Catch up

(Asos top, vintage Cacharel pants, H&M necklace and sunnies, vintage bag)

EN: Spent the last weekend with my friend wandering around town, eating junk food and generally just catching up. It was extremely hot outside so it took me about an hour to find something to wear that won’t get me killed by the heat. We did a loooooot of walking so I decided to wear comfy sandals, this loose fitting top I recently got from Asos and capri pants.
The food was delicious, but 2 huge pizzas, 4 ice creams and 4 frappes later -and long after these photos were taken- we had to grab a cab to go home as we could barely move.
As you can see, I received a few Vogue Spain magazine issues from my friend. Of course I don’t understand a word but the editorials sure are pretty to look at, and since we don’t have a Romanian edition here… well, I take whatever I can get.
RO: Mi-am petrecut weekendul trecut in compania prietenei mele, ratacind fara directie prin oras in cautare de racoare, mancand junk food, razand si palavragind incontinuu ore intregi. Stiam ca vom merge mult pe jos, stiam ca va fi si foarte cald si ca va trebui sa gasesc ceva de imbracat care sa ma pastreze relativ nedescompusa din cauza toropelii. Inutil. Mi-a luat aproape o ora sa decid ce imbrac (sfarsind in topul acesta de la Asos, pantaloni capri si sandale comode) si tot m-am copt ca un pui la rotisor. Totusi, zapuseala aceasta insuportabila a venit la pachet si cu ceva benefic: golirea orasului. Cel putin temporar. Nu sunt fan aglomeratie, ma irita locatiile impaienjenite de oameni si de cele mai multe ori prefer sa stau acasa decat sa ma avant in multimi ticsite de populatie. Probabil de aici mi se trage prea banalul banal cotidian…
Revenind. Am fost mai intai la suc. Sa ne racorim. Am fost apoi la pizza. Sa ne hranim. Ne-am luat inghetate. Sa ne-ndulcim. Si-am bagat si doua frappeuri dă persoana. De pofta. Multiplicati astea cu 2. Se explica acum de ce a trebuit sa luam un taxi pana acasa, nu? Abia ne mai puteam misca. Dar e ok, cel putin avem provizii in caz ca se intoarce Era glaciara.
Gagica cu pricina e din Spania si in fiecare an cand vine ii dau instructiuni precise ce sa-mi aduca, in general nimicuri care nu se gasesc pe plaiul mioritic. Anul asta i-am cerut niste numere deVogue si spre bucuria mea, mi-a adus nu numai editia curenta ci si unele trecute, cu un numar considerabil de pagini (vorbim aici de reviste de aproape 3 kg bucata).
Cartoaie groase cu pagina lucioasa, viu colorata, asteptand sa fie rasfoite si devorate. Ceea ce si intentionez.
Trecem peste impedimente de genul nu pricep o iota din spaniola.Lasa asa. Macar ma uit la poze.


(Lee Cooper jeans, Zara blouse, Oasap flats, vintage Louis Feraud scarf, H&M ring, no name bag and pearls, vintage bracelet)

EN: So here is part two of my latest Oasap order, the one I told you about in this post. I got two pairs of shoes, the pretty nude pumps you all seemed to love (by the way, thank you so much for your sweet comments on that post! I really appreciate hearing from you and I do read every single comment even if I don’t always reply to them all) and these black and white flats. Not my typical choice of heel, but they do come in hand when I have to run errands around town all day long… And they are fun. My mom actually named them gangster shoes and she calls me Godfather whenever I wear them, haha.

RO: Aveti aici partea a2a a ultimei mele comenzi Oasap, cea pe care am mentionat-o in postarea aceasta. Va spuneam atunci ca am luat 2 perechi de pantofi, cei nude care se pare ca v-au placut multora (apropo, vroiam sa va multumesc pentru comentariile pe care mi le-ati lasat referitor la postarea aceea! Stiu ca nu raspund [intotdeauna] tuturor comentariilor primite dar credeti-ma ca le citesc pe toate si apreciez orice forma de feedback primita) si balerinii alb-negru din postarea de astazi. Nu tocmai o alegere traditionala pentru mine, dar tocul aproape inexistent s-a dovedit folositor pentru alergat prin oras…Plus ca sunt simpatici. Mama zice ca-s pantofi de gangster iar pe mine m-a botezat Gadfadăr cand m-a vazut cu ei in picioare, haha.

