Here kitty kitty

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(Mango pants, Asos top, Meli Melo hat, vintage necklace, Jewelry Box cuff, H&M sunnies) 

EN: Hello world! And sorry for the absence, life has been pretty hectic these days. I’m in my last year of college this autumn so I’ve been super busy with packing and getting ready to move back to Bucharest. I had some issues with the rent but it’s all good now!
 I’m wearing one of my favourite pairs of pants (still a big fan of wide legged/palazzo pants) that I got a few years ago during a Mango sale and a loose Asos top. It’s still super hot in here so I’m doing my best to stay cool! 
Oh, and in case you’re wondering what’s with the kitty, I found her while out taking these pics and I tried to take her home with me but she was pretty scared so I couldn’t get close enough to even touch her… 
RO: Iertare pentru absenta, am o perioada destul de aglomerata luna asta si n-am reusit sa fac poze sau sa pun la punct vreo ceva, vreun material pentru blog. Stres cu deschiderea anului universitar (m-am scos, anul asta am de dat si licenta), tambalaul clasic de Octombrie pentru chirie, muta lucruri, fa bagaje, nu uita aia, ia si aia, ocupa-te si de aia, si asa mai departe. Pe langa asta, m-am purtat in “uniforma” zilele trecute, pe sistem de jeansi si orice tricou curat, astfel ca n-as fi avut mare lucru de aratat. Sau chef de postat ca tot veni vorba… In orice caz, lucrurile incep sa se aseze. Trag speranta ca reusesc sa-mi gasesc si-un job luna asta…Trebuie neaparat:) River Island ul cere grav! 
Pozele sunt facute undeva in spatele unui soi de terasa, unde s-a intamplat sa gasesc pisica pestrita. Am pis pisait-o vreo 20 de minute incercand sa ma apropii de ea si eventual s-o iau acasa (apropo, Grizo iar e dat disparut…de vreo luna) dar n-am reusit sa ajung suficient de aproape cat sa o ating. M-am imbracat comod, in haine largi cu risc minim de lipire pe cop-pentru ca, ghiciti ce, e foarte cald. 
Multe multumiri Monicai Sturza de la Jewelry Box pentru super bratara de la mana mea! O iubesc! 
Pe bratara. 
Si pe Monica. 
Pe bratara 
Si pe Monica. 

Weather appropriate

(thrifted skirt, belt and bag, River Island top and bracelets, vintage earrings, no name shoes)

EN: Not that I’m wishing for winter to come or anything (I actually hate the cold) but isn’t it a bit weird that we’re still wearing sandals and shorts even though it’s almost October? It’s supposed to be Fall here but with temperatures like 93 °F it still feels like summer, which is why I’m so disappointed that it’s impossible to do any layering at all! And I could really enjoy some over the knee boots, thank you very much!
Anyway, this is what I wore a few days ago for a quick shopping trip and lunch with my friend. I went out looking for some sweaters but I actually bought an amazing trench coat with leather inserts, which i pretty much can’t wait to wear!
My skirt, belt and bag are thrifted, the top and bracelets from River Island, the shoes are no name and my earrings are vintage.
Oh, and yes, I’ve had some fun with my hair. Likey?

RO: Cu un avant teribil ma apucasem zilele trecute de scotocit prin dulap, prin saci, prin cutii, dupa jachete, pulovere si cizme. Am regasit cu bucurie geaca de piele din liceu (da, aceea care apare in multe dintre postari), puloverele din casmir si cele tricotate de mama, cizmele peste genunchi si botinele cu toc rosu sau sclipicios. M-am probat entuziasmata, facand combinatii imaginare cu ce va sa vina (wishlist interminabil, v-am mai zis) si evitand sa ma gandesc la dezgustul pe care mi-l provoaca zapezile inalte si gerul crancen de ianuarie.
Dupa care am scos capul pe geam.
Si gata, s-a terminat cu smecheria. 34 de grade :> Septembrie? Ce Septembrie trai-ti-ar, noi o ardem July aici. In orice caz, m-am imbracat asa. Bluza e River Island iar fusta am gasit-o intr-un second anul trecut (pe vremurile cand chiar gaseam lucruri in sh uri- vremuri…oftez nostalgic), la fel ca si geanta. Aveam o perioada cand o purtam excesiv-in ciuda faptului ca nu-mi incapeau prea multe in ea, dar ma incanta pentru ca modelul se deosebea de cele scoase la vanzare noi pe piata. Acum rar se intampla sa mai gasesc genti frumoase in seconduri…Defapt, nu mai gasesc deloc, de niciunele, de niciun fel. Poate a crescut interesul pentru vintage? Nu stiu, dar cert e ca cel putin in ceea ce ma priveste, plec mai fericita cu polistier lucios (overpriced desigur) din Zara sau H&M decat din magazinele cu haine la kg si miros intepator, unde s-a intamplat sa gasesc Chanel, Hermes, Lanvin, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Escada, Ungaro, iar acum tot ce mai prind e Nike scamosat. Deprimant 🙂
Referitor la Ungaro, cred ca o sa scot la vanzare o haina de toamna zilele ce urmeaza..


