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(Minkpink sweater, vintage Moschino skirt, Kenvelo jacket, Topshop booties, vintage clutch, no name necklace and belt, Stradivarius cuffs) 

EN: I’m finally done with my exams (yaaaaay!) and I’m currently in my hometown, in the warmth of my bed, where I’ll probably spend the rest of my week. Not much to do or see here but it sure feels like home! I was hoping to go thrifting today as I haven’t been thrifting at all this year but the weather is so cold and foggy that I can’t be bothered to go out. Have you guys seen 127 hours? My friend has been nagging me for months to see it and today I’m finally going to watch it. Hear that, Diana? I’m gonna watch the freakin’ movie! Happy?!? 
Wearing the Minkpink sweater I redeemed from Chictopia two months ago and a pretty vintage Moschino skirt that I thrifted last year and never wore. Also, bad hair day… Don’t ask. 
 RO: In sfarsit am terminat sesiunea! In sfarsit sunt acasa, la Buzau! Turbasem in Bucuresti, cred ca n-am stat niciodata mai bine de o luna fara sa dau pe acasa. Am ajuns zilele trecute pe o vreme oribila (cam ca cea de azi), bineinteles plina de sarsanale (si fara tirist de data asta; la dracu). Vroiam sa ies azi in oras, sa iau second handurile la rand si sa-mi fac de cap cu mămăile imbibate-n naftalina dar este atat de urat afara ca nu-mi vine nici sa scot capul pe geam. A nins azi noapte (era cazul ce-i drept, nu mai cazusem de mult pe gheata) iar in dimineata asta era un aer rece si o ceata infernala. Mai vine si la noi primavara? 
In orice caz, ati vazut 127 de ore? Am o prietena care ma bate la cap de juma’ de an sa-l vad si-am tot amanat/uitat sa-l vad in ciuda faptului ca mi s-a parut interesant din trailer. Azi sunt pe treaba oricum, si-o sa vad nenorocitu’ de film, DIANA! Esti fericita? Da? Sper. 
Pozele sunt facute acum vreo 2 zile, cand era relativ ok afara. Am profitat de asfaltul uscat si m-am cocotat pe (probabil) cele mai inalte tocuri pe care le am, sclipiciunile de la Topshop. Sunt killere dupa cateva ore, iti blestemi zilele daca n-ai masina si mergi pe jos… Purtate cu puloverul primit de la Chictopia si o fusta vintage Moschino gasita prin sh acum vreun an. N-o purtasem deloc.


Potocaliu I

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(Potocaliu blazer, no name boots) 

