My latest Oasap order

Just got my latest package from Oasap in the mail and I must say, I absolutely love what I ordered! 

As you probably noticed, I have a huge crush on anything shoulderless: tops, dresses or jackets. This dress is made from a super soft and stretchy fabric (however, it’s quite light and thin so I wouldn’t recommend it at this time of the year), it has some sort of gathering at the waist (which accentuates it), it’s cut asymmetrically and has a side zipper. All in all, it’s an ideal easy-breezy piece for every day wear or for more special occasions. And for $37.00, this fits the bill quite nicely. 

I’m not really a handbag person… 
I only have a few and I usually wear 2 or 3 of them over and over again. However, when I saw this blue suede gorgeousness, I instantly fell in love with it! The color is amazing (also available on black), it fits everything I need to carry around and has the most gorgeous gold accents! 
This is, officially, my favourite bag ever 🙂



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(no name skirt, vintage YSL sweater, Kenvelo jacket, New Yorker bag, Zara booties and necklace, H&M ring) 

Slightly older photos… because I haven’t taken any recent ones in ages. 
I’m wearing the vintage YSL sweater and the purple maxi skirt I was telling you about in this post. Actually, I’m not so sure about the maxiness of this skirt…It looked so much better on me in the dressing room! It’s supposed to be a maxi one but the length is really weird-as you can probably tell. If I wear it at my natural waist, it hits just above my ankles (which is pretty unflattering on a shortie like me), if I wear it on my hips (as seen here), I look like a dwarf. 
Meah… What do you think? 
Anyway, looking at these photos makes me want to go back in time. This bloddy weather is really messing me up (btw, guess what? It’s snowing! Again!) and I’m stuck in Bucharest for the next two or three days. 
Can’t wait to go home (in my hometown) for the holidays…



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(vintage blazer, Kenvelo skirt, Topshop booties, Asos tights, Primark bag, Bershka scarf, New Yorker hat, Oasap bracelet

EN: If there’s one thing I simply can’t get enough of, it’s vintage. Especially vintage blazers! I have quite a collection of jackets from the 70’s, the 80’s and the 90’s and I wear them whenever possible. Usually the quality is amazing, the fabrics and detailing are fabulous, but the fit is…well, unflattering and ill-fitting. However, this one I’m wearing is perfect! A bit too big across the shoulders (though I like it that way, cause it’s balancing out my hips) but cropped in a very modern and flattering way IMO. 
Anyway, this is what I wore to go thrifting with my brother. I didn’t find much, but came home with a pretty wrap around top (something similar to this one but in pink) and two super thick, oversized 80’s sweaters to wear around the house. Also, I went to this fabulous local shop and bought yet another maxi skirt. This one is green and it’s suuuuuper long (as usual, ahem) and made from a very beautiful, heavy, sort of silky fabric… I’ll show it to you guys soon, I just need to photograph it first…


Warmness on the soul

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(no name pants, Mango jacket, Zara booties, H&M earrings, Bershka & Tina R scarfs) 
This is what I wore to classes a few days ago…Layers upon layers, three pairs of tights underneath the pants (yes, three), three thin blouses and a thick sweater, the comfiest pair of booties I own (and the only ones I can wear without slipping and falling on ice) and two pretty scarves that I tied together. 
How do you like it?


It’s snowing like crazy outside. So…

You know what I’d like to do today? I’d like to…
 3 fall blugirl 2012 
…dress myself in ice cream colors: bubble gum pink, powder blue and soft mint
…add a chunky scarf for extra warmth 
…and go wander the city. By day…
…or night.
I’d like a gingerbread latte to go please…
…or some delicious form of hot, steamy chocolate
…to drink it home
tumblr_lvdci7cpYX1r1nydzo1_400 tumblr_lvov4lNC3d1r0cgdy 
…in my Christmas decorated bedroom
…while reading a book
…or watching Robert Redford in The way we were.
tumblr_lw8pe9OJzT1r1nydz tumblr_lvzx1rYez31qftlnwo1_400

