Hello shiny

zara necklace
(Primark t-shirt, Zara necklace)
Read this blog and you will know that I love me a statement piece of jewelry. 
Favourite item? A chunky, sparkly necklace. 

{Guest post} This week I’m loving…patterns and prints


Although I’m a big fan of dressing up, I’m at my most comfortable when wearing casual dresses. As you all know, we’ve been very lucky with the weather this summer and long may it last! I absolutely adore summer attire; it’s definitely one of my favourite seasons. I think this has something to do with the bright hues, sheer fabrics and fabulous prints.
When I see an outfit I love, I have to purchase it. If I don’t, I’ll spend the rest of the day dreaming about the outfit in question. This is exactly what happened to me when I stumbled upon the Katie Dress from Hobbs. I’d seen a friend wearing it a few weeks ago and I know it’s bad to buy something owned by someone close to you; however I had to have it. We only see each other once or twice every few months and we’ve made a pact to call each other prior to a big event in order to discuss our respective wardrobes.
Once given full permission to buy into this outfit, I spent the rest of the evening online shopping. This was to be my one payday treat and as I hastily clicked the mouse, I was bursting with excitement. One factor that attracts me to online shopping is the anticipation and I’ll often count down the days until my delivery arrives.
A knock on the door a few days later indicated that my parcel was here. I welcomed the postman with a huge smile and as soon as he was on his way, I wasted little time in opening the package. Thankfully it was a Saturday and I had all the time in the world to try on my new purchase. I began by teaming it with a pair of killer heels in a mustard hue, a similar shade to that of the pattern on the dress. I’m always wearing silver jewellery, yet on this occasion I decided to try a delicate gold chain, pearl studs set in a gold circle and several simple gold bangles. I’m lucky to have spent a large proportion of the summer outside, which now means I’m sporting sun kissed skin -and I intend to keep it that way using these great tips. The delicate gold accessories I had chosen perfectly complemented my golden skin.
The dress is slightly cinched in at the waist, which means it tends to look better with a belt. I picked a skinny style in a golden hue, as anything patterned would have clashed with the already busy print. Both the material and the cut of this dress appear very flattering. The short sleeves benefit from the dropped shoulders, whilst the knee-length cut screams understated chic.

My H&M full midi skirt

h&m skirt1 h&m skirt2 h&m skirt3 h&m skirt4 h&m skirt5 h&m skirt6 h&m skirt7 
(H&M skirt, Oasap top, H&M shoes and earrings, thrifted belt) 

EN: It’s been an awful long while since I’ve worn a full midi skirt (in my book, 9 days count as a an awful long while) and I decided that needed to be remedied immediately. So I pulled out this skirt that was all the way in the back of my closet and paired it with a new happy top I recently got from Oasap (yellow was never my color but I’m recently starting to inject more and more of it in my closet), a purple belt that I thrifted in my hometown and a pair of tight glittery shoes. 
Perfect for summer 🙂 
RO: Fusta blestemata? De care va ziceam mai demult ca m-au luat la misto aia din H&M? M-am dus in Afi – aveau pe manechin, m-au trimis in Unirea, m-au trimis in Baneasa, mi-au zis sa astept ca ma suna ei? Si nu m-a mai sunat nici dracu? Si am sfarsit pana la urma cumparandu-mi una cu 2 marimi mai mari? Eh, asta e nemernica. 
Noroc ca am croitoreasa smechera. 

