What’s in my bag – the Andreea version

EN: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I bet you were expecting one of those fancy posts where people show how many Chanel and Dior makeup products they own. Am I right or am I right? 
Haha, well no, not this time (for the record, I don’t have any expensive makeup). What you’re seeing here is one of my cats, during his interrupted beauty sleep. In my Zara handbag.

And this is how WE (yes WE, not I) eat MY breakfast (insert finger tapping emoticon here). He enjoys cornflakes.

And yoghurt.

And cake. And pretty much everything I eat.
And this is how shopping is done. Still debating over those blue booties though…


Bam bam

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(vintage leather skirt, Gap top, H&M coat, Zara boots and bag, vintage belt, no name scarf, Jewelry Box ring) 
EN: I’m starting to freak out, exams are getting closer and I’m procrastinating as usual. Hence the lack of updates and the slightly older shots here… These were taken about a month ago but since I don’t have any new photos to show, I thought these would do. 
Hope they will inspire you! 
RO: Bam bam. Eu cica eram smechera. 
Bam bam. Stiam ca am de facut proiecte pentru sesiunea din Ianuarie inca din Octombrie. 
Bam bam. Le-am lasat pe ultima suta de metri. 
Bam bam. Am dormit 2 ore azi noapte. 
Bam bam. Sunt un zombie. 
Bam bam. N-am poze noi. 
Bam bam. Astea sunt de acum vreo luna si nepostate. 
Bam bam. Si zombie si alzheimeristă. 
Bam bam. Pentru cine m-a intrebat de cizme si ce le fac sa nu cada de pe picior, repet: soseste mega pufoase (eventual mai multe perechi deodata) care sa tina cizma teapana pe glezna. Ii da ceva mai multa tinuta si nu mai cade asa usor. 
Bam bam. Pentru cine m-a intrebat de haina, nu, n-o vand. 
Bam bam. Am plecat la cursuri.


The much adored Litas

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(no name trench coat, vintage leather leggings, New Yorker faux leather vest, vintage YSL sweater, Topshop leopard print shirt, Jeffrey Campbell shoes, no name bag and necklace, vintage hat and River Island bracelets) 
Woooooaaaa, it’s been such a long time since I’ve wore these shoes! I was so in love with them a few years ago, they used to be my favorite pair amongst all the shoes in my shoe collection. Not sure how I feel about them at the moment, considering that everyone seems to own a pair of the famous Litas… 
Anyway, my mother lent me these amazing vintage leather leggings (they are so old, I can’t believe she still has them!) and I really wanted to wear them with these booties and my faux leather vest. This is what I would have worn in high school if my teachers would have allowed it. Ah, memories 🙂 
Hope you’re all having a terrific Thursday so far! 

Statement necklaces

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(No name necklaces)

EN: Since I’ve been on holiday for the past two weeks, I decided it would be a good idea to treat myself to some cute jewellery. And some shoes. And some clothes. That don’t fit me And as a result, I am now broke, thank you very much for asking. 
Anyway, I bought these gorgeous necklaces from a local store in my hometown, for something like $15 each. Pretty good deal, eh? Especially necklace #3, the one with the bugs! I remember seeing something very similar to it on Asos (it’s sold out now but check it out here. Isn’t that almost the same thing?!?!) and loving it despite the horrendous price. However, because of my past experience with Asos jewelry (awful, awful quality! Tarnishes almost immediately ) I decided NOT to buy it. Have you had any jewelry tarnish problems? 
Hopefully this one I got won’t tarnish that fast… 

