buy a ticket. Then I started to run like crazy. And in the very last minute I caught the train. Ta-da!
It was totally worth it, as I’m now writing this post from my comfy bed. It’s so good to be back home in my own bed, with my own fat cats and home cooked meals! So so good, I could happily live off those forever!
Anyway, I still have a project that I need to start finish till Monday when I’ll get back to college. Up until then, I think I’m gonna hit a few thrift shops this morning, hopefully I’ll find some goodies!

Oh, and before I forget, I just wanted to say thank you all for your movie recommendations! I haven’t seen them all yet but I’m working on that 🙂

RO: Dupa ce mi-am dat cel de-al treilea examen ieri, am plecat spre Gara de Nord in ideea de a lua trenul catre casa. Si aproape ca l-am pierdut.
Am ajuns cu vreo ora mai devreme in gara, in naivitatea mea gandindu-ma ca 60 de minute sunt mai mult decat suficiente sa iau un bilet si sa ma urc in vagon. Din pacate nu am luat in calcul specificul moscait al duduilor de la casele de bilete si nici faptul ca era vineri. Vineri inseamna aproape mereu cozi infernale si toate ghiseele ocupate, si cum ieri nu a fost o exceptie, ce sa vezi, gara era full. Ma asez la coada, vreo 20-25 de persoane in fata mea. Aia de la ghiseu descanta biletele. Sau statea la cafea. Nu stiu ce D-zeu facea dar ce facea, facea incet. Stau ce stau, incep sa ma apropii de casa…mai erau vreo 6 minute pana sa plece trenul. Cu vreo 10 minute inainte, ma resemnasem, ma gandeam ca e aproape imposibil sa-l mai prind pe asta si ca va trebui sa-l astept pe urmatorul. Insa intamplarea a facut ca mai erau doar doua doamne in fata mea, si daca mi-ar fi dat voie, as mai fi avut o sansa sa-l prind. Asa ca am avut doua optiuni: ori stau cuminte la coada, pierd trenul si apoi o ard aiurea cu boschetarii prin gara, ORI imi pun fata de Puss in Boots si ma duc sa ma milogesc de cei doi inamici din fata mea. Mi-a fost cam jena dar a tinut manevra. Cumva cu ajutorul interventiei divine, am reusit sa cumpar un nenorocit de bilet. Dupa care am inceput sa alerg disperata, ferm convinsa ca linia e la mama dracului departe de mine si ca mai am foarte putin timp la dispozitie. Intr-adevar departe era, dar am reusit in ultimul minut sa-l prind. Cred ca am fost ultima urcata si oricum, dupa ce am pus piciorul in tren, a trebuit sa traversez vreo 5 vagoane pana am ajuns la cel la care chiar aveam eu loc. Ta-da!
S-a meritat totusi, avand in vedere ca acum va scriu din patul meu comod de acasa. E asa de bine in propriul meu pat, cu proprii mei pisici grasi si cu niste mancare gatita (a se citi comestibila)! As putea sa stau asa tot timpul:D Bineinteles insa ca n-o sa stau, am de inceput terminat un proiect pana Luni cand ma intorc in Bucuresti. Pana atunci insa, cred ca ma duc prin sh-uri sa vad care-i treaba. Sper sa prind ceva bunatati!

Ah, si inainte sa uit, vroiam sa va multumesc pentru sugestiile din postarea anterioara cu privire la filme! Am inceput sa vad din ele, inca nu le-am terminat pe toate, dar lucrez la asta 😀


Don't know where my head is at the moment

EN: Over the knee boots+ chunky cardigan +oversized sweater+tight skirt +fluffy scarf= my idea of comfy perfection

RO: Cizme peste genunchi+cardigan gros+pulover oversized+fusta stramta+esarfa pufoasa=idealul meu in materie de comod




(no name skirt, vintage Cacharel sweater, Stradivarius boots, vintage Laurel by Escada cardigan, no name scarf, Mango bag)

Sorry about the lack of words, I must dash now as my exam starts in about 30 minutes and I’m sort of freaking out.

P.S. Wanting to watch a good movie later, any suggestions? I’m up for anything except comedies 😀

Iertare pentru lipsa de cuvinte, am un examen de dat in vreo 30 de minute, incep sa ma panichez si cam trebuie sa plec.

P.S. As vrea sa vad un film bun mai tarziu, aveti vreo sugestie? Se accepta orice, mai putin comedii 😀


Lu-ella, ella, ella






EN: Spent some of my time today wandering around a shopping centre and braving out the sales. For me, generally speaking, January shopping is carnage on my wallet. But, “lucky for me”, these days I’m totally broke. Sigh.
I’ve seen so many amazing things today(and some amazing deals)! Tried on a few. And…left bare-handed.
As you probably know, because I guess I complained enough times, I’m not a big fan of Zara. In my opinion, their prices are way too high for the quality they offer and besides that, I find it very unindividual. I mean, everybody shops there! It’s actually hard to find someone who doesn’t own at least one Zara garament (including myself). That being said, today I went to Zara and thought I’m gonna die if I don’t leave the store with most of the items for sales. I survived, don’t worry. But I’m still thinking about some sequin thingies that will probably haunt me tonight.

