La Chatterie-chapter 4

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(La Chatterie dress, Bershka belt, Miu Miu shoes, Topshop coat, vintage Givenchy earrings, H&M rings and no name bracelet)

EN: A little while ago I was contacted by Isabelle from La Chatterie about shooting a feature on one of the pieces from her new SS2012 collection. I was given to wear this pretty, open-back dress in the most delicious mint color and a couple of days ago I went with my little brother to take the photos. This is the final result, hope you like it:)

RO: Acum putina vreme am fost contactata de Isabelle, cea care se ocupa de La Chatterie, cu privire la a reprezenta in pozele mele una dintre piesele noii ei colectii de primavara vara 2012. Mi s-a dat asadar rochita aceasta dulce, cu spatele gol, in cel mai frumos verde menta, iar acum vreo 2 zile am iesit cu fratele meu mai mic sa facem pozele (majoritatea pozelor de pe blogul asta sunt facute de el). Rezultatul final este acesta, sper sa va placa:)






(vintage Chanel skirt, Zara shirt, no name tights, Stradivarius cuffs, vintage earrings, no name necklace, thrifted belt and H&M ring)

EN: Evening all!
Just a quick post showing you something I wore recently.
So let me introduce you to, quite possibly, the BEST vintage find/bargain ever: a Chanel skirt fished out of a thrift store. I bought it last year and wore the heck out of it- not sure why I haven’t posted about it before. Anyway, I love it! The length is a bit weird for me but I really like the way it hugs my hips and how fitted the leather waist is. Take my word for it, it’s the softest leather ever!
Also wearing by far my favourite belt at the moment (yes, I know I say that all the time but I just have a lot of favourite things, ok?:))), some patterned tights and a simple shirt. Nothing much, I think the jewellery really made the whole outfit sing.

Ok, I’m gonna go eat a big bowl of cereal now, catch up with some tv shows and re-affirm my love for Jensen Ackles. H-O-T!

Hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

RO: Sara buna!
Una mica si rapida sa va arat ceva ce am purtat de curand.
Va prezint asadar, posibil celei mai bune descoperiri facuta de subsemnata in shuri: o fusta Chanel luata la un pret de nimic. Am cumparat-o anul trecut si am purtat-o in draci-nu stiu de ce n-a mai aparut pana acum pe blog, am facut tot felul de combinatii cu ea. Lungimea e putin ciudatica pentru mine dar imi place foarte mult cum imi imbratiseaza soldurile si cat de potrivita imi este in talie! Iar banda aia de acolo din piele e extrem de moale.
Alta chestie noua pe blog e cureaua, cea mai regina dintre curelele mele (cum ar zice niste băeţi tambalagii) sau cea care imi place cel mai mult in prezent (stiu ca zic asta despre o groaza de chestii dar chiar am o multime de lucruri favorite:))). Per total tinuta nu e cine stie ce, defapt e relativ banala fara bijuterii 🙂 Sper totusi sa inspire pe cineva!

Ok, ma duc acum sa bag un castron mare de cereale si sa recuperez ceva episoade din serialele la care ma uit. Adica sa balesc din nou la Jensen Ackles. Bunaciune tati.

Weekend placut!

Is it spring yet?




(vintage skirt, no name boots and sweater, Topshop coat, vintage Chanel bag, vintage belt, vintage YSL necklace and no name headband)

EN: YEAAAH!!!!! The crappy snow is melting!!! Amen to that and thank you dear God for remembering that I exist. Oh, and just in case you’re taking a break from tsunami planning, or something as lovely as that, and you’re reading my blog (doh, of course you are), please get me these amazing YSL sandals for my next birthday. Or you could just deliver them tomorrow, I won’t mind. Size 6, thank you very much.

A couple of days ago I went to H&M and Zara and a few other stores, and let me just say that I drooled over 90% of the things. Of course, I still think the quality of their clothes is pretty bad most of the time and almost everything is overpriced, however-I fell in love with so many things from their spring collection! One particular thing I’m crazy about is the peplum thingie. Sadly, at the moment my wardrobe holds a grand total of…one, so I’m starting a crusade for acquiring as many as I can. In case you’re interested in them as well, you’d better check out H&M, I’ve seen the cutest mint colored peplum top there!
At Zara, I fell in love with a couple of dresses and a pair of shoes, too beautiful for words and too expensive for my budget for the time being. Sigh with me please.

