Blue is my favorite color

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(River Island skirt, vintage Levi’s jacket, no name wedges and earrings, Oasap bag, New Look t-shirt, vintage belt, H&M sunnies) 

EN: So far, this blue River Island skirt (along with this orange one) is definitely the best purchase I’ve made this year. Excepting vintage of course but that’s a whole new level of fabulousness. Speaking of which… I’m currently in my hometown for the Easter holidays and I obviously went thrifting a few days ago. I found so many beautiful things! No designer pieces this time (well, I did find some sort of gold Escada vest but it was ugly and I didn’t buy it) but I bought no more than 5 circle skirts (yes, I have an obsession with 50’s midi skirts), a plain, long underskirt (which I really needed by the way, for my maxi skirts!), some gorgeous high waisted, wide-legged pants (for a dolar, people, I found the most amazing pants ever! a dolar!), two printed shirts and some sort of a black blazer with gold buttons and some ruffles around the neck. I love thrifting 🙂
RO: Vedeti, vedeti, vedeti? Vedeti de ce iubesc eu River Islandul? Cine altcineva sa faca fuste d’astea frumoase (la preturi suportabile si pentru muritorii de rand)? 
“Hai spune: ‘Cine, cine ?’, spune-mi ‘Cine, cine ?” (Cum ar spune un div) 
Daca tineti minte, v-am amenintat ca mi-o cumpar de prin iarna, cand aparuse lookbookul ss13 – asta albastra si aia portocalie (si evident ca o am si pe dansa, muhahaha >:)). Ambele sunt geniale si probabil cele mai bune achizitii pe anul asta, pana acum. Exceptand desigur ce-am gasit prin seconduri. Sunt la Buzau de cateva zile si-am fost bineinteles la thrifting :> M-am intors acasa cu urmatoarele : 5 fuste (toate cloş – mda, asta e obsesia anului), o jupa lunga (chiar aveam nevoie si n-am nici cea mai mica idee de unde as putea cumpara jupe noi), o pereche de pantaloni super wide-legged cu talie inalta (Dumnezeu, pantalonii aia sunt Dumnezeu), doua super camasi si-un fel de sacou subtire cu volane, croială asimetrică si nasturii aurii. Numai deliciozităţi din punctul meu de vedere, mama desigur c-a avut o cadere nervoasă cand a vazut cu ce-am venit acasa. Pe sistem de n-ai mamă cu ce te imbraca? Plus de asta ca turbeaza cand ma vede cu fuste cloş – ea fiind adepta rochiilor in principiu, croite pe langa corp si deasupra genunchiului. In orice caz, o sa pun ceva din vintageul gasit si in shop (nu sunt foarte decisa ce dau si ce pastrez pentru mine dar ce e sigur e ca urmatoarea updatare va fi mai mult pe baza de vintage; si va fi frumos). Stay tuned ca e pe vine 🙂


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(thrifted jeans, Primark shirt, Miniprix top, vintage Louis Vuitton bag, River Island earrings, H&M sunnies) 

EN: Lately I’ve been thinking quite a bit about how I dress now vs how I used to dress before starting this blog. It’s unbelievable how much my style has changed during the last 3 (or 4) years and what a huge difference there is between me now and me a few years ago. For a start, I used to wear very unflattering, baggy clothes (maybe someday I’ll show you pictures; that should be interesting). A lot of black. No heels. Jeans! I lived in my flared jeans. And now… How many times have you seen me wearing flats? How many times have you seen me wearing black? How many times have you seen me wearing jeans? Yes, you could probably count them on the fingers of one hand. I guess I’m just not that person anymore – which can get pretty scary sometimes, I feel (and want to be) different in every possible way, no matter how much dissaproval or rejection I get. And blogging had a lot to do with this (style wise). I mean, if it wasn’t for this blog and what I’ve learned through it, I’d probably be wearing this kind of comfortable, cute but not very exciting outfit on a daily basis (I’m not implying that I dress up just for the sake of blogging, what I’m saying is that I wouldn’t be enjoying it as much as I do if I hadn’t developed this passion). Anyway, not sure why I’m pointing these things out particularly in this post, I guess it’s just something different for a change. 
And now onto the outfit itself… A few days ago I went to visit this outlet shopping center and decided to dress as comfortably and as lightly as possible since the weather is really hot in Romania at the moment (not that I’m complaining or anything). So I wore these wide legged jeans that I thrifted last winter for $3, a babydoll top (I like how feminine these tops are, I think I should get more) and the newest addition to my prints collection, a silky Primark shirt. How gorgeous is that floral print? (second photo) I loved it so much that I also bought the matching skirt, a pretty maxi one. They don’t look that cute together, or at least I don’t like a head to toe look but I’m sure I’ll get a lot of wear out of them this summer… 

