Hanover Street

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(Koton faux fur vest, New look blouse, Topshop booties, vintage belt and sunnies, H&M earrings, River Island bracelets)

Since a few days ago was Mother’s day, I spent the day with my favorite ladies, my mom and grandma. She cooked for us the most delicious lunch and afterwards we went shopping for shoes (doh, what else if not shoes?) and then we took grandma to a beauty salon to get her hair done. 
This year I really had no idea what to get my mother but I was debating whether to buy her some jewellery or this perfume I knew she wanted. Bought her jewellery in the end, a very delicate golden ring with tiny sparkly rhinestones that looked wonderful on her hand. In the evening we watched an old movie (Hanover Street, one of my mom’s favorites) and enjoyed some delicious mouth-watering pizza while dressed in comfy pajamas. All and all, it was a very happy and relaxing day; I love spending time with my mom and grandma! 
My outfit was pretty casual, I started with the jeans and dressed them up with heels and golden jewellery. After a few hours my feet were killing me, so I had to change the boots with something more comfortable…


Birthday party and Potocaliu II

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(Potocaliu dress, vintage crinoline, H&M earrings, no name wedges, River Island bracelets) 

EN: So a few days ago was my brother’s birthday (the little fellow is now 13 years old – ha, funny how time flies!) and we celebrated with a nice little party. There were mostly kids invited, plus a few relatives and we had a beautiful, delicious cake (so sorry I didn’t photograph it, it was way gone before I got the chance to) and balloons and music and games, pretty much everything we needed for an indoors party. The weather was horrible (yes, that’s snow you’re seeing in picture 6!) so we had to organize the whole thing inside but it all turned out well in the end.
I decided to wear this amaaaaaaaaaazing 50’s style dress (courtesy of the fabulous Cristina Bucur from Potocaliu –remember this?) that has been hanging in my closet for a month, waiting for better weather. I was hoping to debut it in a springy way, with a little jacket and flowers in my hair but this anniversary proved to be just as good! I wore it with my vintage crinoline (that I bought a while ago from etsy.com) which made me feel fabulous! And literally the biggest thing in the room. And every little girl’s envy, haha. One of them even called me Snow White. So cute. Also debuting these gorgeous Moschino inspired earrings that I bought last week from H&M. Aren’t they amazing? I love the shape, I just hope they won’t oxidize that soon… 
Also, please say hello to my fluffy cat, Rumburak. Isn’t he adorable? 

RO: Fiind ziua lui frate miu saptamana trecuta, am fost in weekend la Buzau. Va aduceti aminte de frate miu, da? Chestia aia lunga si subtire, aparent bolnava de inanitie despre care va spuneam aici ca bate intr-un 35 de kg mancat, imbracat si incaltat cu bocanci de 4 kg. Eh, a facut 13 ani. Si pentru ca asa eveniment prindem doar o data pe an, Dede nu putea lipsi (Dede sunt eu, uneori Dedeman). Ba chiar am primit ordin strict de la el, ca nu-l intereseaza ce si cum fac dar in weekend vin acasa sa ne-ndopam cu tort. Gata tati. N-am comentat. Maica mea i-a organizat o mica petrecere cu colegii, au mai fost cateva rude si desigur, Dedeman care ocupa doua scaune jumate si un sfert de camera:> Fabulos. Asteptam sa port rochia asta de vreo luna, tot sperand ca se incalzeste si merge s-o iau doar cu o jacheta pe deasupra (da, aia in poza 6 e ninsoare!) dar fiind treaba asta cu aniversarea, am zis gata, mai ocazie de atat nu se poate, si am imbracat-o, intru socul bunica mii care se panicase ca ma marit. Chill băi buni, chill. 
V-am scris prima data despre rochia asta acum o luna, cand incepusem sa povestesc despre Potocaliu si Cristina cea misto, care a fost suficient de draguta cat sa-mi ofere deliciozitatea asta de rochie. Adevarul este ca nimic nu ma face sa ma simt mai bine si mai feminina decat o pereche de tocuri si o fusta mega infoiata, in stil Betty Draper, iar cand m-a contactat Cristina in vederea unei colaborari, rochia ASTA a fost motivul pentru care am acceptat. E greu de gasit asa ceva pe piata (pe cuvant de pionier, stau la panda permanent si n-am vazut astfel de lucruri decat pe net-a-porter, unde preturile sunt sado-maso) asa ca m-am bucurat instant la ideea unui clos atat de amplu. Evident , rochita poate fi purtata si “normal”, fara volumul adaugat din interior cu jupa mov (luata de pe etsy.com), dar eu am preferat sa traumatizez copiii de clasa a6a cu dimensiunile mele hipopotamice. Si i-am traumatizat bine – era o fetita acolo foarte curioasa sa stie de unde e si ce e cu rochia de Alba ca Zapada
Rumburak (pisoiul)a fost citat si el in ziua cu pricina si s-a prezentat cuminte si blanos cum e, atat la tort cat si la pozat. Am facut pozele inainte sa ajunga invitatii, pe un frig de crapau pietrele, cum ii sade bine unei zile de primavara. 
Inchei in speranta unor zile mai calduroase, cu multumirile de rigoare Cristinei (care a ofticat juma’ din 6A ul de la Scoala 15) si un la multi ani intarziat pentru sunculos sef, fratilii meu. 
(Poate mai mananci si tu din cand in cand. Zic.) 