Tina R toamna 2012

a b 
(Tina R blouse and skirt, vintage necklace, Stradivarius cuffs, no name shoes) 
(Bluza Tina R, fusta Tina R, colier vintage, bratari Stradivarius, pantofi no name) 

c d  
(Tina R jeans, blouse, scarf and bag, River Island bracelets, New Yorker shoes) 
(Jeans Tina R, bluza Tina R, esarfa si geanta Tina R, bratari River Island, pantofi New Yorker) 

eg h
(Tina R blouse and skirt, Tina R bag, Deichmann shoes, vintage belt, River Island hat and earrings, H&M ring) 
(Bluza Tina R, fusta Tina R, geanta Tina R, pantofi Deichmann, curea vintage, palarie si cercei River Island, inel H&M)
 EN: A while ago I was contacted by Paula Negrea, the lovely PR girl for Tina R (a Romanian clothing and accessories retailer, founded in 1994) about their current autumn campaign. She asked me if I would want to shoot a lookbook together for their brand and after a few adjustments regarding the photographer part (believe it or not, I’m extremely shy in front of other people’s camera), I accepted! 
So what you see here is part 1 of that lookbook and I think it came out pretty good! 
Stay tuned for part 2… 
RO: Fara ocolisuri dar cu multa bucurie si emotie, va anunt ca eu, subsemnata Andreea, sunt imaginea Tina R pe sezonul actual de toamna!
 Paula Negrea, self proclaimed “sfatuitoare si facatoare de minuni la Tina R”, pe care o iubesc si-i transmit pupici, m-a contactat undeva la inceputul lui Septembrie cu propunerea unui lookbook pentru campania actuala a brandului cu pricina. Astfel ca ce vedeti aici este doar o parte din fotografii, facute in stilul Thrill of the heel, cu tinute create aproape integral din piese Tina R. Celelalte urmeaza sa le postez in viitorul apropiat (mai sunt si pe Facebook o parte), dar pana una alta, dati o raita prin magazine, pipaiti materialele, luati la proba si neaparat incercati fustele cu peplum
O sa fiu si eu acolo, lafaindu-ma pe peretii magazinelor din toata tara… 

Party party

Vintage from head to toes minus the Stradivarius cuffs and the River Island earrings 

Just a quick post to show you guys what I will be wearing tonight… 
Decided to wear my pretty vintage tutu skirt (remember this? and this?) as I will be heading out to a party in a few hours. Not sure about the shoes though…


So here goes the last part of my trip-promise no more brown booties photos, haha! I quite like these though, they are so comfortable and versatile and they go with pretty much everything in my wardrobe.
I wore this outfit for my last day in the mountains before i left to come back home, and as you can see, I traveled by train. I was lucky enough to spot the Orient Express train while my train stopped and I was fascinated by its elegant and luxurious appearance…
Oh, and please ignore my dumb expression in the last photo. That’s what lack of sugar does to people.

Happy weekend everyone!

1234578 (Zara shirt and boots, C&A jeans, H&M dress worn as a top, River Island bracelets, H&M earrings, New Yorker sunnies, Jewelry Box ring)

Ok, gata, asta e ultima parte din pozele cu excursia.
 Doua chestii. Complet vitale si relevante, desigur:

 -Aia din poza 2 e inghetata de coacaze. Delicioasa! N-am mai mancat niciodata inghetata cu aroma asta, defapt nici nu-mi aduc aminte sa fi vazut asa ceva la comerciantii locali… In orice caz, le-am facut vanzare beton duduilor de serveau!