Which one is your favorite? 🙂

RO: Am avut grija vacanta asta (cat am fost la Buzau) sa-mi cheltui toata “solda”. Nu de alta dar acum ca sunt in Bucuresti, si au inceput reducerile, e cat se poate de normal ca la mine in portofel sa fie ASA. Altfel cum m-as mai putea da de ceasul mortii ca nu-mi permit toate lucrurile alea (inca!) overpriced de care nu am nevoie si pe care (cel mai sigur) nu le voi purta?!?! 
Vedeti? M-am gandit eu bine :> Cheltui tot, declar faliment. Dar mentin traditia! M-am sacrificat pentru traditie, desigur… 
In orice caz, mi-am luat coliere. Ma veti intreba de unde sunt si ma veti bodogani iarasi dupa raspuns, pentru ca şoc! Sunt no name toate, luate din magazinul acela din Buzau de unde va mai spun eu ca-mi iau fuste si alte alea. Ieftine comparativ cu preturile Asos, Topshop, Zara, chiar si H&M (au fost 50 ron bucata dar le-am luat in ture separate, nu toate deodata). Sper doar sa nu oxideze prea repede si sa am timp sa ma bucur de ele… Am des problema asta cu bijuteriile. Cel putin alea de la Asos (si uneoriH&M) sunt execrabile, nu cunosc metal care sa cocleasca mai repede. 
Vorbind despre Asos… vedeti ultimul colier, cel cu gandaci? Initial nu mi-am dat seama ce-i cu el, de ce imi pare atat de cunoscut vazandu-l agatat in cuierul de bijuterii al magazinului. L-am luat fara sa clipesc, chiar am scos un tipat orgasmic cand l-am observat (era si o mare aglomeratie in magazin, si evident, toata lumea se uita la mine :> ce mai conteaza inca un moment penibil in viata mea?). Iar cand am ajuns acasa si am deschis netul, BUM! M-a lovit. De aici mi se parea atat de cunoscut. Chiar imi aduc aminte ca ma holbasem pe Asos la colierul asta mult timp (serios…ziceti voi ca nu e aproape identic! Exceptand culoarea pietrelor si lantul masiv, e la fel!) dar patita fiind si avand experienta cu metalul mega coclitor marca Asos, am zis pas. Era si scump… 

Care va place mai mult? 🙂


River Island SS13 lookbook

EN: Ok, I think this is the first time I post twice a day. I wasn’t going to but then I got mail and I just had to share this with you all! So, River Island had just launched its spring-summer 2013 lookbook (in case you didn’t know, River Island is probably my favorite high street shop!) and I’m absolutely loving it half of the collection. Pretty pastels, quirky accessories, gorgeous shoes…yummy! I only selected the looks I considered relevant, but you can check out the entire lookbook here
RO: Cred ca n-am postat niciodata de doua ori in aceiasi zi si n-aveam de gand s-o fac nici astazi. Evenimente neprevazute au avut loc insa : am primit pe mail lookbookul de primavara-vara River Island (pentru cine nu stie, River Island pentru mine, e un fel de Mugler al highstreetului – a nu se intelege ca ar avea ceva in comun sau ca le compar; doar ca imi plac la fel de mult) 
Am selectat doar cateva dintre poze, ce mi-a placut mai mult si ce mi s-a parut relevant. Puteti vedea intregul lookbook aici.
Now this is something I don’t like. The first pages are pretty much disappointing imo, but wait…it gets better. 
Primele pagini sunt in genul asta. “Nasol” zic… Chiar ma bosumflasem putin pe parcurs ce dadeam paginile, in ideea ca “wtf?!?! Salopete si sandale hidoase?!?” De cateva sezoane incoace, astia de la River Island au scos numai colectii pe gustul meu si cumva ma obisnuisem cu ideea ca intotdeauna va fi asa. (Ceea ca nu pot spune despre Topshop – big, big dissapointment!, Zara, Asos sau alte alea..) 
Love the hat and the jewelry. 
Mdeah…mai dregem busuiocu’. Misto palaria si bijuteriile.
Kind of pajama-looking outfit but I like it, I could wear it. Separates, though. 
Usor pijama dar purtabil, imi place.
Love this. I love the print, I adore the cropped top and I totally dig the shoes. 
Okeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! DA! Asta e dă bine.
My jaw dropped when i saw this. My heart skipped a beat. My eyes popped out of my head. I had to wipe the drool of my keyboard! Amazing! I’m a big sucker for 50’s dresses and stripes and pastels and these dresses are both incredible. I can’t wait to buy them! 
Si aici m-au ucis. Salivam ca un buldog. Incepusem sa ma batai ca un copil isteric care cere inghetata si mă-sa nu vrea sa-i ia. ( Btw, sa va povesc o data ce istericale faceam cand eram mica fiindca nu vroia mama sa-mi ia cescute de plastic. Nu-mi aduc aminte momentul dar mi-a povestit maica-mea. Cica a fost o adevarata reprezentatie de circ :> ) 
Vreau acum rochiile astea! ACUM, ACUM, ACUM! (Aseara a nins, btw…)
 green jacketLove the colors, love the prints and how intriguing is that blue and white bottom? I hope it’s a midi skirt…
Imi place mult combinatia cromatica si ma foarte intriga partea de jos. Sper ca e fusta chestia aia alba cu print albastru si sper ca e una ampla si bogata, pana la genunchi. 
 full skirt 
Just like this gorgeous orange one! Yummmmmyyy! 