RO: Kika in stanga mea, Progesul in spate, da, eram intr-o zona periferica. Mai exact in Militari, in centrul comercial West Park, cica sa vad outletul. “Fashion House Outlet Centre” – suna promitator (folosesc trecutul), deci m-am dus entuziasmata in ideea ca mamă, sa vezi ce plec eu cu sacosele pline de aici
Aiurea, a fost un rateu total. Magazine putine si majoritatea orientate pe articole de sport, plus, problema cea mai mare, preturile deplasate. Acum…ok, poate nu ma incadrez eu in publicul tinta (trening, adidasi si alte alea…NU) dar erau si cateva magazine (Mango si vreo doua cu pantofi) din care poate as fi cumparat. Asta daca preturile n-ar fi fost la nivel de colectie actuala, ci chiar de outlet, cum mi se pare normal. Si sunt doua variante: ori nu inteleg eu conceptul de outlet, ori sunt aia picati in cap. Ca exemplu, o pereche de sandale (al carei brand nu-l mai retin dar era ceva gen Aldo, deci high street!) care mi-a placut, costa 420 de ron. Redus de la 570. Sunt astia zdraveni la cap? Erau si lucruri mai ieftine dar nimic ce m-ar putea face sa topai intr-un picior si sa cumpar fara ezitare. Repet, n-am intrat in toate magazinele dar nici nu cred ca mai ma duc pe acolo vreodata. Dezamagire totala. 
Voi ati cumparat vreodata de acolo? Cum vi s-a parut? 

Tinuta e genul meu de comfortabil, relaxare, materiale subtiri si racoroase, fara prea multa bataie de cap. Jeansii i-am cumparat undeva in iarna dintr-un second iar bluza in dungulite am luat-o din Miniprixul din Otopeni acum cateva saptamani (ala outlet!). Camasa insa e cea mai proaspata achizitie, cumparata din magazinul de la Cismigiu (cele din Bucuresti stiti sigur despre ce vorbesc), la pachet cu o fusta maxi acelasi model. Purtate impreuna arata ca o pijama – si cred ca o sa am nevoie sa-mi fac jupă pentru fustă – dar au un imprimeu asa primavaratec si frumos ca n-aveam cum sa nu le iau acasa. Cat de curand va arat si fusta 🙂


Life update + rambling

Since I don’t have an instagram account (for various reasons) but I (very) often take out my phone (or camera) and shoot photos (of stuff I like), I thought I should post a few of them here, just to bring you up to date on my not so glamorous life. So here it goes…

Grinning like a Cheshire cat
A few months ago I’ve been featured in two editions of this dutch magazine, VIVA. I obviously can’t read dutch (and I obviously forgot to post the photos when I received the magazine ; told ya the alzheimer’s creeping in) but if I remember correctly both of the articles were about prints and how to mix them. Anyway, thank you Viva! 🙂
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Adidas Jeremy Scott Wings Shoes. Haha, so funny.
This time, about a month ago, I was all bundled up in layers, it was snowing and there was ice on the ground. Crazy to think I’m wearing sandals right now…
My wardrobe at the moment. Well, part of it. Most of my clothes and shoes are in my hometown where I have the luxury of enjoying my own closets, but here in Bucharest, I live in a small place where I have almost no closet space. A while ago I went to Ikea and bought one of those hanging clothes organisers and some hangers and here it is, very useful. Not to mention everything is much more organized now…
I love travelling by train, especially at night, when it’s empty and all I can hear are the train wheels…