And then I’d kiss you 🙂

Little ball of fur

EN: Ok, so no outfit post today but! I have something even cooler than that! A while ago was my nameday and besides the culinary orgy that came with it, my mom surprised me with 3 little fur balls. Two puppies and a cat! None of them has a name (not yet) and basically, they don’t do anything else but eat, sleep, poop and play, but they sure are cute and adorable and lovable!
I love animals 🙂

Picture 189aa
RO: Azi n-am tinuta sa v-arat dar am ceva mai tare de atat. 
Iar mai tare decat ce v-arat azi in loc de tinuta nu exista. Asa ca! 
Am pentru voi trei zei. Trei titani. Trei giganti. Unul mai maret ca altul! Unul mai impunator ca altul! Unul mai fioros ca altul! Trei bestii ucigase
Temeti-va, muritori! Caci in setea lor de sange, cei trei înspăimântăcioşi nu cunosc mila sau regretul. Cu ai lor milimetrici colti si falnică postură (cred ca au 500 de grame toti 3), pana si Bear Grylls (dilăul) palpită.

Fiorosul nr 1. Cat palma mea, fara dinti sau nume, ii plac plimbarile pe plaja, Idiotul lui Dostoievski si cinele romantice la lumina lumanarilor.
 Picture 166aa 
Nr 2. Fiara fiarelor, pufosenia pufoseniilor, Rumburak! Sau Rudolf. Sau Rumpelstiltskin. Inca nu stim. 
Foarte rau si el, Mefisto in blana si oase. Se vede dupa fata, nu?

 Picture 148aa 

Si nr 3, Colosul!(din Rhodos) Ma rog, deocamdata il strigam Creţule. Foarte dibace in ale pupatului si killăririi de gandaci. 
In alta ordine de idei, la general, isi ia o mega bataie de la motan.
Picture 181aa Picture 188aa 

Nu, hai sa mai vedem o data motanul.

 Picture 171aa 



So I slept all day

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(Stradivarius jeans, no name sweater, vintage shirt, Tina R cardigan, Kenvelo jacket, Zara booties, New Yorker bag, H&M necklace and ring, no name bracelet)

Experiencing horrible weather today… And I’m bored out of my mind. 



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(Primark skirt, vintage Escada jacket, Zara boots, Oasap bag, no name sweater, C&A scarf, River Island bracelet) 
EN: Wore this outfit to classes a little while ago and got about a ton of questions about my mental sanity. Probably because it was freezing outside? Pretty much yes. But, I’m sneaky dear people and lately I’ve been layering like crazy (crazy as in I don’t feel good if I’m not wearing some sort of layers underneath the obvious) so I stayed pretty warm throughout the day, thanks for asking! 
Surprisingly, I don’t hate this weather as much as I thought I would, though I’ll most likely freak out at the sight of snow… 

RO: Pentru voi am o invitatie astazi. Defapt 2 invitatii am si le puteti castiga urmand pasii de mai jos…
Pe data de 16 Decembrie, la Ceainaria Rendez Vous din Calea Floreasca 102, se organizeaza Tragul Vintage & Handmade Christmas Special. E un eveniment care s-a dorit (putin) mai deosebit ca celelalte targuri de Craciun, un eveniment mai putin comercial, care sprijina o cauza nobila (ca sa o citez pe Raluca Zdrobis, cea care s-a ocupat de organizare si m-a varat si pe mine in treaba). 
Biletele se vor vinde pentru 15 lei, cu o bautura inclusa in pret si tombole organizate din doua in doua ore, pe tot parcursul zilei. Vom avea un workshop, unde copiii impreuna cu parintii vor putea sa faca un ornament de Craciun, consiliati de cineva care face asta in mod frecvent, si vor plati doar materialele folosite (probabil se va ajunge undeva la 7-8 lei pentru un ornament). Va exista un spatiu unde copiii vor putea colora, desena, vor avea facepainting si baloane si un alt spatiu unde se va putea bea o cafea, un ceai si sta la o poveste.
Printre expozanti, avem Ateliere Fara Frontiere si Asociatia Inimi Deschise, Asociatia Touched Romania, care detine proiectul Casa Agar, un proiect destinat mamicilor singure cu copii si intr-o situatie grea. Ele sunt gazduite acolo o perioada si ajutate sa se reintegreze in societate. Multe dintre ele vin dupa o perioada grea de abuz in famile si greutati de tot felul. Acolo in cadrul programului, ele fac bijuterii care mai apoi sunt vandute pentru strangerea de fonduri. Vor participa si ele cu bijuterii si prajituri homemade (care sunt absolut delicioase). 
Cititi mai multe in prezentarea atasata mai jos iar pe mine o sa ma gasiti acolo, cel mai probabil cu zahar pana-n urechi. De la prajituri. 
Va astept!

