The Rihanna in me

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(Oasap leopard coat, Tina R jeans and top, Topshop booties, C&A scarf, vintage bag) 

EN: First things first, I’d like to thank you all for the lovely encouraging comments regarding my last post! You’re very very nice people. Very nice indeed.
So, after eyeing it up on the website for about 2 weeks and drooling over it every day, I was recently sent this coat by Oasap and I’m sort of in love with it. 
You know me, I love myself a bit of leopard print (it must be the Rihanna in me because animal prints seem to be working their way into my daily outfits quite often) and this coat is a perfect example of a great autumn/spring coat. It has a lovely fabric, a thick faux fur that is hardy enough to withstand November temperatures and a very cute pink lining. Just like the icing on the cake, I love it against the color of the print! It’s super comfy and cozy and I’m sure I’ll get a lot of wear out of it… 
Additionally, it’s a steal on the website at a mere $56.25, so for such a bargain I would definitely recommend it! 
Oh, and please notice the comeback of my sparkly Topshop booties. I missed these babies so much! 
RO: Am reusit de-a lungul timpului sa dezvolt o relatie tare speciala cu posta romana. Cum sa descriu 😕
Cand ma gandesc la posta, imi vin in minte laude, cuvinte de bine care de cele mai multe ori au legatura cu sfinti sau cu mame. Foarte neelegant desigur insa am senzatia ca simpatia e reciproca: de la pachete pe care mi le-au pierdut nu de putine ori (sau cel putin asa mi-au zis…ca s-au pierdut), pana la bani ce nu au mai ajuns si incurcaturi in sistemul lor de avizare. A nu se intelege ca aia de la curierat ar fi mai rasariti, nici vorba. Un tupeu si-o nesimtire si acolo de n-am vazut… 
Sa nu generalizam insa, posibil sa mi se fi intamplat doar mie. 
Asadar, dupa un mare tambalau la vama (posta vamala adica), am reusit intr-un final sa ridic coletul cu pricina. Acuma…stiti si voi de cate ori ati vazut Oasap la mine pe blog si deci, se intelege prin logica elementara ca mai fusesem de atatea ori acolo pentru astfel de pachete. Long story short, dupa ce coletul statuse la ei vreo luna, nenea de la vama a decis ca nu e bine, sa nu-mi dea haina. Din ce motive, n-am inteles foarte clar nici pana acum dar… 
Cred ca vroia si el sa fie leopard. 
Asa-i ca vroia sa fie leopard? 
Stiam eu. 
Ete unde era divenia din postas. Ha! 
Ma rog, intr-un final a cedat si mi-a dat-o. Cred ca si-a dat seama ca leopardul nu-i avantajeaza privirea (usor incerta privire, fie vorba intre noi. ahem) 
Haina este foarte draguta, potrivita pentru lunile de toamna si primavara, materialul este moale si pufos iar pe interior are captuseala roz. Singura chestie care nu-mi place la haina asta este ca nu se inchide. N-are nasturi, gaici…nimic. Ah, si as fi preferat sa fie fara gluga. Am vrut initial sa o port cu o rochie dar cand am luat-o pe mine si m-am vazut cu marsupiul ala la spate, ma simteam la fel de stylish ca Britney Spears. Una peste alta, raportul calitate-pret mi se pare foarte ok 🙂 
Ah, si pana nu uit iar! M-ati intrebat cateva dintre voi despre cizmele Adelinei din postarea asta si ramasesem datoare cu un raspuns. M-am documentat si rezulta ca cizmele au fost cumparate din Decathlon. Ea le-a luat acum vreo 3 ani dar mi-a spus ca modelul inca se comercializeaza in magazinele lor si chiar si-a cumparat cineva recent. So… daca sunt doritoare, cred ca le gasiti sigur acolo 🙂

Under the weather

(vintage jacket and belt, no name jeans and bag, New look booties, Bershka scarf) 