Better overdressed than underdressed

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(thrifted Bebe coat, River Island skirt, Deichmann boots, Oasap bag, H&M gloves, no name necklace) 
EN: Ok, I guess everyone here is aware of my love for gold so I’m going to go ahead and state the obvious: I freakin’ love this skirt!!! Obviously another River Island purchase – I swear, I’m their most loyal customer! They should pay me for how much advertising and publicity I do for them! Or maybe a discount or something? You hear me, RI? 
Anyways, this is what I wore to classes a few days ago. Finally debuting my bugs necklace and, obviously the fabulous gold velvet skirt. 
Yes, I was overdressed (as usual) – I was relieved when I saw one of my classmates with huge fake eyelashes at 8 a.m. Phew! 
But hey, better overdressed than underdressed, right?

RO: Banuiesc ca stie toata lumea ca-mi place cu auriu’, da? Gablonturi de obicei, dar nu ma feresc nici de accesorii sau haine (atata timp cat nu sunt de printese si deci peste puterile unei nevaloroase ca mine). Asadar va sochez, dar imi place si de fusta asta din catifea aurie. Evident luata de pe River Island (serios, astia ar trebui sa-mi dea comisioane pentru cata reclama le fac sau macar un discount ceva), in iarna, si nepurtata, lasata la murat pe umeras. Am purtat-o pentru prima oara zilele trecute la cursuri, odata cu dezvirginarea colierului cu gandaci. Era cam 8 si ceva dimineata si Andreea bineinteles overdressed (iertare, nu o ard trendy cu exprimarea dar nu gasesc echivalent romanesc pentru overdressed) dar macar nu eram eu aia cu gene false imense la mijirea zorilor. Nu ca m-as pricepe sa mi le pun – indiferent de momentul zilei. A venit o tipa cu asa ceva si bineinteles ca ma uitam la ea ca la Dumnezeu, incercand sa inteleg cum de eu imi scot ochii cu cea mai banala periuta de rimmel iar aia avea ditai genoacele, de le dibuiam eu de la atatea randuri distanta.

In orice caz, revenind la mine…zic ca mai bine overdressed decat underdressed, nu?


Serious lack of sun. And sleep for that matter

(Astrid Tirlea skirt, Oasap top, vintage Thierry Mugler blazer, no name belt and pearls, vintage earrings and Oasap bag

EN: Argggghhhh, I so hate it when bad lighting ruins what could have been a perfect shot! You see, I live in Eastern Europe and this time of the year is particularly awful light-wise (and not only): serious lack of sun and therefore lack of light. Any tips for taking better photos in low light? 🙂 
My friend tried photographing me in this outfit for like 40 minutes and this is the best we could come up with. Unfortunately the gorgeous lavender color didn’t translate as well into the pictures as I would’ve liked it to and I almost look like a brunette, lol… 
Anyway, I’m super excited to show you guys this vintage Thierry Mugler blazer! It’s been sitting in my closet since 2011 and I love, love, love it (despite the brutal neglecting I put him through)! I guess I was going for a bit of a lady like look, with the pearls and all… 

