You could have knocked me down with a feather




(Fire de Murg necklace, Stradivarius jeans, thrifted vest, River Island sandals and blouse, vintage Louis Vuitton bag, vintage hat, no name earrings and H&M ring)

EN: A while back I was contacted by the lovely girls at Fire de Murg, an online jewellery boutique that specialises in bold, trendy and fun necklaces for women. I was very kindly gifted this gorgeous feather necklace which i picked myself, as I decided to go for a statement piece, with a nice boho accent. You probably know already that I have a soft spot for big, opulent necklaces, but what I like most about this one is how colorful it is. Not to mention the chunky gold chain, which is definitely a plus in my book.
Here is one of my other favorite necklaces from Fire de Murg… And here. And also here.

RO: Acum ceva timp am fost contactata de cele 3 fete dragute de la Fire de Murg, un butic online de bijuterii care se specializeaza in coliere moderne, vesele si indraznete pentru femei. Mi s-a oferit asadar acest frumos colier cu pene. Pentru ca mi-am dorit o piesa statement, ceva cu o trasatura boho, acesta a parut alegerea perfecta. Desigur ca am fost atrasa de dimensiunea mare si de opulenta colierului, dar ce m-a incantat cel mai tare a fost culoarea(am o slabiciune pentru nuantele de turcoaz, bleu, verde de orice fel). Plus lantul auriu masiv, intotdeauna un bonus pentru o impatimita a bijuteriilor aurii, ca mine.
Vedeti aici ce mai imi place mie de pe site… Bine, si aici. Si aici.

Multumesc mult, Fire de Murg! >:D<

Oscar de la Renta ss2012

Totally, absolutely, really amazing and unaffordable shoes
My favorite look in the collection…


Gorgeous details, prints and colors
Oh my. I’m so ridiculously excited about the Oscar de la Renta ss2012 collection that I can barely prevent myself from drooling all over the keyboard!
I love how he embraced color to the full, combining gorgeous prints with leather accessories, thereby creating a feminine silhouette of such an extravagant elegance. An eclectic mix of luxuriant fabrics such as lace, silk or chiffon and exaggerated volumes, the collection has done a fantastic job on convincing me that mister de la Renta and I, we are soulmates.

(To my romanian readers…Paste fericit!)



A week ago I was invited to the launch of a new designer pop-up store, which was held at Joie de Vivre teahouse. I had a great time in the company of our super sweet hosts and the latest collections from…


Eugenia Enciu


Coca Zaboloteanu


And Bone.




With the lovely Ioana, BONE jewellery designer






And here are a few photos of what I wore…



(vintage blazer, thrifted Levi’s jeans, Miu Miu shoes, jewellery from Stradivarius, New Yorker, H&M, no name belt, H&M sunnies, vintage Chanel bag)

Last summer, on one of my many thrifting adventures, I found this amazing red blazer hidden under many racks of musty clothes. From it’s Victorian-esque shape, bouffant padded shoulders to it’s pretty pleats around the waist, I fell in love with it the minute I saw it. I know it looks like a blouse but it’s actually a very special blazer, with a breathtaking cut, a precious fabric and some goooooorgeous details! I love this sort of one-of-a-kind pieces, that are unique and give you that remarkable feeling of having something no one else has and that they will never be able to reproduce…
I decided to pair my treasured piece with a thrifted pair of pink Levi’s jeans, Miu Miu shoes, jewellery from Stradivarius, New Yorker, H&M, a no name belt, H&M sunnies and my vintage Chanel bag.

Zara sandals

EN: If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you may have noticed that my attraction to minimalism is practically non-existent. Minimalism in art, in music, in fashion, technology, arhitecture, interior design or lifestyle-you name it, I hate it.
For me, more is always more.
And that’s why, even I was surprised to notice how badly I wanted these sandals.
The rest is history.

RO: Daca ati mai trecut pe aici inainte de postarea asta, ati observat probabil ca atractia mea spre minimalism (fie ea in ceea ce priveste arta, muzica, moda, tehnologia, arthitectura, designul interior sau ca stil de viata) e nula.
Nu sunt adepta filosofiei “less is more”, ma plictiseste, ma enerveaza, nu-mi place, nu e pentru mine.
Pentru mine, mai mult este intotdeauna mai mult.
Si din cauza asta, chiar si eu am fost surprinsa de puterea de seductie a acestor simple, umile, dar irezistibile sandale.
Restul e istorie.