I’m wearing a vintage skirt with thick tights underneath, some over the knee boots I couldn’t wait to wear again (I don’t even remember the last time I wore a heel that high), a sweater and a fluffy coat. The skirt is actually much longer but I cheated a bit and pushed it higher, so that the length would stop just under my knees. I’m still a big fan of midis, either fitted or loose, just like this yellow pleated number I’m wearing.

RO: DAAAAAAAAAAAA! Deci da tati. DA! Se topeste porcaria. De zapada zic. Amin si multumescu-ti Doamne ca ti-ai adus aminte de mine. Oh, iar in caz ca iei o pauza de la planificarea unui tsunami sau ceva la fel de dragut, si te relaxezi citindu-mi mie blogul (doh, normal ca-l citesti, ce dracu alta treaba sa ai), nu uita te rog sa-mi iei sandalele alea beton YSL pentru ziua mea. E peste 3 luni dar poti sa mi le livrezi maine, nu ma supar. Marimea 39, multumesc foarte mult.

Mda, parca vad ca iar ma ignora. Si ca sa fie treaba treaba, adica sa sufar si mai tare, m-am dus acum cateva zile la H&M, Zara si alte cateva magazine de gen. Are rost sa va spun cum am salivat pe mai mult de 90% din lucrurile pe care le-am vazut? N-are, deci nu va spun. Normal ca inca imi par execrabile la capitolul calitate si cam toate au niste preturi pentru oameni nezdraveni la cap, insa cu toate astea, m-am indragostit de o groaza de lucruri din ce au la vanzare pentru primavara! O chestie care imi place in mod deosebit e treaba cu peplumul. Singura problema e ca la ora asta am in dulap in total…in total, una bucata bluza cu peplum. Nu cumva sa ma invat sau ceva. Mi-am propus sa imi iau cat mai multe anul asta, in functie de ce gasesc. Iar in caz ca sunteti interesate si voi, eu zic sa dati o fuga pana la H&M ca din ce au vazut ochii mei, astia presteaza peplumuri pe mai multe modele. Mi-a placut in mod deosebit o bluza, de culoare verde menta, cu un guleras detasabil, gen peter pan, pe care erau cusute perlute. Foarte frumos.
La Zara mi-au placut vreo 2 rochii, relativ ample, pana la jumatatea coapsei, si o pereche de sandale delicioase, prea frumoase pentru cuvinte si prea scumpe pentru bugetul meu la momentul de fata. Oftati cu mine va rog. Doare mai putin.

In poze port o fusta vintage cu ciorapi grosi pe dedesubt si cizme peste genunchi. Abia asteptam sa le incalt din nou, nici nu mai tin minte de cand n-am mai purtat un toc asa inalt! Cu fusta am “trisat” putin, ea fiind in realitate mult mai lunga decat o vedeti aici, dar am ridicat-o undeva la nivelul pieptului astfel incat sa-mi ajunga pana sub genunchi. Inca imi plac foarte mult lungimile midi, fie ele largute ca asta sau stramte pe corp. Mai am pe mine un pulover, o blana pufoasa si cateva accesorii.


Dreamy, sugary, soft.


EN: A while ago, Maria from the team contacted me for a collaboration between Thrill of the heel and their lovely online fashion store. After having an intensive browse on the site, I got pretty excited about what they had to offer and I picked out this cute chiffon skirt and this girly bracelet, which I styled up for this post. My idea behind these photos was to create something romantic, fun and exciting, yet subtle, by using old letters, a vintage chair, pastel colored clothing, antique books, fresh magazines, candles, tea and chocolate, things I love that are very special for me. And I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did 🙂