Nu uitati de giveaway! Mai aveti timp pana Joi dimineata sa va inscrieti 🙂

The strappier the better

(thrifted shorts, Primark t-shirt, River Island sandals, New Yorker sunnies)
Can’t even put into words how excited i am to have these sandals! Check out the heel (or more likely the lack of it), now isn’t that an interesting detail? They remind me so much of the Marni version I always wanted but never owned! Only strappier. And cheaper! I bought them on sale and ever since they arrived I’ve been wearing them almost every day: paired with full skirts and white shirts, maxi and mini dresses, capri pants and cotton tees or, as you can see today, paired with old denim shorts and a crop top. Ok, my obsession with everything cropped has gotten a little out of hand… Just a little.
Oh let it be.
Happy weekend everyone!!!

Jewelry Box Giveaway [CLOSED] + outfit post

(River Island skirt and top, Oasap shoes, vintage belt, no name hat, H&M ring, earrings and leaves bracelet, New Yorker gold and pearls bracelet)
box jwl 1
box jwl 2

EN: Embracing the gorgeous weather we have at the moment with today’s girly outfit…
After having worn nothing but slouchy tees and vintage denim shorts for a few days this week, I woke up today and felt like dressing up. So I pulled out my new pleated asymmetric skirt by River Island and decided to pair it with this silky ruffled top and a new pair of shoes I recently got from Oasap (I actually got two pairs but more on that later). Some of you have sent me questions about them after posting a photo on Facebook so here’s a link to where I got them. They have a low 2.8 inches heel so they are easy to walk in, quite comfortable and they go with everything because of the neutral color! Just make sure you go one size up when buying them.
And for 30 bucks, I’d definitely recommend them!
I also got sent some gorgeous pieces of jewelry from Jewelry Box, an online jewelry store that offers all kinds of fashion accessories including bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, brooches and hair accessories. There’s something for everyone, you guys should definitely check it out!
I chose this ring and this one, and this lovely cuff bracelet

RO: In mare, n-am prea avut chef de nimic zilele trecute, nimic remarcabil de povestit sau vreun outfit interesant de prezentat…am purtat doar tricouri lalai si jeansi taiati in pantaloni scurti. Astfel ca azi m-am trezit cu pofta de matasuri, fuste plisate, culori dulci si pantofi cu toc si am cochetat in fata sifonierului (si a oglinzii) ceva mai mult. Am purtat o fusta plisata asimetrica luata recent de la River Island, un top cu volane tot de la ei (dar luat anul trecut) si pantofii de la Oasap pe care vi i-am aratat saptamana trecuta pe Facebook (stati pe aici, urmeaza sa fac o postare si cu perechea celalata, cu balerinii). Stiu ca mi-ati scris mai multe dintre voi cu privire la perechea aceasta si am promis ca va dau mai multe detalii. Linkul il aveti aici iar din experienta mea cu ei, va pot spune urmatoarele: sunt comozi, tocul e micut -7 cm si deci pot fi purtati fara probleme ore bune, culoarea e foarte apropiata de cea a pielii (la mine se vede o discrepanta mai mare din cauza bronzului) si in principiu merg cu orice. Singura chestie la care as sugera atentie e marimea. Luati intotdeauna cu o marime mai mare!
In rest…numai de bine. Iar pentru 30 de dolari, categoric ii recomand!
Okeeeeeeey, si acum sa trecem la partea interesanta!
Am primit zilele trecute un pachet de la Jewelry Box care continea ambalate frumos minunatiile de mai sus: cele 2 inele si bratara aurie. Sunt absolute superbe, le veti vedea mai bine in postarile urmatoare…
Si pentru ca stiu ca si voua va plac bijuteriile, am pregatit pentru voi un super giveaway Jewelry Box in urma caruia vom oferi 5 premii!
Ce aveti voi de facut:
1. Urmariti Thrill of the heel pe Google friend connect
2. Dati like paginii de Facebook Jewelry Box
3. Imi lasati un comentariu in care imi lasati linkul bijuteriei pe care ati ales-o, adresa voastra de e-mail ca sa va pot contacta dupa si ma anuntati ca ati indeplinit toti pasii.
Ce trebuie sa stiti:
1. Vor exista 5 castigatoare, fiecare dintre ele primind accesoriul ales in comentariu
2. Va puteti alege orice bijuterie sau accesoriu (rasfoiti, rasfoiti, oferta e bogata si sigur se gaseste ceva pe gustul fiecaruia!)
3. Giveawayul va dura o saptamana 26.07.2012-02.08.2012 iar castigatoarele vor fi anuntate Joia viitoare, pe 2 August
4. Castigatoarele vor fi desemnate cu random org.