She went down down down and the devil called her by name




From left to right: Sandra, Laura, Silvia, me, Raluca and Andreea


(vintage blazer, thrifted Levi’s jeans, River Island shoes, Stradivarius cuffs, vintage earrings and bag, no name body and necklace)

EN: Success. I am now home, I got my usb cable, I have photos to share and rambling words.
So. A week ago I receive this invitation from IL PASSO, a romanian brand of shoes and bags, to invite me to their spring/summer collection launch party. I was pretty jacked up with an ugly cold so I wasn’t in a mood for a party at all but somehow, I decided to go. I started getting ready an hour early and I decided to wear these pants and some low heeled, comfy shoes because I knew I had to walk a lot. Anyway, I left home feeling confident and pretty awesome about me and my lovely pants. I walked for about 10 minutes, till I reached the crosswalk and had to wait for the light to turn green. I crossed and as I reached the opposite side of the intersection, BAM! My feet stumbled over the ground and I went down, with a solid WHUMP – right on my knees, much to the delight of some passerbys (judging by the lovely stares and giggles). Of course my knees swelled up and I wrenched my arm and I felt super embarassed but the worse part was ripping my pants. So sad. So so sad. Devastating. Catastrophic. Anyway, somehow I managed to get up, I called my friend Olivia who i was supposed to meet, and I decided to go back home and get changed. I wasn’t very sure I still wanted to go but I cleaned the wounds and I started to rummage through my closet for something to wear. I then quickly got dressed in these thrifted Levi’s jeans and some other shoes and I left. Of course I was late. Of course I started to complain to Olivia about my pants as soon as I arrived and somehow, she seemed more concerned about my health than my pants. I really don’t understand this girl. At all.
Ok, you can laugh now.

RO: Gata tati. Sunt acasa, am cablu, am poze, am material. Sa inceapa dezmatul :>
Deci. Primesc invitatie de la IL PASSO pentru evenimentul de lansare al colectiei primavara/vara. De vreo saptamana in sabii ma taiam si-n lupta ma luptam cu o raceala crancena, astfel ca dispozitia si cheful meu spre a onora invitatia batea spre zero. Decid totusi sa ma duc. Cu vreo ora inainte incep sa ma imbrac si iau pe mine pantalonii astia. Ma incalt cu niste chestii cu toc mic, nu ma complic stiind ca am ceva de mers. Plec de acasa incantata, vesela, simtindu-ma fabulos in pantalonii aia, am ochelarii pe nas si geanta pe umar. Calc normal, nu ma grabesc, barbia paralela cu asfaltul, privesc in fata. Ajung la trecerea de pietoni, undeva intr-un loc foarte aglomerat, la o ditai intersectia plina de oameni si masini. Astept la semafor, se face verde si trec. Merg frumos, traversez…ajung pe partea cealalta…si BUF! Intr-o fractiune de secunda se duce dracului tot mersul meu, toata divenia, toata orice si se trezeste Andreea cu picioarele impleticite, facand love cu gropile din trotuar si stand up comedy cu trecatorii amuzati care e posibil sa-mi fii facut si poze in acel epic moment. Cumva cand am cazut, am aterizat in genunchi si mi-am lasat restul greutatii pe mana stanga, care este acum luxata. Genunchii erau plini de sange iar acum sunt umflati, multumesc frumos. Si totusi…bun. Am cazut ca dracu, m-am lovit, m-am facut de ras, bine bine, dar problema cea mare e ca pantalonii mei sunt PA. Au ditai gaurile in genunchi si din cate am inteles de la specialistele in ale croitoriei, nu exista leac. Ceea ce e mai mult decat dramatic iar catastrofal e prea putin spus.
Sa revenim. Ma ridic:> Abia merg, ma dor picioarele si mana, dar o sun pe Olivia sa o anunt ce boacana am facut si ca nu stiu daca mai ajung. Din fericire nu eram foarte departe de casa, asa ca o iau usurel inapoi si ma intorc spre barlog. Rascolesc disperata in dulap dupa ceva de imbracat (i-am spus eu maica mii ca e cazul sa mai imi ia si mie ceva de imbracat ca n-am haine, dar nu ma crede), evident ca nu gasesc nimic, incep sa ma crizez si decid sa nu mai plec. Nu, ba plec. Curat superficial ranile din genunchi, trag repede pe mine levisii de 0,50 bani din sh, ma incalt cu altceva si o tai. Intarzii dar ajung pana la urma, ma intalnesc cu Olivia si incep sa vociferez de pantaloni. Nu pricep de ce dar ea parea mai ingrjorata daca-s eu intreaga. N-o inteleg si cred ca nici ea gravitatea situatiei. PANTALONII!!!! Lasa-ma dracu pe mine!!!
Gata, v-am informat. Pana la urma m-am dus imbracata cum vedeti in pozele astea.