 -In pozele 4 si 8, intamplarea face ca eram la Sinaia fix cand stationa Orient Expressul si am reusit sa scoatem cateva poze cu el.

Foarte elegant…

P.S. Inteleg perfect daca dupa seriile astea expresia voastra e asa:


(S-o ardem Gossip Girl esc daca tot e gata-gata sa inceapa)

Can't wait!

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(Primark skirt, Zara shirt and bag, River Island sandals and crop top, vintage bracelet, Jewelry Box ring) 

 I’m so in love with this Primark skirt, it’s just something that I feel I can wear with anything I want at any time I want. Not sure how much sense this makes, as it’s obviously not a neutral piece… Anyway, I bought it a few months ago and, as I usually do, I haven’t worn it until now. Probably because of the heat? –such a strange weather we’re experiencing here in Romania at the moment! It’s like super cold in the morning and evening and then at noon the temperatures go waaaaaaay up! 
Can I just say that I’m SO ready for fall? 

Some things never change

This pretty polka dot maxi skirt made me feel super comfortable yesterday as I wended my way through the city. I had to go shopping for some school supplies for my little brother (which involved some window shopping as well-ahem) and I felt so nostalgic over my school days… Funny how things change with time, I used to hate it passionately!
Worst part? Getting up early.

Do any of you get nostalgic about high school?

(no name skirt, H&M top, thrifted vest, H&M sunniesc, Stradivarius cuffs, Jewelry Box ring vintage bag)

RO: Pentru cele care m-ati intrebat de cizme biker (cand am postat wishlist ul parca) la preturi rezonabile, va anunt ca am vazut in New Yorker ceva. N-am gasit poza pe siteul lor sa va arat exact (si nici nu m-am gandit pe loc in magazin sa pozez) dar erau negre cu tinte argintii, ca lungime cu o palma mai sus de glezna si costau 170 ron 🙂 Frumusele zic eu… In caz ca va luati vreuna, dati de veste ca si pe mine ma tenteaza.

Can you believe we're halfway through September?




(River Island skirt and bracelets, vintage Levi’s jacket, Zara booties, New Yorker bag, H&M earrings, no name scarf and t-shirt)

EN: Morning ladies!
Look at me wearing my new River Island skater skirt! I really like this kind of skirts with lots of fabric and volume, begging for a twirl. They are just darling and I think I’m slowly (but surely) creating quite a collection…
Anyway, I wore this outfit to dinner last week and was lucky enough to get my t-shirt stained with tomato sauce. Hooray for clumsy Andreea! Went for a walk afterwards and decided that a chocolate overdose was just what I needed to make up for all that walking…
Can’t belive how quickly that weeknd and this past week has flown by!

RO: Mi-aduc aminte ca eram undeva in clasa a12a cand am primit jacheta asta. Verisoara mea a venit in vizita intr-o zi si mi-a adus-o la pachet cu alte textile impregnate cu miros de second hand. Probabil cunoasteti odoarea-mai ales daca ati fost vreodata intr-un magazin de gen, n-aveti cum sa nu fi fost frapate de miros.
Revenind. Fusese prin seconduri (clar, e genetic-boala de familie) si gasise o jacheta Levi’s intr-o marime mica. Asta. Atat de mica incat pocneste daca incerc sa o inchei (nu ca as recomanda vreodata purtarea unei jachete din denim incheiate /:) ) si atat de tocita incat s-a dus culoarea. Ce-i drept nu v-am mai aratat de mult denim vintage/thrifted (bla bla, sa nu ne incurcam in terminologii-intelegeti ideea), dar cele care sunteti veterane pe aici stiti probabil ca am o slabiciune pentru jeansii Levi’s. Modelul acela “babesc” cum ar spune unii, cu talie foarte inalta, ajustat pe corp dar NU skinny, din denim tare, fara elastic in compozitia materialului, pe care imi place sa-i rulez la baza. Purtam in exces genul acesta de jeans in perioada aceea… Spre oripilarea maica mii care n-a inteles niciodata “de ce naibii porti vechiturile alea din second hand cand ai atatea haine noi?!?!!?!”
Mda. Cam acelasi lucru a zis si cand am impachetat jacheta asta pentru excursia de saptamana trecuta.
Am facut pozele seara, inainte de a merge la masa si a ma murdari cu nu stiu ce sos. Am zis sa ma dau interesanta, sa comand ceva mai deosebit ce n-am mai mancat pana atunci, si bineinteles ca am facut o alegere proasta-ajungand astfel sa mananc din farfuria altuia.
Sar’na pentru masa, D.