Mult succes!

Short & Curly


EN: While I still think that having my hair cut short was the best decision I ever made (hair wise), there are times when I miss my long messy locks. Not because I’m a fan of spending time in the morning to style it or at the hair salon, but because short hair doesn’t allow as many styling options as long hair does. Trust me, it’s the best option for low maintenance (especially during these steamy months) but after a while it gets REALLY boring.
And boy I get bored so quickly! (not implying that I’m giving up on short hair!)
So now that my hair has grown out a bit, I can finally experiment more with it! The other day I remembered I have this curling iron that I had not used since…high school? and decided to give it a go, just for fun!
Took a few shots afterwards to show you guys the final result…
What do you think?
RO: Cu riscul de a ma repeta, sustin iarasi ca pentru mine parul scurt s-a dovedit a fi cea mai buna optiune posibila. Nu regret nicio secunda ca l-am taiat vara trecuta si inca ma simt minunat cu el asa (desi observati probabil ca nu l-am mai tuns din februarie :> aplauze) dar sunt momente in care mi-e dor de pletele mele lungi si incalcite care imi mancau diminetile. Nu pentru ca as fi capabila sa am grija de parul lung si sa-i ofer o ingrijire decenta sau pentru ca mi-ar place sa-l prind in diferite feluri, nu, categoric NU, dar parul scurt ofera o plaja de optiuni foarte saracacioasa in ceea ce priveste stilizarea. Si m-am plictisit.
E intr-adevar minunat sa nu-mi bat capul cu el (in special vara cand ultimul lucru de care am nevoie e SI mai multa caldura) dar serios, dupa o perioada devine plictisitor tare sa vezi in fiecare zi in oglinda acelasi lucru.
Sau ma plictisesc eu foarte repede…Adevarat si asta.
Ieri mi-am adus aminte ca aveam prin liceu un ondulator de par (folosit de maxim 4 ori in toata existenta lui) si am zis sa ma joc putin cu el daca tot mi-a mai crescut parul un pic…
Am luat apoi aparatul si am facut cateva poze sa va arat ce-a iesit…
Ce ziceti?

God bless cotton

(River Island jumpsuit, Jessica Simpson sandals, H&M bracelets, no name hat, belt and bag)

EN: Call me senile but I completely forgot to post these photos earlier! They were taken two, ok three weeks ago and somehow, I obviously managed to shift my attention to other areas and lose track of them.
Anyway, I’ve been on a cotton binge ever since the warm weather has begun to surface so I’m filling this outfit under “clothes I can actually wear without feeling I’m in an oven”. God bless cotton! And River Island for that matter.
I picked up this jumpsuit a month or two ago from their online shop and it’s been an excellent choice for keeping me cool and chic in this heat…
Paired with Jessica Simpson sandals, no name belt, hat and bag and H&M jewellery.
RO: Din seria “Alzheimer loveste” (partea a 145876a), va prezint azi poze de acum doua saptamani. Bine, trei.
Mi s-a mai intamplat de cateva ori chestia asta-sa fac poze, sa uit de ele si sa ma trezesc ca le am abia cand nu mai sunt de actualitate. De exemplu acum vreo luna am gasit niste poze din iarna, cand zapada era cat casa, eu degeram iar fotograful ma injura ca-l tin afara pe “caldurile” alea. Nu prea mergea sa vi le arat acum in Iulie, gata August, nu?
Purtam in pozele astea o salopeta River Island (bineinteles ca River Island, doar nu va asteptati sa imbrac si altceva-defapt, chiar ar trebui sa ma plateasca astia pentru cata reclama le fac), luata special pentru zilele caniculare in care nu gasesc nimic “nelipicios” de imbracat. Nu ca m-as plange, prefer fara ezitari caldurile de rotisor de acum decat gerurile antarctice ale lui Februarie…

Vamos a la playa

(River Island bralet, thrifted shorts and jacket, vintage belt)
Not sure if gold and sequins are considered appropriate beach attire though…Oh well.
Enjoy your weekend!

