You can buy me with a coffee. I'm so cheap

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(vintage Thierry Mugler blazer, C&A jeans, no name sandals, Asos watch, vintage earrings, H&M sunnies and ring)

If you came to my blog just to see if I was talking about Thierry Mugler again, guess what? I’m not. Promise. I AM indeed wearing one of his creations (don’t you love my blazer? I know I do) but no, this time I’m not gonna tell you what a genius designer he was and how much I love his awesome clothes. See? I kept my promise. So generous of me.
You and Mother Teresa should be proud.

I got it for $4 everyone. Applause accepted.

Babydoll/ Giveaway winner


EN: Just a quick outfit post I wanted to show you guys before I announce the giveaway winner. The photos were taken yesterday and that grey fat thing with a stupid look is my other cat, Grizolino. You might remember him from here.
I wore a Stradivarius dress, H&M rings, an old necklace and some no name wedges.

RO: Postez astazi rapid cu scopul anuntarii castigatoarei giveawayului dar inainte sa va arat si o tinuta. Pozele au fost facute ieri. Iar chestia aia gri si grasa cu privire tampa este Grizolino, celalalt motan al meu.Poate vi-l aduceti aminte de aici.
Am purtat o rochie Stradivarius, inele H&M, un colier vechi si sandale no name.


And now without further ado, I give you the winner of the Les Jumelles giveaway…

Presimtiri Violete!

Congrats my dear,I will send you an e-mail right away!

Thank you all for participating and stay tuned cause next week i’ll be hosting another lovely giveaway!

Multumesc tuturor pentru participare si fiti pe faza pentru ca saptamana viitoare voi mai tine un giveaway frumos!

Currently in love with…


…gingham print!

EN: More specifically, this gorgeous two piece set by Asos. I wouldn’t mind this skirt either. Or this dress.
My mom says it looks like an old tablecloth that we used to have in our kitchen when i was little, which is a good sign because she usually tends to make fun of the things that i really should get. Smart ass. Last time she said my pants look like old curtains. And i wore the heck out of those pants!

…imprimeul cadrilat!
RO: Mai exact, setul asta splendid de la Asos. Bine, nu m-ar deranja nici fusta asta. Sau rochia asta.
I-am aratat si maica mii treburile astea si a zis ca arata ca fata de masa pe care o aveam in bucatarie cand eram eu mica. Ceea ce e de bine. Mama are tendinta sa faca misto de orice imi place mult si se dovedeste o investitie buna, asa ca ori de cate ori imi spune ca arat ca tanti Floarea care spala pe jos la ea la servici sau dupa caz, ca vreau sa-mi cumpar o fata de masa pe post de haina, e de bine. Ar trebui sa le iau. Data trecuta mi-a zis de o pereche de pantaloni. Cum ca ar arata ca draperiile din baie. Beton. I-am purtat in draci!

Cheri cheri lady


EN: Ok, so we’ll skip the part where I tell you (again) about my almost unhealthy obsession with mister Thierry Mugler and get to the part where I tell you about my almost unhealthy obsession with this Thierry Mugler dress. Fair trade if you ask me.
Unfortunately I don’t have many Mugler pieces: I have two blazers and a skirt suit, all found while thrifting. And even though they are fabulous and I love them to pieces, my heart has always lusted for one of his amazing structured dresses. Sort of like this one. Gorgeous. And absolutely too expensive for a mere mortal like me.

RO: Ok, trecem peste partea in care va povestesc (iarasi) despre obsesia mea aproape maladiva fata de Thierry Mugler. Si ajungem la partea in care va povestesc despre obsesia mea aproape maladiva fata de rochia asta Thierry Mugler. Ce? E un schimb cinstit.
Spre nefericirea mea, nu am multe piese Mugler in dulap: am doua sacouri si un costum cu fusta, toate gasite in second handuri de-a lungul anilor. Si cu toate ca sunt fabuloase si ca le iubesc nemarginit, din totdeauna mi-am dorit una dintre rochiile sale structurate. Cam ca asta. Superba. Si absolut inaccesibila pentru o muritoare de rand ca mine.