RO: Ok, sa plecam de la urmatoarea premisa: (pentru mine) trezitul de dimineata echivaleaza cu moartea clinica. Daca mai si ninge/ploua/se gainateaza vreo oratanie din copaci/whatever, curg chestii din cer, si mai e si intuneric si frig de crapa pietrele…pot sa-mi dau foc linistita. Ca oricum nu-s buna de nimic. Pur si simplu nu pot sa functionez pana intr-un 8-9. Si asta dupa ditai cana de cafea. Problema insa, este ca nu traiesc intr-o lume ideala, n-am picioarele Giselei si nici posibilitatile ei, iar spre nefericirea mea, trezitul matinal e o calamitate inevitabila. 
Deci ieri dimineata. Aveam curs de la 8 jumate. Cu aproximativ o ora, o ora si jumatate drumul (pentru ca ce se vezi, stau la dracu-n praznic), asta presupunea plecat de acasa pe la un 7. Deci trezire de la 6. 6!!! Dumnezeule mare…Cum asa ceva?!?! Ma rog, incep de seara: pun ceasul sa sune, imi pregatesc lucrurile pentru a doua zi (stiind ca n-o sa fiu in stare să nimic la ora aia, in bezna si-n frigul ala), inchid lumini, laptop, cica sa dorm. Eu smecheră bam bam, pregatisem totul pana-n cel mai mic detaliu, sa vezi ce fresh ma trezesc dimineata :> Ma trezesc pe dracu. Am dormit 3 ore pe ceas in noaptea aia, am amanat alarma de vreo doua ori pana am reusit cu chiu cu vai sa ma tarasc din pat, iar cand sa ajung la baie…surprise! Nu-i apa calda. Ia si spala-te cu canceru’ ala lichid. 
Trecem peste. La trezire m-am uitat pe geam. Nimic deosebit, doar intuneric si vesnicii catei en garde. Cand ma intorc de la baie insa, si incep sa-mi scot ochii cu periuta de rimmel…double surprise! (dracului, mai lipsea Andreea Marin din peisaj si ma simteam ca acasa). Ningea trai-ti-ar…da’ ningeaaaaa! Niste fulgi mari si-o viteza si-o cantitateeee de-am ramas cu sechele. In capu’ meu gata, n-a mai nins de atata timp, vineri 1 martie, bam bam, primavara! Nu credeam ca mai da iar cu mizerie d’aia. Si zic…daca se si depune, am pus-o. Xanax scrie pe mine. Initial nici n-am mai vrut sa mai ies din casa (dupa cum se vede, nu eram foarte adecvat imbracata. Aveam desigur haina pe care am dat-o jos de dragul pozelor, esarfa, manusi si alte alea, dar tot nu eram in acord cu vremea). Neam cu Jana d’Arc cum sunt, ies :> Imi fac coraj si ies pe usa. Cand ajung la parter, paznicul care de regula se limiteaza la saru’mana , se baga-n vorba cu poveţe si sfaturi de viata. Căăăăăăăăăăăăă de ce n-aveti glugă pe cap, n-ati vazut ce-i afara!?! Nu se poate sa iesiti asa doamnă! Cinste dumneavoastră doamnă da’ sanatatea inainte de toate! Urcati sus si luati-va glugă ca nu-i de joaca! Ma uitam asa la el…relativ perplexa si dezorientata, in ideea ca ce vrea ăsta, MĂ? /:) Unde sa urc si ce sa fac? Si-asa abia vedeam pe unde calc, mai mult in lumea viselor decat p’aci prin zonă si astuia ii arde de ying si yang cu mine? :-\ Cam da. Omul bine intentionat banuiesc, numai ca eu eram in pragul unei crize de isterie iar momentul ales nici ca se putea mai prost. Respir ca o lauza antepartum de cateva ori, dau buna ziua cu un ranjet mai mult tamp decat fals, si ies, victorioasa, in marele viscol din dimineata zilei de 27 februarie 2013. 
Evident, la 20 de minute dupa ce am iesit din casa, mizeria s-a oprit si tot zbuciumul meu matinal fu in zadar :> 