EN: Founded by the lovely Cristina Bucur, “Potocaliu” (which actually is the Romanian funny version of “orange”) is a handmade clothing label born in 2012 with some absolutely gorgeous dresses and skirts! If you’ve read my blog before, you’re probably aware of my great love for full skirts and dresses and unique pieces so when the lovely Cristina got in touch with me a few weeks ago, asking whether I’d like to work with her and wear her creations, I definitely jumped at the chance! After browsing the current collection, I was absolutely blown away by this gorgeous dress and instantly fell in love with it. I set up a meeting with Cristina –who is a amazing person with a great personality – and after trying on a few of her creations, I ended up with the above mentioned dress, this fabulous shoulderless little number and this sexy blazer-dress I’m wearing in today’s post. Being a girl who loves a strong shoulder look and a long v-neckline, I could think of nothing more fabulous and instantly accepted to take it home with me! Decided to go with a simple look and pair it with my new otk boots only. Took a few shots… 
I love these boots! Last pair (in my size!), I bought them a few days ago at a major discount. Gotta love a bargain! 
RO: Acum doua saptamani primeam pe mail o propunere in vederea unei colaborari de ordin vestimentar. La general sunt reticenta in fata lucrurilor de genul, mai ales pentru ca majoritatea nu mi se potrivesc (cum ar fi sa laud niste pantofi sport? multa credibilitate as avea, este?) insa ce va arat astazi e doar inceputul a ceva foarte tare, de care m-am lipit cu placere. 
Potocaliu. Asa se numeste atelierul Cristinei Bucur, o gagica mega-simpatica cu o personalitate foarte fun, care de vreo 6 luni incoace face tot felul de rochite si fustite si bluzite si alte alea care mie IMI PLAC mult (prin alte alea ma refer cam la orice, de la sacoul din pozele mele pana la jachete, salopete si pantaloni). Ca idee, asta e a mea (mu. ha. ha. haaaaaa!) si urmeaza sa fac o postare cu ea de-ndata ce prind un pic mai multa caldura afara. O cere, e evident: fusta clos, cantitatea bogata de material, spatele gol, talia inalta si funda ma entuziasmeaza intr-un mare fel! Cand m-am intalnit cu Cristina, plecasem spre ea chitita pe rochia asta, stiam ca o vreau si c-o s-o iau acasa cu mine, iar dupa probat deja o dadusem in amor nebun. Si daca tot eram pornache in sufrageria Cristinei, hlizindu-ma in fata oglinzii ulterior in asta (care btw, tot a mea e!), am luat la proba si sacoul-rochie din imagini. Cristina a zis ca e dă bine si mi l-a dat si p’asta iar eu dupa ce-am ajuns acasa cu sacosele pline, m-am pus pe pozat si facut combinatii. Asta e cea mai “curata” dintre ele si probabil cea care imi place cel mai mult, tocmai din cauza simplitudinii ei… 
Despre Potocaliu si povestea din spatele numelui urmeaza sa va mai povestesc datile viitoare 🙂 Pana una alta, mai multe treburi faine facute de Cristina gasiti aici

Acum cu cizmele. Ca va zisesem in postarea trecuta ceva de Mini Prix si H&M. Nu stiu prin ce noroc divin mi-a dat prin gand duminica trecuta sa trec printr-un MiniPrix dar intamplarea a facut ca fix atunci aveau 70% reducere la TOT. Mai putin la genti si alte accesorii de genul. Aglomeratie, mare aglomeratie in magazin, relativ putine chestii faine ramase, dezamagire totala. Pana ajung la raionul de incaltaminte si dau de cizmele astea, ultimele ramase, fix 38. Asta nu se intamplă niciodata in lumea mea, ghinonul marimilor ma persecuta din nascare iar daca se intampla sa nimeresc intr-adevar ce-mi trebuie, imi scot parleala pe alte parti (par exemple ma trezesc ca n-au fermoar sau sunt rupte). Le-am probat, imi veneau. 90 ron la pret intreg. Beton zic! Nu intelesesem prea bine daca incaltamintea intra la accesorii
si deci nu stiam daca se aplica reducerea aia de 70% dar eram oricum hotarata sa le iau, indiferent de ea (iubesc cizmele inalte, se stie!). Si-am avut noroc. M-au costat 26 de lei. Cand mi-a zis aia la casa ma uitam la ea siderata, nestiind daca ma ia la misto sau e pe bune. Partea nasoala e ca tot imi cad de pe picior dar pentru banii astia, cred ca mi-as mai fi cumparat doua perechi!


Well, hello

leoo leo leo3 
(H&M coat, River Island skirt, thrifted sequin top, Oasap bag, Zara boots, vintage belt, River Island bracelets, H&M necklace) 