 EN: I apologize for the recent absence of posts, I’ve been feeling a little under the weather… A few of my things got stolen, my health is not well, and overall things are not good. So yes, I’ve been MIA for the past few days but I’m posting tonight and I hope things will get better soon! 
The outfit is something I wore a while ago during the crappy weather (as you can tell, doh). Warmness at its best. 
RO: Am zis sa fac un update sa nu credeti c-am murit sau ceva… 
Sunt in viata. Relativ. 
Iar absenta mi se trage de la diverse, multe si-adunate. Ca de exemplu ca mi s-au furat niste lucruri (nu, nu telefonul ala bengos rosu, evident ca pe ala nu-l ia nici dracu). Sau ca nu prea reusesc sa ma odihnesc. Sau ca trebuie sa dau pe la doctor cat de curand. Sau ca ma ingrijoreaza niste chestii. Sau sau sau. 
E vag ce spun, stiu, am vrut doar sa postez ceva rapid sa nu credeti c-am capitulat. Am doar o perioada mai…“dificila”. 
Poza nu e tocmai de azi sau de ieri, e ceva recent oricum, in care eram happy. 
Si 80% imbibata in apa. 
Cumva, in mintea mea, posturile fara poze arata…aiurea.


Houston, we have a problem

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(Primark skirt, no name sweater, Deichmann boots, no name trench coat, vintage belt, River Island earrings, Jewelry Box ring) 

EN: I’m unbelievably frustrated with these boots! I They served me so well for almost a year of hard-core wear and they fit me perfectly, but now they just fall down below my knees whenever I walk. They are fabulous, super comfy and stylish and it makes me so sad to not be able to wear them anymore… Sure, I can pull them up from time to time but they fall down way too often and it’s really annoying to stop every 30 seconds to do that! 
Anyone else experiencing problems with gorgeous boots? 
RO: Asa ma oftica si frustreaza cizmele astea… 
Le-am luat anul trecut din Deichmann (magazin relativ banal, ce sa zic…nu ma omor, dar uneori au chestii foarte faine la preturi foarte bune) pe o suma ridicola tinand cont de numarul purtarilor. Sunt printre putinele mele incaltari comode (insemnand ca pot sa merg lejer o zi intreaga cu ele, fara sa patimesc sau sa ma plang) si frumoase in acelasi timp, pe care le pot purta aproape cu orice. Si-au facut treaba excelent, le-am purtat iarnă, primavară si toamnă, cu fuste si rochii (mai putin cu pantaloni), le-am iubit si pretuit, pana cand…s-au cam dus dracului. Nu se vede in pozele astea (si nici in cele de luni) pentru ca am avut grija sa le ridic inainte, dar ma D-I-S-P-E-R-A cu ridicatul. Nu stiu ce naibii au ca n-aveam problema asta cu ele anul trecut (si sigur sigur n-am slabit, ca sa zic ca mi-as fi subtiat eu copanele) dar nu mai imi stau deloc ridicate. Cum fac 2 pasi cum trebuie sa ma opresc sa le ridic. Nu numai ca imi cad…gen sa ajunga si ele pana la genunchi, NU. Imi cad flagrant, de ma trezesc ca sunt motanul incaltat. In botine! 
Am incercat saptamana trecuta sa le cos elastic in partea de sus, doar doar de-or sta fixate pe coapsa. 
Au stat? 
Au stat pe dracu. Nicht, kein, nichts, d’alea. 
Acum ma bate gandul sa le tai o portiune din material si sa le stramtez astfel…dar mi-e oarecum frica sa nu le stric. Indemanatica de fel…parca vad ca le fac praf. (Apropo de asta, ultima data cand am fost la Buzau, am vrut sa fiu smechera, croitorasu’ lu peşte, si sa-mi fac chipurile o fusta clos :> Ca tot aveam o bucata de material nefolosita si gasisem niste tutoriale pe net, zic sa incerc :> Ce-a iesit era din desene animate, bunică mea se strica pe jos de ras vazandu-ma iar eu tocmai ce rezolvasem ditai bucata de material. Coco Şanel trăi-ţi-ar.


Rich burgundy

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(vintage Christian Dior blazer, Levi’s jeans, Bershka scarf, Zara booties, H&M ring, New Yorker watch, Gap blouse, vintage hat, no name bag) 