Bright blue

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(vintage skirt, H&M jacket, Oasap bag, Zara boots, vintage belt, Oasap necklace, no name shirt and scarf) 
This is probably my favorite color combination at the moment, I love blue and green together…


Thrift/vintage finds and a small piece of advice

EN: I’ve been having a lot of my mind lately, hence my sporadic posting – for which I apologize. Anyway, as I told you before, a week ago I was in my hometown and while there, I went thrifting a few times. Didn’t find much (label/brand-wise) but I did manage to snatch up quite a few goodies. Here they are… 
RO: Sunt relativ bizi in ultimul timp, mai ales cu capu’ – de unde si postarile mai rare. Pentru care rog iertare. Cum v-am spus acum cateva postari, am avut vacanta pe la jumatatea lui Februarie si-am fost la Buzau vreo saptamana. Evident am mers in second handuri si-am gasit cateva chestii interesante. Nu cine stie ce din punct de vedere al etichetei/brandului, dar am prins lucruri. Dintre care cele mai faine sunt urmatoarele… 

A Celine cardigan / Un cardigan Celine
 a b

This one I actually thrifted a month ago, back in January if I remember correctly. The fabric is super soft and I love the gold encrusted buttons. Probably one of my favorite pieces at the moment… 
(Did I mention it cost only $2?) 
Trisez putin aici, asta l-am thriftuit in Ianuarie daca imi aduc aminte corect. Il postez pentru ca stiu ca n-a aparut niciodata pe blog si daca tot am purtat tinuta de fata si vorbim despre seconduri…Na, poftim. Cinci sau 6 lei am dat pe el si-a meritat din plin. Numai nasturii aia cat o-r face… 

Vintage leather skirt / Fusta vintage din piele

Now this I adore. This skirt is the most fabulous piece of leather I ever got my hands on : the color is fantastic, I love the buttery soft texture of the leather and it fits like a glove (I swear, it fits like it was made for me!). The only issue I had with this skirt was the price. I bought it from an expensive thrift store and I paid like $30 for it. I know, it’s not that much considering the amazing quality and how good it looks and fits me, but still, I never EVER spent that much at a thrift store, on a single item. My only regret is I couldn’t find more pieces like this in my size. The store was packed with vintage leather goodies, but they were all huge and inappropriate for alterations…So sad. 
Andy, asta e pentru tine (ca tot te-am amenintat). Apreciezi privirea si expresia fetei, da? :))
Deci…fusta asta e Dumnezeu’ fustelor. Cel putin in capul meu. Am luat-o dintr-un second “specializat” in articole din piele (la modul ca 80% din ce gasesti acolo e piele), mare ca dimensiune si deplasat ca preturi (dupa parerea mea). Am dat pe ea aproape un milion – suma enorma pentru second hand, pe care n-am cheltuit-o niciodata in asa un magazin. De obicei ieseam de acolo cu sacosele pline cu 40-50 lei, dar atatia bani pe un singur articol…sacrilegiu. Niciodata. Da, stiu, noua din magazin e mult mai scumpa si nici nu gasesc aceiasi calitate dar tot m-a usturat. 
Am luat-o insa pentru ca vine g-e-n-i-a-l. Nici nu-mi venea sa cred cand am probat-o, e ca si cand ar fi fost croita pe corpul meu. Pielea e foarte moale si fina, buttery-soft leather cum zic englezii, iar culoarea superba. Cred ca mi-as fi blestemat zilele pentru urmatoarea luna daca nu o luam, desi recunosc, am ezitat mult pana sa scot portofelul. Mai erau muuuuulte muuuulte fuste de piele (Andy, citesti da? Ca tot ziceai tu ca nu gasesti marimi. Eh, ar fi fost rai pentru tine acolo. Chiar m-am ofticat un pic :P) dar toate prea mari pentru mine. Poate daca erau mai ieftine as mai fi luat vreo 2-3 (era una albastra geniala) si le-as fi dus la croitoreasa dar pentru milion bucata, am preferat sa nu risc… 