Ce trebuie voi sa faceti pentru a castiga invitatiile:
1. Dati like si share paginii VHS shop
2. Dati join eventului Targ Christmas Special 
3. Urmariti-ma cu Google Friend Connect (daca sunteti deja printre followeri, nu mai e nevoie)
4. Ma anuntati intr-un comentariu ca ati urmat toti pasii

Si gata. Castigatorii vor fi extrasi cu iar concursul se incheie pe 14. Mult succes! 

Vino alaturi de noi pe 16 Decembrie la Ceainaria Rendez Vous din Calea Floreasca , Bucuresti sa petrecem o zi de sarbatoare! 
Un ceai aromat din partea casei, tombole cu multe premii si o multime de produse unicat ce abia asteapta sa devina cadou pentru o persoana draga, sunt doar cateva din motivele pentru care va invitam sa vizitati targul vintage, handmade si bio VHS Christmas Special. 
Evident ca nu au fost uitati nici cei mici, acestia se pot juca in voie, colora, crea decoratiuni sau scrie o scrisoare catre Mos Craciun alaturi de Spiridus in Atelierul Mosului, special amenajat pentru ei. Jucariile vechi sau de care nu mai avem nevoie pot fi un prilej de bucurie pentru copiii mai putin norocosi. Colecta de jucarii organizata in cadrul targului este ocazia perfecta de a le darui acestora un cadou. Pentru ca cei mici sa stie cine s-a gandit la ei noi iti dam o mica felicitare pe care sa iti scrii numele sau un gand bun. 
De asemenea, Asociatia Touched Romania sustine Centrul Maternal Casa Agar prin vanzarea de bijuterii unicat create de catre mamici. Printre expozantii care sustin proiecte de ajutor pentru tinerii defavorizati, se afla si Ateliere Fara Frontiere si Asociatia Inimi Deschise care vor expune la targ produsele lor deosebite. 
Va asteptam cu drag sa facem o fapta buna, sa intram in spiritul sarbatorilor, sa bem un ceai sau sa gustam o prajitura de casa, sa ascultam colinde, sa cumparam cadouri si de ce nu, sa primim si noi unul special. 
Sa daruim celor din jur bucurie.


Dear Topshop, I honestly hate you

EN: How amazing is this bag
I’m not very fond of Topshop’s latest collection(s), very sporty, very90’s inspired, (very so not me), and we all know I’m more of a Marilyn than a Courtney, so it’s only natural I haven’t shopped there in a while. However, when I saw this bag, my heart skipped a beat (or ten) (or a hundred)! 
Gorgeous bag. 
Obviously overpriced but for a moment, just for a moment, let’s overlook the fact that it costs half my monthly rent and focus on its splendidness, shall we? 