The Sartorialist babe

(Joy Miss bralet, vintage skirt, Zara sandals, Oasap bag, no name hat and earrings)
EN: Gobsmacked. That’s how I felt when I saw this photo on Mr. Scott Schuman’s blog-which of course gave me the perfect excuse to debut my newest purchase, this lovely bralet. I was so lucky to find it on sale for 70% off at a local store!
I wore it yesterday as I went shopping for my cousin’s birthday present and later on for the actual party, when I successfully managed to stain it with a huge chunk of chocolate cake.
Hooray for clumsy hands!
Anyway, I got her some super cute wedge sandals that happen to fit me very nicely and I’m sorely tempted to buy myself a pair…
RO: Prima data am vazut bustiera aceasta acum 2-3 saptamani. M-am tot foit in jurul ei, ba chiar am luat-o la proba, nehotarata daca sa o cumpar sau nu. Mi-a placut din momentul in care am vazut-o stinghera pe umeras. Cand am imbracat-o, m-am indragostit. Si totusi n-am putut sa plec cu ea acasa de atunci. Cumva, 120 ron mi s-a parut nejustificat de mult pentru preturile practicate de magazinul cu pricina cat si pentru ea in sine.
Posibil sa fi fost la mijloc si buzunarele mele goale din perioada aceea…
Saptamana trecuta insa m-am dus iar, nestiind ca sunt reduceri sau ca exista sanse sa mai fie acolo. Era. Si nu oricum, ci la 39 de lei :> Bineinteles ca am luat-o fara sa clipesc, cumva paranoica, incercand sa ies din magazin cat mai repede ca nu cumva sa-mi spuna duduia de la tejghea ca nu e de vanzare.
Ieri am imbracat-o prima data, cand am iesit in oras (la o ora absolut imposibila tinand cont de temperatura) sa caut un cadou pentru ziua verisoarei mele. Am ramas imbracata la fel si pentru petrecerea de mai tarziu si bine am facut, avand in vedere ca am trantit ditai halca dă tort pe ea.
E la spalat acum.

Just like a tattoo

(Miss Selfridge dress, Zara sandals, vintage earrings, New Yorker watch)

EN: As strange as it may sound, my best friend lives in another country. She went to live there permanently when we were 12 and since then we’ve been writing letters to each other, meeting online and seeing each other during our summer vacations. It’s a long wait indeed but when the time comes and we get together, it’s insanely fun!
She’s one of those crazy girls who changes her mind like she changes her hair color (three times a month, from blue to yellow) and she loves partying and dancing her heart out-usually with some bad-ass soldier-looking guy with tattoos or piercings. In fact, she’s dating one right now and the other day I was talking to her (she’s in town now) about him and she was all like: “ Oh my God Andreea, he’s so funny and cool and awesome and those tattooooooooos!!! Oh my God, those tattooos !”
Haha, I laughed but I have to admit it, I love myself a hot tough guy who has gotten tattoos or piercings. Especially tattoos. Don’t we all? For me, there’s always something intriguing about someone who makes that kind of statement on his skin. Makes me think about the meaning and the story behind it- I’m talking in terms of body art here, not some sort of cheesy tattoo with a heart and an arrow through it.
Hmm… I’m actually thinking of getting a quote tattooed on my inner wrist…
What do you think?
RO: Ok, fara nicio legatura cu venirea prietenei de mai sus in tara (yeeeeeeey, motiv de bucurie maxima!) si cel mai probabil fara sa fie subiect de interes, simt nevoia sa anunt ca sunt in culmea fericirii! (Pozele nu sunt foarte concludente in privinta asta, ma zbateam intr-o letargie crunta cand le-am facut).
Nu, nu mi s-a intamplat nimic deosebit sau exceptional, n-am castigat la loto, Johnny e la fel de departe, nu ma marit si in principiu am aceiasi viata banala din totdeauna, INSA m-am bucurat teribil sa regasesc ceva ce credeam ca am pierdut.
Il mai tineti voi minte pe Grizolino? Motanul cenusiu pe care-l recomandam ca fiind tembel?
Eh, in urma cu vreo luna a disparut. Fara urma. Puff. Pa. Goodbye. Nicht Grizolino. In primele zile a fost ok (l-am banuit ca de obicei ca e la peţit de pisici prin vecini) iar dupa vreo saptamana de absenta am inceput sa intram in panica. A mai trecut una…si inca una…trei saptamani fara sa mai stim nimic de el. Si tocmai cand eram convinse si eu si mama ca e intr-o lume minunata, in compania lui Sânt Petru pisicesc, la papat de Whiskas…Grizolino a aparut! Foarte slab si jigarit, plin de scaieti si fara blanita in anumite zone, dar la fel de tembel, torcaitor si iubitor ca de obicei.
Oare de ce ne dam seama de importanta celor din viata noastra abia atunci cand ii pierdem? 🙂
P.S. Nu va ingrijorati. Grizo e la cura. De ingrasare.
O sa fie balon in no time.