Bebe animal-print coat / Haina animal print Bebe
  d e 
How fun is this coat? It just popped into my sight and I knew I had to buy it! Worn by itself, looks a bit boxy on me but there’s nothing a belt can’t do, right? Love how good that purple looks against the black & white print… 
Cam cat de tare e haina asta? Mi-a sarit in ochi din primul moment in care am intrat in magazin. Pe masura ce ma apropiam de ea, eram si mai convinsa c-o cumpar, toata treaba era sa-mi vina. E un pic mare, si nu prea are forma daca o port fara curea dar pentru imprimeul ala delicious…si captuseala mov…ah, nu era de lasat! A costat 40 ron.

A denim shirt / O camasa din denim

Bought this shirt from the kids department for $0.33. I really wanted a fitted denim shirt in my closet and this one fits great. I already had one from Zara that I bought when I was in high school but the fabric is way much thinner and it has a short sleeve. 
So, my best advice for you thrift-store lovers is to keep an open mind (ok, and don’t get discouraged). Don’t stick to your own department, it’s ok to look in the men’s or kids section. Just take your time, be open minded and really look – I‘ve found some amazing things in these departments and so can you! 
Camasa din denim e probabil una dintre cele mai versatile piese ever, haina pe care eu insa, n-am fost niciodata dispusa sa cheltuiesc sume mari. Am una luata in liceu din Zara, intr-o perioada de reduceri, numai ca materialul e mult mai subtire si are maneca scurta. Asta am gasit-o la raionul de copii si-am dat pe ea un leu p
arca. Denimul e mult mai gros si-mi place ca e relativ ajustata pe corp. 
De aici vin si cu un mic sfat. Thriftuitoare cu experinta cum ma consider, recomand sa fiti intotdeauna “deschise” posibilitatilor, open-minded ca sa fiu snoaba cu englezisme pana la capat. Nu treceti peste raionul pentru barbati sau cel pentru copii, nu ocoliti cutiile dubioase pentru ca e mult de scormonit pana la fund, nu treceti peste umerase fara o analiza amanuntita, nu evitati articolele prea mari sau prea ciudate, nu se stie niciodata ce puteti gasi sau ce puteti face dintr-o haina aparent hidoasa. 90% din piesele mele vintage sunt luate din second handuri iar mai bine de jumatate dintre ele sunt modificate (in draci) la croitoreasa. Iar pentru cele mai comode, exista intotdeauna varianta Etsy si Ebay. Recomand!


Color makes me happy

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(Topshop coat, Zara boots, faux leather New Yorker leggings, River Island skirt, vintage shirt, no name necklace, earrings, headband and bag) 

It seems there is something about this time of the year that really makes me want to wear color even more than I do. While out today I saw lots of snowdrops and hyacinths, it was sunny and warm outside and just seeing this got me all excited for spring! I suppose I’m one of those people that are really influenced by seasons and weather. Winter February almost’s over, and so with March fast approaching, I guess it’s time to start thinking about new beginnings, right? I for one am seriously considering a lifestyle change… 
Anyway, as usual lately, I layered dressed myself like an onion. Also decided to wear the latest addition to my jewelry box, a pretty turquoise necklace and earrings set that I bought while at home for the past week. It was so cheap, it cost me only $8 and I really like it despite being something that my mom says I already have in my collection. You sneaky sneaky mom, I can feel your eyes on it! Haha, we are always borrowing things from each other! 