  RO: Acum cativa ani Topshop era unul dintre magazinele mele preferate, daca nu chiar preferatul cel mai preferat.Chiar eram mega ofticata pana sa introduca shippingul si catre alte tari afara de cele civilizate (gen Niger…Pakistan…Brunei Darussalam…Romania…d’astea) ca eu nu pot sa-mi comand nimic si nemernicii aia fac hainele numai in ciuda mea. Dupa chinuri si suferinte groaznice cu refresh la fiecare 2 minute (nu care cumva sa-mi suteasca vreo frantuzoaica de sub nas textilele la care oricum nu aveam acces, pentru ca ce sa vezi, ea e smechera si sta la Lyon iar eu sunt varza si stau la…Buzau, si la mine aici, la lumea a3a, Topshop a zis ca nu e bine cu pachetele; ceea ce e nedrept, vezi? Doar pentru ca aia au canalizare, au depasit etapa budă sapata in fundul curtii si nu sunt ultimii din Europa la spalat pe dinti, nu inseamna ca Romania nu e civilizata. Mama lu’ civilizatie aici la noi…Mai subtire cu apa da’ lasa asa, ca sufletul conteaza!) Gata ca am facut ditai paranteza. Revenind! Spuneam ca ma zbateam in chinuri de ofticata ca n-aveau astia shipping spre noi. Eh, au bagat. Chiar m-am dus si mi-am facut card special pentru asta, iar dupa, a inceput orgia. Mi-am cumparat in perioada aia multe lucruri de la ei…Poate si pentru ca imi placea ce aveau la vanzare? Cam da. De vreo 2 sezoane incoace insa, colectiile mi se par dezamagitoare si rar se intampla sa mai vad ceva care sa-mi produca fibrilatii. (Eh, si abia acum ajung si la subiect. Trebuia sa bat campii inainte, nu?)

Subiectul e geanta asta. Leopardiţă frumoasă, cu detalii din tinte si dimensiuni mari, potrivita pentru un melc ca mine ce-si ia casa in spinare pe umar, a fost dragoste la prima vedere. 
O singura problema am. Aia evidentă. 
68 de lire si shipping? Ma duce la un 400 de ron plus. I-am zis Mosului da’ a inceput cu d’alea, ca Ce, n-ai genti?Ce sa faci tu cu asta?Lasa…iti trebuie altele tie. 
Al dreacu umflat. 

Dress like an onion

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(handmade skirt, thrifted faux fur gilet, no name top, vintage belt, Zara booties, Bershka scarf, River Island bracelets) 

 EN: I absolutely love wearing maxi skirts and dresses in the winter! Layering makes them so much more interesting and fun because you can style them up with anything from oversized knits or cropped leather jackets to fur vests or boyfriend blazers. Add thick tights underneath, any kind of boots and some sort of accessories (belts, chunky scarves, jewellery, a hat or gloves) and there you have it: one fabulous transitional outfit. 
Remember my pink bubblegum skirt? This baby has definitely became a favorite of mine: delicious color, soft fabric and flattering cut, plus it’s super versatile and I’ ve found so many different outfits to wear it with! Here I decided to pair it with a faux fur gilet, thick tights underneath (for extra warmth), comfy booties and a few accessories to finish off the look… 
How do you wear maxis in cold weather? 
RO: N-am o problema cu leggingsii/colantii la general (chiar port destul de des pe dedesubt in ultima perioada) dar ma irita destul de tare cand ii vad imbracati ca pantaloni , mulati, cu toate cele la vedere, uneori luciosi sau transparenti. Foarte des vad combinatia cu Uggs (sau ma rog, o forma de botosi caldurosi), vesta de blana si centură elastică in talie…de unde si legatura cu tinuta mea de azi. Practic, am purtat in pozele astea tot ce am descris mai sus: leggingsi negri, grosi, ca baza pe sub fusta, botosi botine calduroase, vesta de blana si cureaua din talie. Am mai avut cateva bluze subtiri pe dedesubtul celei cu dungi, plus esarfa de la gat si asta a fost tot: straturi peste straturi, multe straturi care sa-mi permita fusta de chiffon fara sa inghet. O mai tineti minte? A trebuit sa o scurtez pana la urma, se ducea dracului cu totul daca mai calcam mult pe ea. 
So. Cam asta e una dintre variantele mele de layering si tranzitie a pieselor subtiri pentru lunile reci. 
Voi? (Straturi) multe si subtiri sau (haină) una si groasă?