RO: Acum ceva vreme, Maria din echipa, m-a contactat in vederea unei colaborari intre Thrill of the heel si magazinul lor online de haine (dragute). Dupa o cotrobaiala intensa in lung si-n lat a siteului, am gasit cateva lucruri care mi-au placut si am decis sa accept oferta. Dintre produsele disponibile la vremea aceea, am ales pentru a-mi fi trimise fusta aceasta si bratara, in jurul carora am creat postarea de astazi. Ideea din spatele ei, sau tema pe care m-am gandit s-o abordez, face trimitere la o atmosfera romantica, un cadru distractiv si placut, relativ subtil, obtinut prin folosirea unor lucruri dragi mie, scrisori vechi, un scaun mai vintage (decat orice posed), haine in culori pastelate, carti din alte vremuri, reviste din zilele noastre, lumanari, ceai si ciocolata. Sper sa va faca si voua la fel de multa placere cata mi-a facut mie 🙂















(Oasap skirt and bracelet, Miss Selfridge top, vintage blazer, Zara shoes, H&M rings, no name beret and vintage YSL necklace)

I always had a thing for this sort of tutu-esque skirts and when I saw this fabulous little number on Oasap, I knew I had to get my hands on it! It doesn’t have a label so I’m not very sure about the fabric, but it feels like a super soft chiffon. I love the pastel color and the shape is really nice, all in all a lovely, romantic skirt. The only thing that worried me about it was the length. As I put it on and looked in the mirror, I was relieved to see that it wasn’t too short, but then again, I’m only 5’5″, so I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone taller than that.
The charm bracelet is something very me that definitely caught my eye. As you probably already know, I’m very fond of the idea of wearing piled up jewellery and mixing textures. Especially when it involves pretty ones like the one I’m wearing!
Be sure to check out their site for more pretty things like these. Oh, and they offer free shipping worldwide!
So here are a few of my favorites:

Referitor la produse… Am avut dintotdeauna o chestie pentru genul acesta de fuste “tutu”, chiar imi doream una de mult si am fost foarte incantata sa vad ca cei de la Oasap au asa ceva in stoc. Bineinteles ca am adaugat-o in cos imediat. Neavand eticheta, nu sunt foarte sigura asupra compozitiei dar se simte foarte moale la atingere, ceva ca un chiffon. Culoarea este exact cea din poze, o nuanta usor pastelata iar forma este data de cateva straturi suprapuse de material. Una peste alta, o fusta frumoasa, romantica. Chiar e, nu o spun pentru ca mi-au dat-o gratis:P Singura chestie de care mi-a fost teama si care cred ca ar trebui sa o stiti in caz ca va intereseaza, priveste lungimea. Aveam emotii gandindu-ma ca-mi va fi prea scurta insa s-a dovedit cumva la fix. Asadar, pentru cineva ca mine la 1,65 sau mai putin, este foarte ok, insa nu as recomanda pentru acelea dintre voi care depasiti inaltimea asta. Decat daca prefe
rati sa o purtati pe dedesubtul fustelor pe post de crinolina. Ceea ce desigur ca voi face si eu 😛

Bratara banuiesc ca nu socheaza pe nimeni, sunt destul de previzibila in ceea ce priveste bijuteriile. Imi place sa amestec texturi, materiale si culori diferite, multe si toate la un loc. Mai ales cand e vorba de unele dragute ca asta.
Mai multe produse de genul acesta puteti gasi pe siteul lor. Ah, si ofera transport gratuit oriunde in lume!
Am mai dat o tura pe site si iata ce am selectat dintre produsele mele preferate:

Je le trouve bien




(H&M cardigan, Bershka skirt and belt, no name ring and pearls, Stradivarius bracelet)

EN: I have been pretty bad with outfit posts lately as I’m not in the best mood ever. Far too many things on my mind, this weather is making me depressed and I’m finding it even more difficult to find someone willing to follow me around every day and take pictures of my outfits. Nevertheless, I’ll try to update to the best of my ability till Spring comes and hopefully things will start falling into place!
So I’m cheating a little bit with these photos as this outfit is missing something. I wore the exact same thing minus the bare legs. As much as I wanted to wear this outfit with thin flesh-colored pantyhose, I couldn’t ignore the cold and I had to put on thick tights. Took them off before taking the photos as I love it so much more this way!
Picked up this lovely pink cardigan in a thrift store recently for a mere 10 dolars. It’s a little big on me but I bought it anyway because I love the color and how soft the material is. Not to mention those adorable shoulders and the buttons. It’s stuff like this that makes me love thrifting. Paired it with this blue skirt which I bought almost a year ago but never wore it before. Not sure why; but I promised myself I’d try to wear everything I own at least once.
About the shoes I wore…no heels, no thrills. I’m not gonna to show them to you because you’d probably die laughing. And we wouldn’t want that now would we?