EN: And here’s what I wore yesterday. 
[Sorry I’ve been a little absent from the blog recently but I couldn’t post anything due to a severe lack of outfit photos. My photographer “abandoned” me for a few days and I’m not a big fan of tripods or self taken photos. Anyway all good now] 
Proof once again that I love leopard print! The weather has been surprisingly warm these last few days so I took advantage of it and pulled out this (quite thin) leopard print coat from the depths of my closet. It has been one of the best purchases I have made last year, not only because of the amazing price fabulous print and leather inserts but it works with pretty much everything I have in my closet, from a silk blouse to a leather skirt or some old, baggy, vintage Levi’s jeans. I, for one, consider this print a neutral, so If I were you, I would definitely try to incorporate some sort of leopard into my wardrobe. It just goes with everything! 
Anyway, I admit it – I went a little (just a little!) crazy with this look but it’s definitely a very ME outfit! I love clashing prints and textures, I love colors, I love breaking the rules and I love mix & matching and my style reflects my personality accurately. 
In other news, I did some shopping lately so you can expect some sort of “new in” post soon. Just a few more days and I’ll be going home…Can’t wait! 
RO: Astazi am aflat ca sunt Elodia. Astazi…ma rog, ieri, cand am purtat asta. Sau cel putin asa i s-a parut unuia de bine sa-mi zica. “Zici ca esti Elodia!” Ceea ce bineinteles, mi-a provocat un impuls irezistibil. /:) 
Zic…pai bine ma prietene, sunt eu Elodia, da cine’i Cioaca? Si presupunand ca as fi Elodia (cu tot respectul pentru dansa), asta inseamna ca sunt usor decedata? Si usor vedeta penibila de OTV? Zic sa-l intrebam pe Diaconescu. Pe mine ma depaseste. 
Nu, adevarul e ca nu i-am zis nimic. Nici nu ma mai irita “glumele” de genul asta, au devenit atat de monotone si serbede si banale si anoste si chiar familiare, ca nu mai imi provoaca decat oboseală. 

In alta ordine de idei, sa va pun la curent. Ca trebuie. Altfel cum o sa dormiti la noapte? 
Cica trebuia sa-mi vina pachet de la Oasap de vreo luna. Comanda data undeva la inceputul lui Ianuarie, plecata tot de atunci, trebuia sa ajunga de cand hau (n-am avut niciodata pana acum probleme cu pachetele lor). De regula imi ajungeau in vreo 10 zile. Eu fiind la Bucuresti, in fiecare zi cand sunam la ai mei acasa la Buzau, intrebam de aviz. Vreo doua saptamani am tot intrebat zilnic. Si nimic. Dupa care am lasat-o mai moale in ideea ca dracului, o fi vreo problema cu shippingul, se misca greu astia prin vami…dracu’ sa-i cante. Ajunge el, trebuie sa vina si avizul! A venit februarie si pachetul meu tot nimic. Pana la urma luni le-am trimis mail astora de la Oasap sa verifice tracking numberul ala si sa vada pe unde-i coletul, ca la mine sigur n-a ajuns! Ieri primesc raspuns de la Oasap. Imi trimit si mie linkul sa ma lamuresc… Si ce sa vezi. Pachetul e in prelucrare la Oficiul 7 din Buzau de pe 19 Ianuarie!!! Eram … 😐 Cred ca v-am mai povestit pocinoage cu posta, mereu am parte de cate o d’asta. Am sunat repede la Buzau, am dat indicatii precise cum, cand, de unde, ce-i in pachet si acum astept. Sa vezi mare taxa pe magazinaj ce-o sa-mi puna iar ala de la vama. Ca doar nu e el vinovat ca n-am primit eu avizul. Nu, eu sunt. Corect. 
Dupa ce le primesc (adica sper sa le primesc) si ajung la Buzau, o sa fac o postare cu produsele si eventual cu ce mai am nou. H&M ul m-a facut foarte fericita cu reducerile lui recente si la fel si Mini Prixul duminica trecuta. Despre Mini Prix si o colaborare frumoasa, va povestesc zilele astea 😛



Last week after my exam I went for coffee with my friends. Took a few shots…
My outfit is almost entirely vintage. I’ve been meaning to wear and (post about) this fabulous statement belt ever since I bought it at a fair, last year, but never really got the chance to. I love collecting big, bold belts, especially the vintage stuff!

 a c
Wearing a vintage leather skirt, vintage YSL sweater, Topshop fake fur coat, vintage hat, vintage belt, no name boots and necklace

