Last week at Pepper

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EN: So here are a few pics from the Pepper event I was at last week… 
The store was Halloween-decorated with spider webs and pumpkins and lots of pretty shoes were scattered across the shop, much to my delight! I really liked the boots, especially the otk blue ones in the third photo from the bottom and those black pointed shoes in the sixth photo weren’t bad either… 
Arghhhh, I knew I should have tried them on! Anyway, I was the first to arrive as I got there earlier (all wet btw cause it was raining cats and dogs outside) so I took the chance to take as many photos as possible… Hope you like them! 🙂 
I wore a handamade silk skirt, Etam sweater, vintage belt, River Island earrings, Jewelry Box ring and New Look booties. 
RO: Am zis sa postez azi cateva poze de la evenimentul Pepper de saptamana trecuta, daca tot s-a implinit… 
Am ajuns acolo prima (just in case, nu cumva sa ratez ceva), cu vreo 30 de minute mai devreme si cu 5 kg mai grea de la apa ce mi se imbibase in fusta. Vedeti voi, cand am plecat eu de acasa nu ploua. Aveam totusi umbrela cu mine dar pieton fraier fiind, am ajuns pana-n Baneasa folosindu-ma de mijloacele de transport in comun iar asta presupune si ceva mers pe jos. Nu mult dar suficient cat sa arat ca un catel plouat in caz de precipitatii. Sau un leopard intrat la apa? In orice caz, m-am uscat intre timp si m-am apucat de facut poze (am luat aparatul la mine de data asta, nu m-am mai dus ca prima data fara obectu’ muncii…doh!) si-am pozat cam ce mi-a placut mie (zic ca nu e cazul sa uploadez toate cele 30 de poze cu bomboanele, nu?). 
Atmosfera placuta si relaxata, cu zaharuri aurii si sampanie, panze de paianjeni pe pereti si dovleci in vitrine, am vorbit, am ras, am probat cizme (cred ca le cam vreau pe alea din antepenultima poza), per total a fost dă bine 🙂 
Am purtat o fusta no name (pentru cine ma intreaba iar, e luata din Buzau acum vreo 2 ani si e facuta manual de o gagica smechera), bluza Etam, curea vintage, cercei River Island, inel Jewelry Box si botine New Look (nu le vedeti dar va zic totusi).

It’s ok to be jealous

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(Levi’s jeans, Zara booties, Pull&Bear t-shirt, thrifted jacket, Bershka scarf, no name bag, H&M earrings, vintage H&M sunnies and River Island bracelets) 
EN: It is rather shocking to behold that in my two years of blogging, I have posted (about) this jacket one time only. Weird, I wear it quite often… 
Anyway, I found this little suede gem some time ago while thrifting and I bought it for…like $15? Yep (It’s ok to be jealous, I won’t mind). Kind of going for a casual look with the jeans, the printed t-shirt and brown ankle booties as I’m usually pretty uncreative whenever I have to put together a decent outfit at 8 am…And I always end up reaching for quick, easy peasy solutions like this outfit here. I wore it to classes and lunch later with my friends… 
RO: Daca imi aduc bine aminte, cand am postat prima data jacheta asta-anul trecut, am ridicat-o in slavi pe parcursul intregului text. Pe scurt, sunt o cotrabaitoare de sh uri foarte smechera pentru ca am gasit o jacheta de piele foarte smechera la un pret foarte smecher. Si fiind foarte smechera (si eu si jacheta) am zis ca nu mai incep iar cu smecheria jachetei. 
Astfel ca tin sa precizez dăcât ca am o jacheta foarte smechera. Gata, incetez (cred ca e prea ridicata concentratia de zahar din sangele meu la momentul actual si de la asta mi se trage). In aceiasi ordine de idei dar pe un ton mai serios, incerc o recomandare (cu speranta ca n-o dau in sfaturi si filosofii idioate pe care oricum nu le aplica nici dracu). Cam toata lumea are o jacheta de piele in dulap dar stiu ca mai primesc uneori intrebari de genul “de care obiect vestimentar nu te-ai putea lipsi” sau “ce piesa iti este absolut vitala” si de fiecare data raspunsul meu se indreapta spre jacheta de piele. Ca e asta roscata (pe care ce-i drept v-am aratat-o prea putin) sau cea maro (care apare in muuulte dintre postarile mele si o port in disperare de cand eram in clasa a10a), jacheta de piele, pentru mine, este cea mai versatila si mai purtabila piesa ever. De la fuste infoiate, crinoline si matasuri suprapuse pana la pantaloni de trening si jeansi jigariti, nu exista piesa in garderoba mea care sa nu faca echipa buna cu jacheta de piele.
So! Daca n-aveti, luati-va jachetă. (Iar Nobelul imi revine mie, sa fim bine intelesi) 
Dac-aveti…asa-i ca-i super smechera jacheta mea? ;;) 