I used to go thrifting almost every day

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(Koton faux fur vest, thrifted Dolce & Gabbana skirt, Stradivarius boots, C&A bag, Meli Melo hat, thrifted sweater, no name belt, vintage bracelets) 
EN: Not sure what I did and how I did, but somehow I deleted all the comments on my last post, the one with the embellished sandals. “Hooray”. 
Anyway, this is something I would have worn in high school. I obviously had no over the knee boots (not that I would ever had been allowed to wear them, ahem) or a floppy hat, and back then, my outfits pretty much consisted of flared pants/jeans, lots of fringes and some kind of 70’s prints. I was really drawn to that fashion era, very bold and extravagant and crazy and…well, very me. Not to mention the music! My god, I love(d) Queen, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Scorpions, Blondie, Bee Gees, Alice Cooper, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Kiss, and many many other bands I’m still currently listening to. (Seriously getting all nostalgic with my music here). 
Anyway, I’m so happy I rediscovered this skirt! I wore it a few days ago while out, running some errands. It was one of my first thrift store finds and probably one of the bests. I was such an avid thrifter back then, in highschool. I used to go thrifting almost every day and I would still do it if it wasn’t for time, university, the new city and all, but I’ve also become much more selective in what I’ll buy! I guess I just have too many unwearable pieces… 
 RO: Nu stiu ce dracu am facut, pe ce-am apasat, cum am reusit, dar am sters fara sa vreau toate comentariile de la postarea anterioara. Am facut treaba :> Erau vreo 10-15, cred. (Daca m-ati intrebat vreo ceva, sa stiti ca n-am vazut)
Ăsta e genul de tinuta pe care l-as fi purtat in liceu (asta daca as fi avut pe atunci cizme peste genunchi -ha! Nici nu visam la asa ceva; plus ca n-as fi avut voie cu ele la scoala-, palarii floppy si ceva mai mult curaj). Clasa a12a cred ca eram, cam pe atunci o ardeam hippie. A 9a si jumatate din a10a purtam tricouri cu Metallica cu 4 numere mai mari (gen rochie, de-mi ajungeau pana la genunchi), pantaloni negri si tot felul de bratari ciudatele, de paream a fi in doliu permanent. Ceea ce era ciudat, pentru ca eram foarte vesela si vivace dealtfel. Atata tot ca ma imbracam…ciudatel sa zicem :> Dupa faza asta a urmat perioada sport (aveam tot soiul de pantofi sport, sepci si bluze de trening) – n-a durat din fericire – si apoi am dat-o usor usor pe pantaloni evazati, franjuri si imprimeuri in stilul anilor 70. Tot in perioada aia a inceput sa creasca inaltimea tocurilor si sa prind gust pentru vintage/thrift/sh, cum vreti sa-i spuneti. Cam pe atunci am gasit fusta asta, era una dintre primele mele piese de designer. Mi-aduc aminte ca topaiam de bucurie la momentul ala, eram extaziata de ce luasem eu pe cativa lei. Dupa care a intervenit (desigur) fenomenul m-am plictisit de tine, am altceva nou, mai frumos acum, si-am uitat de ea. Ne-am regasit de curand (cu bucurie), in pod, la Buzau. 
Vacanta asta n-am prins mare lucru in second hand uri, am fost de vreo 2-3 ori in cautari dar fara prea mare succes (la modul de cantitate sau eticheta, cateva lucruri dragutele am gasit totusi). Pe de alta parte, referitor la noutati si highstreet, a vazut cineva cumva colectia Rihannei pentru River Island? Personal, mi s-a parut execrabila. Iubesc River Island (a mia oara cand spun) dar m-a dezamagit rau banalitatea aia de bumbac gri (sper ca bumbac, desi parca vad ca e polyester) cu aer 90’s. Sunt curioasa de preturi 😕