Gifts from Asia


EN: My boyfriend recently got back from a trip to Asia and he brought me some stuff I’d like to share with you guys… I know this isn’t quite a fashion topic but I’d like to showcase a few things! So, I obviously gave him instructions before he left to bring me magazines. We don’t have Vogue here in Romania so I’ll take any foreign edition I can get my hands on! 
This is the January issue of Vogue Japan. 
RO: De curand un anumit individ s-a intors din Asia. El cica e boyfriend asa dar sa-l numim individ ca se supara daca-i zic prieten :-@ Si mi-a adus de acolo treburi. I-am zis precis de cand a plecat sa-mi aduca Vogue (sa am ce citi! vedeti mai jos cam cum sunt paginile, da?). Mi-a adus. Asta e numarul de Ianuarie al Vogue Japan.



I loooved the editorials, especially this one!
Pictorialele sunt foarte faine – asta mi-a placut cel mai mult.

 third fifth 

I find it “funny” that Anna Dello Russo is featured on so many pages. You know, Anna Dello Russo? The the editor-at-large and creative consultant for Vogue Japan? Yeah, her. She appears in the magazine for like…7 times. And 2 of them are entirely about her. Not sure how I feel about this. It’s supposed to be a fashion and lifestyle magazine, not a personal style blog… 
 Dar in general revista e plina de Anna Dello Russo (se intelege ca nu pricep o iota din ce scrie, deci nu ma pot referi la text, dar din poze, numai eu am numarat vreo 7 pagini in care apare Anna! Dintre care 2 ii sunt dedicate complet ei). Ceea ce mi se pare bine. Pe sistem de “Cine e şăfu ăl mare la revista asta? Eu. Deci ce sa punem noi in pagini, hm? Ce sa punem, ce sa punem? Pe cine, pe cine? Pe mineeeeeeeeeee!” E bine zic. Ce mi-e Vogue Japan ce mi-e blog de stil personal. Tot aia. Corect.


 I obviously don’t understand a single word. Actually, I don’t even know what a word looks like, it’s all gibberish to me. 
Luati ma si cititi. Culturalizati-va. Nu ramaneti ca mine cu nivel de ylang ylang (cam atat pot eu sa zic sa aiba legatura cu asiaticii)

Japanese Kit-Kat. With strawberries! So good, so good! I only wish he would have brought me more. 
Kit Kat japonez. Demential de bun a fost. Singura problema e ca mi-a adus o singura cutiuta de d’asta si o tona de biscuiti chinezesti :-w


A very cool thing that he brought me is this black dress with some sort of red Chinese flower print. Hits me just above my knee and it fits beautifully, I love it! Can’t wait for better weather so I can wear it with some pretty pumps… 
O chestie foarte faina pe care am primit-o este rochia asta neagra cu model rosu. Imi tot vine (prosteste!) sa-i zic kimono dar nu e kimono, n-are nicio treaba cu kimonourile! E o rochie pana la genunchi care surprinzator imi vine foarte bine. Si la care cel mai probabil o sa-mi pun betele de mancare (pe care mi le-a adus) in par. Dar la vara…cred ca acum arata ca dracu’ cu cizme.

And a gorgeous printed fan. I love it. 
Si-un evantai maaaare cu cadru de lemn. Love it.