No pain no gain

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(vintage Levi’s jeans, Luella sweater, H&M shoes, Zara necklace, Oasap bag, River Island bracelets)

Tina R toamna 2012 (III)

Here are the last shots of my collaboration with Tina R (check out part 1 here and part 2 here). Me and my brother (who I thank), we had a blast shooting these images a while ago – I obviously had to bribe him first but all good in the end. 
Anyway, this has definitely been one of the highlights of my year and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!


Tina R fake leather jacket, Tina R knitted dress, vintage and no name bracelets

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Tina R jeans and cardigans ( yes, 1,2,3 cardigans), H&M necklace 

Funny story about the guitar… It belonged to one of my ex boyfriends and he gave it to me as a gift when I was in high school. Then we broke up and I got to keep it, even though I never learned how to play it…
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Tina R dress, Zara shoes, H&M earrings 

I love the color and the cut of this dress but most of all I LOVE the detail on the waist.


Wish wish wishlist

Let’s just pretend for a little while that I’m a millionaire, my last name is Hilton, Uggs are extinct and humanity has achieved peace on Earth, shall we?
Well…In this perfect world where money (and hideous footwear) is not a problem, I would most likely own all of these gorgeous things. However, I don’t (just in case you’d be interested in donating any of the items below, my superficial self will be very happy) and from time to time I like to put myself through the pure agony of wishlisting gorgeous, unattainable things from online stores like Such as:

This amazing YSL bag pretty much epitomizes all that I love: color, elegance, a timeless design and gold detailing. Not to mention it’s gorgeous…
Given my current obsession with skater skirts, it’s no surprise that I fell in love with this super feminine piece. A girl can never, ever have too many swirling skirts!
 For me, finding the perfect cropped biker jacket it’s like the Holy Grail of fashion. I’ve been on the quest to find it ever since I was in high school and this little black number would be the perfect fall wardrobe staple!
 I want all my dresses to look like this. Pure awesomeness.
Oh my. I’d wear these mouth-watering babies for better or worse, till death do us part!
Hmm, can you tell I’m loving midi, flared anything (Alaia) at the moment? This amazing coat is just another example of 50’s inspired gorgeousness.


Told ya

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(no name skirt and belt, old Bershka boots, Zara coat, bag, top and shirt, H&M earrings and Bershka scarf) 

EN: These last couple of days were the one and only time I ever regretted not buying a pair of wellies (rubber shoes? Ahem, cough cough) It’s been raining cats and dogs here lately so they sure would have been helpful in keeping me dry and warm! 
Anyway, for some odd reason I decided it would be a good idea to wear skirts in the pouring rain so I went to the closet, put this on, went out and got weird stares like 10 times. Ugh. 
Needless to say, I did the same thing the next day. 
In other exciting news, this song might be the most perfect song I’ve heard in a while. 
“Don’t say I didn’t 
I told you so 
I told you so, I told you so.” 
And this one is for you, D 😉 
“You kept wishing I was her 
I’m afraid we don’t concur” 