 Ah, les cheries. These are my college friends. We took this photo about two months ago during one of those hang-out nights when we usually eat and drink too much, laugh a lot and get no sleep. So little time until graduation, I’m sure I’ll miss these nights…

Went to H&M one day and found these pretty sandals on sale. Last pair, my size. Bought them instantly!
(Yes, you hate my pants, bla bla bla)
Here’s a better photo of them. Pretty, huh?
Wearing: Primark blouse, vintage belt and H&M skirt. I adore this skirt but buying it was such a pain in the ass! The first time I saw it in a store they didn’t have my size so I went to another H&M to find it. They didn’t have my size either but a few calls were made and I was told to wait for their call tomorrow since one of the stores had the skirt in my size pinned to the mannequin. I said ok and left the store. Then I waited. And waited. And waited. Almost a week had passed and still no call. So I went back to one of the stores and surprise, not only did the skirt on the mannequin sold but also the next size up. 
What did I do? Yes, I bought a two sizes larger skirt (which I belt as tight as I can)
Cute cup of hot chocolate from Springtime. Tasty and super cheap…

Late night face
Cool pub I recently went to, placed somewhere near the Cismigiu park. It’s called James Joyce pub if I remember correctly.

Fifty shades during school breaks


Green maxi

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(handmade skirt, Asos jacket, vintage Cacharel shirt, Jeffrey Campbell shoes, vintage Louis Vuitton bag, vintage belt, no name necklace) 
My skirt is WAY much prettier than this. Horrible wind. Hence the face.



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(River Island top and pants, Asos jacket, Oasap bag, vintage Ray Ban sunnies) 
EN:Wearing what I could call my favorite pants at the moment. If you’ve read this blog before, you probably know already that I mostly wear skirts and dresses and I’m not that keen on pants, especially if they’re tight. However, I do have a soft spot for wide legged pants (perhaps because they resemble maxi skirts so much? Haha, so predictable) and this high-waisted pair from River Island is exactly what I like : love the print, love the length, love the cut, (really) love the high waist and the fabric. And I feel super comfortable in them… Worn here with a (super short) River Island dress (remember this?) – which can easily pass as a top (as shown here), my Oasap bag and my all time favorite cropped jacket from Asos.

How was your weekend? I had a lot of school projects to finish so not much fun for me (or my friends – we had to do one of the projects together), except for the part where we lost track of time and ended up spending our study time on movies, eating junk food (see the pictures below), laughing and just having a great time. Not very productive but super fun, haha. We literally had no sleep that night, coffee being the only thing that kept us functioning. Fortunatelly we did manage to finish the project. At 8 a.m. the next day. Applause.  

RO: Deci v-a placut de rochia din postarea anterioara, ah? Multumesc pentru raspunsuri, daca mai aveam vreo urma de indoiala c-o vreau, acum sunt chiar convinsa. Mai nasol e ca au bagat iar alte chestii care-mi plac si fara un troc pe baza de rinichi sau alte inutilitati de genul date la schimb, nu ma vad bine. In fine. In alta ordine de idei… 
Am avut un weekend “interesant”, cu proiecte peste proiecte, cantitati industriale de cofeina (si alte lichide imbietoare) ingerate si nervi intinsi la maxim. Unul dintre proiecte cerea munca in echipa. Prin urmare, vineri dup’amiaza pe la 12-1, hop top, eu si alte doua colege ne infiintam la usa Dianei, cealalta colega (autoare a pozelor de fata), chipurile sa facem proiectul. Deadline? Peste o zi. Beton… Avem timp. 
Mergem inainte la mega image sa facem provizii, luam tot ce se putea lua in materie de junk food si alte alea, si cica hai. La treaba. Era 6 seara si noi aveam o pagina jumate. Perfect, zic sa luam o pauza ca prea am muncit. Si mai avem doar…13 pagini jumate. S-a largit grupul, a mai venit si prietenul Dianei cu altii…mai fa proiect.
Dai cu hlizeala, mai si bea ceva, hai sa-ti arat ceva pe youtube, ai auzit de aia, da’ stai sa vezi ce-am patit, hahahaha, hihihihi, buf sub masa, s-a facut 10 seara. Hai iar la mega ca nu mai avem de niciunele si tre’ sa luam si cafea sa ne trezim.
Se face 11, mai stam pana pe la 11 jumate si incepem. Evident ca se dusese dracu toata atmosfera, nu mai avea nimeni chef de niciun proiect si-a mers foarte anevoios. Ne-am chinuit toata noaptea la el si anuntam cu mandrie, ca, la 7 dimineata (defapt 8), proiectul nostru era gata. Aplauze. Iara noi, evident terci, nedormite si zombificate, chiar si dupa cele doua cafele baute pe parcursul noptii. 