Am vorbit destul de des cat a fost acolo si i-am povestit si atunci cat si dupa ce s-a intors, un anumit moment. Simt nevoia sa-l povestesc si acum, poate obtin in sfarsit efectul scontat ca vad ca nu pricepe. 
So. Luasem vacanta, tocmai ce ma pregateam sa plec spre gara sa ma duc la Buzau. Ma duc in statia de RATB, cu ditai geamantanul dupa mine, infofolita gen musulman, de mi se vedeau doar ochii. In statie un nene ciudatel, se tot invartea prin viscol. Vad ca vine spre mine. Imi zic in gand “nu, nu, nu, du-te inapoi. Du-te inapoi, nu veniiiii!”. A venit. Si incepe. “Domnisoara se pare ca numai noi am mai ramas in statie”. 
Ma fac ca n-aud. Ma uit in alta directie, poate pleaca. 
Pe dracu. 
“Domnisoara, se pare ca numai noi am mai ramas in statie”. 
Zic “da”. 
“Haide la o cafea!” Ma uitam… /:) In mintea mea gandindu-ma ca…bă traiti-ar, asta nu ma vede ca-s cu tona de sarsanele dupa mine? Si-o fi imaginand ca merg la bal deghizata asa? 
Ii spun ca merg la gara, nu pot, nu vreau cafele. 
 “Ahhhhhhhhh, pai si eu merg la gara! Bem cafea acolo!” 
“Nu, multumesc”. 
Se intoarce cu spatele. Sta cateva secunde. Se intoarce cu fata. 
“Ochii tai sunt ca soarele nu stiu ce, privirea nu stiu cum” Nu mai stiu cum si ce a zis dar am pufnit in ras. Era text tipic de poezie invatata sa agati gagici cu ciungă-n par sau eleve naïve de ciclu primar. N-am putut sa ma abtin, radeam isteric. Ala nimic. Mi-a mai zis cateva d’astea si-mi pare rau ca nu le-am retinut exact, era foarte comic omul. In sfarsit a venit si autobuzul pe care-l asteptam. Ma urc, aglomerat, ala nu mai era, ma asez, zic “pfiuuuu, am scapat!”. Liniste cateva secunde dupa care ţop in dreapta mea, se urca si pokemonul. Cand l-am vazut iar…mare palma peste frunte ce mi-am dat. 
Aveam de mers vreo 40 de minute pana la gara. Ningand, fiind mizerie d’aia pe jos si deci trafic pe sistem dric, am facut mai bine de o ora. Timp in care aluia nu i-a tacut gura. Se pare ca n-a fost deloc lezat de râsul meu, nici nu s-a complexat sau retras. Nu tată. Perseverent pana la capat! Am aflat pe parcursul calatoriei ca tipul era sofer de tir :> 
Mi-a spuuuus, mi-a spus printre dezacorduri si cate-un vers suav de poezie, ca are in spate acolo la tir, doua paturi. DOUA! Si ca daca vreau, pot sa merg cu el prin lume cand transporta hamei. Si are si cuptor cu microunde! Si, tineti-va bineeeee, are si CA-SE-TO-FON!!!!! Ma, tu-ntelegi?!? Tu intelegi ce are ala in tir????? TU-NTELEGI CE AM RATAT???? 
Cum spuneam, i-am povestit prima data individului faza cand era inca acolo, in Asia. Habar n-a avut, se hlizea. Cand s-a intors in tara, iar. Cu lux de amanunte, sa priceapa si sa se tavaleasca in chinuri, sa moara de oftica, crize de gelozie, sa aparem la stirile de la ora 5 cu ucidere din culpa. Nimic. Calm, numai intr-un ranjet si-o hlizeala. 
Nemernicule. Praf esti!


50's style full circle skirt

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(no name skirt and necklace, Tina R cardigan, Deichmann boots, Oasap sunnies, vintage belt) 