Adica exact ca asta portocalie. Yummmmmmmmyyyyy!
This is part of the accessories collection. I don’t like it. Maybe the top-left sandals. 
Poza asta am incarcat-o ca sa va arat ce nu-mi place. Poate sandalele alea din extremitatea stanga sa mearga…
Scratch that. I’ll take these blue ones instead! And the pointed shoes. And evey single bag. And the earrings. And the necklace. And even the embellished beanie. 
All in all, it’s a great collect
ion and I would probably buy half of it. 
River Island? Still loving you. 
How do you like it? 🙂
Delicios. Sandalele sunt la fel ca cele de pe pagina anterioara, doar ca pe albastru si doar ca pe astea chiar le vreau rau. Imi plac pantofii, imi plac toate gentile, imi place colierul de sus, cerceii candelabru si chiar si fesul cu ornamente de cristal pe margini.
Per total : multe chestii nasoale. Dar si mai multe chestii pe care mi le doresc! 
River Island? Ramanem prieteni. 
Cum vi se pare? 🙂 


Before we go any further here: yes, I do have eyes. All three of them.
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(thrifted Escada cardigan, Stradivarius jeans, Zara booties, Oasap bag, vintage hat and belt, no name scarf and gloves) 
EN: Going for a simple, layered look today with taupe flared jeans and a thrifted cardigan, both favorites of mine. 
I think my layering skills have definitely improved throughout these months. Here I’m wearing like a zillion layers (4 tops, 2 pairs of tights, jeans and the colorful cardigan to be more specific) but I don’t look like the Michelin man, right, right? RIGHT? 
I feel pretty happy to be able to wear this cardigan at this time of the year… I always wear it during the warmer months of spring or autumn (and it works so well over a silky dress!) but never considered it “safe” for winter conditions. However, after reading some articles and watching a few videos, I finally got the hang of it. 
In other news, my winter break is about to end and I’m packing my things as we speak. Tomorrow I’ll be leaving for college. 
RO: Incepusem initial textul scriind ce invidioasa sunt pe gagicile alea din Americi care umbla in pantofi sau cu picioarele goale pe vremea asta. D’al dă Karla si Emily de exemplu. Dupa care am zis nu, nu incep iar sa spurc vremea ca mai am pe putin 2 luni (de supliciu) in care o sa continui sa ma repet cu chestia asta. Si pentru ca azi nu ma repet, nu va spun iar cat ma enerveaza gheata si zapada si temperaturile si cum nu-mi place frigul si cum trebuie sa ma mega infofolesc de fiecare data cand imi fac curaj sa ies din casa. So proud of myself :> 
In alta ordine de idei, azi e zi de bagaje. Duminica, eu (si cel mai probabil toata studentimea din Buzau si nu numai) , ma voi killării cu tonele de bagaje dupa mine, pentru un loc in trenurile groazei. Aka CFR. Bilet dus, spre Bucuresti. Plec duminica, deci in principiu pana luni ar trebui sa ajung. Nu ca as fi dornica…nu de alta dar Ianuarie inseamna sesiune. Si nu de shopping. (V-am mai spus cat urasc cuvintele astea? “shopping”, “trendy” , “fashion” – mamă, cat urasc “fashion!” Mai ales in contexte de genul “sa vorbim despre fashion”. Modă ce-are de-i mai fraier ca feşăn?) 
Ma rog, asta cu sesiunea e o problema minora. Ce ma omoara e ca mi s-au dus dracului serialele. Dexter s-a terminat sezonul de-o luna (si trebuie sa astept pana-n toamna sa inceapa urmatorul), Gossip Girl s-a dus dracului cu totul, The Big Bang theory astept episod nou de vreo 3 saptamani, Supernatural la fel iar Mad Men nu mai incepe odata! Eu la ce ma mai uit?!?! Doar nu m-oi reprofila pe Marimar acuma…

 Ayv-3dmCQAAR-37.jpg large

Închide pisi la boca că va entrar la musca.