Tinuta e cu rochita de aici daca o mai tineti minte, despre care spuneam ca e atat de scurta ca merge mai mult ca tunica. Luata de la River Island, la fel ca pantalonii-mbulinati pe care ii iubesc, iubesc, iubesc! Si ca tot vorbeam de Zara mai devreme, am pus ochii pe astia acum…


Want: Zara floral printed dress

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EN: My oh my. This arrived on the Zara website a few days ago and I’ve been obsessed with dreaming of it ever since. The next day, Wednesday I think, I went to a Zara store to try it on and I must say this is a fabulous dress! As you can probably tell, it fits different on me than it does on the model but I guess that’s normal considering we’re talking Zara here, queen of androgynous styles that have nothing in common with me, my tastes or my body shape. Anyway, I absolutely love the dress and I hope to buy it soon (I’m broke once again; insert shock here) but I have a problem with the print. Check out the third picture, the close up one, where you can tell that the dress on this model has more print and color on it, while the rest (first photo), and the one that I tried on, are more bland and simple. I just wish I could find the colorful version, I think it’s so much more interesting… 
What do you think? 
RO: O doamne, o doamne, o doamne! Acum cateva zile a intrat pe siteul Zarei rochia asta, Luni sau Marti cred – Miercuri ma iubeam cu ea in cabina de proba la Unirea. Am suspectat c-o sa vina bine inca de cand am vazut-o online, cu toate ca vine total diferit pe mine fata de manechinul din poze si n-ar mai strica niste pense in zona taliei dar vorbim de Zara aici, regina highstreetului minimalist, a carei muza e silueta androgina in general…adica fix ce n-am eu. In fine. Imi place mult. E 300 ron. Ca sunt falita si plang dupa ea, nu mai zic, stiti deja. 
O chestie insa…ati observat ceva diferit la a3a poza? Cea cu close upul manechinului? Ma refer la imprimeu. In cea de aici, e mai extins, florile albastre din zona pantecului sunt mai raspandite iar rochia e per total mai aglomerata. In celelalte, in care ni se arata primul manechin, rochia e ca cea pe care am probat-o eu, mai simpla. Si nu inteleg de ce. In magazin, m-am uitat cu atentie la toate marimile sa vad daca difera modelul dar nu, toate arata ca cea pe care am probat-o eu. As fi preferat sa gasesc a doua varianta totusi, parca e mai vesela… 
Sper sa mi-o cumpar pana la Paste. 

Much more complicated

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(vintage blazer and bag, no name jeans, Elle t-shirt, H&M shoes) 

EN: Well, it’s been a busy and stressful week, filled with projects, deadlines and working on my bachelor thesis – in case I haven’t mentioned it before (which would be almost impossible, considering how much I complain, ahem), I’m in my last semester of college and things are pretty hectic right now. I still have a lot of work and studying to do (which will probably drive me nuts soon). 
Anyway, last weekend I went to my hometown and had the most wonderful time! (except for the part where my computer broke down and I had no internet access, which was awful! Much worse than I expected to be honest, I had no idea I’m so addicted to the internet). 
I wore this outfit for my usual thrifting trip and some errands I had to run with my little brother. I know it looks a bit fancy but I felt super comfortable in it and I was dying to wear my vintage blazers again! Poor things, I’ve been neglecting them from months…so sad, so sad. I normally dress way much simpler when I go thrifting – usually I wear a maxi skirt or some sort of a dress that’s easy to slip on and off for whenever I have to try on things in the changing rooms, flats (yes, flats) and a big handbag. It gets much more complicated during the winter months, with all the layering and bulkiness, but I suppose we’re done with that for the moment. 
Anyway, I found a few awesome things that weekend, including a gorgeous vintage Ungaro silk shirt. It was a pretty pink number with colorful roses printed all over it, ruched details around the collar and shoulders and some cute flower shaped buttons. Beautiful! I obviously bought it. So far so good, the only problem is that…it’s ruined. I tried to (hand) wash it but all the colors came out and now it looks like hell. Pity, it was such a beautiful piece… 
In other news, the new season of Mad Men has just started and I’m so excited! It’s one of my all-time favorite shows. Speaking of which, have you guys seen Christina Hendricks, in the May issue of Flare magazine? I love it, I think it’s beautiful. But then again, I’m a big Christina Hendricks fan so I can’t be objective here. 
What do you think? 