EN: I’m feeling like today’s outfit is pretty simple and relaxed but it excites me to wear it because of the vintage pieces incorporated. It’s getting chillier outside so I decided to cozy up to a big bar of chocolate in layers, a chunky scarf and comfy ankle booties. The blazer is one of my best vintage finds ever (I know I say this about a lot of things but I’m just super proud of my thrifting skills! Bear with me dear readers, gotta brag a teensy, teeny weeny bit!) – a gorgeously cut navy jacket by Christian Dior that I bought a few years ago for only 5 bucks. My hat is vintage as well, definitely my favourite accessory to wear throught this autumn, and yes, I’m obviously carrying an umbrella that for the last few weeks has proved to be useless. 
Anyway, this is probably the comfiest clothing combo I could come up with that didn’t involve…uhm…pajamas. This weather makes me sleepy all the time… 
RO: Vreau sa va spun doar ca postarea promisa saptamana trecuta, cea cu achizitiile, e pe vine. Am facut parte din poze (cu lucrurile pe care le am aici, la Bucuresti), mai trebuie doar sa ma duc la Buzau si sa ma ocup de ce a ramas acolo. In alta ordine de idei, am tot primit solicitari si intrebari cu privire la shop (iertare, de cand a inceput facultatea, l-am lasat in paragina complet!) si nu v-am dat un raspuns concret, dar o sa fac tot posibilul sa-l updatez cu prima ocazie ce ajung acasa. 
Sa speram ca weekendul asta.


The most tragic impossible love story ever told

No, not Romeo and Juliet, you smart asses.
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EN: Five minutes ago, on another one of my random google searches, I found THIS
Now I wouldn’t usually dedicate an entire post to a Zara jacket (no matter how beautiful), but seriously, this thing surpasses anything I’ve seen from them! The detailing is superb, I adore the beautiful jewel colors and it has this luxurious appeal, perfect for the coming holiday season… 
Oh my. I think I’m in love. 
Therefore it brings me great sadness to tell you that this baby costs $400. Yikes.
At least looking (and drooling) is free. 
RO: Aiaiaiaiaiai, pacatele mele. Cu ce-am gresit? 
Bantuiam online de cateva ore pana cand am gasit pe un blog lookbookul Zara pe decembrie. Nu m-a impresionat cine stie ce (cam monocromatic pentru gustul meu), pana cand am dat de bijuteria asta
Si gata. M-a inchis. 
Acum…probabil stiti ce pleadoarii obisnuiam sa tin cu privire la Zara (huo huo, overpriced, subtire cu individualismul, huoooo, d’alea – m-am mai potolit intre timp, ati observat, da?) si nu ma dezic de ele (nici nu cred ca o sa am motive, astia vor fi overpriced pana la faliment), insa, serios ca as da 12 milioane ( 😐 ) pe jacheta asta
Ma duce cu gandul la acele bolerouri si haini vintage brodate, cusute, incrustate manual, pe care le vad atat de des pe blogurile straine. Am vazut cateva exemplare senzationale si dupa spusele autoarelor, ar fi pline flea marketurile din afara de astfel de modele…Si ieftine. 


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(vintage Renato Nucci skirt, Zara blouse, Kenvelo jacket, Deichmann boots, no name pearls, Oasap ring)
Nothing I love more than a good piece of vintage.


When jaw dropping just isn't enough

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EN: Thought I’d share something different with you guys today… 
Yesterday, as I was surfing the web, I found this amazing story about a woman and her Parisian flat that sat locked up and untouched for 70 years. It seems that Mrs de Florian, the owner of the apartment was the granddaughter of Marthe de Florian, a very beautiful actress that proved to be Giovanni Boldini’s muse as we’ll soon find out. 
Anyway, Mrs de Florian (who died in 2010 at 91 years old), left the flat just before the start of World War II and never returned. “For 70 years the Parisian apartment had been left uninhabited, under lock and key, the rent faithfully paid but no hint of what was inside”. 
[I wonder why she did that. Why she kept paying the rent?] 
After her death (or just before), she tasked a few experts and auctioneers to catalogue her possessions who then discovered the existence of the apartment placed near the Trinité church in Paris between the Pigalle red light district and Opera. 
As the Telegraph writes, „Entering the untouched, cobweb-filled flat in Paris’ 9th arrondissement, one expert said it was like stumbling into the castle of Sleeping Beauty, where time had stood still since 1900. „There was a smell of old dust,” said Olivier Choppin-Janvry, who made the discovery. Walking under high wooden ceilings, past an old wood stove and stone sink in the kitchen, he spotted a stuffed ostrich and a Mickey Mouse toy dating from before the war, as well as an exquisite dressing table. In the gloom of the flat that had been shut-up for decades, he came across a portrait unknown to art experts of a beautiful woman by one of 19-century Paris’ most prized portrait artists, Italian Giovanni Boldini.” Turned out that the subject of the painting was Marthe de Florian, grandmother of Mrs de Florian, painted in a pale pink mousseline evening dress in 1898, when she was 24 years old. 
Obviously the painting went on auction and it was sold for €2.1 million (around US$2.9 million) with a starting price at €300,000; the discovery is priceless and the story is more than amazing, BUT! Isn’t this place the most jaw dropping thing you’ve seen??? A frozen time capsule, filled with forgotten memories and covered in dust, untouched for 70 years and kept away from the world and the war… 
Now that’s something beyond compare. 
RO: N-am nici cea mai mica idee cat de verosimila e povestea asta (n-o mai reiau-detalii mai sus, spun doar ca e vorba de un apartament parizian neatins vreme de 70 de ani) si probabil ca unele dintre voi stiati deja de ea, insa eu am aflat abia ieri (desi facuta publica in 2010 am inteles). 
Mi s-a parut ceva peste limitele extrordinarului. 
Raportandu-ma la mine si la reactia mea initiala, si trecand peste stupoarea si extazul de moment, cred ca locul asta a urcat rapid pe prima pozitie in lista locurilor pe care vreau sa le vizitez. Destul de probabil ca n-o sa reusesc vreodata (de altfel, si presupunand prin absurd ca nu s-a vandut deja la un pret exorbitant si ca ar fi deschis vizitatorilor, magia lui se traduce fix prin ideea asta de virginitate, spatiu ferecat de timp care odata patruns isi pierde valoarea si devine compromis) dar daca intr-adevar ar fi sa ajung acolo, dupa ce au fost altii si altii si multi altii inaintea mea, motivul pentru care am plecat in prima instanta intru vizitare, e anulat. So…worthless. Ceea ce imi starneste o invidie teribila pentru aia de-au intrat primii in apartament, cercetatori, experti, whatever. 
Oare cum o fi?