Nothing better…

…than coming home and finding pretty things into your mailbox, right? Well, not quite. I actually first had to go to the postal office and wait for my turn in the waiting queue (which was huge btw) and only after 2 hours of despair, I managed to get my hands on the pretty package (loved the wrapping paper!)
As usual, I had to pay some (very) nasty customs to the (very) unfriendly postal worker, just so he can open the package first and spoil all of my fun. Cute (he still isn’t convinced that I’m not a Colombian drug dealer. After all this time…I thought we had something special, you evil mister postman!)
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Anyway, isn’t this a super cute sweater? I was lucky enough to redeem it using my chic points on Chictopia, so it was pretty much free (in case you don’t know about it, the cool people at Chictopia have this awesome Chic rewards program where you can exchange Chic points for pretty items: dresses, shoes, bags, jewellery…you name it!)



And this is how it fits. I love that it’s cropped (always very flattering on a shortie like me) and how well it goes with my flared skirts!Gotta love a freebie polka dots!


Snow hell

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(vintage leather skirt, no name boots and coat, vintage Escada belt, vintage Chanel bag, H&M earrings, old Terranova gloves, faux fur collar) 

EN: Hey, remember last summer when it was warm and sunny outside and people were wearing sandals and cute shoes and I could actually WALK without the obligatory slip on ice? 
Wasn’t that nice? 
Well, apparently not for Romania. Cause here dear people, God decided we hadn’t seen enough snow over the past winters (say what?!?!) and that it would be a good idea to give us mountains of snow. And so that I would finally break my neck, he decided to froze it. Now isn’t that fun?
Fortunately my neck is in perfect health at the moment (hopefully it will stay that way forever!) and, oddly enough, I’m wearing my cat a faux fur stole around it. I’ve been wanting one of these fluffy things forever and I was pretty much shocked to find out that my mom kept this one in the attic since 1985. Way to go, mom (insert sarcasm here). 
Anyway, this is what I wore a few days ago for a long day of family get-togethers. I pulled out this old coat (old… I think I was in highschool when I bought it?) for the first time in a while and decided to wear it with my new leather skirt. I recently bought it online for 10 bucks or so. Paired it with my new pair of boots (oopsies, I’ve been shopping a bit too much lately), my vintage Chanel bag and some looong gloves to keep me warm. 

