
So here is part I of my weekend photos…
Fagaras Castle, a military fortress and residence of the Princes of Transylvania
(Transylvania? Dracula, the blood sucker, boo? Ringing a bell? Well, not his castle this one but close enough)
Not a beer drinker myself but someone likes to make fun of me. Ha. Ha. Ha.
For the most part, I ate and drank only (extremely delicious) junk food and this yummy ice-cream frappe was particularly good…
The castle was surrounded by a lake populated by these beautiful swans. They were so pretty and surprisingly friendly! I had to take their picture. Or 30 of them.
Yep, I received got that Zara necklace that everybody seems to have. Absolutely beautiful but a bit too expensive I have to say…
(River Island skirt, thrifted sweater, Zara booties and necklace, New Yorker bag, River Island bracelets)

As for my outfit, this is what I wore the first night. I was starving to death so we first went to grab dinner and afterwards for sightseeing. A relatively empty city, very quiet and relaxing, just as I like it.
I decided to only pack comfortable, versatile pieces that I can interchange without too much effort so
I took with me just this pair of booties (can you believe it?!? Me neither). I paired it here with a River Island skirt (remember the pink version? I loved it so much that I bought this white one as well), a thick, comfy jumper I thrifted last year-to keep me warm, my new bag and some pretty jewellery.
Good enough for me.

RO: V-am amenintat in postarea trecuta cu niste poze : iata-le! Asta e doar prima parte, mai am vreo 3 serii pe care urmeaza sa le uploadez zilele urmatoare dar am zis sa le iau cronologic.
Asadar, am ajuns in Fagaras vineri dupa amiaza (stiati ca e oras? Posibil sa fiu doar eu varza dar traiam cu senzatia ca e doar o chestie din jurul Brasovului, nu ca ar fi fost declarat oras-shame on me), fara prea multe traiste dar obosita moarta dupa multe ore de drum cu plecare din Bucuresti, NU din Buzau. Deci timp suplimentar pierdut pe drumuri :>
Anyway, cazare, despachetat, zacut un pic, si abia seara am mers sa cautam ceva de mancare, cu toate ca eram lihnita. Nestiind orasul si mergand fara directie, ne-am foit dintr-un capat in altul in cautarea unei pizzerii, un pub, o bodega, un local dracului ceva unde sa se poate manca, pentru a descoperi ca era o pizzerie chiar la 2 minute de hotel. Superb.
Orasul nu e cine stie ce-nu sunt prea multe de facut afara de vizitat cetatea si cateva manastiri, dar e linistit iar aerul e rece si curat. Pentru cineva ca mine care se fereste de aglomeratie, a fost placut 🙂
Am baut treburi d’alea verzi si rosii, nu stiu cum le zice (poza 3 si 8), pline de chimicale banuiesc-ca de altfel cam 80% din ce am mancat iar de imbracat, cum va spuneam, am plecat doar cu ce a incaput in geanta aia de o am pe umar si botinele din picioare. O sa le vedeti si in postarile ce urmeaza.
Purtate aici cu o fusta de la River Island (va aduceti aminte de asta ? E la fel, doar ca pe alb), un pulover gros pescuit anul trecut dintr-un second, geanta noua si nelipsitele gablonturi.
Comod si suficient de chic pentru mine.

Couldn’t have been better

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Mine couldn’t have been better- took a trip to the mountains, had lots of fun, enjoyed way too much food and spent time with someone veeeery special to me. Haven’t finished processing the photos yet, so I’ll probably show them to you in the next couple of days…
For the time being, here are some pics from last week. I wore this to run errands and do some shopping with my friend; animal prints all over the place, very loud and bold, bla, bla, bla, yes I know, but I love it!

(vintage Hermes shirt, no name pants, River Island sandals, vintage bag and sunnies, H&M ring, no name bracelet and earrings)
Speaking of shopping, here are some of my recent purchases…
(New Yorker bag/ Elle t-shirt/ Sheer Beauty perfume by Calvin Klein)
(No name printed tops and River Island coin purse)
(Asos floral top, River Island earrings/River Island floral skirt, River Island bracelets)
What’s this? Oh could it be?

