
(Bershka pants, Stradivarius top, Shoe Dazzle sandals, no name jewellery)

Making my mother proud in harem pants!
(and Andy, for that matter)

Because you deserve to look your best at all times

(Asos skirt, River Island top and sandals, vintage belt and earrings, Stradivarius cuffs)

EN: In an effort to get more wear out of my Asos wrap skirt, I instantly paired it with this pretty cropped top (yes, again a cropped top) and quickly got myself ready for a new day. No special occasion or place to go, I just like dressing up simply for the fun of it! Because it makes me feel good about myself, boosts my confidence and pushes me to think creatively. It may sound narcissist, but I like feeling pretty, fabulous, confident and powerful and fashion gives me that. I enjoy it and that’s what counts!
Why do YOU dress up?
RO: Din nou topul cropped loveste, de data asta potrivit unei fuste parte peste parte de la Asos. Am purtat-o mult prea putin pentru cat de mult imi place, astfel ca am decis sa o scot astazi de la naftalina si sa ma joc cu ea in combinatia de fata. N-am nimic deosebit de facut sau vreo locatie deosebita in care trebuie sa ajung, imi place doar sa fiu aranjata! (termenul exact la care ma refer e acel “dressed up” englezesc; stiu ca “aranjata” suna idiot, defapt ma duce cu gandul la cu totul alte treburi decat la cochetarie dar nu gasesc omolog mai potrivit).
Imi place sa fiu aranjata pentru ca imi da o stare de bine asupra propriei persoane, imi intareste increderea in mine si ma forteaza sa-mi depasesc (sau explorez) limitele creative. Nu o fac in fiecare zi, si bineinteles ca apar si perioade in care creativitatea mea se invarte in jurul primului tricou curat ce-mi iese in cale, dar ori de cate ori petrec mai mult timp in fata sifonierului sau aleg sa accesorizez mai mult, sfarsesc cu o imagine mai buna, mai placuta a propriului eu.
Imi place. Si asta e tot ce conteaza.
Voi de ce va aranjati?

Thank you, Mom!

(vintage skirt, belt and shirt, Topshop shoes, H&M sunnies, vintage Chanel bag, bracelets from H&M, New Yorker, C&A and no name)

EN: A little while ago, my mom gave me the best skirt ever (and this shirt, for that matter). She gave me lots of things I love but this skirt is probably the most intensely amazing thing I own from her! I don’t know why but I feel very special whenever I wear her clothes, particularly the old ones-like these I’m wearing today. Do you ever get that feeling?
Anyway, took these photos a few hours ago-so I’m wearing this as we speak and in few hours I’ll be heading into the city to celebrate 3 birthdays. Yep, three! Know what that means?
Three drool worthy birthday cakes! Muhahahahahahahaa!
RO: De vreo luna ma tot chinuiam sa umblu la designul blogului, sa simplific si sa adaug cate ceva nou. Am reusit (cu precizarea ca urasc HTML ul din ficati si sper sa moara tavalindu-se in chinuri).
Una dintre noutati consta in “meniurile” din partea de sus si observati probabil ca una dintre categorii este “Shop”. Nu am apucat inca sa o pun la punct dar in zilele ce vor urma (sau oricum in viitorul apropiat) voi posta acolo o serie de articole: haine, incaltaminte si accesorii pe care nu le mai port sau nu le-am purtat deloc. Urmeaza sa va dau detaliile dupa ce pun la punct toata treaba dar ca idee, veti gasi atat piese vintage cat si noi, cateva genti de care nu m-am atins si posibil sa pun si vreo 2 perechi de incaltari Jeffrey Campbell…Plus altele.
Am plecat, am de serbat Mării si Marini. La multi ani si voua!