RO: (Promisesem in postarea asta ca va povestesc de frate miu si Ugg uri) 
Toata treaba a inceput de la cizmele de fata : noi, piele sintetica, foarte comode, cumparate nu din considerente estetice ci pe sistem de “sa-mi iau dracului ceva de incaltat sa n-alunece”. Nu sunt sigura cum e prin alte parţi dar la Buzau trotuarele sunt acoperite aproape in totalitate de gheata, gheata in strat gros si perfect slefuita, de zici ca-i patinoar. Ceea ce-ar fi dragut daca as putea sa nu mai ies deloc din casa pana la primavara sau dac-as fi si eu un pui de Plushenko. Excludem posibilitati rizibile gen primaria-sa-faca-dracului-ceva sau locatarii-sa-si-curete-portiunile-de-gheata-din-fata-blocului. Nu, nu e cazul. Ne place asa, o lasam pan’ la primavara. Ca e frumos. 
Revenind! Am fost sa-mi iau cizme cu mama si fratele meu. Mare greseala. Asta mic saracu’ cred ca si-a blestemat zilele (banuiesc ca batutul din picior continuu, privirile killere si bâţâiala sunt semne clare ca ceva nu-i placea, nu?). Intr-adevar, noi plecasem dupa cizme, numai ca pana la cizme cale lunga, am intrat in tot felul de alte locuri care pot predispune la crize nervoase chiar si cel mai docil mascul. In fine, am ajuns la magazinele cu incaltari. Dai si probeaza, da-mi si modelul ala, da-l si p’ala, stai ca asta ma strange, asta n-are toc, asta e urat, asta e asa si asta-i asa. Trecandu-ne atatea modele prin maini si intrand in atatea magazine, inevitabil ne-am lovit si de Ugg uri, toate culorile posibile. Si cum probam eu acolo, il vad pe umflatu’ asta mic (frate miu e asa o chestie pana la umarul meu, 35 kg mancat, imbracat si incaltat cu bocanci de 4 kg, pe care imi place s-o ironizez ori de cate ori am ocazia) ca se tot uita la Ugg uri, modele pentru baieti. Initial nici n-am stiut ca sunt si pentru baieti (desi daca stau bine sa ma gandesc, am vazut cativa prin oras) dar conform vanzatoarei (da, am ajuns pana la vanzatoare!), se fabrică intr-adevar si variante masculine. Si incepe: “Dede, vreau d’astea!” /:) /:) /:) Nu stiu cat de bine mai pot reproduce dialogul, insa argumentele de baza se rezumau la “ma, tu esti zdravan?” si “nu si nu nu ca are Dan de la B si vreau si eu!!! vreau, vreau, vreau!” . Mama o taiase, ne-a renegat rapid cand a inceput lupta si se facea ca nu ne aude cocotata in ceva din piele roz si barete multe pe glezna. Tradatoare. 
“Ca nu, ca are Dan si Ana a zis ca-s misto si vreau si eu!” 
“Ana e aia de care iti place tie?” 
“Aia care iti mananca mancarea-n pauze? Fraiere” 
“ Nu ca n-o mananca, ii dau eu”
“Ii dai pe dracu. Tu las-o pe Ana ca Ana-i profitoare si-n curand o sa te faca la buzunare, FRAIERE :-w Asculta de sor’ta aici, ce dracu faci cu Ana? Nici macar nu-s de baieti!” 
“Nu ca are Dan”
“Dan e gay” 
“Dan nu e gay, are Ugg uri, vreau si eu” :-w 
Foarte sigura pe mine, l-am luat de mana si l-am dus la vanzatoare, gandindu-ma ca draci…aia confirma ce zic eu, ca nu-s de baieti. De unde. “Aveeeeeeeeeeeeeeem! Avem pe gri, pe negru, pe maro, cu siret si tricotate cu nasture!” 
Expresia mea era ceva de genul asta. “Bine ca aveti si tricotate :-w” 
“Fii atent. Mergem acasa, iti arat ceva si daca tot insisti ca vrei, iti promit ca vin eu cu tine deseara si ti le iau. Batem palma?” 
A strambat din nas ce-a strambat si-a acceptat pan’ la urma…Dar nu pentru ca l-as fi convins ci pentru ca promisiunea viza clar ca i le cumpar EU. Adica el ramanea cu banii de Craciun in portofel si-o tepuia pe soră sa. Smecherie… 
Dar stiti care e smecheria mai mare? :> 
He. He. He. 
Ca nu le-a mai vrut. :> 
Si stiti de ce nu le-a mai vrut? 
D’asta. Si d’asta. Si mai ales D’ASTA
Una peste alta eu am plecat acasa cu astea maro… 
Cred ca le dau jos lantul ala. 
Mica precizare (inainte sa ma linsati) : Mie personal nu-mi plac Ugg urile. Stiu ca sunt oameni care poarta, carora le plac si nu sunt de acord cu parerile mele, si din cauza asta tin sa precizez: Nici nu trebuie sa fie. Ce scriu aici este strict punctul meu de vedere (care nu e nici gresit, nici corect), e doar o opinie
Cine vrea sa poarte Ugguri, e liber sa o faca.
(Mai putin frate-miu. Muhahahahahaha!)


Thrill of the heel – 2012

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EN: Some of my favorite 2012 looks… Thank you all sooooo much for following along!
 May your coming  year be filled with happiness and love!
RO: De cateva ore stau si selectez din pozele facute anul asta…Doamne, ce de poze! In orice caz, am ramas „doar” la cele 48 de mai sus 🙂  
Va multumesc pentru atentie si suport si va doresc un an nou fericit!

Christmas Special fair

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(River Island pants, Zara booties, vintage Ysl sweater, Mango jacket, Bershka scarf, vintage hat, no name bag) 