RO: Nu ma simt foarte bine dispusa in perioada asta, probabil de unde si senzatia de nemultumire pe care o am cu privire la tinutele postate. Am o sumedenie de ganduri corcite in minte, vremea asta ma deprima ca pe un emo kinder jovial si ma descurc din ce in ce mai greu cu exercitiul de corupere a cuiva, oricui, dispus sa se tina dupa mine si sa-mi faca poze. In orice caz, toate astea ar trebui sa se regleze de la sine odata ce vine Primavara. Pana atunci insa, incerc sa ma descurc cum pot cu updatarea blogulului, eventual sa va ofer si ceva care sa va inspire. Mai greu, dar incerc.
Recunosc ca trisez putin in pozele astea, nearatandu-va tot ce am purtat. Tinuta cam asta e, exceptand picioarele goale si haina groasa pe care n-avea rost sa o pozez. Am purtat pe dedesubtul fustei o pereche de ciorapi negrii foarte grosi pe care i-am dat jos cand am ajuns acasa si m-am apucat de fotografii, pentru ca imi place mai mult varianta asta. Iar daca vremea mi-ar fi permis, asa as fii iesit. Si probabil ca as fii facut si pozele afara.
Am luat cardiganul asta de curand dintr-un sh pentru vreo 30 de lei. Imi este putin mare dar l-am cumparat oricum pentru ca imi place culoarea si cat de moale e materialul. Asta pe langa umeri si nasturii aceia dragalasi. Vedeti, din cauza lucrurilor de genul asta scormonesc prin shuri. Cu toate ca de cele mai multe ori ma intorc acasa cu mana goala, sub forma unui pachet de nervi. L-am alaturat unei fuste de anul trecut pe care n-am apucat sa o port. Nu stiu exact de ce, doar imi place fusta. In orice caz, mi-am promis ca anul asta o sa incerc sa port tot ce am macar o data.
Despre incaltari…nu tu heel, nu tu thrill, niica. Nu va arat cu ce hidosenii sunt fortata sa ma incalt cand am de mers pe jos, ca radeti. Si probabil va alegeti cu crampe la stomac. Iar apoi va am eu pe constiinta. Ce n’est pas bon.

Many find solace in prayer…

…but not me. I find it beginning from a mild 4 inch to a sky scraping 6.5 inches.

Multi gasesc alinare in rugaciune. Nu si eu. Pentru mine alinarea porneste undeva de la un toc modest de 10 cm pana la un 16,5 :))

This may come as a shock to you, but I like shoes. Therefore, I got myself shoes. They are tall and beautiful and glittery and comfortable (they really are!) and they came with 40% off!
Need I say more?

Si stiu ca asta o sa vina ca un soc, dar mie imi plac pantofii. In consecinta, mi-am luat pantofi. Sunt inalti si frumosi si stralucitori si comozi (chiar sunt!) si au venit la pachet cu o reducere de 40%!
Mai e nevoie sa continui?



Also got some pretty lingerie and some other little thingies that i’ve been too lazy to photograph.
Solace or what? 😀

Am mai luat si cateva piese dragute de lenjerie plus neste alte treburi, socoteli mici, pe care, spre rusinea mea, am trandavit si nu le-am pozat.
Consolare sau ce? 😀

Quantum of solace








(Topshop coat, Mango dress, Deichmann boots, vintage Louis Vuitton bag, no name gloves and blue scarf,Pimkie belt, no name jewellery and a vintage head scarf)

EN: Myeah. The Mary Katrantzou for Topshop collection. Thank you Topshop for giving me yet another thing to obsess about. Of course that by the time I opened the website, the collection was already sold out and of course the balloon dress I loved so much was the most expensive product and the first one to go. From the first time I saw it, my jaw hit the floor as I was absolutely mesmerized by how gorgeous, vivid and cheerful the colors were. And don’t get me started on the prints! Gorgeous, I’m telling you! If only I was Paris Hilton… Or any other rich spoiled brat celebrity with a good wi-fi connection.
So sad. And now, a moment of silence please, to commemorate what could’ve been a love story. Let us pray.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I found solace, my friends. But more on that later.