Weekend outfits & what I bought in the summer sale

(old Zara jeans, vintage Yves Saint Laurent shirt, H&M sandals, Oasap bag, Oasap sunnies)

(vintage Levi jeans, thrifted shirt, Zara sandals, H&M hat, vintage belt)

EN: So here are my last weekend outfits. For some reason, all I’ve been wearing lately (or at least, most of the time) are boyfriend jeans: vintage levi jeans or ripped, distressed ones. They are comfortable and I like that casual, I don’t care feeling that they give me. Both Saturday and Sunday, I went to the mall to buy a gift for my mom’s birthday. I wanted to get her a pair of new shoes (yes, the addiction runs in the family), some strappy sandals or something and I thought this would be an easy task with all the sales going on. Wrong. My mom has small feet, actually the smallest size there is, and I couldn’t find even one single pair of shoes in a size US 6/UK 3/EU 36. Not even for me, a size US 8/UK 6/EU 39 I couldn’t find much. At least not what I really wanted (feeling a bit jealous on you ladies with big feet). But here is what I did got… 
RO: Pe sistem de turma, postez si eu azi cateva fotografii cu textile intinse pe podea. Am purtat chestiile astea in weekend (iar saptamana trecuta, cred ca 3 zile din 5 m-am imbracat tot cu variatii de jeansi jigariti sau vintage) intr-un soi de mega relaxare si nepasare, doar de dragul confortului. Am fost sa-i caut maica mii un cadou pentru ziua ei (ce dragut, n-am gasit inca), niste ceva de incaltat vroiam sa-i iau. Si fiind reduceri cam peste tot…zic, hai ca trebuie sa gasesc ceva misto la incaltaminte. Am gasit. Multe. Marimea 41. Mama poarta 36. Da, da, rezolvabil cu niste juma’ de punga de vata, dar la sandale ce faci? Ba-ba-bi-bam. Nu i-am mai luat nimic, cred ca nu fac nicio afacere cu reducerile pentru ea – defapt, n-am gasit absolut nimic sub marimea 38, daramite 36. Pentru mine insa…
Clockwise, starting at the top-left : brown sandals with flower detail – bought these ones and the next pair from a local store, Miniprix, which sells stuff for super cheap prices; lilac suede sandals – Miniprix; blue metallic sandals – H&M (really comfortable pair, in a gorgeous shade of blue – apologies for the bad lighting); blue suede sandals with gold heel – Zara (I actually had to fight with a girl for this pair, it was the last one in my size); nude studded sandals – Zara again (love this pair. No, I adore it); and last but not least, H&M pink flat sandals – nothing special, just a pair of simple plain sandals for those days when my feet are in recovery. 
Ca o fiica binecuvantata cu picior cu 2-3 marimi mai mari, am avut bafta de a mai prinde cate ceva redus. Si-am luat asa (de la stanga la dreapta, incepand cu “raftul” de sus): sandale cu floare – Miniprix (reduceri grosolane), sandale lila – Miniprix again, sandale cu toc albastru metalic – H&M (ultima pereche), sandale albastre cu toc auriu – Zara (macel a fost la astea, inca nu-mi dau seama cum am reusit sa prind 39le. In schimb mai erau vreo 6 perechi de 41), sandale maro cu tine – Zara (a trebuit sa umblu in 2 malluri pentru ele dar sunt super incantata ca le-am gasit; iarasi, ultima pereche), sandale cu talpa joasa si barete roz –H&M. Bineinteles, mi-as fi dorit multe alte modele si ma dusesem dupa cu totul altceva dar…na. Ce sa fac. Maladie.
  bag t-shirts 
Also, besides the shoes, I bought a red medium size bag from Zara (what I like most about this bag is the size – not too small, not too big, just perfect for a girl like me), 2 cotton t-shirts ( vital for summer, I can’t live without cotton during these months) and a gooooorgeooous retro printed skirt from ASOS. Unfortunately it’s sold out at the moment but the matching top is still available here 🙂 
Pe langa incaltari – pentru ca evident, in ceea ce ma priveste, pornim intotdeauna de la axioma conform careia NU am cu ce ma incalta – am mai luat: o geanta rosie de la Zara (si asta era ultima; e dragutica si vesela dar cel mai mult imi place dimensiunea – nu e genul de geanta miniaturala pentru gradinita dar nici XXL, cum se purtau acum cativa ani), 2 tricouri de bumbac si o fusta midi de la ASOS pe care abia astept s-o port. 
Cam asta ar fi ce-am cumparat eu la reduceri deocamdata. Zic deocamdata pentru ca sezonul nu s-a terminat inca (mu.ha.ha.ha.ha) si mai am cateva chestii pe lista :-“ 