(River Island dress and sandals, H&M earrings, bracelets from New Yorker and H&M)
EN: I had been coveting this 50’s style dress for quite some time now and I am happy to say that I now own my very own frock. Yuppy! I was lucky enough to find it on sale and practically stole this little gem for only 40 bucks or so. Totally worth the wait I may add. I’m in love!
Anyway, I hung out with my friend this weekend and I decided to wear it, which put me in a brilliantly good mood… as you may have already noticed.
RO: Acum vreo luna sau doua, mi-am comandat rochia asta de la River Island. Am avut norocul de a o prinde la reduceri si e chiar mai frumoasa in realitate decat era pe site: tulle pe dedesubt si mici paiete cusute pe lungimea fustei. Ca de obicei, as fi cumparat toata sectiunea de reduceri (si nu numai) de la RI (daca ma tinea portofelul) dar din cate am  observat au inceput sa apara articolele din colectia de toamna-iarna si acum toata atentia mea e focusata ACOLO. Multe materiale pretioase, bijuterii incrustate, gulere de blana (falsa desigur), influente grunge si militare, goth si baroque, opulenta si lux cat cuprinde.
Verdict: VREAU!
Lookbook aici…daca sunt doritoare.

Life's a beach

Touch And Go – Lifes A Beach
(Primark skirt, Kenvelo t-shirt, Nina shoes, Oasap bag, Stradivarius cuffs, Jewelry Box ring and vintage earrings)

Remember the dress? Well, I was lucky enough to find the skirt as well-which is pretty surprising given the recent shit life is throwing at me. Yes, most of the time she’s a bitch, but other times luck tends to smile on me and even something as superficial as a piece of clothing proves to be good enough to boost my serotonin levels. At least for the time being until another crappy thing comes along.
Anyway, here I am in the most comfortable outfit ever invented, all set to go grab some pancakes…Yum!
What are your plans for the weekend?

Yes we love vintage

(Laurel by Escada suit, River Island crop top and sandals, no name jewellery)

EN: This marks the first appearance of my glorious vintage suit that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Mad love for miss rugby jacket!
Did I mention it’s a Laurel by Escada set and it only cost me something like 10 bucks? Well, it did. And I love that, I love going to thrift stores and dig around through dusty racks and smelly boxes till I find that hidden gem at a bargain price!
Paired my pretty suit with River Island crop top and sandals and bish-bash-bosh, I was ready for one amazing night out:)
Happy weekend everyone!
RO: Daca imi amintesc bine, pasiunea mea pentru vintage a aparut undeva in clasa a X-a. Nu intelegeam foarte exact la ce se referea conceptul, particularitatile care trebuiau luate in vedere si de ce piesele erau atat de scumpe, dar ori de cate ori intalneam un obiect cu o astfel de valoare , simteam cum inima-mi palpita de emotie si mintea mi-o ia razna. Tot prin perioada aceea am inceput sa citesc bloguri. Karla Deras, Jane Aldrdige, Kelly Framel si alte nume mai putin sonore, sunt doar cateva dintre femeile care mi-au marcat evolutia vestimentara si m-au invatat sa-mi dezvolt o constiinta a individualitatii.
Am inceput colectand TOT ce am putut gasi prin casa bunicii. Si spre bucuria mea am avut ce colecta: bijuterii, palarii, cateva rochii saizeciste, o geanta, vreo 2-3 esarfe, i-am luat chiar si cestile din bucatarie. Acum planuiesc s-o las fara scaune (mai greu totusi, s-ar putea sa observe).
Apoi am descoperit second handurile. Nu sunt multe avantaje in a locui intr-un oras de provincie dar pentru o pasionata de vintage ca mine, nu exista loc mai bun in care mi-as fi putut dezvolta colectia si satisface apetitul pentru piese vintage de designer asa cum am facut-o aici, in Buzau. Folosesc trecutul pentru ca asa numita “epoca de aur” a sacourilor Lanvin la 10 lei a apus de mult. Acum cativa ani obisnuiam sa ma intorc acasa cu sacose pline de haine, niciodata nu plecam cu mana goala, iar acum abia daca am gasit 3-4 piese de valoare pe tot anul 2012….
Una dintre piesele astea e formata din ansamblul de fata: costum din doua bucati marca Laurel (aka copilul mai fraier al casei Escada). Vi l-am mai aratat acum cateva luni daca nu ma insel si va spuneam atunci ca initial, pana sa ma uit la etichete si sa cercetez problema, am crezut ca am dat peste ceva Versace. Nu conteaza, putea fi si “Ciocoflender textil SRL”, as fi cumparat-o oricum.
Pentru ca e unica.
Pentru ca nu risc sa vad la altcineva pe strada.
Pentru ca nu e facuta din plastic.
Pentru ca detaliile, cusaturile si finisajele sunt incredibile.
Si cel mai important, pentru ca mama zice ca-s rugbyista in jacheta. Si stiu ca intotdeauna e de bine cand ma mistocareste sefa.

