Sunflowers & lavender

(thrifted dress, no name sandals and bag, vintage Escada belt, H&M rings and vintage earrings)
EN: “Here is everything I know about France: Madeline and Amelie and Moulin Rouge. The Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe, although I have no idea what the function of either actually is. Napoleon, Marie Antoinette, and a lot of kings named Louis. I’m not sure what they did either, but I think it has something to do with the French Revolution, which has something to do with Bastille Day. The art museum is called the Louvre and it’s shaped like a pyramid and the Mona Lisa lives there along with that statue of the women missing her arms. And there are cafes and bistros or whatever they call them on every street corner. And mimes. The food is supposed to be good, and the people drink a lot of wine and smoke a lot of cigarettes.
I’ve heard they don’t like Americans, and they don’t like white sneakers.”
Stephanie Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss
So I’ve wanted to visit France for as long as I can remember but I’ve never been there. I have never seen Paris, I have never visited Versailles, I have only seen the Eiffel Tower in pictures and everything I know about Musée du Louvre I learned from stories. In fact, the closest I’ve been to Paris is walking through Paris Street, Bucharest, Romania.
Would love to visit…But what I would especially want to see are the Lavender fields in Provence, France.

Take long walks through endless fields of bright purple and delicate mauve, absorb their sight and smell their aroma. What a treat! And while I haven’t been lucky enough to make that a reality yet, I take whatever I can get. Whether that be a simple bunch of dried lavender, a lavender perfume or a huge field of sunflowers that makes me think about the southern part of France…
RO: N-am fost niciodata in Franta.
Eiffel ul il stiu din povestiri, Luvrul din poze iar castelele de pe valea Loirei le-am intalnit la ora de franceza dintr-a 6a. Am niste Chanel in dulap, am si Dior, am si Lanvin, toate evident pescuite din second handuri. Imi place Charles Aznavour, Amelie, mai am si niste vederi, carti, si-am avut parfumuri frantuzesti (d’alea pe bune, nu luate de la băeţi). Si mai am si-o cana mare, adusa de la Disneylandul din Paris.
La Paris insa am fost.
 In sectorul 1, pe strada Paris din Bucuresti.
Am un regret totusi ca n-am apucat sa vad turnul…L-am intrebat pe Chiliman, a zis ca nu e gata. Sa mai stau.
Trecand insa peste apropierea mea vadit nula fata de Franta, ar mai fi o chestie la care am bucurii, pe langa cele de mai sus. Campurile de lavanda. N-am vazut niciodata, nici nu stiu sa existe pe la noi, dar mi-ar place grozav sa am asa ceva in fata ochilor! Sa vad, sa pipai, sa miros, sa ma plimb, sa zac tolanita acolo pana ma uita Ăl de sus.
Si m-as imbraca asa. Ca-n pozele astea.
(Cine are senzatia ca sunt undeva la dracu-n praznic, pe-un drum de tara, la şutit de floare a soarelui, galbena, producatoare de samanta, nu vede bine. In realitate, aia e lavanda mov, eu o ard prin Provence iar rochia-mbulinata e YSL. Scris cu markeru’ pe eticheta)

Florals? For spring? Ground breaking.