EN: I love stepping back in time with fashion. Not like literally – even though sometimes my vintage pieces make me feel like an 80’s superstar or a crazy hippie – but in some ways, I enjoy wearing old clothes and pairing them with contemporary pieces, I enjoy vintage and retro styles and looking like I just stepped out of the 60’s or the 50’s. 
This skirt I’m wearing is definitely not vintage but it has this gorgeous full cut and big pleats that make it like a modern take on the circle skirts of the 50s! (that’s my favorite fashion era at the moment). The fabric is pretty trendy though, it’s some sort of synthetic leather (actually a nightmare wrinkle wise; any suggestions on getting creases out of fake leather? Please let me know!) that reminds me of the Louis Vuitton Fall/Winter 2011-2012 collection. I wore it a few days ago to take one of my exams and luckily all went well. Paired with a backwards cardigan, my suede over the knee boots and a few gold accessories for that final touch. 
Wish you all a wonderful new week! 
RO: Tot ce-mi vine sa spun e ca iubesc fusta asta. Nu nu, ador fusta asta. Defapt nu, ce simt e peste iubire si adoratie! V-am povestit de ea acum vreo 2 luni intr-o postare cu noutati – cum am ratat-o cand era in stoc pe siteul Mini Prix si apoi am inceput s-o caut disperata si cum am gasit una cu 4 marimi mai mari, am cumparat-o si-am dus-o la croitoreasa sa mi-o micsoreze. Voila, asta e. De atunci o tot tineam in dulap, agatata frumos pe umeras in asteptarea a…a nu stiu ce dracu, cumva in capul meu imi tot imaginam ca am nevoie de ocazie speciala ca sa o port. Pana la urma saptamana trecuta am imbracat-o, am fost la un examen asa (plus jacheta pe care am dat-o jos pentru poze). Si-mi place mult, de vreun an traversez o perioada plina de dragoste pentru siluete ample anii 50, si caut fuste si rochii in genul asta. Problema cu asta este insa urmatoarea (si daca aveti vreun sfat sau solutie ceva, sunt binevenite!) : pielea este sintetica. Deci practic un plastic care arata ca pielea. Fiind asadar sintetic, se sifoneaza si face cute ca un material subtire (sunt sigura ca le observati) si nu stiu cum sa le scot. De calcat nu pot ca se topeste si se duce dracului materialul cu totul, de inmuiat „pielea” la aburi si tras de ea cu mana iarasi n-a mers, s-o duc la o calcatorie ceva mi-e frica; chiar nu stiu ce sa-i fac. Iar pe net nu prea se gasesc solutii decat pentru pielea naturala… 

In alta ordine de idei, da, port un cardigan cu fata in spate. 
Si-am fugit la alt examen. Tineti-mi pumnii!


Random Saturday thoughts

1. I loved The September Issue. I loved Anna, I loved Grace Coddington, I loved all the behind the scenes, I loved the interviews, I just loved it all! It was a wonderful documentary and I have seen it several times since 2009. Anyway, recently HBO has released a new film about the famous magazine, titled In Vogue: The Editor’s Eye and I’ve been dying to see it ever since I first heard about it last year! The only problem is that I can’t find it anywhere. Either on DVD, online, torrent downloading, I tried searching it for hours but nothing seemed to work. The movie is just impossible to find. Have you seen it? 
If not, you can check out a few trailers here
2. I really seem to be having a dark color moment, don’t you think? I’ve been going through my last outfits (mentally and visually) and it’s like I’m starting to notice a pattern here. All I’ve been wearing lately are greys, navy blues, browns, charcoal and a lot of black! No wonder I’m so bored all the time and I crave summer so much! I look like a depressed goth and I blame it all on the weather… 
3. My exams are almost over, Monday I’ll be taking my antepenultimate exam and in a few days I’ll (hopefully) be able to go home. I haven’t been to my hometown for like three weeks, which is a lot for me, and I’m dying to see my folks! Not to mention there’s a little something [read: shoes, ahem] waiting for me at home… 
4. A while ago I went to H&M and bought one of those hair donuts after seeing it on a friend. It obviously doesn’t look good on me at the moment cause I don’t have enough hair yet but I’m really having a hard time figuring out how to use it! I guess i’ll just have to wait for my hair to grow 🙂 
5. Make sure to check out Stella’s blog, Jadore fashion. I recently discovered it and I’m hooked! I love her classy style! 

Wishing you all a happy weekend!