RO: Long time no see, am cateva chestii de notat (si chef de povestit) – fara legatura intre ele, deci purced. 
1. Ce-i cu pozele, sa scapam de-o grija. 
Am fost in weekend la Buzau. Prilej de indopare, scotoceala in second handuri, pupat bunică iubitoare (si pisici pufosi), zacut, nelucrat la licenta si in principiu…misto. Intr-una din zile l-am tarat pe frate miu cu mine in oras, prin magazine si la facut poze. Copilul desigur a acceptat bucuros, de dragul si de dorul soră sii, nu ca ar fi tinut mortis sa stea-n miros intepator de second hand, pazind sacose. Ca era turbat sa plecam mai repede, asta-i alta poveste… 
Am gasit cateva chestii faine si de data asta, majoritatea fiind date la croitoreasa pentru modificari (ma duc la ea de vreo 4 ani, o platesc pentru munca depusa – si e munca! Numai acum cate i-am dat de desfacut si cusut si taiat si practic modificat de la 0, dar am fost multumita in 90% din cazuri) si chiar m-am bucurat in seara asta cand am vorbit cu bunică mea si mi-a spus ca hainele sunt gata, mi le-a facut. Au fost la modificat cateva fuste clos, o rochie (la asta ma refer mai ales cand spun ca a muncit, era aiurea toata) si-o camasa frumoasa. Referitor la camasi, am patit un pocinog cu o camasa Ungaro dar reiau asta la punctul urmator. 
Revenind la poze, asta am purtat cand am fost in shuri/magazine. Comod, serios, si abia asteptam sa mai port din sacouri. Tricoul da, e ala care a fost cadou la Elle vara trecuta. Acum l-am purtat prima data. 
2. Cum scotoceam eu printre umerase intr-un second, mi-a iesit in cale o camasa superba, de matase roz cu trandafiri multicolori imprimati. Avea si niste detalii foarte interesante la gat si umeri, un fel de incretituri delicate, plus nasturei in forma de flori. Ma uit la eticheta…Ungaro. Zic pfoai, cum asa ceva? Si era intr-o conditie grozava. Exceptand desigur mirosul, capabil sa omoare si-un porc. Ajung acasa cu ea, zic s-o spal de mana…ca mi-e ca se duce dracului dac-o bag la masina, si sa vezi durere. Cred c-am bagat-o in apa de 2 ori. Toate culorile erau scurse. Roz de pe trandafiri amestecat cu verde de pe frunze, backgroundul terci de albastru cu rosu, apa colorata si eu alba la fata. E pa. Pot s-o fac carpa de bucatarie linistita. 
(Asta ca sa-mi fie invatatura de minte sa le duc la curatatorie) 
3. Ceva splendid azi in troleu, da, acelasi troleu despre care va povestisem cu tiristul in iarna. Cred ca asta e linia freaky show, toti dementii se urca-n troleul asta…In fine. 
