EN: Yes! After months of relentless search, I have finally found vintage Levi’s jeans. Not one but two awesome pairs of thick, blue denim, perfect to wear as
mom jeans or for a little diy to turn them into boyfriend jeans.
The first pair I got is the iconic 501 jean (see the last photo) which I totally love and I’m going to wear exactly as it is. No alterations for this pair, they are perfect just the way they are – the only (obvious) thing I’m going to do is roll them up a bit so I can show off my shoes.
However, you can expect a tutorial for the second pair, the 581. I’m going to distress and rip them quite a bit so they look more like boyfriend jeans. Stay tooned 🙂
RO: Dupa ce-am vociferat atat ca nu mai gasesc Levisi in seconduri, in sfarsit planetele s-au aliniat si miracolul s-a produs. Am gasit nu una ci doua super perechi de jeans adevarat, gros si tare, deloc elastic sau modern, dar ideal pentru prelucrare in boyfriend jeans.
Cel mai mult imi place modelul 501 (pont mic: in cazul in care thriftuiti si voi si sunteti interesate de blugi din astia vechi, cautati intotdeauna modelul Levi’s 501; din punctul meu de vedere astia fiind the holy grail al jeansilor vintage). Se aseaza intr-un FEL si au un anume material batos (daca nu ma insel e 100% bumbac deci nu merge deloc intins), de care sigur nu veti da pe piata de highstreet.
Cu cei 581 (va uitati la eticheta maro de pe spate ca sa va dati seama de model) am planuri de ciopartire/franjurare/gaurire intr-un soi de boyfrienzi mai moderni. In niciun caz de daisy dukes ii de care vorbeam ieri – ce dracu, doar nu m-am tampit. Urmeaza si-un tutorial diy 😛