Busting out the big guns

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(Stradivarius boots, Bershka shorts, no name sweater, thrifted leather jacket, Zara bag, H&M earrings) 

As you probably know if you’ve been reading this blog for a while, I hate cold weather. Winter makes me sick to my stomach, waking up in the dark is hell, icy fingers aren’t really my cup of tea, I’ll most likely get sick and I basically can’t function properly at low temperatures. 
However, I do have some reasons to love cold weather : steaming mugs of hot chocolate, layers, hats, scarves and gloves, the smell of pure fresh air, the holidays approach, the roasted chestnuts and last but not least, getting to wear my boots! 
I love boots. No no, I ADORE BOOTS! Especially over the knee ones, like my musketeer pair here. I know (I’m actually sure) I’ll get bored eventually and in a few months I’ll be craving sandals like hell, but for now, all I want to wear is tall boots.
I wore this outfit a few days ago to go out for dinner, and yes, you’re right. I froze my ass off. Had a really good time though…


Leopard is my favorite color

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(Oasap top, vintage Valentino skirt, Topshop booties, Tina R jacket, vintage Givenchy earrings, New Yorker watch and vintage clutch) 
EN: Out of all the (animal) prints, leopard is hands down my favourite print. I know that this sort of prints run a high risk of being tacky (and most people consider them so), but in my opinion, when done right, it can be quite chic and classy. This Oasap top I’m wearing (well, on the website they say it’s a dress but I have to warn you, it fits more like a top than a dress-even on a shorty like me) is one of the best leopard prints I’ve ever seen! The colors are rich, I love the pattern and the fabric is super soft and stretchy, perfect for layering! Not to mention it’s only $25… 
Wore this outfit for a day that included window shopping, a coffee date, old movies and a lot of walking.Yikes, my feet hurt! 
RO: Multumesc mult pentru feedback ul (pozitiv) oferit la ultima postare! M-am bucurat tare sa vad ca v-a placut istorisirea (si telefonul meu din mezozoic), ca mi-ati scris si ca am putut sa interactionez cu voi mai mult decat de obicei. Promit sa mai fac. 
Tot pe subiectul asta, cateva dintre voi mi-ati cerut haul sau ceva acolo, sa va arat achizitiile. Si, dupa cum v-am raspuns si-n comentarii (cu interziere seculara, da, dar sunt batrana, ce vreti; etatea isi spune cuvantul), nu am toate lucrurile aici la Bucuresti (o parte au ramas la Buzau si trebuie sa le aduc) si as vrea ca in momentul in care voi face o postare de genul acesta, sa includ cam tot ce am nou si nu am pus inca pe blog. Posibil sa ma organizez pentru saptamana viitoare cu asta, in functie de timp si lumina…Vedem. 
Bon. Acum cu tinuta. 
Am pe mine daca vedeti o ceva cu imprimeu de leopard. Zic o ceva pentru ca e un soi de hermafrodit, o struto-camila de lungime incerta care se vrea a fi rochie dar e bluza toata ziua. Sau ma rog…daca e cineva pe aici care are 1, 20 cm (ori vreo diva din emisiuni gen Capatos), da, o poate lua drept rochie. Pentru astilalti, mai fara nanism, e bluza. (si tineti cont va rog ca va spune asta cineva care abia se vede in oglinda la baie, nu Karlie Kloss la 1,80 desculta). 
In orice caz, astia de la Oasap au trecut-o rochie iar eu am luat-o din considerente estetice: imprimeul. Imprimeul mi se pare splendid (recomand s-o vedeti pe siteul lor, gasiti mai multe poze acolo). Sunt multe variante de leopard/animal print pe piata, unele mai putin reusite iar altele relativ kitchoase, insa, din punctul meu de vedere, asta mi se pare perfect. Model si culoare. Materialul e ceva elastic (polistier banuiesc, n-am gasit eticheta), fin si moale si se aseaza destul de frumos pe corp. Iar la 25$ cu transport gratuit mi se pare o afacere destul de buna…Pentru pasionatele de imprimeuri si layering. 
Am purtat-o aici cu o fusta vintage Valentino (muhahaha, alta vechitura luata din second pe cativa lei), botine Topshop (cineva interesat? ma bate gandul sa le vand…sunt marimea 38-39), jacheta Tina R, curea Moschino si cercei Givenchy (ambele vintage, cumparate de pe, plic vintage si ceas New Yorker.