Urc. M-asez undeva la mijloc, merg linistita vreo doua statii, ma uit pe geam cu gandul la ale mele. Intre timp mai urca lume. Un nene, sa-i spunem elegant rubensian, duhnind mai putin elegant a usturoi, se aseaza in lateralul meu sprijinindu-se cu o mana de bara verticala a troleului iar cu cealalta de manerul spatarului scaunului pe care stateam eu. Ok. 
Mi se pare ca simt ceva pe par. Eh, mi se pare. 
Iar mi se pare ca simt ceva pe par. Ma intorc putin, vad mana individului tot pe maner, zic…na, si-a schimbat omul pozitia mainii. Calmeaza-te Andreea. 
IAR simt ceva pe par. Ma intorc brusc…ala ma mangaia pe par. 
Eram… 😐 Ok, ce fac cu ăsta? Ce poti sa faci cu astfel de dementi? M-am smucit si i-am spus sa nu ma mai atinga. Omu’ era relaxat, a zis ceva cred (spun cred pentru ca a fost neinteligibil) si s-a facut ca nu s-a intamplat nimic. Troleul fiind aglomerat si 0 locuri libere, am presupus ca dilaul a inteles mesajul si ca n-o sa mai am probleme daca nu ma mai rezem nici eu de spatar. Ma inghesui intr-un colt acolo si sper sa plece dracului. 
Un minut a fost liniste. Oamenii au mai coborat, n-am mai simtit nimic, m-am uitat in lateral, ala nu mai era
. Respir usurata…pfiu, bine ca a coborat. Ma rezem relaxata de speteaza. Trec 5 secunde. Iar simt ceva pe par. CE DRACU?!?!?!?! Ma intorc…ĂLA! IN SPATELE MEU! PE SCAUN. ACOLO. ATUNCI. Se holba virgin si inocent la mine cu mana proaspat retrasa de pe podoaba-mi capilara.
:|:|:|:|:|:|:| Iar restul prietene…nu e cancan. M-am ridicat furtunos, adunand toata vlaga ce-o mai aveam in mine dupa paranoia ce ma luase, si-am inceput sa tip la ala. Cu recomandarea unui control la căpuţ, imperios necesar. Ce e comic e ca omu’ inca se uita la mine cu aceiasi privire de bovina. Nicio reactie. In capul meu tot speram la un “ma scuzati, nu mi-am dat seama” care sa clarifice treaba. Si era ok, n-avea nimeni nicio problema. 
Ciudat, prea ciudat. Iar eu am o problema cu contactul fizic strain de orice fel. M-am dus in capatul troleului si-am asteptat acolo cuminte sa cobor… 
4. In alta ordine de idei – clasica de altfel si tipic mie – iar am tona de proiecte adunata si timp ioc. “In noaptea asta nu se doarme, baieti!” Si nici in urmatoarele… 
5. A inceput Mad Men! Sunt extaziata. Asteptam serialul asta de un an, e unul dintre preferatele mele! Cu Christina Hendricks cu tot, care by the way, mi se pare o superbitate de femeie (sunt sigura ca am mai spus-o). Ati vazut pictorialul asta
6. Ralucai, care mi-a scris alaltaseara ca o enervez ca nu postez mai des…da, ai reusit sa ma motivezi 😛 Si-ti multumesc pentru comentariu :* 
7. Va multumesc tuturor pentru comentarii si lecturare, apreciez lucrurile astea mai mult decat arat 🙂 
8. Incheiem apoteotic cu ceva ce am descoperit abia ieri. Daca-l stiati, mai urmariti-l o data. Rog relaxare, e doar o gluma. 