Anyway, a few months ago I bought this pretty pink number from an online boutique and I’ve been dying to wear it ever since!
I finally wore it and it’s definitely become one of my favorite dresses…

In orice caz, acum cateva luni am cumparat rochia asta de pe un blog si am tot asteptat momentul potrivit s-o port.
Zilele trecute am imbracat-o in sfarsit iar acum a devenit una dintre rochiile mele preferate…


(Thierry Mugler dress, River Island shoes, no name belt and earrings, H&M sunnies and rings, bracelets from Asos, Stradivarius and H&M)

Don’t forget about the giveaway!

Les Jumelles Giveaway

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Hi lovelies! I have a sweet little giveaway for you today!
I have teamed up with Les Jumelles, a range of vintage and contemporary jewellery , to give you the chance to win a beautiful piece of jewellery from their „Contemporary Collection„!

To Enter:
1. Comment on this post with the piece you would like to win from their Contemporary Collection
2. Follow Thrill of the heel on Google Friend Connect or Bloglovin (extra entry for each followed)
3. Like Les Jumelles on Facebook

Please don’t forget to let me know how you followed and please leave your e-mail adress so I can contact you if you win!

The giveaway will be open for 1 week, until the 6th of May and the winner will be sorted out randomly.

Good luck to all of you!

All neutrals





(Tina R top, River Island pants, Shoe Dazzle shoes, Zara bag, H&M sunnies and ring, Stradivarius cuffs and vintage earrings)

EN: As we speak I’m looking at these photos and I can’t believe how colorless I am! I love love love color and I love surrounding myself with it because it makes me happy. Funny thing the other day, I was looking through my closet and couldn’t get past the fact that it’s FULL of prints and crazy colors! Lots of blue and green and pink and red and some purple. Not that much yellow though. Or orange. That’s why it’s very rare for me to be seen wearing all black or neutrals. I almost never do that.
Anyway, I recently got this nude top (courtesy of Tina R) and decided to plan my outfit around a neutral color palette. For me, this is one of the best pieces of clothing Tina R ever did, mostly because of that amazing ruffles and flower detail around the neck. So feminine and romantic! I paired it with a white pair of pants for a long walk and some shopping I did with my little brother.

RO: Vai, ma uit la poze cum scriu textul asta si nu-mi vine sa cred cat sunt de necolorata! Iubesc iubesc iubesc culoarea si-mi place sa ma inconjur cu ea cu orice ocazie. Pentru ca ma binedispune. Chiar ma bufnise rasul ieri cand cautam ceva in dulap si mi-am dat seama ca e o nebunie de culori si imprimeuri acolo. Insignifiant de putine piese necolorate dar foarte mult albastru. Si verde. Si roz. Si rosu. Si ceva mov. Nu asa mult galben sau portocaliu. Din cauza asta, sunt foarte rare datile in care sunt vazuta in negru sau in culori neutre. Aproape niciodata. In orice caz, acum cateva zile am primit (la alegerea mea) topul acesta nude din partea Tina R, si am decis, imbracandu-ma azi, sa creez intreaga tinuta in jurul ideei de piese neutre (da, stiu ca sunt bejuri, griuri and so on, dar prefer sa generalizez cu “nude” ca sa nu ma avant in terminologii pe care nu le stapanesc suficient de bine). Lasand la o parte sponsorizarea, pentru mine, topul acesta (disponibil si pe alte culori), este una dintre cele mai bune piese pe care Tina R le-a scos pe piata vreodata. Daca nu chiar cea mai buna. Spun asta pentru ca mi se pare fabulous detaliul din jurul gatului, floarea si volanele. Foarte feminin si romantic! Am vrut initial sa fac toata tinuta romantica, ceva cu o fusta clos dar am ales pana la urma sa merg pe o varianta mai casual cu pantaloni, pentru o plimbare lunga si neste cumparaturi alaturi de fratele meu.


And speaking of shopping, I got some amazing things including this very, very long maxi skirt. Even with 6.5 inch heels it’s too long! But I absolutely adore it that way, much more drama when I walk!