RO: Nu stiu inca exact cum am reusit sa ma ridic din pat zilele astea si sa plec la facultate. Potop fiind. 
Dar am operat in doua etape: 
Luni am testat terenul: umbrela-n geanta, cizme, 2 bluze, esarfa obligatorie. Vant si ploaie de proportii cosmice. Coafura n-a rezistat. Defapt, Andreea per total n-a rezistat. Mai aveam putin si incepeam sa bat cruci in troleu de bucurie c-a venit si ca in curand o sa ajung acasa. Unde nu ma plouă şi-am calorifer de luat in brate. 
Marti m-am smecherit. Patru bluze :> 1, 2, 3, 4, am prestat layering cu bluze si tricouri subtiri. Plus 2 perechi de ciorapi si sosete in partea de jos. Sa fie. Cred ca daca nu batea vantul in halul ala ar fi fost chiar placut…Ciudat fiind ca imi place vremea asta. Colegelor mele insa (cele insarcinate cu si sacrificate pentru pozele astea), nu le-a placut. N-am inteles exact de ce, dar ziceau ca le e frig, ca le ploua, ca hai mai repede, ca vor acasa, bla, bla, bla si altele de dulce :-@ Incomprehensibile fetele astea… 
Pastrandu-ma pe aceiasi linie si lasand gluma deoparte, e cam groasa treaba cu pozele de cand cu ora asta de toamna. Marea majoritate a pozelor de le pun eu pe blog sunt facute seara (astea de azi nu) sau ma rog, dupa ora 5… Cand mai iese lumea de la un servici, o facultate, si-am timp la dispozitie sa terorizez/mituiesc/santajez diversi indivizi. Mai exista si amenintarea muzicala dar aia o tin de buna, pentru cazuri speciale. Pe sistem de daca nu-mi faci poza, iti cant. Si gata, s-a terminat cu smecheria. Una peste alta ţine, dar asta presupune timp. Si de unde timp cand la 5 e gata bezna. 
In fine… azi nu ma ridic din pat. Nu ploua. Si deci, pentru ce?!?! 

Meet your personal sho(e)pper [RO only]


Neaţa 🙂 
Postez rapid astâzi, în scopuri oficiale, înainte de a ieşi pe uşă, afară în ploaie (asta fiind în următoarele 5 minute). 
Aşadar! Vă spuneam vineri despre Pepper şi încălţările lor delicioase, vă arătam câteva modele şi propuneam sugestii de purtare, urmând ca în cursul săptămânii ăsteia să continu(e/ăm) discuţia. Ce nu v-am spus atunci e că aş vrea să facem asta faţă în faţă. Joi seara, de la 18:30, în magazinul Pepper din Băneasa Shopping City. Prilej să ne cunoaştem, să vorbim (despre pantofi sau cât e de mişto Keanu Reeves), să povestim, sa probăm, să facem poze şi ce mai vreţi voi! Vă aşteptăm în număr cât mai mare 🙂
Magazinul e undeva la etajul 1, în apropiere de Diverta iar pe mine mă găsiţi (cel mai probabil) în apropiere de cizmele negre peste genunchi. 
Ne vedem acolo! 
(Şi să vezi in ce hal mă plouă acuma…arghhhhhhhh)

As crazy as possible!

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(River Island skirt, Zara shoes, old H&M top, vintage Escada blazer and belt, Oasap bag, New Yorker watch, Jewelry Box ring) 

EN: These last days have definitely been “off-days” for me fasion-wise so I thought I should make up for them by wearing something as crazy as possible! So I went to my closet, picked out a springy floral print skirt (who cares if it’s autumn?), a blue off the shoulder sweater, some killer shoes (when I say killer I mean they kill. My feet that is), and an amazing vintage jacket by Escada. I’m so glad it’s that time of the year again when the temperatures drop and outerwear is becoming a necessity! 
And I’m pretty sure I’ve said this before but I love this jacket to pieces! It’s one of my most prized vintage possessions ever…


On another note, I’ve been to Paul quite a few times recently and I would just like to say that (for me) their cakes are as addictive as Keanu Reeves. Oh my… 