(Miso shirt, Topshop skirt, River Island shoes, Oasap bag, no name earrings and headband, H&M bracelets)
EN: Because I’m pretty sure i’ll be melting soon if the temperatures continue to rise, I’m trying to dress as lightly as I possibly can. So I’ve basically been living in shorts and skirts and cropped tees lately, as I find it unbearable to wear anything else (oh, how I miss you, vintage blazers!)
Bought this cropped top a few months ago and had to wait for summer to wear it-how frustrating. He was practically begging me to take him home at $10 and I just couldn’t have said no. A refuse would have been rude.
Not to mention his feelings!
Very thoughtful of me, indeed.
I decided to pair it with pink and gold accessories and this floral Topshop skirt that I haven’t worn since last summer I think. How fast has it gone?!?!
RO: E un 8 fara 10 seara, zac in curte cu picioarele intinse pe o buturuga si laptopul in brate si ma gandesc ce sa scriu pentru maine (pentru voi astazi, 9 iulie). Am in jurul meu 2 catei grasi si cateva muste asezate pe rana din genunchi, o cana de ness si prea putina inspiratie.
Sa incerc…
Decisesem cu ceva timp in urma ca voi renunta la postarile in romana, din motive mai mult sau mai putin obiective pe care nu le voi detalia acum. Ca idee insa (si nu pentru ca as simti neaparat nevoia unei justificari), “problema” cu textul in limba materna se contureaza in jurul notiunii de vulnerabilitate. Pentru ca romana imi permite sa ma exprim sau sa expun prea mult, si de cele mai multe ori o fac fara sa ma gandesc suficient la interpretari. Ca si cand as vorbi tête-à– tête cu cei care citesc, intr-un demers spontan pentru dialog, privat de cosmetizari si inflorituri telenovelistice/filosofice/”sa dea bine la snobi”/”sa iasa likeu’ pe facebook” si exemplele pot continua. Adevarul e ca nu stiu de ce am inceput sa scriu si textul in romaneste (pentru cele care ma urmariti de la inceputuri, stiti probabil ca publicam doar in engleza atunci). Cred ca mi s-a parut firesc sa scriu si in limba materna din 2 motive: 1 ca am o vaga suspiciune cum ca nu ne bubuie tuturor capul de Oxford (desi o ardem cel putin la nivel de britiş, neam cu Henric si Elisabeta pistruiata si roscata) si 2, sunt unele lucruri pe care nu le pot exprima in engleza. Asa cum sunt unele lucruri pe care nu le pot exprima in romaneste. Si daca ati observat (pentru cine avea rabdarea sa le citeasca pe amandoua-atat ce scriam in RO: cat si ce scriam in EN: ), se intampla des sa fie omise propozitii, fraze sau texte intregi din unul sau celalalt text. Uneori se completau iar alteori cand simteam ca n-am suficient aplomb de batut campii sau scris ceva coerent, publicam numai unul.
Ca sa revin de unde am plecat, vroiam sa raman la un singur text. Voi incepe sa le public din nou (cu diverse ajustari si nu permanent) pentru ca mi-am dat seama ca renuntarea completa e o greseala. Plus de asta, e mai distractiv si pentru mine.
Multumesc din nou celor care mi-ati scris/intrebat/cerut aici/pe facebook/mail sa le reiau.
Acuma…treaba e ca habar n-am ce sa zic de poze. Pe langa ceea ce e evident, si anume ca dau senzatia ca divinizez paharu’ ala, chiar si gol. Adevarul e ca s-a dovedit foarte util pe caldurile alea, undeva in jurul pranzului, cand multa lume zdravana la cap lua in calcul insolatia si nu iesea pe strada. Eu insa, descendentă de Cati Teodoroiu, m-am avantat in lupta. Si nu oricum, ci acompaniata de un frate schingiuit de plictiseala. L-am tarat prin cabine de proba, el mi-a aratat mingii, manusi si volane, ne-am holbat si invartit timp de cateva ore, am reusit sa facem poze si ne-am intors acasa oftand. Eu ca-mi veneau ca naiba niste pantaloni, el ca n-a gasit nu stiu ce drac de pompa. Deh, fiecare cu piticii lui.
Cu tinuta, vedeti mai sus.

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder

I truly believe that by surrounding ourselves with beauty, whether it is beautiful objects, beautiful people or beautiful music, we enrich and enhance the quality of our lives.
Beauty, we have heard so many times, lies in the eye of the beholder. Whether visual, auditory, sensory or tactile, we all enjoy filling our seemingly ordinary days with things that make us happy and improve our mood: it may be a big bouquet of fresh flowers, a photo, a gorgeous dress, a beautiful song, a bubble bath or any pretty little things that contribute to our happiness.
For me, (because I obviously love fashion) I surround myself with clothes and accessories that I find attractive, but I also have a soft spot for beautiful environments and interior design. A pretty wall paper, some nice soft pillows, bowls of flowers, books, lamps or candles, they all seem insignificant while in the moment, but they truly add up to my idea of happiness in terms of living.
Speaking of which, here are some of the images I’d use for inspiration if I were to build my dream house today:


Bra, bra, ooh, la, la, Want your bad romance

(vintage Valentino skirt, no name bralet, Steve Madden shoes, River Island hat, no name bag and necklace, Stradivarius cuffs)

I’ve always fancied the idea of showing a small sliver of stomach from under my tops but this year, after seeing the Dolce & Gabbana Spring/Summer 2012 collection (definitely one of my favorites of the season), I was completely hooked on bralets and cropped tops!
I’m slowly but surely developing a collection and just like Domenico and Stefano, I love pairing my midriff-baring bra tops with full skirts! This skirt I’m wearing was one of my best vintage finds ever, of which I’m quite proud, might I add (I know how superficial and shallow it sounds, but hear me out). It’s a vintage Valentino midi pleated number that I bought a while ago from a local thrift shop. Got it altered, changed the elastic, paired it with a colorful bralet and some quirky accessories and bish, bash, bosh, outfit sorted!
Ok, gonna go apply some MORE aloe vera on my red, sunburned back, shoulders and legs and hopefully tonight I’ll get some much needed sleep.
Pray for me, people.
Happy weekend!

The things I do for love shoes…

Yes, your eyes aren’t deceiving you, those are actual flats on my feet.
(Topshop shorts, no name t-shirt and bag, New Yorker espadrilles and sunnies, Stradivarius watch and thrifted hat)

As you probably know, I’m a high heels kinda gal, I love towering shoes (towering as in…teetering on the brink of insanity), I collect them and I wear them almost daily. However, after a few hours, most of my 6 inch babies are killers and when this happens, the next day I inevitably end up wearing some sort of shoes that don’t have a heel and are gentle with my many blisters. Pretty? No. Comfortable? Yes.
So now that you know about me at my most masochistic, let me tell you that I bought these blue tropical print espadrilles on sale last week for under 4 bucks! Not bad for a sad little flimsy sole shoe without heel, eh?
Paired them with warm weather friendly clothing and opted for a casual look today: maximum comfort and an easy fit were my main priorities, after struggling to breathe in the scorching heat and resist to a nagging mother…
Not sure which one is worse.
P.S. for my romanian readers only:  
Multumiri din coracon celor care mi-ati scris cu privire la textul in romana! 
Saptamana viitoare cel tarziu promit sa prestez scriptura in dulcele grai neaos.

Oh baby

x (1)
x (2)
x (3)
x (4)
x (5)
(H&M dress, Zara sandals, New Yorker watch, H&M ring, no name earrings and hat)

I know I’ve mentioned it a million times on Facebook but I’m really, really enamored, passionately enamored with this dress!
I fell in love with it the minute I opened the H&M website; it was impossible not to to, the lure of the powder blue color, the full skirt and the back zipper were just too much.

Take a bow


Yeeeeey for awkward poses
(La Chatterie top, Topshop shorts, Oasap bag, River Island shoes, H&M sunnies, ring and bracelets, New Yorker watch and vintage earrings)

For those of you who watch Mad Men-do you remember that episode in the fourth series, when Roger Sterling suggests to Joan that she should wear „that red dress, the one with the bow on the back, that makes you look like a present” for the Christmas party?
Well, I don’t know what would Roger say about me, but I too, have been told that I look like a present in this blouse!
I wore it a few days ago and felt so cutesy and little-girl in it! It was pretty hot and sunny outside so the pictures didn’t turned out how I expected, especially because I initially wanted to be photographed in another location and of course, I couldn’t do that because people were staring like it was some sort of spectacle.
Anyway, I’m also wearing this blue Oasap bag, very roomy and light considering it’s made of thick fabric. I absolutely adore the color, the gold zippers really add some personality to this bag and at $60, it doesn’t break the bank either!
In other non-fashion unimportant matters, I think I’m going to spend my weekend in a beach chair soaking up the sun by the pool, with a cold drink in hand. Hope the weather will cooperate!