Now on to my outfit. Survived (or just about) the black frost in just a pair of tights, a dress and my coat. Considering the tons of layers I’ve been wearing lately, it’s such a relief to wear something that doesn’t constantly remind you that you’re in big trouble if you need to pee.
So I’m wearing a Mango dress I bought a year ago on sale. It has a nice fit-and-flare silhouette (which I totally love), a semi stiff underskirt, it’s cinched in at the waist and it has a lovely folk print. What’s there not to love? I wore it very often last summer with bare legs and sandals (ah, memories!) and paired it with thick tights and boots this time, just to make sure my legs won’t turn blue before getting back home. Sneaky little appearance from my beloved red coat which I neglected to wear ever since the ice age struck. I’m Sesquatch, remember?

RO: Mda. Mary Katrantzou pentru Topshop. De parca aveam nevoie de o alta obsesie. Bineinteles ca pana am apucat eu sa deschid siteul (asta insemnand undeva la maxim 2 ore de la lansare), colectia era deja sold out si bineinteles ca rochia pe care o vroiam eu (nu ca mi-as fi permis-o, dar eu o vroiam totusi:))) a fost cea mai scumpa si prima vanduta. M-am indragostit de ea inca de cand au aparut teaserele pe net, acum cateva luni. Salivam la culori. Tanjeam dupa imprimeuri. Ca un copil prost la bomboana altuia. N-a fost sa fie. Superb, ce sa mai zic. Daca eram si eu Paris Hilton…sau macar un plod de celebritate obscura ceva. Cu wi-fi potent.
Trist. Sa pastram un moment de reculegere in memoria a ceea ce putea fi o poveste de dragoste intre o fata si o rochie. Sa ne rugam.
M-am consolat totusi. Dar despre asta mai tarziu.

Acum hai cu tinuta. M-am aventurat de curand prin nameti si ger in doar o pereche de ciorapi, o rochie si haina. Intamplarea face ca am scapat vie (sau ma rog, aproape vie). Dupa tonele de straturi in care m-am infasurat in ultima luna, e o senzatie sublima sa nu ti se mai reaminteasca in mod constant in ce hal ai pus-o daca ai nevoie la pipi.
Deci port o rochie Mango luata anul trecut de la reduceri. Mi-a placut in mod special silueta, este stransa pe corp in partea de sus iar de la talie in jos, fusta devine clos avand pe dedesubt ceva ca o jupa batoasa, pentru mai mult volum. Imprimeul imi place, talia e marcata, lungimea e ok…ce sa mai vreau? Vara trecuta m-am bucurat de ea intens, cu picioare dezgolite si sandale (ah, ce amintiri!) iar de data asta m-am folosit de ciorapi grosi (cea mai groasa pereche pe care o am, poate la fel de grosi ca si colantii) si cizme groase. Preventiv doar, sa fiu sigura ca nu ma intorc acasa albastra de la frig. Si poate va amintiti si de haina asta rosie pe care nu prea m-ati vazut purtand-o. Probabil pentru ca n-am mai imbracat-o de cand cu Ice Age. Sunt eu, Sesquatch. Tineti minte? 😛

I find myself in dire need of…










♥ New memories
♥ Blowing air
♥ Color
♥ Smiles
♥ Engaging books
♥ Hyacinths and daffodils
♥ Seashells
♥ Bows and ruffles
♥ Long conversations
♥ New dreams
♥ Gardens
♥ Easy breezy dresses
♥ Spring
♥ Glitter
♥ Traveling
♥ Rosy cheeks
♥ Swollen clouds
♥ Cork Sandals
♥ Joyful people
♥ Smart people
♥ Patient people
♥ Strawberries and watermelon
♥ Hot sand
♥ Chiffon and silk and tulle and lace and brocade
♥ Long walks
♥ High heels

Sad to say that for the time being, most of these things are hopeless. But if there were to be spring and I could take long walks from dawn till dusk, feel the blowing air moving across my body, watch the swollen clouds, enjoy long conversations, wear high heels and easy breezy dresses, then this would be the dress I’d wear. And yes, I’d pair those shoes with ankle socks (I know I know, faux pas, bla bla bla) and I’d wear tons of jewellery and fancy hats and I’d read that book (well, not quite that one, I’m almost done with it), I’d drink iced tea and I’d eat my pizza with silverware. Haha, I find it so funny to see people scrupulously eating their pizza with fork and knife!