RO: Arghhhhh, am ramas in Bucuresti si weekendul asta de-a trecut. Initial vroiam sa ma duc acasa, la Buzau (stiti voi…Bubu, haleu en-gros, sh uri, bunica pupacioasa…destul de tentant) dar am ramas pentru targul ala de joburi. Si Doamne sfinte, rau am facut. M-am dus sambata undeva pe la orele pranzului, neaticipand ce omor urma sa fie si in ce hal urmeaza sa fiu calcata pe picioare. Ca n-aveai loc sa arunci un ac e una (m-am si pierdut de cateva ori de grup), dar era muzica data FOARTE TARE. Si n-auzeam mai nimic. Defapt, de mai multe ori le-am cerut duduilor de la standuri sa repete ce spuneau, pentru ca, ce sa vezi, imi urla Inna in cap. Am plecat cu un teanc de fluturasi si oaresce nervi. Sper sa ajung weekendul asta acasa… Trebuia sa merg si la un soi de petrecere Sambata seara (nu stiu, ceva o porcarioara cu Halloween ul)-snobism d’ala autentic romanesc, pe sistem de Valentine’s day. Nu m-am dus, evident. 
Totusi eu inca astept sa sarbatorim Ziua Recunostintei. Pardon, Thanksgiving Day :> 
The ducks come from the trucks, ye baby. Ye. 
Da tata. 
Aia smecherie! Vreau.



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(old Terranova sweater, H&M jeans and ring, Zara shoes, Oasap bag, vintage Ray Ban sunnies) 

Maybe. I just think it’s funny. 
I remember buying this sweater when I was in high school back in like 2006 and wearing it with pride (at least 3-4 times of week, that’s how much i loved it!). I then somehow decided I’m all grown-up and that I wanted nothing to do with funny cartoonish stuff so I put it in the back of my closet and forgot about it till now. I love it so much when I rediscover old clothes in my closet (or my mom’s for that matter) and make them current again! It’s like digging through my own personal vintage store but with far fewer junk pieces…
 Anyway, speaking of cartoonish stuff, how do you like my dalmatian H&M pants? Aren’t they fun? Everytime I wear them, people stare and a few women even came up to me to ask where I got them from! Ha! Some people bark at me too. Oh well, I guess it’s an education thing. 
That’s it for now, going to catch up with tv show episodes I’ve missed this week… 
Doing anything fun this weekend?


Pepper- I shop for shoes [RO only]

I apologize to my international readers; this post is only for my romanian readers. However, tomorrow I’ll be back with an outfit post so stay tuned!


Stiti ce fac eu in momentele in care nu-mi merge grozav? Ori cand sunt plictisita, lipsita de chef, de vlaga si energie? [Nu, nu ma tratez cu shopping (imediat), drogul asta vine mai tarziu]
Ma incalt cu ceva fabulos. Prin casa, in fata oglinzii, ca si cand m-as afla intr-o cabina de proba, entuziasmata sa incerc pentru prima data condurii fermecati. Efectul e formidabil de fiecare data: nu mi se schimba doar postura, tinuta si expresia (ce daca sunt in pijamale , lasa asa) dar ma alimentez instant cu buna dispozitie. Zambesc tamp si dau ture importanta de-a lungul casei. Mai putin relevant cum ma impiedic de tivul pantalonilor de pijama, cum mi se impleticesc picioarele in volumul acestora si discomfortul creat de sosetele plusate, ce conteaza e extazul. THRILL OF THE HEEL ca sa zic asa;) Iar azi vreau sa va arat niste heels uri care mie imi provoaca thrills uri. De la Pepper.