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(River Island skirt and bracelet, no name cropped sweater, Forever 21 shoes, vintage red Escada belt, Topshop coat, vintage beret) 

EN: Less than a month till Christmas and I’m pretty much starting to feel it… I’m not 100% festive yet, but, slowly but surely I’m getting there! I’ll soon start digging out the Christmas decoration boxes and go shopping for gifts (though I have no idea what to give my folks this year) and I can barely wait for the holiday parties to start! I already have my outfits planned – I’ll probably change my mind about a zillion times before then, but I can assure you I’m going to be all sparkly and glamorous. 
Dresses? Checked Plenty to choose from 
Fabulous jewellery? Checked 
Keanu Reeves? Ahm… Hopefully under my Christmas tree. 
Done. Ready to party! 
Now onto the outfit… This week I officially pulled out all of my winter coats. Remember this pretty red number by Topshop? It used to have big, black buttons and a different belt but I recently did a little diy to it by replacing the buttons with some gold vintage ones and changing the belt with a thrifted gold one. I really like this sort of touches that give personality to an outfit and make it unique and I think gold really makes anything look more expensive! 
Also, I’m wearing my Forever 21 Miu Miu-esque platform shoes. Can’t believe it’s been so long since I last wore these! They are so pretty and surprisingly comfy… I was so obsessed with these babies that I paid triple their value just to have them. (FIY, Forever 21 does not ship to Romania so I had to pay other people to deliver them to me. Basically, I paid more for the shipping than I did for the shoes.) 

RO: Bineinteles ca CINEVA a facut glume comuniste/ceausiste despre bascalia mea. Nu l-am prins pe individ (de Ceausescu zic), a decedat cu vreun an jumate inainte sa vietuiesc eu, dar cumva, lumea are permanent senzatia ca-i invoc mostenirea atunci cand port palariute de genul asta. Indiferent de culoare, model sau detalii. 
N-am prietene treaba cu nea Nicu, e doar in capul tau. Eu o ard french aici, Rembrandt in cel mai pretentios caz, si tu-mi spui de pionieri si tineretul comunist. 
Invidie… Ti-am spus ca te roade. 

Ok, am facut pozele undeva in parcare la Ikea zilele trecute. A fost destul de cald saptamana asta (neobisnuit chiar), astfel ca mi-am permis, probabil pentru ultima data pe anul asta, sa ma imbrac subtire si sa port pantofi. Bluza e defapt un tricotaj subtire, model scurt, cropped, luat din magazinul acela de la Cismigiu (cele din Bucuresti stiti sigur despre ce vorbesc). Are eticheta taiata deci n-am idee de referinte dar suspectez c-ar fi ceva H&M. 
Mai tineti minte paltonul? Saptamana asta mi-am scos aproape toate hainile de iarna din cutii (toate, mai putin pufoseniile blanoase) iar asteia in special, i-am facut cateva modificari. Adica. Am luat nasturii de la o jacheta mai veche (nu m-am gandit sa cer cateva poze de aproape, dar au un model foarte interesant, in relief, cu lei) si i-am cusut in locul acelora negrii, mari si…urati pe care ii avea din fabrica. I-am schimbat si cureaua rosie din talie cu o alta curea aurie si i-am dat jos de tot gulerul acela de blanita artificiala. Imi place mai mult asa, mi se pare ca arata mai “pretioasa”. Vreau sa fac acelasi lucru cu alte 2 haini (cel putin partea cu nasturii) dar pentru asta trebuie sa dau mai intai o fuga la mercerie pentru materie primă. Nasturi. Nu mai am. 
Si aici urmeaza intrebarea mea: Aveti idee unde as putea gasi o mercerie “dotata” zdravan in Bucuresti? 
Am auzit ca ar fi destule dar n-am fost niciodata si n-am idee incotro sa ma indrept. 
Sar’na anticipat.

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