I’m wearing Miu Miu shoes, Asos socks, vintage necklaces, Stradivarius cuffs, no name belt, bracelets and earrings, vintage hat and a dress courtesy of T!na R. Go check out their stores, they have sales right now, up to a massive 80% off on the autumn/winter collections and the spring/summer collection has already hit the stores!


I’m a freakin saint. Or something.




(no name jeans, Bershka floral body, vintage cardigan, Topshop booties, Asos watch, C&A scarf and earrings)

EN: As you may have noticed yesterday, I’ve given my blog a little makeover. I got a little bored of my last layout so I decided to redesign a new one, a cleaner and sleeker one. I’ve had some ideas in mind for a while and Tuesday night, at 3 a.m., since I couldn’t get any sleep, I started working on it. Anyway, I really like the way it turned out, so simplistic and delicate, with a clear background and pastel colors. Hope you like it too:)
About my outfit…I’m taking the easy way out with this one. I’m wearing some no name jeans, a floral bodysuit and a vintage cardigan I’ve recently scored at a thrift store. It has some very beautiful details, sparkly embellishments and delicate white beads, and the shoulders are somehow puffy, as if there were shoulder pads. Unfortunately, my trusty photographer failed to get crisp close ups of them.
Anyway, I wasn’t originally planning on taking these outfit photos (in fact, I wasn’t planning on doing anything besides cuddling in bed with my fluffy cats while sipping on a steaming hot mug of cocoa, as far away from the cold weather as I could get) but I had to get dressed, go out in the blizzard and pick up some packages for my mother. At first I thougt I’m gonna kill her as soon as I get home, or even worse, give all of her shoes to the dogs to chew. She should be thankful I let her live this time. Very generous of me, I know.

P.S. No, I’m not hypocrite enough to assert that I can walk in 6 inch heels in snow or ice. I did nothing but sit comfortably in the right car seat:)

RO: In caz ca ati intrat ieri pe blog, ati observat ca m-am jucat putin cu tema acestuia. Plictisita fiind de aspectul anterior, cochetam de ceva vreme cu ideea unui design nou, mai curat si mai atragator. Aveam deja ceva in minte iar in noaptea de Luni catre Marti, pe la 3 dimineata, cand vecinii mei s-au gandit ca e o idee buna sa dea sonorul la maxim pe taraf, am inceput sa-mi prind urechile in HTML si Photoshop intru crearea unei teme noi. Pana la urma a iesit asta: un nou header, fundalul la fel de simplu pe alb si culori pastelate. Sper sa va placa si voua:)
Despre tinuta…stiu, revolutionar. Asa-i ca n-ati mai vazut jeansi cu o bluza si-o jacheta? Stiam eu ca va uimesc. Pantalonii sunt no name, bluza e defapt un body floral luat din Mini prix iar cardiganul l-am gasit recent intr-un sh. Nu prea imi explic cum de nu l-a sutit vreo mamaie inaintea mea, tinand cont de detaliile frumoase pe care le prezinta. Nu stiu cat de bine se vede, fotograful meu de incredere a esuat fulminant in a le capta cum vroiam eu, insa, pe fata este impodobit cu margelute stralucitoare de tot felul, iar pe margini sunt cusute delicat perlute albe. Si forma e interesanta, e croit cumva ca un sacou scos din anii 80, cu umeri bufanti ca si cand ar avea pernute de burete. Dăcât ca n-are.
In principiu nu trebuia sa fac poze tinutei asteia (defapt, in principiu nu trebuia sa ma misc de sub paturi-pe mine sau pe cei 2 motani celebri ce-mi tineau de cald, cu atat mai putin sa ies din casa in ger) insa maica mii i s-a parut de bine sa ma trimita pana la o tanti sa ridic niste pachete pentru ea si sa cumpar niste chestii. La intoarcere am facut pozele. Nu stiu ce-a fost in capul meu sa ma duc, pe langa faptul ca mai imi da de mancare uneori. Pe drum insa deja faceam planuri cum o sa-i torn dimineata cianura in cafea. Sau macar sa-i dau pantofii la catei sa-i roada (asta ar fi fost chiar mai tragic). Mda…a apreciat totusi c-am lasat-o sa traiasca de data asta. Foarte generos din partea mea, stiu.