Black attack

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(River Island pants and earrings, New Look booties, Kenvelo jacket, Bershka scarf, no name bag)

EN: I’m still in my harem pants phase, as demonstrated by these photos. Yes, they are ugly and you hate them I know, but they are also insanely comfy and they serve extremely well on days when I don’t know what to wear, which is more than enough to love them!
I threw on whatever I could find at 8am the day I wore this (I seriously hate waking up in the morning!) as it seemed like the next best option to leaving home in my pajamas. Went to classes and then into town, paid the rent and run some other errands and later on I went to Zara for a spot of shopping and picked up a pretty pair of black boots which I’ll be showing you guys in my next post!
Finished my day with a lovely dinner at my friend’s house and finally settled down with the last episode of Dexter and some hot chocolate…
Any new interesting tv series I should know about? Do share!

RO: Ma tot car cu umbrela aia dupa mine de cand a fost saptamana aia ploioasa, pe la jumatatea lui Octombrie parca. Am si rupt-o dar nu conteaza – vreau s-o ard wise. Mai putin important ca n-am cu ce. Sa previn, alea alea. Sa evit producerea unui nou cataclism de dimensiuni cosmice (adica sa ma ploua). Iar cand va ploua, cand va ploua pe bune si umbrela-mi va fi lasata acasa, cand ploua infernal, ploaie de tot nebuneasca… tetea o s-o arda fleasca. Mda. 
Cam asta e cu Andreea the wise. (Ati vazut LOTR sper) 
In alta ordine de idei, simt nevoia sa consemnez si-n romana ce-am spus ieri, cu secondurile. Eram cam in graba cand am facut postarea si-am zis lasa, va povestesc maine (adica azi), cum s-au aliniat planetele, stelele si posibil si mămăile in cozi la biserica sa pupe moastele, si in felul asta am reusit sa gasesc neşte treburi in seconduri. 
Vineri am plecat spre Buzau (cu sarsanelele dupa mine, evident). Am ajuns undeva in jur de ora 14, m-am despachetat si alimentat, iar la un 3 maxim, bateam strazile in drum spre seconduri. Nu mai fusesem de muuuult timp, din motive ce tin mai mult de toleranta mea la pierdut vremea decat de neplacere dar de data asta chiar am avut bafta. Mai intai am gasit rochia aia neagra de catifea de la Donna Karan despre care va spuneam ieri. Lunga, despicata pe laterale (gen Angelina Jolie si rochia avec le copan pe afara), fara defecte din fericire. Atata tot ca imi e mare si sta cam ca pe gard pe mine. Am dat-o la croitoreasa sa-i puna pense si sa o stramteze. Vedem ce iese…in cel mai rau caz o fac carpa pentru Bubu, sa stea cu fundul pe ea cand zace pe calorifer. Apoi! Am mai intrat in vreo 2 seconduri noi (nu stiu daca v-am mai spus dar sunt o groaza de magazine d’astea in Buzau si din ce vad, continua sa apara altele si altele) si-am gasit cam nimic. Am plecat cu mana goala de acolo. 
Next, la piece de resistance (se vede ca-s romanca, altfel cum as putea compune propozitii in 3 limbi deodata), puloverul de casmir Yves Saint Laurent. 
A-M M-U-R-I-T. 
Eram piticul atomic. Eu eram. 
L-am intors pe toate partile, l-am sucit, l-am rasucit, l-am mangaiat pervers si ne-am indragostit. Si apoi…a intervenit teama celeilalte. 
Cealalta femeie. 