River Island strappy sandals

Don’t judge, it’s sale season.

Taste our new juice

(no name skirt, Pull & Bear t-shirt, IL PASSO shoes, vintage clutch bag, H&M earrings, Stradivarius cuffs)

EN : Came across this t-shirt while sorting out my closet the other day. I’ve had it for more than 5 years, possibly because back then I wore the hell out of it and after a few months, as i usually do, i dumped it in the back of my closet. Do you ever do that?
It never crossed my mind that I’ll be wearing it again (especially NOT with a pencil skirt), but what goes around comes around, right ?:) Anyway, at first I went for a classy look, with the tight skirt and gold pumps but then i thought i will surely probably be overdressed again and decided to switch things up a bit and wear a tee instead of a silk blouse. Wise choice, my friends-considering the boiling temperatures outside.
P.S. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to overdress tomorrow.
RO : Ma uitam zilele trecute pe siteul astora de la Zara si…trebuie sa recunosc ca sunt profund impresionata de reduceri.
M-au spart.
Deschid siteul, vad mare scris cu alb pe un fundal rosu : SALE. Zic “Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, sa vezi c-au inceput reducerile! Sa vezi ca-mi iau sandalele alea de tanjesc dupa ele din Mai! Sa vezi ce raman iar fara bani! Da’ sa vezi ce-o sa mor pe tren pe caldurile astea pan’ la Bucuresti!” (fiind in vacanta, am plecat din Bucuresti acum cateva saptamani, urmand sa ma intorc la toamna)
Intru in fibrilatii, incep sa ma agit ca “ce ma fac daca nu gasesc marimea”, sunt gata-gata sa deschid mersul trenurilor si numai bine ca-mi piere tot ranjetul si entuziasmul. Pretul sandalelor mele era redus cu 20 de ron. AdiCA CAm deloc. Sau oricum, prea putin cat sa merite efortul si banii.
Mai arunc un ochi si la alte produse, vad intr-adevar si reduceri mai subtantiale (dar bineinteles ca aplicate FIX produselor care nu ma intereseaza pe mine) si incerc cu alte sandale, poate la astea am noroc. Si da, am avut. Erau reduse nu cu 20 ron ci cu 30 ron!!!!! Minunat zic. Am pus-o de-un happy meal la Mec cu banii astia. Si cred ca-mi iau si-un shake :> Ce mai vrei.
Sandalele erau acestea. Partea buna e ca in felul asta mi-am adus aminte ca eu am defapt ceva auriu de incaltat in dulap. Nu stiu daca mai tineti minte pantofii astia de la IL PASSO, facusem anul trecut o postare cu ei. Dupa care a lovit zapada si s-a terminat cu smecheria (ma ia cu friguri numai cand imi amintesc de gerurile alea cumplite ; brrrrrrrr)

Looking for Something?