Beautiful home of beautiful Catherine Sheppard


The other day I was online looking for some turquoise decorations and came across this gorgeous set of photos showcasing Catherine Sheppard’s home. She’s a Los Angeles based fashion stylist and owner/founder of The Life Styled (a creative agency which provides personal styling services) and this swoon-worthy house belongs to her.
I love love love her chic and glamorous yet liveable style, her attention to detail and the fact that she’s not afraid to use neon colors!
Check out the rest of the feature here.

So don’t take me too seriously about this one

(Topshop jeans, Primark top, Zara sandals, vintage Ray Ban sunnies)

EN: I know it’s a little too early (and a little too hot) to be thinking about layers and boots and chunky scarves but the approach of fall seems to have reawakened my love of jeans (and leather jackets for that matter)… I’ve seen so many pieces that I must have for this Autumn/Winter it makes my wallet hurt a bit: biker and army jackets, pointy heels, leather dresses, velvet skirts and faux fur snoods, all waiting for me for the season ahead. Yummy!
Anyway I’m pretty sure that as soon as I’ll feel autumn’s first chill I’ll start whining about the cold and crave shorts and sandals, so don’t take me too seriously about this one.

I wore this outfit a few days ago when the sun was shining and surprisingly, it didn’t kill me. My beloved blackmailed brother very kindly snapped these three photos of me that day when we went to look for some books (that we obviously didn’t found) and afterwards to get some ice cream. Two cups of caramel ice cream later, I decided to stop at a local thrift store to try my luck at treasure hunting. I visited four of them and found nothing. So sad:(

RO: Woa.
Am ras prea tare acum 5 minute ca sa nu insemnez si aici acest ceva complet irelevant, fara nicio legatura cu textila din tinuta de mai sus.
Ma uitam la televizor. Bam bam, bam bam, de pe un canal pe altul, evident nimic de vazut, pana cand apar reclamele. Majoritatea nu le stiu pentru ca am obiceiul de a schimba postul cand incepe publicitatea si oricum nu petrec foarte mult timp la televizor. In orice caz, vad una noua. La detergent chipurile sau ceva de spalat oricum.
Una diva imbracata intr-o rochie rosie, defila pe podium, gata gata sa mijeasca ochii si sa intredeschida gura (cum ii sta bine unei dive cu pretentii), in timp ce un cuplu privea la pasarela si o comenta pe duduie. Si incepe el: ce misto arata asta.
Ea: mda, colierul e dragut.
El: Nunununu, lasa colierul, eu ma refeream la rochie. (Normal ca el se referea la rochie, doar nu s-ar uita la copanele aleia. Ce dracu)
Ea: Aaaaaa pai e noua!
Si vine:> Din neant apare in peisaj acest div atoatestiutor cu camasa descheiata 2-3 nasturi (alalalt fraier, o avea inchisa pana-n gat), mascul feroce, Dumnezeu Tatal cunoscator al detergentilor, altoit cu Brad Pitt si George Clooney, si ce faceeeeeeeeeee?
Ce sa faca, scoate ditai borcanu’ de detergent din buzunarul din spate si le explica alora doi cum e treaba cu spalatul rochiei.
Acum…nu stiu ce m-a facut mai tare sa ma prabusesc de ras: cum vorbea ala serios acolo de detergent ca si cand ar fi fost cel putin testamentul Papei SAU cum a scos el ditai sticla din spate cu o simpla miscare de trunchi. Destept omul, s-a gandit de acasa ca un borcan de sapun lichid o sa-i fie de folos in buzunar la prezentarea de moda.
Restul e irelevant, tot miezul e in gigolo americano ala de ii invata pe nestiutori.
Mai stiti reclame d’astea inteligente? Puteti sa-mi scrieti in comentarii, sunt chiar interesata:))
(Nu e nevoie sa mai mentionez [sper] ca ce am scris e doar interpretarea mea personala sub forma de gluma, bineinteles ca reclama nu se prezinta in forma asta)