P.S. Sper ca nu va asteptati sa va povestesc de eveniment, mi s-a parut mai important sa ma fac de ras si aici. Pupicios.

Alzheimer is my middle name

(Zara pants and booties, Kenvelo jacket, New look t-shirt and no name bag)

EN: Last week I did something stupid (ok people, at least pretend that you’re shocked). Well, I do stupid things all the time but, the thing is that last week I forgot my usb cable for my camera in my hometown. This photo is something I forgot to post. You know, the cable that connects my digital camera to my computer so I can dowload the pictures onto my computer and show you guys…stuff that keeps this blog alive? Yep, that one.
Applause please. Thank you, thank you. Feel free to put my face on some Alzheimer pills bottle.
To be continued.

RO: Saptamana trecuta am facut o prostie. Ma rog, am mai facut cateva intre timp (despre care urmeaza sa va povestesc intr-un viitor apropiat) dar ideea este ca mi-am uitat cablul de descarcare al aparatului foto la Buzau, si de vreo saptamana, de cand n-am mai plecat din Bucuresti, stau cu aparatul plin de poze si nu pot sa va arat nimic:> Asta e relativ veche, am uitat sa o postez.
Aplauze va rog. Multumesc, multumesc. Iar daca doreste cineva sa-mi puna poza pe un flacon de medicamente pentru Alzheimer, feel free to do it.
Cele care aveti facebook, ati vazut probabil ca circula acolo niste poze de la evenimentul IL PASSO. Am fost si eu (desi dupa minunatia pe care am facut-o, era sa nu mai ajung) si am poze sa va arat. Plus o scurta povestire despre, probabil, cel mai penibil moment din viata mea. Urmeaza:> Secolul asta sper.

Hardcore, baby.






(River Island skirt, Zara booties, C&A bag, Kenvelo jacket, Asos watch, H&M sunnies, vintage and no name)

EN: I have a few friends.
And we’re all in our early 20’s.
And we like coffee and music and dancing and clothes and boys.
And we hang out.
And we’re usually unable to realize we’re not in kindergarten anymore.
But in our defense, we wouldn’t want it any other way.
Cause life is good just the way it is.
And we should be grateful for what we have.
And i should probably cut the crap.
Ok people, bye now. Have a nice weekend!

RO: Am cateva prietene.
Si suntem cam toate pe la un 20 si ceva de ani.
Si ne place cafeaua si muzica si dansul si hainele si baietii.
Si iesim impreuna.
Si de obicei cand o facem, avem dificultati in a ne da seama ca am depasit gradinita (nu de mult, anul trecut doar).
Dar in apararea noastra, nici n-am vrea sa fie altfel.
Fiindca viata e frumoasa asa cum e.
Si ar trebui sa fim recunoscatori pentru ce avem.
Iar eu ar trebui sa termin cu debitatul de tampenii.
Gata. Bine pa. Weekend placut!

Color blocking. Encore une fois.






EN: One thing that annoys me about fashion is the idea of trends. More specifically, how unfashionable we are if we choose to wear things that are “so last season”. Say what? If it looks good and feels good, why the heck would you give that up?!?
Having said that and despite the (quite lovely) amount of pastels taking over clothes stores, I’m still crazy about color blocking and neon colors.
If you remember, I’ve showed this blouse to you before and told you back then that it used to be a hideous dress. I loved the fabric, but not so much the large, frumpy, shape so I decided to get rid of the skirt and only keep the upper part.
Worn here with River Island pants, a Mango bag, no name wedges and necklace, vintage Givenchy earrings and H&M sunnies.