Zara high heel vamp shoe


EN: I remember seeing these shoes at Zara a few years ago. They were so popular back then, almost everyone had a pair! And it’s easy to see why… 
Anyway, I had the bug too so I went to my local Zara to try them on and eventually buy them. That obviously didn’t happen because my feet are in-between sizes and since the Romanian Zara doesn’t stock half sizes… it was a total disaster. I normally wear a size 8 US in shoes, sometimes a 9 but it depends on the shape of the shoe. However, I tried the 8, it was too small. I tried the 9, it was too big. I left the store empty handed and I still regret not buying them. [insert big sigh here] 
RO: In 2010 sau 2011, aparusera la Zara pantofii astia. Model pe cat de simplu pe atat de popular, devenisera imposibil de gasit iar blogurile erau arhi-saturate de ei. 
Mi-aduc aminte ca prinsesem si eu microbul, cu toate ca n-aveau nicio treaba cu stilul meu de atunci. Chiar ma dusesem in Zara de la Unirii si probasem cele doua marimi obligatorii pentru mine, 38 si 39. De regula la Zara 38 ma strange iar 39 imi e mare. Splendid. 
(nota: in Romania, daca porti o marime cu jumatate de masura, esti fucked. Eu port. Iar daca la sandale, cizme sau pantofi cu bareta problema se rezolva simplu cumparand marimea mai mare, in ceea ce priveste escarpenii ai doua posibilitati: ori iei marimea mai mica si-ti blestemi zilele de durere ca te strange si iti e incomoda, ori o iei pe aia mai mare si te chinui sa mergi ca iti iese din picior. Cel putin in cazul meu).
Revenind. Deci am fost la Zara, am probat si-am patit fix ce ziceam mai sus : 38 nu puteam sa port ca muream de degete, 39 imi iesea din picior. Am plecat cu mana goala, nu mi-am luat nimic si am continuat sa ma consolez cu ideea ca “oricum nu port eu ceva asa de elegant!” Idee care s-a dovedit proasta pentru ca oftez la pozele lor ori de cate ori ii vad pe net sau in picioarele cuiva.


Anyway, a month or so ago, I saw these babies online at and I’m obsessed! I haven’t seen them in stores yet but I can’t wait to try them on and hopefully they’ll fit this time! 
Ba-ba-bi-baaaaaam! Dar au aparut astia! De vreo luna ii tot admir pe siteul Zara (nu i-am vazut inca in magazine…voi?) si astept sa dau de ei prin mall ca sa ii pot proba. Cu speranta ca nu mai patesc la fel ca acum doi ani si gasesc o marime care sa-mi vina fara probleme…


Not quite the same thing as the first pair but they look pretty similar to me… 
Nu sunt ei identici alora dar seamana si-mi plac si presimt ca o sa regret iarasi crocodăliceşte daca-i ratez.


Not to mention that I saw them on Taylor’s Sterling instagram a few days ago! So yes, they do exist! Haha. 
Please let me know if you (or anyone you know) have them! 
Unde mai punem ca i-am vazut acum cateva zile pe instagramul tipei de la glitter guide
Verdict? VREAU! 
Ii aveti vreuna din voi cumva? Dati de stire, s’il vous plait!


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(vintage Louis Feraud pants, no name jacket and booties, H&M faux fur stole, Oasap bag, River Island earrings, vintage belt)


Glossy black

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(River Island skirt, Deichmann boots, H&M jacket, Koton faux fur vest, no name bag, top and necklace, vintage belt) 
Busy busy day today. Few hours before my first semester exam and I’m freaking out like hell! 
Wish me luck!


So sick I can't function anymore

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(Mango jacket, Pull & Bear assymetrical dress, thrifted Zara sweater, no name boots and necklace, Oasap bag, Asos tights) 

EN: I’ve been really sick with the flu for the past week so I’ve been mostly in bed, lying down. Not sure how I managed to get sick this time of the year, I’m usually one of those weirdos who happen to catch a cold in July… Yeah, so I’m feverish, coughing and my lungs hurt like hell! 
Anyway, as you may have notice, I’ve been experimenting with my hair a bit. Like it? Nothing permanent, I just tried an ammonia free hair dye for a more reddish color. The color keeps fading pretty quickly but I like it and I think I’m gonna try the permanent version of it. I have always thought darker colors make my skin look better (please correct me if i’m wrong)… 
My outfit is probably one of the comfiest I have ever worn. As usual I was all bundled up in layers, pairing my asymmetrical summer dress with tons of soft sweaters and a few pairs of tights. I recently thrifted this blue sweater from a second hand shop in my hometown, and I absolutely love it! The color is insane, I adore sapphire blue, which is my favorite color btw, and it’s cropped! Major thrift score! 
Also, I’m wearing my current favorite bag from Oasap. The amount of detail put into this bag is incredible and I’m utterly in love with the color! Not to mention how many people asked me where did you get it from, where did you get it from? 