A Dress for all Seasons

A bit short of words (and of photos) at the moment so I thought I’d leave you this evening with this guest post about going out dresses. Hope you’ll find it as useful as I did!
Everyone can look glamorous for the party season – even on a budget. With a few affordable going out dresses in your wardrobe, it’s possible to look like you’ve just walked down the red carpet without breaking the bank on designer clothes. You only need a few key items in your closet to look fabulous – whatever the occasion. Check out our tips on finding the perfect outfit for this season’s formal events.
Autumn Wedding
The wedding season is still very much upon us and it’s important to hit the right notes with your outfit. Weddings are a time for celebration – so don’t be afraid to add a splash of colour. Take inspiration from the royal’s most fashionable female, Kate Middleton, by going for well-cut, classic dresses in bright hues.


For shoes, wedges are still a hot trend and they won’t sink into the grass if you’re outdoors. Make sure you take a pair of pretty ballet pumps for later in the evening if you plan to hit the dance floor all night long.
Prom Dress
To make sure you look like the belle of the ball, choose a statement dress that makes you stand out from the crowd. For evening events, floor-length gowns make a fantastic statement, although a cocktail-length dress is also acceptable. Knee-length ‘midi’ dresses are appropriate if the black-tie event is taking place outdoors or in the afternoon. This is a time to really get glam so don’t be afraid to accessorise with a pair of killer heels and oversized jewellery.


Party Dresses
Hit the town in style and slip into a sexy cocktail dress. You still can’t go wrong with the classic LBD. Slimming and chic, black is the one colour that suits everyone. Make sure to play up your best assets – whether you’ve got long legs or a great cleavage. Don’t overdo it though, you should only choose one asset to play if you want to keep the look elegant. A dress that is short, tight, sleeveless and plunging is almost impossible to pull off.


Work to Evening
Finding an outfit that translates from business casual to a night out is challenging. Try a simple yet versatile dark-coloured Maxi dress that can be easily dressed-up for a cocktail party or other evening event by adding a pair of heels and some glittery accessories.


Weekend part II

So here is part 2 of my weekend photos…
(please bare with me dear readers, I promise not to bore you more than usual)
These pictures were taken on the second day of my trip, inside of the castle and fortress…
Wearing a New Yorker striped dress, Zara shirt and booties, H&M earrings, River Island and vintage bracelets and a New Yorker bag
Spectacular, isn’t it? The view was quite impressive…
Some sort of an old vessel. Not sure what it really is but I thought this would look pretty cool in my bath. As a shampoo holder or something. Not sure they make them anymore though.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

RO: Incep cu partea interesanta. Am incarcat aseara shopul cu muuuulte sandale (si cele 2 perechi de Jeffrey Campbell despre care va spuneam mai demult) si cateva articole de imbracaminte-nu ma certati iar, am anuntat pe facebook ca uploadez treburi! Cum am promis, preturile incep de la 25 ron. S-au rezervat cateva dar mai sunt multe lucruri disponibile…Aruncati o privire, poate vedeti ceva ce va place;)
Ok. Pozele sunt din a2a zi, cand am mers sa vizitam cetatea. Cetetea Fagarasului, de ea vorbesc. Nu m-au lasat sa fac poze inauntru, in muzeu (nu ca ar fi fost cine stie ce de vazut-in mare monezi, tablouri, obiective decorative, vase, arme si alte piese de demult, dar era interesant de vazut ca arhitectura si cam ce scria pe pereti). Anyway, poze in exterior am putut face. O priveliste foarte frumoasa de sus-cu tot raul meu de inaltime, iar castelul destul de impunator ca marime.
Ah, si era (chipurile) in renovare. Asa ca la intrare statea sexy un mare buldozer.

Running out of color

(Topshop shirt, River Island skirt, vintage Moschino belt, Steve Madden sandals, no name necklace)
Trying to get some more wear out of my summer wardrobe (while I still can) with this mostly neutral ensemble…

Looking for Something?