Why yes it is. Once again, I bought a cropped top! Amazing detail…isn’t it?
Bought it from River Island.
(River Island shirt and bracelet)
(New Yorker polka dots top/ River Island pleated skirt)

RO: Scriam mai sus ca mi-am petrecut weekendul undeva in munti, departe de oras. Am fost aproape de Brasov (nu, nu in statiunile rasuflate, arhipopulate si manelizate), ci undeva inspre Fagaras, zona mai putin aglomerata. N-am avut acces la net zilele acestea (ha! Bine ca n-am luat laptopul cu mine, facebook mai imi trebuia acolo), ba chiar am si uitat de telefon. M-am intors seara trecuta, cu multe poze sa va arat, dar n-am apucat inca sa le descarc si sa ma ocup de procesarea lor cum trebuie. Maine sau poimaine sper sa postez o prima parte, am o groaza de tampenii pozate…
Imaginile de fata sunt de saptamana trecuta. Am fost la cumparaturi imbracata asa-mi-am luat atunci geanta din prima poza si aproape tot ce vedeti imprimat din haine. Foarte mare papornita, dar am obiceiul de a cumpara astfel de genti incapatoare, in care, daca e cazul, sa poata intra si chiuveta de bucatarie. S-a dovedit utila totusi (tananananaaaaa, am avut bagaj doar geanta asta! Socant, da)
Restul de gablonturi si textilele imprimate sunt (desigur) luate de pe River Island. La fel si bustiera aceea alba cu detalii superbe.
Cam toamna totusi…
Nu-i bai, vine ea vara.
Mai e putin.


Long time no see, huh?
Sorry for my absence people but in my defense, I’ve been reaaaaally busy studying for an exam I took yesterday morning. Can’t even put into words how good it feels to be stress free after the busy busy busy week I’ve had! Thank god that’s all over now and things are starting to return to normal…
(River Island dress, Topshop vest, Giuseppe Zanotti sandals, no name bag)

So currently I’m very much into:
-layering-not just in my clothing choices but also when it comes to jewellery; which leads me to my next point:
– arm candy-I’ve been buying more bracelets lately than ever before and right now I’m on the search for the perfect [gold, oversized] watch. Suggestions anyone?
– prints, prints, prints and more prints!
-autumn/winter-I’m super excited about this new season, so many new trends I want to try!

RO: Gata, am scapat. Am fost ieri la Bucuresti pentru examenul de care va spuneam saptamana trecuta (examen urmat de cascat gura prin magazine) si, cu bucurie afirm ca la momentul asta sunt un om liber. Profit cat mai pot de ultimele zile de vacanta, nu mai e nici o luna si ma intorc in capitala pentru un nou an universitar…
Ce-am facut zilele astea? In principiu nimic. Afara de vegetat cu foi si carti in mana. N-am avut poze sa va arat si sa fiu sincera, numai la blog nu mi-a stat capul… Pe de alta parte, wishlistul ala tot creste si creste-am vazut ziua trecuta o groaza de nebunii prin magazinele pe care le-am colindat!
Pozele nu sunt de ieri-evident ca nu m-am dus asa la examen, si evident ca aveam pantaloni scurti pe sub rochita aia:P. Am purtat aici o tunica de la River Island (ma rog, rochie pentru cineva de dimensiunea mea anti Karlie Kloss) pe care am de gand s-o mixez si remixez toamna asta cu mai multe straturi decat imi permite acum vremea, vesta mea drapata de acum cateva sezoane de la Topshop, tona de zurgalai la maini (a se citi bratari), si alte trebuincioase gen incaltari. Frigea asflatul, nu de alta.

September 1st

(Zara dress, no name sandals and necklace, New Yorker sunnies)


(Bershka skirt, no name top, Zara denim shirt, Miu Miu shoes, vintage Louis Vuitton bag, vintage Nina Ricci scarf, no name sunnies and bracelets)