What are your plans for this weekend?

What to wear to a summer wedding

If your summer looks anything like mine, chances are your social calendar includes quite a bit more than enjoying the warm temperatures while grilling up some burgers with your friends in your backyard.
Yep, it’s that time of the year again when wedding invitations start pouring into mailboxes, and with it comes the eternal dilemma: What to wear?!?
Whether you’re headed to a fancy black tie event or a breezy beach wedding, figuring out what to wear as a guest can be more confusing than entertaining, as weddings these days are as much a fashion moment as any other. Not too white, not too informal, not too sexy, arghhhhh, there are so many rules that my head hurts! So to keep yours healthy and as stress-free as possible (very generous of me, I know), I’ve scouted ahead and put pogether a list of 6 gorgeous, weather friendly frocks so you can make your very own special statement without outshining the bride. 
The best part?
I don’t know about you, but none of the dresses I have worn in a wedding have ever been worn again. Not the case with these chic options! These beautiful dresses could easily be incorporated into your everyday attire, even if you weren’t attending a wedding!
Without further ado, I chose These Coast dresses from House of Fraser:

summer wedding

1. Azuren dress, £ 145.00
2. Alfresco Ruched Dress, £ 135.00
3. Olivia Jersey Dress, £ 55.00
4. Zeta Dress, £ 75.00
5. Rayna Dress, £ 55.00
6. Beverley Dress, £ 145.00
They are all perfect for dressing up in celebration of such happy occasions, they are fun, feminine and flattering, and they take second place only to the bridal gown. Just add some fancy pumps, a beautiful sequined or allover beaded clutch and you’re good to go! Optional, you could polish off your outfit with a beautiful jewellery piece, such as a choker-style necklace or some eye-catching earrings.

Spotted: one feline strutting


At the risk of becoming overly cliché, this is me again declaring my love for leopard print. No matter the pattern or color, for me, animal print remains always in vogue for a touch of everyday exotic.
I bought this dress last winter, on a whim (shocking isn’t it?), as I simply fell head over heels for it; my heart started racing, I lost all sense of reason and I had to take it home with me! 
Worn with Zara shoes and bag, vintage YSL heart brooch, H&M earrings and ring. 

All dolled up

(Asos dress, Zara shoes, no name necklace, vintage belt, H&M ring and vintage Givenchy earrings)

Wore this to a birthday party last weekend, after spending hours deciding on what to wear. As usual, I was the most overdressed person there, but hey, at least I wasn’t the 30 years old guy with fiery red shoes, haha! What a relief!
As you probably know, I’m all for silhouette hugging dresses so I wore this pretty pink number that I’ve had in my closet for a while, waiting patiently on the hanger to be shown. It was an impulse buy from ASOS, after actively avoiding shopping for…4 days?(be proud, people) that proved to be quite handy for surviving in the scorching heat!
Once again, happy birthday D! Love you lots 🙂


(thrifted pants and top, Miu Miu shoes, H&M bracelet, sunnies and ring, vintage YSL bag)
I think every girl needs to have a statement piece in her closet that makes her feel fabulous from the moment she puts it on. Whether a colorful dress, a bold necklace, a vintage scarf or an amazing bag, these over-the-top pieces should really standout and makes passersby on the street turn their head when you walk by.
For me, statement rhymes with gold, gold, gold (funny how I used to hate anything gold as a teenager and how now I’ve come to really love it). It’s usually my jewellery or shoes that spice up my outfits but I’m also very fond of a few other pieces of clothing when it comes to adding an “oomph” to my looks. One of those pieces is this glittery top that, believe it or not, was thrifted for 4$! (This reminds me I haven’t been thrifting in a while…so sad)
I love how incredibly shiny it is and how it makes me glow and feel good about myself every time I wear it! Clothes should do that.
And scientists should study the effect of wearing glittery clothing in correlation to cheerfulness and being happy, because I bet that they are linked!

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