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(vintage skirt and belt, H&M top, Forever 21 shoes) 
Two of my current obsessions put together in one of my favorite outfits lately : leather skirts (vintage, that is) and shoulderless tops. 


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(River Island skirt, Zara top, no name boots and earrings) 

EN: I guess you could call it an obsession. 
For a year or so, I’ve been collecting circle skirts, all lengths and patterns and fabrics I can get my hands on! I especially have a soft spot for midi ones (yes, I know that technically this isn’t a middle length skirt but you get the point) that hit below the knee. This blue number is by River Island and I’ve been hunting it for literally more than a year after it sold out in my size. A month ago it magically appeared in stock and I bought it without the slightest hesitation. The shape and fit is so feminine and flattering, I think this kind of cut works for all body types – especially for pear shapes. 
Paired it with a Zara top, over the knee boots (for warmth, it’s so cold here at the moment!) and a big coat on top that you obviously can’t see. Just to make sure I won’t freeze to death. 
I have a pretty busy week ahead of me as I plan to work on my bachelor thesis a little more and catch up with reading…I’ve been slacking on it lately. Oops. 
RO: Ca s-au caftit aia la Nicopole e nimic. Lepanto? Ha! Glumiţă. A cazut el Constantinopolul si tot nu face scor egal. Napoleon la Austerlitz? Un fleac. L-am ciuruit. Hannibal la Cannae? Nimeni pe lume. * 
Nu nu, adevarul e ca nimic nu se compara cu strategia andreeniană in batalia crancena cu armata River Islandeza! Nimic! 
Miza? Falduri si falduri de bumbac albastru. O singura bucata disponibila. 
Vizibil defavorizata numeric (eu una si ele atatea), pe-un camp de lupta ostil (sectiunea de reduceri), organizat din mai multe flancuri (pfoai, ce de sectiuni!) si puternic incoltita de infanteria (fuste), cavaleria (rochii) și artileria (pantofi) inamicului (siteul nemernic), geniul meu militar, descendent de Alexandru cel Mare, s-a dezlantuit, a incercuit si-a atacat inamicul odihnit! Si nu oricum… A pandit…ca un sarpe-n intuneric… 
Gata, ca mi se-apleaca. 
Traducere: Are River Island fuste? Are. Frumoase? Frumoase. Are Andreea bani sa si le ia pe toate? N-are. Iar cand n-are, de cele mai multe ori se vand. Andreea plange dupa ele cu saptamanile. Dar Andreea e pe smecherie si pandeste sectiunea de reduceri, ca uneori, poate-poate, dar-ar Domnul, unele din fuste revin in stoc. Mai rar la marimea potrivita dar…se intampla. Eh, asa am patit si cu asta. Am vanat-o vreo luna pana s-a dus dracului in toate marimile. Dupa careeeeee, la vreun an jumate, prin nu stiu ce miracol, am vazut-o in sectiunea de reduceri. Si-am purces la atac fara dubii, ezitari. Iar acum e a mea! Mine! All mine! My preeeeecious >:) 
* Vroiam sa scriu si de Termopile, Leonidas, alea alea dar m-am dus cu gandul la bunocu ala din 300…Si s-a inchis. 

Oh, I believe in yesterday

The Beatles – Yesterday
denim1 denim2
EN: Yesterday we had beautiful weather here in Romania so I took advantage of it and headed to the park!
I wore this polka dots midi circle skirt paired with H&M glittery shoes, my vintage Levi’s jacket that I recently got altered, my Oasap bag and a cute Alcott t-shirt. Wish I could wear the same thing today (well, a variation of it)…if only it didn’t rain again! 
RO: Profitoare cum sunt, am speculat vremea de ieri ca o molie. O molie ispitita de caldura. 
Mi-am luat sclipiciunile in picioare, tricoul si fusta imbulinata de la Mini Prix, o jacheta vintage Levi’s recent scurtata pe talie plus papornita de la Oasap si-am plecat in parc. Frumoasa vreme am avut, ma oftic ca nu ma pot imbraca asa si azi… Mai terminam si noi cu ploile? 

Potocaliu III

1 2 8 3 6 7
(Potocaliu dress, Asos jacket, Miu Miu shoes, no name belt, River Island bracelets) 

EN: And the last part of the Potocaliu series, featuring the cutest bird printed, off the shoulders little frock. I’m such a big fan of shoulderless or backless garments! Classy but undeniably sexy. 
Check out part I here and part II here, in case you haven’t already… 
Thank you Cristina Bucur, I love your clothes and it’s been a pleasure working with you! :* 
RO: Si ultima parte din seriile Potocaliu (gasiti aici prima parte si aici pe cea de-a doua, in caz ca nu le-ati vazut inca), in care port o rochita dragalasa, cu umeri goi si imprimeu cu pasarele. Sunt mare, mare fan al hainelor cu spatele/umerii goi! Siecsi fara doar si poate, dar elegante in acelasi timp… 
Multumesc mult Cristina, iti iubesc hainutele Potocalii si…a fost o placere sa lucrez cu tine! :* 

Looking for Something?