Hope you’re enjoying your weekend! 

RO: Profesionaliceste. Asa am racit. 
De cateva zile incepusem sa tusesc. Mai o durere in gat, mai un stranut…nimic alarmant. Mergand si pe ideea ca eu sunt unul dintre oamenii care se imbolnaveste fix de-a-ndoaselea (adica vara, cand sunt 40 de grade afara!!!), mi-am spus ca hei, da-l dracu de stranut, doar n-o sa racesc EU iarna! Plus ca ma mai si infofolesc si strătulesc excesiv! Cum sa racesc?!? Referitor la treaba asta cu straturile…chiar e amuzant. Cand ma intalnesc cu prietenele/colegele mele si mergem spre facultate, unul dintre subiectele de discutie este cate perechi de pantaloni si cate pulovere are Andreea azi pe ea. Iar Andreea de regula are un minim de 3 perechi de colanti si 3 bluze pe dedesubtul a ce chiar e vizibil. Andreea abia se mai poate misca de atatea straturi. Andreea contrasteaza dubios cu gecutele si leggingsii subtiri ai colegelor ce nu se plang de frig. Si cu toate astea, Andreea a consumat saptamana asta un bax de servetele, are o voce de canal si tuseste ca un tbcist versat. Profesionistă, da-ma dracu… 
Am fost la farmacie sa-mi iau doftorii. Dupa instructiuni precise cu creonu’ pe hartie de la bunică mea (care nu mai are mult si parc-o vad cu oalele de supa la usa mea aici la Bucuresti), aveam cat de cat idee cam ce sa iau: Fervex, Strepsils, paracetamoale, picaturi nazale, nu stiu ce antibiotic…ma rog, multe. Ma duc la farmacie, ii zic lu’ aia ce vreau…Si ma ameteste mai rau ca bunica mea. Ca nu luati d’aia ca e tot pe baza de caca maca si intra in conflict cu caca maca ăsta care e pe baza de radacina de blana de iepure si care nu tolereaza verdele de cascaval din siropul de pipi de camila. Luati d’asta! 
Imi bubuia capul in ultimul hal. Aleia nu-i mai tacea gura, eu nu stiam cum sa plec mai repede sa ajung acasa, telefonul imi suna in disperare (verificarea de 10 minute probabil), in spatele meu coada. Cu o juma’ de gura, ma rastesc pe-un ton (penibil) ragusit la aia, sa-mi dea dracului ceva sa-mi treaca si sa plec. Nici nu cred c-a inteles ce-am zis. Ma aud ca din canal, v-am spus… Ma rog. Mi-a dat, mi-a luat si niste foarte multi bani pe ce mi-a dat, si-am plecat. Sper sa-mi revin pana saptamana viitoare, e si o perioada foarte nasoala asta…fiind in sesiune. 
In alta ordine de idei, mi-am facut o chestie la par. Nu e ceva permanent, m-am facut acasa cu o vopsea fara amoniac, doar ca sa vad cum mi-ar sta. Si-mi cam place. Am in general senzatia ca-mi sta mai bine cu culori mai inchise, nu vi se pare? Ce-am folosit aici e un Palette (care deja imi curge si n-a prins complet). Am de gand insa cand ajung pe la Buzau, sa-mi iau ceva permanent si sa uniformizez culoarea. O sa raman oricum tot in zona asta, saten-roscat…Ceva de genul. 
Ultima fotografie? Trebuia. Era imperios necesar. 
Sunt pisici la noi in curte la facultate. Nu puteam rata ocazia a ne trage-n poza impreuna :>


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