Daca nu mi-l da? (mi s-a mai intamplat de cateva ori sa ajung la casă cu produse si sa-mi spuna duduia ca stai sa vezi, asta nu e de vanzare :-w :-w :-w N-am reusit inca sa inteleg ce dracu căuta pe rafturi daca nu e de vanzare, dar ma rog…asta-i alta poveste). Eh, YSL ăsta a fost. Si acum e al meu, miroase a Cocolino si sta frumos in dulap, burgundiu, moale si pufos. 
Mai departe, alt second hand, alta faţă cunoscuta la tejghea. M-am conversat cu vanzatoarea (curioasa nevoie mare sa stie ce-i cu mine de nu ma mai prezint in zilele de marfa) si-am plecat de acolo cu un puloveras H&M roz, cu umerii goi si o foarte smechera fusta de piele neagra. Spun smechera (in primul rand pentru ca am un tic verbal) si in al doilea pentru ca are un croi si niste detalii foarte interesante. Nasturi pe partea din fata, slit, buzunare si o bucatica de material intoarsa in jurul taliei. Am luat-o pentru 10 lei, la insistentele mele si pentru ca ma cunostea vanzatoarea…Spun asta pentru ca initial n-a vrut sa mi-o vanda. Se pare ca era marcata gresit (produsele din piele sunt intotdeauna scoase la vanzare la preturi mai mari decat restul, indiferent de gradul de uzura) dar pana la urma am convins-o sa mi-o cedeze pentru 10 lei. Si-am plecat, balanganind fericita din pungile pline de vechituri cu iz intepator. 
Dar n-am terminat aici :> M-am dus apoi in magazinul din care am luat fusta cu print de leopard (cea de acum 2 postari, despre care va spuneam ca e facuta manual de o tipa din Buzau). Mereu gasesc lucruri frumoase acolo desi uneori au preturi maricele… Mi-am luat 2 fuste minunate de aici, una midi verzuie-turcoaz, cu plasa pe deasupra, si inca una mov, maxi, sponsorizata de bunica prajitureasa cu ocazia zilei mele de nume ce se apropie. Traiasca buni. 
Gata, m-am spovedit. 
Pacate iertate? 

P.S. Da, am in mana un telefon din ala. D’ala cu ecran verde, generatia 1999 eclipsa de soare. 
Fara invidie, va rog.


Where the wild roses grow

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(Oasap roses blouse, River Island skirt, Stradivarius boots, Oasap bracelet, New Yorker bag) 

EN: Let me just start by saying that I love my romantic roses blouse from Oasap. I do. 
No question about it, definitely my favourite top at the moment, hands down: the perfect dusty pink shade, really soft and warm, with the sweetest 3d roses pattern… I’ve worn it about three times already and can’t get enough of it! Here I’m wearing it with a pink pleated skirt (you’ve seen it before here) and a pair of comfy boots, just to keep me warm and cosy. Very simple styling on this outfit (way too simple for my taste) but I wanted to show it off on its own – the blouse that is. I think it definitely makes the whole outfit! 
 In other non-fashion news, I went home this past weekend, to my hometown and had the greatest time ever! Or maybe not and it’s just me, really happy to see my familly and sleep in my own bed, hehe. 
Anyway, among the usual activities, I went thrifting a few days ago and finally got lucky! I found a gorgeous pencil leather skirt,a black velvet gown by Donna Karan (which is being altered as we speak) and the most amazing Yves Saint Laurent cashmere sweater in a delicious shade of rich burgundy! 
Finally some luck, it’s been a very slow season for my thrifting… 
How was your weekend? Did you do anything nice?


Looking for Something?