Mi-am luat cateva chestii foarte misto, printre care si fusta asta foaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarte lunga. Este ceva de nedescris, un monstru de fusta (cred ca fara sa calce pe ea, merge doar pentru duduile cu 1,80-nu e cazul meu hahaha), facuta din straturi suprapuse de material de culoarea gumei de mestecat. Calc pe ea si cu tocuri de 16,5 cm dar imi place enorm oricum! D’abia capat un mers mai dramatic cu “
trena din spate” si partea din fata pe care o voi ridiCA CAnd pasesc. Ceva de genul divenie a la Cinderella. M-am dat dracu:>



EN: Just got these shoes after stalking them online for about two days before ordering them and I couldn’t be happier! I usually stay away from nude shoes because I found them sort of…boring and I prefer to jazz up my outfits with fun, colorful shoes, but when I saw these bad boys I knew I had to have them! Very comfy, they go with everything and they seem to be pretty well made. What’s not to love?

RO: Tocmai am primit pachetul cu sandalele astea de la Mini Prix. Le-am persecutat online vreo 2 zile pana m-am decis sa fac comanda si iata ca in sfarsit au ajuns. Imi plac foarte mult!
In general nu ma avant cu prea mult aplomb spre incaltamintea nude pentru ca o gasesc cumva…monotona si prefer sa-mi insufletesc tinutele cu pantofi fistichii, colorati, cu detalii sau modele deosebite, dar cand am vazut sandalele astea, m-am indragostit iremediabil! Sunt foarte comode, merg cu orice si par destul de bine realizate. Plus ca au fost ieftine. Aveti link aici in caz ca sunt doritoare.


And speaking of what goes with everything…A few days ago I found this scarf in a thrift shop for $4. Finally some luck!

Si daca tot veni vorba despre ce merge cu orice…Acum cateva zile am luat esarfa asta dintr-un second cu 12 lei. In sfarsit ceva noroc la scormonit!







(Primark dress, old Zara shirt, Zara trenchcoat, Asos sandals, no name bag, H&M sunnies, vintage earrings, H&M rings, bracelets from Stradivarius, Asos, C&A and H&M)

EN: I love layering when the weather gets a bit cold because that’s when I can have more fun with textures and prints. It’s still chilly here but not cold enough to keep me away from wearing a dress. And as I noticed, shirts are a fabulous cold weather layering piece! The one I’m wearing is from Zara, I’ve had it for years and it sure was worth every cent. It’s a very simple piece, nothing special, but it’s super versatile and looks great with anything. If you don’t have one, I strongly recommend going out and buying one. It’s a life saver for those days when you simply don’t have anything to wear! And those days come often, don’t they?

RO: Cred ca singurul motiv pentru ca as simti o farama de apreciere fata de vremea rece este placerea de a ma juca cu straturile diferite de texturi si imprimeuri. Nu e inca suficient de cald pentru mine (mai ales dimineata cand am facut pozele astea) dar nici suficient de frig cat sa stau departe de rochii….Si din cate am observat, camasile merg de minune ca baza pentru layering! Cea pe care o port aici este de la Zara, o am de cativa ani si inca o port foarte des. E una dintre putinele mele piese basic, dar a meritat pe deplin sa o cumpar. E foarte simpla, intr-o nuanta de bleu deschis, nimic special sau deosebit, dar e foarte versatila si arata bine cu orice. Probabil ati citit articolele acelea care recomanda sa va construiti garderoba pe baza chestiilor simple…camasa si tricoul alb, the little black dress samd. Eh, au dreptate. In caz ca nu aveti una (greu de crezut ca exista cineva fara o camasa simpla, alba), recomand cu tarie sa va faceti rost. Ma salveaza de fiecare data cand ma confrunt cu o situatie de genul “n-am nimic de imbracat!”. Iar situatiile astea se ivesc des, nu-i asa?

Chain print



EN: I am so in love with this fitted midi dress from Asos! I couldn’t resist, it was literally calling my name.
I’m kind of obsessed with this style of mid lenghts right now, fitted and sexy, yet classy and chic.
And such a versatile piece that can be styled in many different ways!