EN: I was all good to go, dressed up in an entirely different outfit, but decided I had to run in and change because chances are the killer heat has left the building! And I couldn’t be more happier! All of a sudden, scarves were adequate neck coverage, eligible in August, and it was more than natural to start layering up a bit. Two tops and and a scarf at the same time, is this for real?!? I swear, I’m so jealous of those people who live in warm climates year round (warm, as in 70-85°F, not steaming hot temperatures!) and don’t have to melt every summer or freeze in the winter!
All of that aside, it’s nice to be venturing into town early in the morning (for the first time in months) and feel its calmness as you walk through the quiet streets… I spent my morning in an empty café, catching up with my best friend while indulging in big mugs of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. Yum!
RO: Absolut minunat ca saptamana viitoare pe vremea asta voi fi in examen. Ce frumos, am o restanta de dat. Sa ne bucuram!
Probabil o sa absentez ceva mai mult pana scap de minunea asta (sau cel putin nu voi fi prea vocala) dar mi-am propus ca dupa ce ma intorc sa incarc shopul cu ceva mai multe produse (va multumesc inca o data pentru interes!), majoritar incaltaminte cu preturi pornind de la 25 ron. M-am apucat deja de fotografiat o parte si la cum estimez eu, vor fi in jur de 8 perechi… Plus alte bunatati!
Cu tinuta ce sa va spun, e asa un melanj din tot soiul de lucruri: no name, vintage, designer, highstreet, second-hand, toate adunate pe baza de cromatica.
Dubios e ca n-am murit de cald. In schimb m-au killerit pantofii aia.

Andreea and Ralph

(thrifted Ralph Lauren pants, no name tops, New Look sandals, vintage scarf and belt, H&M earrings, no name, Asos and vintage bracelets)

EN: With the weather still being super hot in here in Romania, these days my outfits consist of pretty much the same old stuff: friendly hot-weather shorts, cropped tops and pants, easy-breezy dresses and sandals.
This pair of beige Ralph Lauren pants has seen quite the repeat action as of late! I thrifted them more than a year ago and I definitely wore them far more times than I photographed…. Not sure how flattering they are, but I love them just the same 🙂
I added two cropped tops, strappy sandals, and a touch of vintage for a lazy, beautiful day of summer.
RO: Cu gand de a-mi cumpara editia de septembrie a Vogue US, m-am dus zilele trecute in singurul loc unde am vazut vreodata cotor de revista straina in Buzau. M-am invartit printre rafturi vreo 5 minute, cautand cu privirea in lung si-n lat, in incercarea disperata de a ma convinge ca defapt eu am probleme de vedere si ca undeva, prin cotloanele kioskului, zace virgin un numar prafuit al revistei cu pricina. Dupa alte cateva minute, am zis s-o intreb pe duduia de la tejghea, poate-mi spune ca s-au vandut toate…Sa vezi atunci soc.
Si incepe si rade. “Nuuuuuuuuuuu, nu mai aducem Vogue de cateva luni. Nu se vinde.”
Aha…Beton zic.
Si plec, privind la Bianca zambindu-mi gales de pe o coperta. Sau 10.

100% me

(River Island skirt, thrifted t-shirt, Zara sandals, no name bag, H&M sunnies)
Happy weekend!
and please people, take into account that’s french written on my t-shirt, NOT romanian! :))
(How very observant of you, D)

Fall wishlist

Haven’t done of these in a while and since I don’t have an outfit post for today, I felt a little wish listing was in order!
So, as you probably noticed, this isn’t very me. I mean…flat boots, skinny jeans and all that black?!? Definitely not something people would classify as my colorful, quirky style, but this season I feel like I desperately need to go darker. No, not the creepy goth kind of darkness (that would be way too much for my personality), but more like a rock chick who wears leather, biker boots and spikes. Haha, funny how I used to be one of those girls in high school and now I’m longing to be one again!
Also, another thing that I really need in my life this autumn is a pair of embellished earrings and some sort of pointy shoes. So glad they are back in style, I was getting kinda tired of round toed shoes!
Anyway, so here are a few items that caught my eye lately…
Feel free to let me know what’s on your wishlist!
RO: V-am mai spus, cred, ca pentru mine listele acestea de dorinte sunt tot timpul o batalie pierduta. Se schimba de la saptamana la saptamana, au dimensiuni cosmice si in general insumeaza fix ce nu imi pot permite. Asa ca evit sa le fac. Imi place in schimb sa le citesc pe ale altora…
In orice caz, pentru ca nu am o tinuta sa va arat astazi (sau mai bine zis, n-am fotograf), m-am jucat putin intr-un colaj cu o parte dintre articolele pe care mi le doresc toamna asta: o jacheta de piele (ma intereseaza o varianta scurta, pana-n talie, de preferinta in 2 culori ca cea de aici), bocanci tip biker (ca sa nu mai fac si iarna asta in bocanci roz luciosi), un soi de skinny jeans sau ceva pantaloni de piele (nu va asteptati la asta, nu-i asa? Nici eu), un ceas si o pereche de ochelari noi, plus bratari. Multe, multe, bratari in genul aleia de mai sus.
Mai vreau pe langa astea, botine si pantofi cu botul ascutit, precum cei de la H&M de la numarul 2. De preferinta intr-o alta culoare…Pentru mine albul ala s-ar transforma in gri spre negru in maxim o saptamana.
Ar mai fi multe altele pe lista, unele de care chiar am nevoie. Un trench? O geanta noua? Eventual si-o umbrela, sa nu mai ma ploua?