EN: Less than two weeks ago I went to this local Christmas fair that was held to raise money for charity. At first, I didn’t want to go – it was snowing like hell and it was really cold and I would have had to go to the other side of town just to get there – however, I managed to drag my friend Sandra with me and that’s how I went out the door. Being held for the first time, the event was not that big but the atmosphere was so warm and cozy and everything looked so pretty and lovely! There were sold mainly handmade and bio/eco products but also some vintage and I was lucky enough to snatch a gorgeous statement leather belt with huge gold detailing! I love it, it’s one of my favourite pieces to wear at the moment… Anyway, before leaving the fair I entered this raffle, super confident I won’t win a thing (I never do) and surprise surprise, after a few hours I got a call saying I won something. Ha! I couldn’t belive my eyes! Next day I went to pick up my prize, and, as I got home and unpacked it, I found a few lovely things amongh which the snowman candle, the cute handmade star and the pretty canvas you can see above. Aren’t they pretty? I especially have a soft spot for the snowman… You see, it’s made by a child with disabilities (the fair was for them, to raise money for them, those in need) and I usually get very emotional about this sort of things… 
Anyway, I wore my most comfortable pair of pants (can you see their sparkle?) with a few pairs of tights layered underneath (yes, a few. I’m always cold!), my vintage YSL sweater, a very warm Mango denim jacket and the obligatory winter accessories: hat, gloves and scarf. 

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! 

RO: Va vorbeam in postarea asta despre Targul de Craciun Christmas Special. 
Am fost. Chiar imi aduc aminte ca ninsese in ziua aia, era un frig crancen si nu stiam cu ce sa ma mai infofolesc sa nu inghet pana ajung la locatie (fyi, iar am avut cateva perechi de ciorapi si colanti pe dedesubtul pantalonilor; stiu ca pare mult si unii suporta mai bine frigul, dar in cazul meu…MI-E FRIG DE MOR! Si chiar port multe astfel de straturi 🙂 Ma rog, vedeti ca am sclipici pe pantaloni? Vedeti, vedeti? :> ) Revenind la targ…am fost cu Sandra acolo. Ne-am foit printre standuri initial (unul singur a fost de vintage dar suficient – mi-am luat o super curea de acolo! Iar Sandra si-a luat cercei – restul fiind standurile asociatiilor, pline cu produse handmade si bio), dupa care am stat la un ceai cu ea si Raluca (cea despre care va spuneam ca s-a ocupat de organizare). Per total un eveniment foarte dragut, o atmosfera calda si un mediu prietenos, dar nu un eveniment fashion. Fondurile obtinute prin bilete si vanzari (cat si colecta de jucarii organizata) au venit in sprijinul asociatiilor si a copiilor defavorizati – dupa cum va spuneam, un eveniment mai putin comercial, care sprijina o cauza nobila. S-a organizat si-o tombola…Si stiti ce e comic? (pauza de efect) 
Comic e ca am fost una dintre castigatori! Eu! Eu, cea care pana si punga de pufuleti cu surprize o nimereste fara surpriza ( daca stiti, pungile alea au automat o jucarie, o ceva in interior. TOATE. Nu e cu tragere la sorti sau pe baza de noroc…Pur si simplu cumperi si gasesti acolo o chestie de plastic, mamă ce surpriză. Eh, eu nici p’aia n-o gasesc. Nimeresc pungile goale. Asa-s de baftoasa :> ) Si culmea, la vreo cateva ore dupa ce plecasem de la targ, m-a sunat Raluca sa-mi spuna ca mi-a extras o fetita numele din urnă. Ha! Premiul meu a constat in produse de la targ (cateva dintre ele le vedeti in imaginile de mai sus – in caz ca va intrebati ce-i cu ele). Initial n-am stiut ce am castigat (punga fiind capsată) dar cand am ajuns acasa si-am vazut ce-i in ea, in special lumanarea, mi s-au cam inmuiat picioarele… 
La targ, vorbind cu Raluca, si povestindu-mi despre expozanti, mi-a vorbit despre standul cu lumanari. Lumanarile (inclusiv omul de zapada despre care va scriu aici) sunt facute de copii cu dizabilitati. Acum…nu stiu cat de bine-mi potrivesc cuvintele sau cat interes prezinta subiectul, dar pentru mine, povestea, momentul si senzatia au fost (si sunt) pline de incarcatura emotionala. Trebuie sa ma izbesc cu capul de lucruri de genul asta ca sa imi dau seama ca defapt n-am o viata chiar atat de nenorocita. Ca sunt zdravana si normala, (ca inca am loc pe usa, ahem) iar ai mei sunt bine si traim decent. Ca am mai mult decat as avea nevoie si sunt altii pentru care lumea nu se sfarseste fara sandale YSL si vacante in Malibu. Deh, my superficial self…

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

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(Topshop coat, Bershka sweater dress, Deichmann boots, vintage Chanel bag, no name belt and hat) 