Pepper este numele unui brand romanesc specializat in produse de marochinarie pentru femei, barbati si copii, cu magazine in Bucuresti (in Baneasa, in Afi si-n Bucuresti Mall) si online la Mai jos, am facut o mica selectie cu produsele mele preferate de pe site (si veti vedea si cateva poze din magazinul din Baneasa)…
Toate cele 3 perechi de pantofi alese de mine sunt marca Pepper, insa, pe langa acestea, magazinul comercializeaza si alte branduri ca: Cesare P. (exclusiv in Romania), Fabi, Loriblu, Adidas Y3, CK Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein Jeans, Alessandro del Aqua, Iceberg, Laura Biagiotti, Swish, Donna Piu, Rossi, Giovani Conti, etc.

Asadar si prin urmare, incepem cu piesa de rezistenta, cizmele peste genunchi:


Fara dubii, number one in topul meu, le iubesc, le ador, sunt fan cizme peste genunchi, acum si-n veci vecilor, oricat de Biancesti sau Danielacesti ar fi considerate de unii. N-am reusit sa gasesc poza lor pe site dar cred ca se vede destul de bine aici cat sunt de frumoase…
Combinatii sunt infinite, insa, daca ar fi sa aleg una singura, as merge pe ideea unei fuste creion, pana la genunchi, un sacou cambrat si optionalele accesorii: poate o curea in talie, un colier la baza gatului, niste cercei opulenti sau doar o geanta cu imprimeu brocart.
 Mai departe, pantofi cu fundite.

Inevitabil, asociez pantofii acestia cu fuste infoiate si siluetele anilor cincizeci…
O fusta clos pana la genunchi, un pulover de casmir si cateva bratari la maini ar realiza o tinuta eleganta pentru zi. Optional un guler de blana… O alta varianta interesanta ar fi o pereche de pantaloni tigareta, camasa de matase si un plic supradimensionat (eventual cel din imaginea de mai jos?) Personal, as adauga si o palarie aici.

In continuare, o combinatie de piele si piele intoarsa colorata in auriu rosu si negru, fistichie, cum imi place mie. Toc de 11 cm si platforma de 2 cm pentru comfort sporit. Ii gasiti aici.

 pantofi-de-dama-pepper-543-multicolor~l_4012214 l_4012217

Rochie, rochie si iar rochie! Si pentru ca e frig dar unele dintre noi voi inca tin cu dintii de pantofi, sa alaturam o pereche de ciorapi grosi, negrii si opaci iar pe deasupra, un palton elegant. Manusi lungi? Percuteaza cineva?
Last but definitely not least, pantofi din piele lacuita, de culoare chocolat dupa cum ni se indica pe site.
Personal, ii percep ca piesa neutra, astfel ca mi se par potriviti spre purtare cu (aproape) orice. De la jeansi si cardigane pufoase pana la rochii mini/midi/maxi, trench uri de toamna si jachete de piele…

Una peste alta, oferta din magazine este mult mai bogata decat ce veti gasi pe site dar despre asta vorbim mai multe saptamana viitoare:)

Drape skirt

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(River Island skirt, Kenvelo jacket, no name boots, bag and scarf, old H&M top)

EN: Thought I’d showcase my new River Island skirt (well, not quite new but this is the first time I’m actually wearing it), kindly gifted to me by my mother a while ago… I’ve wanted it so badly ever since I saw it online at River Island and I was thrilled to finally have it in my wardrobe! I love the cut and the drapping effect (very flattering to most body types, ladies) and I think it’s one of those super easy, modern and versatile pieces that I’ll get a lot of wear out of…
Worn here with a pair of wedge booties, an old H&M blouse and some random accessories…
And yes, obviously the leather jacket made another appearance today.

RO: Genul asta de fuste parte-peste-parte, cu drapaje, mi se par foarte avantajoase (magulitoare? Cum pisici sa traduc flattering in romana?) pentru majoritatea siluetelor…indeosebi pentru clepsidre. Personal imi plac foarte mult; le consider unele dintre acele piese care necesita minima coregrafie ca restul tinutei sa arate BINE. Ceea ce am facut si eu aici… Hai serios ca o bratara, un inel, cercei si-o esarfa e minimum minimorum la mine:))
Detest minimalismul din ficati…in caz ca exista dubii.


Looking for Something?