From Zara, I also wanted to get this white lace, beaded skirt. A beautiful piece, very delicate and elegant, but somehow I couldn’t convince myself to buy it. Perhaps because of the boxy shape? You know me, I like skirts that are fitted around the waist and hips 🙂
So that’s pretty much it.
How about you? What have you been buying during this summer sale?
Am mai vrut sa iau de la Zara si fusta asta din dantela alba, cu margelute si pietricele cusute. Era foarte frumoasa si arata splendid pe umeras (poate as fi avut probleme odata ce s-ar fi dus dracu margelele) dar croita ATAT de prost, zici ca era facuta pentru frate-miu. Dreapta de colo pana colo, n-avea pic de forma. N-am luat-o.
Voi? Sunteti profitoare sau nu? 
De reduceri bineinteles.


S'il vous plait, madame

tumblr_mp1lc5frPH1sq5xy7o1_500, vintage hats, bold hats, statement hats, vintage photos, long legs, garters, sexy legs
Source: Pinterest (you can follow me here
Despite the obvious gorgeousness, all I can think about is where I could find a hat like that. 
Suggestions welcomed.

Melting like butter

1 2 
(vintage pants, jewelry and bag, River Island sandals and top) 

EN: To say it’s hot outside would be an understatement. No, truth is, it’s so hot outside I could fry eggs on the sidewalk. And for some reason –don’t ask why, I thought it would be a good idea to dress like THIS. At 115 degrees fahrenheit. Yes. Makes a lot of sense indeed. 
Anyway, as much as I’d love to sip cocktails by the pool while shopping online for a new swimsuit, (love these ones as well) thing is I love dressing up at the most inappropriate times – scorching heat included. Not sure if this outfit falls under the category of dressing up, at least not in my book, but it sure made me feel uncomfortable after the first hour or two of walking in the sun. I wore a pair of high-waisted thrifted pants (my all time favorite cut), a silky River Island blouse and some vintage accessories. I’d love to be able to wear a blazer on top and replace the bag with an oversized clutch…Oh autumn.
Wouldn’t it be fun if we could all enjoy two weeks of glorious british autumn weather right now, in the middle of the summer? With boots and chunky scarves and cozy coats and all?

RO: Cel mai sexi matiz ever, in spatele meu. Imi place mult cand imi ies tomberoane sau masini in spate. 
Sa zic bine merci ca n-a fost tir. 

Caldura mare, mon cher. Si cine-a castigat giveawayul :)

apples1 apples2 
(vintage dress, H&M sandals) 
Nu tu un gablont, nu tu o curea, nu tu o papornita… Che pasa? Ma tampesc de tot, aia e. De la caldura – inca putin si-o dau pe minimalism crancen (gen ewwww, why so boring?). Defapt, in general am senzatia ca pe timp de vara stilul mi se simplifica foarte mult. Si e normal sa fie asa, ultimul lucru pe care mi-l doresc la patruj dă grade e textilă lipicioasa pe piele (sau dementi pe troleele si asa ticsite de popor duhnind a ceapa). 
Eniuei, weekendul asta am reusit sa ajung acasa la Buzau. Pentru o perioada scurta ce-i drept dar macar mi-am facut plinul (de pisici, bunici, budinci, etc), iar intr-una din seri m-am imbracat asa. Rochia e una dintre primele lucruri gasite de mine in second handuri, pe vremea cand ma duceam la thrifting dupa ce ieseam de la liceu. Daca-mi amintesc corect fusese mai lunga atunci, dar avand pitici pe creier si porniri de feşăn şaizecist, am zis jos cu ea, facem mini! E buna pe caldura asta, ce sa zic… 
Sa n-o mai balacim, hai cu tutu ul. 
Pentru inceput, multumesc mult mult pentru participare. Tuturor! Si daca era dupa mine, va dadeam tuturi la toate 108 (atatea intrari au fost deci in jur de 100 de participante). 
Castigatoarea insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Conform Random orggggggggggggggggg 
Intrarea cu numarul 27, Carmen Tobias! 
Felicitari draga mea, sa-l porti cu placere si fara divenie ori de cate ori ai ocazia! :* Detaliile pentru dimensiuni si model le vei stabili cu Veronica – multumesc si tie Vero pentru asigurarea premiului!