P.S. Nu, nu sunt indeajuns de ipocrita cat sa sustin ca pot merge prin zapada sau gheata, pe tocuri de 15 cm. Si banuiesc ca nici voi n-aveti ciunga in par sa ma credeti. Tot ce am facut a fost sa stau comod in dreapta soferului in masina si sa cobor cand a fost cazul.

I know what you did last summer








EN: For the last couple of weeks I’ve been basically living in leggings, tight jeans or anything that would keep me warm, and yes, I know I haven’t been the best example of stylish and you’re probably expecting to see me in pink uggs soon (ain’t gonna happen) but I promise as soon as the snow melts I will be getting back to business.
So finally a skirt! A maxi skirt in the winter. Why haven’t i thought of this before?!?!? Oh yes…perhaps because of my frozen neurons.
I’m not sure why was my mind programmed to think long skirts and dresses are only for summer days since they seem to work so well during these cold months. Paired with thick tights, leggings, leg warmers, boots, blazers, cardigans, leather jackets, vests, faux fur, scarves and hats, maxi skirts can definitely be incorporated into our winter attire!
I’ve been meaning to wear this one for a while but I somehow managed to forget about it every single time I got dressed… Here I’m wearing it with my trusty faux fur Topshop coat, a no name sweater and necklace, vintage clutch, scarf and belt and H&M rings.

So, inspire me. What are you wearing these days? Do share!

Oh, and if you’re lucky enough to live somewhere hot all year round…I hate you.
Just kidding.

RO: Ati observat banuiesc in ce existenta mizera ma zbat de vreo cateva saptamani incoace: leggingsi (ce-i uram inainte dar ce-i urasc acum), jeansi stramti si in principiu cam orice sta lipit de corp si tine de cald. Da, stiu ca n-am fost cel mai bun exemplu de cochetareala in perioada asta, si ca probabil nu v-ar surprinde sa ma vedeti in uggs roz maine (inspirati, n-o sa se intample. expirati acum) dar promit ca de indata ce se topeste zapada (si ne vor lovi inundatiile), ma veti vedea cocotata pe tocuri, infasurata in matasuri colorate.
Deci in sfarsit o fusta! O fusta lunga pe timp de iarna! De ce naibii nu m-am gandit la asta pana acum?!?! Cel mai probabil din cauza neuronilor inghetati…cu atat mai mult cu cat, din motive carora nu le gasesc justificare acum, mintea mea era programata sa asocieze lungimile maxi cu zilele de vara. Am descoperit insa cu stupoare (stupid, stiu) ca fustele de genul acesta merg incredibil de bine cu ciorapi grosi, leggingsi , jambiere, cizme, sacouri, cardigane, jachete de piele, veste, blanuri artificiale, esarfe si caciuli si ca pot arata chiar mai bine in perioada asta a anului decat vara, cand eu una, la rotisorul ce ne paste dupa ce trece circul asta cu zapada, simt ca nu suport nici aerul pe piele.
Vroiam de mult sa port fusta asta dar cumva, parandu-mi-se prea subtire pentru lunile din decembrie incoace, am varat-o in adancurile dulapului si am uitat complet de ea. Traieste totusi :> iar aici o port cu o haina de blana artificiala de la Topshop, o bluza si-un colier no name, poseta, curea si esarfa vintage si inele de la H&M. Plus bineinteles, cohorta de straturi inferioare pe care n-are rost s-o mai mentionez.