About the outfit…I’m wearing a Primark skirt, a Luella sweater, Deichmann boots, vintage bag and necklace, vintage Givenchy earrings, vintage Escada belt and some no name bracelets.

RO: Astazi mi-am petrecut o parte din zi invartindu-ma in jurul magazinului Unirea, suferind si facand eroic fata reducerilor. Pentru mine in general, luna Ianuarie cu preturile pe care le implica, inseamna macel contra portofelului. “Norocul” meu ca de data asta sunt mai mult decat falita. Suspin.
Am vazut multe lucruri frumoase astazi (unele din ele chiar avantajoase)! Am si probat cateva. Si-am plecat cu mana goala.
Dupa cum probabil stiti, pentru ca am senzatia ca m-am plans de suficiente ori, nu ma omor dupa Zara. In opinia mea, au preturi muuuuuult prea mari pentru calitatea pe care o ofera si pe langa asta, mi se pare foarte neindividual. Adica, toata lumea se imbraca de acolo! E chiar greu sa gasesti pe cineva care n-are macar o singura eticheta a brandului asta (inclusiv eu). Acestea fiind spuse, am intrat azi in Zara si-am zis ca intru in coma daca nu ies de acolo macar cu 70% din ce aveau la reducere. Cu tot dezaprobiul meu fata de ei, am vazut mult prea multe lucruri dragute care mi-au placut. In special unele pline de paiete, care cel mai probabil ca ma vor bantui la noapte.
Nu va mai spun ce am vazut si la celelalte magazine ca deja devine dureros. Simtiti durerea, simtiti?

Despre tinuta…port o fusta de la Primark (Atmosphere mai exact, luata din mini prix acum ceva vreme), pulover Luella, cizme Deichmann, geanta si colier vintage, cercei vintage Givenchy, curea vintage Escada si niste bratari no name.







EN: I’m currently wrapped in my super fluffy bathrobe, with a hot chocolate in my left hand, absolutely not enjoying the idea of going to classes today. I spent most of my night working on getting some crappy paper ready for today, therefore now I feel super tired. I would much more prefer to hibernate with my big mug of hot drink, some chocolate and a few tv serials to watch, thank you very much.LinkI should probably mention that these photos weren’t taken today, since right now I’m pretty incapable of putting an outfit together without ending up looking like Lurch.”Sexy” that is.
Anyway, found this coat in a thrift store while browsing for some shirts and so glad I tried it on! I guess I like it because it’s totally different from what I usually wear and…because it reminds me a bit of this guy. Sexy Lurch once…sexy Gadget twice…sold!
I’m also wearing a silk pussy bow shirt and my Kenzo brocard pants which I still love. I admit they have a strange length but I really like the fabric they are made from!
And once again…I need a cut, my hair grows so damn fast!

RO: Cum scriu asta, sunt bagata toata intr-un halat pufos, incaltata cu botosi d’aia de burete, in mana stanga cu o cana de ciocolata calda si cu un chef maxim de nemers la cursuri astazi. Mi-am petrecut cam toata noaptea scriind la un referat (pe care evident ca l-am lasat pe ultima suta de metri) iar acum ma simt super obosita. As prefera sa raman acasa cu niste ciocolata, halba de ceva cald si niste seriale, daca se poate. Se poate? Nu, normal ca nu. Trebuie sa ma duc sa predau dracia.

Ar trebui probabil sa precizez ca pozele astea nu sunt facute azi, ceea ce e relativ evident avand in vedere ca n-as fi in stare sa ma costumez in altceva decat in Lurch. Adica sa fiu sexy ca el, se intelege.
In fine, am gasit haina asta in timp ce cautam niste camasi intr-un sh si tare ma bucur ca am probat-o! Initial m-am uitat putin stramb la ea, nefiind ceva ce port in mod normal…Dar cred ca din cauza asta imi si place. Si ma rog, imi aduce aminte si de nenea asta. Sexy Lurch o data…sexy Gadget de doua ori…adjudecat!
Port de asemenea o camasa de matase cu funda si pantalonii mei de brocard Kenzo pe care inca ii iubesc. Mda, recunosc ca au o lungime ciudatica dar imi place foarte mult materialul din care sunt facuti si talia inalta!
Si din nou…trebuie sa ma tund, imi creste parul extrem de repede!

Coat/Haina: vintage Celine
Shirt/Camasa: no name
Pants/Pantaloni: vintage Kenzo
Booties/Botine: Topshop
Jewellery/Bijuterii: vintage
Clutch/Poseta: vintage




EN: Just a little peek at something I’m wearing today… Been searching for a sequin collar for ages and finally I’ve found it!

RO: O mica postare cu ceva ce port azi…Caut de cand lumea un guler cu paiete! Si se pare ca in sfarsit am gasit.

diva haira

And this is a small set of questions I’ve answered for a local website… Sorry guys, unfortunatelly it’s all written in Romanian 🙂

Nu stiu daca ati auzit, dar astazi Diva Hair a lansat un nou Ghid de frumusete pe 2012. In cadrul lui, veti gasi si doua interviuri cu membrele Comunitatii Fashionistelor, adica eu si Alina de la My Silk Fairtale.
Multumiri inca o data Oanei Zidaru! :*


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