Si gata, hai la munca.

{This week I'm loving}Topshop swimwear

topshop swimwear 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

 EN: I’m not sure how appropriate my post is, considering how many ass cheeks I’ve seen in the past few months – I mean, if people consider it ok to dress like that on the street, why the hell would anyone bother to wear a swimsuit or a bikini on the beach? 
Anyway…I really like Topshop’s swimwear line. The high waisted bikinis and the retro printed swimsuits definitely make my heart skip a beat and I would love to own every single one of them. I’ve selected above a few of the pieces that I like and are still available to buy, my absolute favorite being number 2. The colors remind me of lemon sorbet and the scalloped detail it’s such a nice, girly touch. I remember first seeing the black version, along with many other gorgeous pieces that unfortunately are all sold out at the moment. This lemon printed one was one of my favorites and I also loved the one with printed grapes. Beautiful. Let’s just hope they’ll be back in stock soon 🙂 
Meanwhile…which one is your favorite? 
RO: Daca e vara, e soare, e cu chiloti la vedere, sigur e si cu balaceala. Iar pentru balaceala, recomandabil ar fi ceva textilă. Daca vreti, ma rog, nu e obligatoriu –din moment ce vad atatea cururi zilnic pe strada, ma gandesc că…na, sa nu fiu eu deplasata sau ceva. 
Revenind, mi se par foarte faine costumele de baie de la Topshop. Majoritatea sunt genul ala pin up/retro, care mie personal imi place foarte mult (şoc), colorate sau imprimate, cu detalii feminine si dragute. Selectia mea din pacate e saracacioasa, au avut multe alte modele frumoase – imprimate cu lamai sau struguri sau frunze de banan, dar s-au vandut toate foarte repede, cum era de asteptat. 
Dintre cele disponibile, selectate de mine mai sus, cred ca cel mai tare mi l-as dori pe cel cu galben si alb, numarul 2. Parca-l vad cu o palarie cu bor laaaaaarg, ochelari de soare pe nas, ceva gablonturi in urechi (sa aiba ce cocli) si-o carte bună-n mana stanga. Inghetata-n aia dreapta. 
Voua care va place?



vintage blazer1 vintage blazer2 vintage blazer3 vintage blazer4 vintage blazer5 
(Vintage blazer, River Island pants, Zara sandals, vintage belt, H&M earrings, Asos cuffs) 
 EN: This is one of those outfits that SCREAM my name: harem pants, bold colors, peplum and puffy shoulders, vintage, high heels + chunky gold jewelry = Andreea. 
YES! If only I could thrift blazers like this one more often. 
RO: Imi place extraordinar de mult tinuta asta. Pantaloni harem, culori puternice, peplum si umeri bufanti, vintage, tocuri inalte + bijuterii masive aurii = Andreea. 
DA! Sa tot gasesc bluze ca asta 🙂 