EN: Yaaaaaay, I’m finally home! After staying in Bucharest for the last three weeks, I was desperate to go back home for the holidays and see my family and friends. I arrived here a few days ago and I’ve had a wonderful time so far! Would be perfect if we had a little less snow, but hey, I’m not complaining 🙂
Anyway, I’m currently working on unpacking my collection of ornaments and I’ll soon start decorating the house and my Christmas tree. Ever since I can remember, in my family, we always decorate on Christmas Eve. It’s probably my favorite tradition of them all and I hope to keep it alive in the future… 
Now onto the outfit! 
Took these photos after one of my thrift adventures. I found a few pretty tops and a lovely Celine cardigan I can’t wait to wear and also bought some pretty fabulous jewelry from a local store… 
It’s really cold in Romania right now, it snowed a lot and it doesn’t seem to get any better… I personally hate winter but I sure am happy to wear my dalmatian coat again! It’s so cozy and warm, I love it! I’ve been wearing it nonstop ever since I got home. Here I paired it with a thick sweater dress, two pairs of tights and some winter accessories to keep my warm…

I wish you all a Merry Christmas! 

RO: Fie ca
Treaba e pe baza de fie ca
Nu stiu cum e la voi, dar la mine totul incepe cu fie ca. Culmea e ca mi-am schimbat numarul de telefon recent (tineti minte acum vreo luna cand va povesteam ca s-a gandit un baiat sa ma scape de niste lucruri? Sa mi le fure adica. Eh, printre ele era si telefonul meu. Si nu zic de ala rosu, Nokia cel sexy cu ecran verde, NU. Ala era un numar secundar, pastrat intr-un telefon pe care nu-l fură nici dracu) si putine persoane au noul numar. Cu toate astea, sms urile abunda, ecranul licareste iar Cosmoteul ma anunta frenetic ori de cate cineva mai imi trimite un mesaj copiat de pe google. 
In orice caz, am ajuns acasa. Sunt la Buzau de cateva zile, e zapada, feerie, la usa bat copii care vor bani ( biată bunică mea, si-a luat-o grav de la un colindator…. A vrut sa-i dea prajituri sau colaci, nu mai stiu ce avea pe acolo-oricum, NU bani, si-a luat-o ala pe sus una doua. Noroc ca nu era singura acasa…) si-n autobuze, te lovesti inevitabil de cate unu’ cu-un miel, un catel, un purcel (ceva dragalas in orice caz) care-ti canta si bineinteles, vrea bani. (Eram cu maica mea zilele trecute in masina, la semafor, vorbeam… Si ne-am speriat de moarte cand ne-am trezit cu unu’ la geam. BUF BUF BUF, crosee in geam! Cred ca vroia si asta sa ne ureze vreun fie ca…) 
Aaaaanyway, azi m-am trezit de dimineata :> Auzisem zilele trecute ca baga marfa la unul dintre secondurile preferate si-am zis sa ma duc daca tot sunt acasa…Si asa n-am mai fost in zilele de marfa de prin vara…Si intotdeauna “bunataturile” atunci se dau. Deci m-am dus. Cu mama dupa mine, saraca de ea schingiuită, sa-i tina companie copilului disperat dupa vechituri la kilogram. Ne-am foit vreo 5-10 minute dupa care am plecat linistite, cu mainile goale, si consolarea ca “data viitoare”. 
Pozele sunt facute acum 2 zile parca, tot dupa o sesiune de cumparaturi. Asta cu succes insa-dupa cum se poate observa prin intermediul pungii. Am gasit cateva chestii faine in sh uri atunci (printre care si ceva lovely Celine) dar si multe alte lucruri frumoase in magazinele locale…Mi-am cumparat niste coliere superbe, mari, statement, cu pietre, niste cercei deosebiti si cateva hainute foarte frumoase, cum numai la Buzau gasesc 🙂 O sa vi le arat eu cat de curand… 
In alta ordine de idei, mai am putin si termin de decorat si bradul (intotdeauna il facem in Ajun!), vasc avem , cadourile le-am impachetat, Bubu are beteala la gat, miroase a cozonaci si frate-miu vrea Ugg uri /:) Despre asta va povestesc data viitoare…Urmeaza sa purtam o discutie foarte serioasa astazi. 
Craciun fericit, multa bucurie si sanatate va urez 🙂 


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