RO: Sunt super indragostita de rochia asta midi de la Asos! M-am zbatut, m-am opus, am incercat sa-i rezist chemarii de sirena si, pana la urma am sfarsit invinsa si am cumparat-o. Sunt relativ obsedata in perioada asta de modelele acestea de lungimi midi, ajustate sexy pe corp, si totusi chic si elegante. Plus ca le gasesc foarte versatile!

(Asos dress, vintage Givenchy earrings)

On a side note, I’ve been on Easter holiday for the last 10 days but since all good things come to an end, the party is over and tomorrow I’ll be back to university, in Bucharest.
See ya, gotta start packing!

In alta ordine de idei, in ultimele 10 zile m-am bucurat de vacanta de Paste. Dar cum toate lucrurile bune ajung la un sfarsit, s-a terminat cu smecheria iar de maine ma intorc la facultate, in Bucuresti.
Pupici, ma duc la impachetat!

It’s official




(Asos skirt, River Island blazer, Giuseppe Zanotti shoes, vintage clutch and belt, no name necklace, Stradivarius cuffs, H&M sunnies and vintage Givenchy earrings)

Finally sandals weather. And I love it!

Such a cliché






(thrifted dress, Zara sandals, H&M sunnies and necklace, vintage belt and earrings, ASOS watch and Zara bag)

EN: A few days ago I was reading an article about Coco Chanel ideas and some of her famous quotes. No, I’m not gonna talk about the “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only,fashion is in the sky […]” one, it’s become such a cliché!(in my opinion, of course); but I found it interesting that she thought that the knees were the ugliest part of the female body, and the best thing to do is to hide them under a skirt. Did you know that? Call me a dummy but I had never heard of this up until a few days ago, when I found myself reading the article.
Anyway, I kept thinking about it and realized that…she’s right. As much as I like short hemlines and showing off those pins, I have to admit that covered knees are so much more flattering and classy.
So, bearing that in mind, I pulled this dress out of the closet. If i remember correctly, I found this pink beauty at a local thrift store last summer and of course, I never wore it. Not sure if i told you this before but I tend to buy things and not wear them. For a while. I just get them, place them nicely on the hanger and stare at them from time to time. Mostly I do this with things I really like, because somehow I believe they’re too perfect to be worn and I’m afraid I’ll spoil their perfection…

RO: Citeam acum cateva zile un articol despre Coco Chanel, cu privire la ideile ei si cateva dintre faimoasele citate. Nu, n-o sa bat campii cu deja cliseicul (in opinia mea): “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only,fashion is in the sky […]” dar mi s-a parut interesant sa aflu ca mademoiselle Gabrielle Chanel considera ca genunchii sunt partea cea mai urata din corpul feminin, si ca cel mai bun lucru de facut in situatia aceasta era camuflarea lor sub fuste. Stiati chestia asta? Posibil sa fiu eu mai neinitiata in domeniu, dar habar n-aveam de treaba asta pana acum cateva zile.
M-am tot gandit apoi…si mi-am dat seama ca are dreptate babatia. Cu toata inclinatia mea spre mini si picioare considerabil dezgolite, sunt de acord ca niste genunchi acoperiti sunt mult mai placuti ochiului si mai eleganti.
M-am imbracat asadar sub influenta ideei asteia, cu una dintre rochiile mele inca virgine, de care nu m-am atins niciodata. Daca-mi aduc aminte bine, am gasit rochia asta vara trecuta intr-un second hand. Am luat-o, am spalat-o si n-am purtat-o deloc. Nu stiu daca v-am mai spus, dar am o chestie pentru lucrurile noi. Le cumpar si nu le port. O perioada. Doar le iau, (uneori dupa eforturi considerabile) le atarn frumos pe umeras sau le las in cutie (in functie de caz), ma holbez la ele din cand in cand si ranjesc. Si gata. Fac asta in general cu lucrurile care imi plac foarte foarte mult, pentru ca am cumva senzatia ca sunt prea frumoase ca sa le port iar daca le port, le dispare tot farmecul…

Looking for Something?