{Saint Laurent SS13} The beautiful hats

EN: There was a time in my life when I would literally pair a hat with anything. I collected them and they used to be the first thing I would search for in a thrift shop. I still have most of my old hats but since my style has changed a lot over the past few years, I haven’t worn them that much lately. Anyway, last autumn I saw the Saint Laurent SS13 collection and despite the lack of color and all the darkness, I fell in love with it. The hats were definitely my favorite part so I put together a little inspirational post, featuring them… 
(At the bottom of the post you’ll see my version of the hat, bought from the highstreet) 
RO: Era o perioada in viata mea, pe vremurile cand granny chicul era norma zilnica iar tinutele mele erau compuse 95% din vintage (5% ailalti fiind incaltamintea), cand purtam palarii la orice. Nu orice fel de palarii, doar vintage/thrift, colectionat din second hand. Desi nu le-am mai purtat de mult, inca am mare parte din ele, in ideea ca intr-o zi o sa ne iubim iarasi ca odinioara. 
Pana atunci insa, am vazut toamna trecuta colectia Saint Laurent SS13. Woaaaa. Cum asa ceva? Personal, mi s-a parut pe cat de intunecata si relativ funebra, pe atat de misto. Culminand cu palariile. Mari, cu bor larg, potente intru mascarea fetei si per total, tot ce mi-as putea dori. Am pus deci laolalta cateva imagini preluate de pe net, CU COlectia si variante de street style ale palariei, plus jos de tot, ce-am gasit eu in magazine. Si mi-am si luat 🙂 

The Saint Laurent SS13 collection
 ysl ysl-rtw-ss2013-runway-019_200044149963 hbz-Saint-Laurent-RS13-2431-xln ysl-rtw-ss2013-runway-024_20004814296 Saint-Laurent-Spring-2013-Pictures 20130615-083359 
Street style
tumblr_mm7lew7JaF1qdsqp6o1_5001 tumblr_mnqslq9izU1qhzt4ro1_1280 dark-brown-unif-boots-black-wide-brim-hat-zara-hat_400 tumblr_mo60c6uqnT1qbtk9qo1_5001 
My Saint Laurent inspired hat
 hm hat
Bought it from H&M for 30 bucks or something. Good enough for me 🙂 
Iar asta e varianta pe care am gasit-o eu in H&M pentru vreo 90 ron sau ceva. Acum intrebare: Aveti cumva idee daca stofa/fetrul de genul asta, de culoare neagra, poate fi apretat? (Si daca da, cum?) Din ce stiam eu doar culorile deschise merg, si tare as vrea sa apretez palaria asta ca sa stea putin mai batoasa (ca in primele poze), acum fiind genul floppy. 

Vintage Levi’s jeans

levi jeans 1 levi jeans 2 levi jeans 3

EN: Yes! After months of relentless search, I have finally found vintage Levi’s jeans. Not one but two awesome pairs of thick, blue denim, perfect to wear as mom jeans or for a little diy to turn them into boyfriend jeans. 
The first pair I got is the iconic 501 jean (see the last photo) which I totally love and I’m going to wear exactly as it is. No alterations for this pair, they are perfect just the way they are – the only (obvious) thing I’m going to do is roll them up a bit so I can show off my shoes. 
However, you can expect a tutorial for the second pair, the 581. I’m going to distress and rip them quite a bit so they look more like boyfriend jeans. Stay tooned 🙂 
RO: Dupa ce-am vociferat atat ca nu mai gasesc Levisi in seconduri, in sfarsit planetele s-au aliniat si miracolul s-a produs. Am gasit nu una ci doua super perechi de jeans adevarat, gros si tare, deloc elastic sau modern, dar ideal pentru prelucrare in boyfriend jeans. 
Cel mai mult imi place modelul 501 (pont mic: in cazul in care thriftuiti si voi si sunteti interesate de blugi din astia vechi, cautati intotdeauna modelul Levi’s 501; din punctul meu de vedere astia fiind the holy grail al jeansilor vintage). Se aseaza intr-un FEL si au un anume material batos (daca nu ma insel e 100% bumbac deci nu merge deloc intins), de care sigur nu veti da pe piata de highstreet. 
Cu cei 581 (va uitati la eticheta maro de pe spate ca sa va dati seama de model) am planuri de ciopartire/franjurare/gaurire intr-un soi de boyfrienzi mai moderni. In niciun caz de daisy dukes ii de care vorbeam ieri – ce dracu, doar nu m-am tampit. Urmeaza si-un tutorial diy 😛 

Looking for Something?