Henry Frankenstein: Crazy, am I? We'll see whether I'm crazy or not.

(Primark pants, Zara blouse, Stradivarius shoes, Asos clutch bag, no name necklace, H&M ring and New Yorker watch)

EN: I keep repeating my new fashion motto over and over again: “Orange is not the enemy”, which is quite hard for me to believe considering the controversy that surrounded the dreaded carrots color in the past few years. I’m pretty sure I’ve never shown you this blouse before, but, I think we all agree it’s common internet knowledge that I have had a love relationship with color blocking throughout last year so it shouldn’t be surprising that I bought it. Obviously I haven’t worn it. Not even once. In fact, it still had the price tag on when I pulled it out of the closet and decided to pair it with my splatter print pants.
Someone close to me said I look like the orange bride of Frankenstein.
Ah, the joys of having smartass friends!
RO: Vreau sa spun in romaneste doar ca imi place mult de Sandra Izbasa. Cu sau fara aur.

Sometimes these boring days are just what I need

(River Island pants, New Look top, no name bag and necklace, Stradivarius cuffs, River Island shoes)

Ok, so I’m bored out of my mind.
Today is one of those dull days where I don’t want to do anything and trying to pass the time laying in bed with some movies i’ve already seen, obscene quantities of chocolate, blogging and playing with my cats. Not sure where this mood comes from but I could really use some sleep (god, the heat is unbearable! I haven’t slept well in 2 weeks due to this crap). Or maybe I should just settle for some retail therapy at buffalo jeans… Ah, existential problems!
Anyway, about the above outfit…
I know you all hate them and I know they’ve gone pretty much out of fashion, but I’m still in my harem pants phase. Hands down the most comfortable article of clothing I’ve ever worn! I bought this pair absolutely ages ago and I wear it all of the time, can’t believe this is the first time it makes an appearance here…The blouse was actually an impulse buy that left me with a headache of regret back in February (I think) and never got to wear it until now. Also popped on my beloved River Island disco wedges purely for the fun of it! I swear, every time i wear them, someone will stop me on the sidewalk and ask me where I got them from. Ha! My mom hates them.

Giveaway Winners Announcement + outfit post

(no name skirt and t-shirt, Zara bag, H&M earrings, Jewelry Box ring and bracelet)

EN: There really aren’t enough words to describe the way I felt when I saw this cotton candy dream! I couldn’t stop touching it and as I was admiring its gorgeousness, I said to her “you might not be one of Elie Saab’s babies and I might not be a blue-blooded royalty, but you dear skirt, are very pretty and after I’ll buy you, and take you home with me, you WILL make me feel like freakin Cinderella.” Minus the lost glass shoe – moron.
Now…if only I could find that bloody Prince Charming I’d be set!
RO: Ok, e joi, giveawayul s-a incheiat iar castigatoarele au fost alese. Vedeti mai jos care au fost norocoasele, nu inainte insa de a va multumi tuturor pentru participare si interes 🙂
Sa incepem:
1. Monica Daliu
monica daliu
2. Federova
3. selffish
4. Anaivilo
5. iulika_ct
In cursul zilei de astazi urmeaza sa primiti un e-mail cu privire la premiu.

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