RO: O chestie care ma seaca pe mine cu privire la “feshan” e ideea de trenduri. Mai precis, cum isi dau unii ochii peste cap, daca, doamne fereste, se intampla sa porti ceva din sezonul trecut. N-am inteles treaba asta nici pana in ziua de azi. Daca iti vine bine si te face sa te simti bine, de ce naiba ai renunta la asta? Doar pentru ca “nu se mai poarta”?
Acum ca mi-am spus parerea (stiu ca mureati sa o aflati, nu puteam sa va mai privez de ea), si in ciuda cantitatii (destul de delicioase as adauga) de pasteluri din magazine, ma declar inca topita dupa color blocking si culori neon.
Daca va aduceti aminte, v-am mai aratat bluza asta mai de mult, intr-o postare cu noutati. Va spuneam atunci ca la origini ea a fost de fapt o rochie. Si inca una hidoasa. Lalaie si fara forma, pe care am decis s-o ciopartesc si sa pastrez doar partea de sus.
Purtata aici cu pantaloni River Island, geanta Mango, pantofi si colier no name, cercei vintage Givenchy si ochelari de soare H&M.



EN: Yes people, I know that the pain of not knowing what I do on a daily and hourly basis must be excruciating, and because I like you and I want to ease your pain, I thought I would bring you an extra post about my very (un)glamorous life. Very generous of me, I know. So here goes some late Sunday rambling:

RO: Da dragelor, sunt constienta ca probabil va tavaliti in chinuri ca nu stiti toate detaliile neinteresante ale vietii mele de zi cu zi (foarte neglamoroasa de altfel). Si tocmai pentru ca sunt constienta si pentru ca imi place de voi, m-am gandit sa va alin putin suferinta cu o postare mai neobisnuita decat ce fac in general. Ziceti voi ca nu sunt eu Mother Teresa in persoana.
Sa purcedem asadar:


My mom’s hyacinths have finally flowered! We have a lot of flowers in our yard that not only look beautiful when they are in full bloom but they smell lovely too. My brothe picked these ones for me…

In sfarsit au inflorit si zambilele maica mii. Ma tot uitam cu jind la florariile pline de zambile, narcise si lalele si ma ofticam gandindu-ma ca si noi am avea curtea plina de flori daca s-ar duce dracului odata frigul asta si s-ar incalzi! Eh, au aparut in sfarsit. Mai dureaza pana ies si celelalte flori dar ma bucura mult sa le avem si p’astea.Miros foarte puternic, nu ca alea de la florarie…Astea le-a cules frate miu pentru mine.


Granny’s delicious charlotte. I could eat endless amounts of that!

Sarlota facuta de bunica. Absolut delicioasa si adictiva, as manCA CAntitati industriale din asta!


I believe this is called compulsive shopping. Completely “harmless”.

Cred ca asta se numeste shopping compulsiv. Ce? E total “inofensiv”.


Mint shoes and ripped jeans

Pantofi de culoare verde menta si jeansi rupti


My friend’s pretty necklace

Colierul fain al prietenei mele


Me in an H&M dressing room…

Eu arzand-o diva in cabina de proba la H&M…


I tried on this gorgeous peplum top and…of course I loved it and I bought it. Along with the pearls necklace. Both from H&M.

Am probat topul asta cu peplum (v-am zis ca-s obsedata) si…normal ca mi-a placut la nebunie si a trebuit sa-l cumpar. Am mai luat si colierul acesta cu perle, ambele de la H&M.


I also tried on this amazing dress…It was the last one but unfortunately a size too small for me. I usually wear an S and this one was an XS. It fit me quite nicely around my waist and the hips weren’t a problem at all (due to the full cut) but it was super tight around the bust and armpits, so I had to leave the shop without it.

Tot acolo, am mai probat si rochia asta frumoasa…M-am ofticat ca era ultima si din pacate, cu o marime mai mica decat ce-mi trebuia mie. Port in general S iar asta era XS. Si venea bine ea in talie, la solduri nu era problema avand croiala aceea “larga” dar ma strangea la subrate si…cum sa zic. Ma turtea, poftim, in zona pieptului. Din cauza asta n-am luat-o.