River Island embellished sandals

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EN: River Island is probably my favorite store ever and this year I’ve been so tempted by their sale… Especially the shoes! There were like 5 or 6 pairs I would have bought if I had the cash, plus a few dresses, a coat and two pairs of pants! In the end I decided to get these sparkly sandals and a few circle skirts. Very pretty 🙂 
The sandals are amazing, I have been wanting them for the longest time and now they are finally mine! They have a 5 inch heel and some sort of padded soles for extra comfort (maybe it’s just a coincidence, but I noticed that all of my RI shoes are this comfortable). All in all a fabulous purchase, I just need to wait for spring to wear them… 
 They are still available online in a size 6 (link here
RO: Candva prin Decembrie, eram pe treabă pe siteul River Island : stateam la panda dupa reduceri. Ca de obicei, numarul doleantelor mele depasea cu mult bugetul, astfel ca m-am ales cu o mica parte din ce imi doream: sandalele de fata si alte cateva fuste (clos, ample si bogate dar prea subtiri pentru purtat in Februarie). 
Pachetul mi-a ajuns ca intotdeauna in vreo 10 zile – la inceputul lui Ianuarie adica, numai ca eu fiind in Bucuresti, am reusit sa pun mana pe el abia…la inceputul lui Februarie – in perfecta stare. Vorbesc despre asta pentru ca primesc des intrebari cu privire la livrarea astora de RI, si dupa cum v-am mai spus, am fost multumita de fiecare data 🙂 Transportul costa 8 lire si nu mai aveti nimic de platit odata ce pachetul intra in tara iar produsele ajung de regula la 7-14 zile dupa expediere. Plata se poate face doar online, prin transfer bancar – card, pe romaneste. Cat despre sandalele comandate de mine, sunt geniale! Mai erau si pe negru (inca disponibile aici) dar mi-a placut mai mult varianta asta, mi se pare ca pietrele incrustate ies mai bine in evidenta pe alb. Si sunt foarte comode! Posibil sa fie doar o coincidenta dar TOATE perechile mele de incaltaminte RI sunt foarte comode (vreo 6 modele diferite adica, toate foarte inalte). Exceptie nu fac nici acestea. Mai astept doar un 25 de grade plus ca sa le pot purta…



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(vintage Renato Nucci skirt, Zara boots, Topshop coat, Oasap bag, vintage Moschino belt, no name necklace, H&M sunnies, vintage earrings)

Probably one of my best thrift store finds ever, this skirt was all I needed to cheer up a rainy day…

P.S. Aseara am updatat shopul. Am scos la vanzare multe fuste, cateva rochite, o pereche de botine Forever 21, cizmele albastre peste genunchi si cateva bluze. Ca de obicei, preturile pornesc de la 20 ron 🙂

My February Oasap order

EN: After what turned out to be a one-month shipping delay (due to the fucked up postal service, ahem), my latest Oasap order has finally arrived! This time I got…
RO: Am izbandit. Dupa obisnuitul razboi cu posta vamala, am reusit (cu aproape o luna intarziere de la intrarea in tara), sa pun mana pe ultimul pachet primit de la Oasap. De data asta mi-am luat…

 oasap necksh 
Two pretty necklaces: 
Doua coliere frumusele:

 oasap neckdet

unul mic si delicat, nu foarte stilul meu dar mi s-a parut simpatic de purtat pentru tinutele mai incarcate

 oasap green neck

…and a big, bold, statement one. Obviously this one is my favorite, I love the colors and how chunky it looks.
…si unul mare si indraznet, pe sistem statement. Evident ca din asta o sa scot mai multe purtari; culorile si marimea ma atrag mai mult.

oasap sh

A goooooorgeous embellished skirt (very Dolce and Gabbana, don’t you think?) that unfortunately is REALLY short. I think I could pull it off with black tights and an oversized blazer, but I wouldn’t recommend it for a tall woman with long longs.

O fusta care mi-a placut MULT (cam seamana cu Dolce and Gabbana asta, este?) dar care din pacate e foarte scurta. Pentru mine, neam cu Frodo hobbitul, ar merge cu ciorapi opaci si un sacou sau o jacheta peste fund, oversized, dar nu recomand gagicilor inalte cu picioare lungi.

 oasap long

However, the embellishments on this skirt are amazing!
Totusi, pietrele si modelul auriu sunt superbe!

And last but definitely not least, I got this cute Celine look-a-like bag. The color is fantastic, a delicious lavender shade that makes me think of ice cream! The only thing I would change about this bag is the size; I would have liked it better if it had been bigger.
 Si nu ultimul rand, mi-am luat geanta asta Celine look-a-like. E facuta dupa modelul ala super popular, pe care sunt convinsa ca l-ati vazut pe cel putin 3-4 bloguri, si pe care eu nu o sa mi-l permit in veci in urmatorii 10 ani. E simpatica totusi iar culoarea ma incanta cel mai tare, pentru ea am luat-o mai mult. Ce ma deranjeaza e marimea, nu ma impac deloc cu gentile micute…


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