Asadar. Voi ce purtati in perioada asta? Ziceti, ziceti. CU CUraj. Inspirati-ma!

Oh, iar in caz ca vietuiti in vreo zona unde e cald tot anul…va urasc. Glumeam.




EN: Oh dear. I just had three power cuts in the house, each one lasting about an hour. Yaaaay, what a joy.
Now that the power is back, I’m pleased to announce that I have no idea whatsoever of what was I going to write about.
Aaaaaaaaanyway, as you can probably tell, once again, I’m the furry friend. It’s pretty lame actually, everywhere I go wearing something like this, people keep popping up asking me if they can pet my coat. Even my dad likes it, if you can belive it! He usually has a deep “appreciation” for my personal style, so that he likes impersonating me by wearing my hats, sunnies and jewellery and walking around like Frankenstein while singing I will survive-Gloria Gaynor. Deep appreciation indeed.

RO: Gizas. De cand m-am asezat la calculator si pana acum, a picat curentul de 3 ori. Fiecare pana tinand dăcât o ora. Beton, e fericirea pe mine grup.
Tin sa anunt totusi, ca acum ca am curent, nu am nici cea mai mica idee despre ce vroiam initial sa fac postul asta. O sa-mi aduc aminte probabil…la noapte.
Pozele. Din nou, sunt eu, prietenul blanos :> Spun “din nou” pentru ca am renuntat complet la paltoane si alt soiul de jachete de cand temperaturile au scazut mult sub 0 grade. Si astfel, de fiecare data cand imi fac curaj sa ies din casa si ma intalnesc cu careva, se stie: Sesquatch e printre noi. Si apar destui care vor sa puna mana pe blana lui Sesquatch, le place ca e moale si pare scos de la gradina zoologica. Pana si lui tata ii plac hainele de genul asta, daca puteti crede! In general el manifesta o “dragoste” deosebita pentru simtul meu vestimentar, atat de deosebita ca ii place sa ma imite punand treijdemii de bijuterii pe brate, ochelari de soare si palarii, mergand prin casa ca Frankenstein si cantand I will survive-Gloria Gaynor. Uneori mai baga si cate un lasa-ma papa la mare, asta asa cand vrea s-o arda trendy pe sistem carpato-danubiano-pontic.







So I went to H&M with my friends in order to find some things and I tried on a few pieces, including this Versace for H&M dress and this skirt, which I actually bought. They were both on sale but the dress was a definitely no-no for my body shape so I only got the skirt. It was one of those „Should I? Shouldn’t I?” purchases where I was on the fence and had to really think it over. Anyway, I can’t resist a tassel, especially if it’s pink! so I caved in.

Deci m-am dus la H&M cu individele din poza sa cumparam nu stim exact ce. Am probat niste lucruri, inclusiv rochia asta si fusta asta pe care am luat-o pana la urma. In principiu colectia m-a cam lasat rece din cauza preturilor si isteriei exagerate (nu pentru ca mi s-a parut neplacuta, unele lucruri chiar mi-au placut), insa piesele astea, 1) daca inca sunt acolo, inseamna ca nu prea s-au vandut, deci sunt sanse mai mici sa le vad la orice colt de strada, 2) daca inca sunt acolo, inseamna ca si preturile sunt decente. Sa probam zic. Rochia venea ca naiba pe mine, am lasat-o frumos pe umeras si am fugit ca dracul de tamaie, insa fusta…m-am tot foit cu privire la ea, nu eram sigura daca sa o iau sau nu pentru ca mai ochisem ceva intr-un alt magazin si nu aveam bani suficienti pentru ambele. Complicele au votat pentru fusta pana la urma, asa ca m-am dus cu ea acasa.


Eh? Sexy or what? Haha.

Asta se numeste poza sexy:> Nu orice fel de poza, ci una care matura pe jos cu orice candidata la titlul de divenie sexi, de la pagina 5. Sau prima, c-am vazut ca sunt chiloti beton beton pe primele pagini ale ziarelor:> (sper ca se intelege ironia spuselor mele)

(Topshop coat, no name jeans and top, vintage blazer, Jeffrey Campbell booties, vintage Givenchy earrings, no name bag and scarf)

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