(Miss Selfridge skirt, River Island top, no name sandals, C&A bag, H&M sunnies, vintage earrings, vintage and no name bracelets)
Another outfit for another very hot day in Eastern Europe! 
I swear, sometimes I think hell is cooler than this.

Pajama pants

(Raspberry pants and top, no name shirt, River Island hat, no name necklace and vintage bracelets)

EN: Inspired by Kelly, the fabulous queen of print mixing, I threw on something comfortable (read: pajama pants) along with an easy-breezy shirt and some accessories, and headed over to the town to run some errands. Despite the unbearable heat, I have to say that these pants did a great job of keeping me dry and cool in this hot summer weather!
Can’t wait to pair them with a leather jacket and some serious booties with cooler temperatures approaching!
RO: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, am dat drumul shop ului! N-am adaugat decat o parte din lucrurile pe care le am de vanzare dar magazinul va functiona permanent, ca “rubrica” de sine statatoare, indiferent ca reusesc sa vand toate produsele sau niciunul. Ideea e ca am prea multe, nu le port, imi ocupa loc degeaba si nu mi-ar strica niste bani in plus.
Asadar, urmeaza sa mai adaug produse pe parcurs…va anunt eu ce si cum de indata ce le uploadez. Pentru moment, am postat 2 perechi de incaltaminte, o gentuta, o pereche de ochelari de soare, 2 rochii, o salopeta si o fusta Escada. Preturile sunt in functie de gradul de uzura/pretul initial de achizitie/valoare/defecte iar pentru intrebari sau comenzi imi puteti scrie la andreeablb@yahoo.com. Coletele le trimit prin posta romana iar plata se va face numai in avans, pe card. Partial sau complet (cum vreti voi) din motive obiective, sper eu lesne de inteles. Transport gratuit.
Sper sa va placa!

One last time

(Asos top, vintage Cacharel pants, Jeffrey Campbell shoes, Oasap bag, no name belt, sunnies and earrings, Jewelry box bracelet)

EN: Although I told myself I won’t be buying anymore summer clothes and focus on my [huge] fall wishlist, I allowed myself one last indulgence: this Asos peplum top. It’s cute, colorful and fun and it has this big, puffy shape around the waist which I totally love! And it’s super flattering, if you ask me.
Find it here.
RO: Mi-am promis ca ma opresc din cumparaturile de vara (pantaloni scurti, rochii subtiri, sandale, bluze cropped, samd), cu atat mai mult cu cat am avut parte in ultimele zile de o vreme foarte placuta, cu miros de toamna. Speram sa dureze (de maine vine iar canicula am inteles). Mi-am permis chiar sa port un sacou (subtire ce-i drept) pentru prima data in ultimele luni si deja incepusem sa fac tot felul de combinatii in minte pentru perioada de tranzitie vara-toamna. Desigur, bat campii-sunt destul de convinsa ca va fi la fel de cald si in septembrie dupa care voi degera pana in aprilie, tanjind dupa zilele acestea…
Revenind, mi-am permis o ultima indulgenta in materie de haine subtiri: bluza aceasta cu peplum de la Asos. E simpatica si are un volum extraordinar in jurul taliei (din cauza tulleului de pe dedesubt)!
Cred ca am avut 2 obsesii majore anul asta in materie de trenduri: cropped si peplum. Pe primul l-am exploatat din plin, peplumuri insa nu prea mi-am luat cate mi-as fi dorit…Si inca tanjesc dupa o rochie. Arghhhhhhhh

Looking for Something?