A reworked Dior skirt that I recently wore…

O fusta Dior modificata pe care am purtat-o recent…


No name gold necklace

Un colier no name


Green smoothie. I know it looks gross, but trust me, it’s D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!

Smoothie verde. Da, stiu ca arata scarbos si probabil va da senzatia ca si gustul e la fel, dar pe cuvant ca e absolut D-E-L-I-C-I-O-S! Am inceput sa beau din ce in ce mai multe chestii de genul asta daca tot au iesit verziturile pe piata, iar cel din poza asta, l-am facut foarte dulce (fara zahar adaugat). Nu l-as fi baut altfel.


Gorgeous pearl detailing on a thrifted vest I recently bought

Detalii superbe din perlute cusute pe o vesta gasita recent intr-un sh


And speaking of thrifting, this Laurel by Escada jacket is the best purchase I made this month. The gold buttons and detailing remind me of vintage Versace and at first, before checking out the label, that’s what I thought it was! It’s a bit big for me, but I love it so much!

Si vorbind de sh, cred ca vesta asta Laurel by Escada e cea mai tare achizitie facuta luna asta. Initial cand am vazut-o pe umeras, inainte sa verific eticheta, am zis ca trebuie sa fie o ceva vintage Versace, asa parea! Imi este putin mare dar tot imi place enorm!


Bold earrings and a pink headscarf

Cercei mari si o esarfa roz


A thrifted choker

Un colier thriftuit


Pretty prints I pulled out of the closet today…Mainly skirts and dresses I can’t wait to wear again!

Vremea nu tine cu mine dar am scos totusi din dulapuri hainele de primavara, fuste si rochii cu imprimeuri in special pe care abia astept sa le port din nou!


Old teapot from my granny that I use to to hold my flower bouquets.

Un ceainic vechi gasit si sutit din barul bunicii pentru a-mi servi drept vaza.

Cam astea. Iar acum in incheiere, e duminica si stiu ca am promis ca astazi voi alege castigatoarea giveawayului TinaR. Mi-a fost destul de greu sa aleg o castigatoare, toate ati avut perspective interesante:) Asadar, va multumesc tuturor pentru participare iar castigator este comentariul cu numarul 3, Tams. Felicitari! Scrie-mi pe adresa pentru a-ti da detaliile cu privire la premiu.


D’Artagnan. Andreea D’Artagnan



(Stradivarius boots, vintage Etro skirt, no name top, Kenvelo leather jacket, H&M sunnies, C&A bag, no name, Stradivarius and New Yorker jewellery)

EN: Every single time I wear these boots, someone asks me if I am a musketeer or a pirate. And today was no exception, that’s certain. Anyway, since the beginning of March I have been hoping that I won’t be wearing boots anytime soon but it’s so cold outside that it can barely be called spring. It feels more like autumn…And I hate it.
70°F, is that too much to ask?!? And some sandals would be nice.

And I can’t belive it’s already March 31st and Easter is so close! Excited? I am.

RO: Fara exceptie, de cate ori am purtat cizmele astea, s-a gasit cate unul sa ma intrebe daca nu cumva sunt un pirat sau muschetar. Ceea ce e foarte amuzant, mai aveam putin si ma tavaleam pe jos de asa gluma buna.
Trecand peste, eu chiar traiam cu iluzia ca am terminat cu cizmele daca tot e Martie si se presupune ca a venit primavara… A venit pe dracu ca-i un frig afara de zici ca se apropie toamna.
20 de grade fara vant, cer cumva imposibilul?!? Plus niste sandale daca se poate.

Deja e 31 Martie, in 2 saptamani vine Pastele. Entuziasmate? Eu sunt.

Ah, si cred ca o iau razna cu totul daca mai aud o data aia cu ai se eu te pego. Sa moara ai se eu te pego. Sa moara in chinuri.







(vintage Lanvin blazer, River Island skirt, no name boots, H&M sunnies, ring and leaves bracelet, Asos watch, no name earring, necklace and belt)

High waisted pencil skirt? Checked

Peplum? Checked

6 inch heels? Checked

Golden jewellery? Checked

Cat eye sunnies? Checked

Vintage? Checked

I’m kinda digging all of the things above lately so this outfit really sums up my current obsessions nicely!

Looking for Something?