
1 (6) 3 (7) 6 (2) 2 (6) 4 (6) 5 (4) 
(River Island skirt and bracelets, Kenvelo jacket, no name boots, scarf and top, vintage hat and Zara bag)

EN: Considering most of my outfits incorporate some kind of high heeled shoes, this is probably one of the few outfits with flat shoes you will ever see me in (is it wrong to feel good while in pain due to wearing high-heeled shoes?). Anyway, I bought these boots last summer (mostly because they were on sale – bad Andreea! Bad!) and they kinda make me want to pair them with fringes, suede vests and short denim skirts…Not sure that’s gonna happen though-as much as I fancy myself as a 2012 version of Janis Joplin. However, I decided to parade them last week with my trusty biker jacket (probably the most worn item of clothing in my entire wardrobe), some layering underneath, thick tights, a skater skirt (that just begs you to swirl) and a few tan accessories to finish the look… 
P.S. Last photo? Chill, there were no lady parts on display. 

RO: Daca spun ca ma simt mai bine rupandu-mi gatul prin gropi si ucigandu-mi degetele cu pantofi inalti, se pune ca sunt masochista? Altminteri Bambi, atata tot ca manifest placere (patologica) spre a ma chinui singura atunci cand intra in discutie incaltarile. Si mi se pare asa de comic cand observ cat de stransa e legatura dintre iubirea pentru pantof si gradul de schingiuire la care ma supune… Altfel spus, cu cat ma chinuie mai tare, cu atat e amorul mai mare. 
Sau poate e doar o coincidenta bizara si majoritatea incaltarilor mele preferate se intampla sa fie killere. Anyway, undeva in vara asta, colindand eu magazine, soarta ticaloasa a decis sa-mi scoata-n cale cizme. Nu orice fel de cizme ci unele cu talpa joasa, maro, din piele intoarsa, comode si la pret redus-fiind model de primavara sau ceva. Relativ neinteresant (mai ales talpa) daca e sa ma intrebati pe mine. Se stie (!) la ce altitudini imi place sa ma cocot- insa, patita fiind din anii trecuti, dupa o lupta crancena cu mine insumi (pe sistem de in tocuri sa ne luptam sau whatever), am capitulat neconditionat. 
Le-am cumparat pe pacatoase. Si le mai port din cand in cand… 
Din cand in cand, adiCA CAnd: 
a) Am picioarele desfiintate de vreun 15-16 cm 
b) Am de mers de la Satu Mare pana la Constanta (Sau din Militari pana-n Aviatiei. Tot atata fac) 
c) O ard boho-chic 
d) Plec noaptea de acasa, ma intorc noaptea acasa (cazul de fata) 
Am facut pozele in timpul unei ferestre dintre cursuri, saptamana trecuta, dupa care am fost undeva la un local in apropiere in cautare de crapelnita. Oribil. Mancare proasta si foarte scumpa-nu mai calc in veci acolo. Banuiesc ca eram mai fericita si mai satula cu o punga (sau 3) de pufuleti…
 Rafinament, da-ma dracu :> 
Ah, si calm cu ultima poza. Ciorapi super grosi si super opaci, vizibilitate redusa. Decenta rezista.


My favourite three looks from PFW spring 2013

I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen the amazing street style pictures from Paris fashion week-so this is not going to be one of those inspirational posts- but I really wanted to show you guys my favourite three looks…
 8233211790118797_5TRVKh9D_c tumblr_mb9juwzA5G1qkpc62o1_500 tumblr_mbiqzydQ4G1qhzt4ro1_500
So here you have it, yet another proof of my endless love for midi skirts, high waisted everything and pretty much anything girly. 
How do you like these looks?



Took advantage of the warm weather we’ve been having around here lately and decided to wear my new pair of silk pants (that I absolutely adore!)…
2 3 4
I was pretty much starving when these photos were taken so I went with my friends to grab something to eat. Two coffees, a sandwich and some funny conversation later- I started begging them to take a few pictures of me we decided to take some pictures…

 5 6 
Prints prints prints!
7 8
From left to right: me, Adelina and Diana

 9 10 11 12 

(Koton pants, Topshop shirt, Tina R scarf, no name bag, Steve Madden sandals, H&M sunnies and earrings, River Island bracelet and Jewelry box ring) 
Wishing you all a sunny and beautiful weekend!

Tina R toamna 2012 (II)

So here is part two of the Tina R autumn campaign featuring yours truly as a model…
Click here for part one.
I was wearing a Tina R dress and blazer, Miu Miu shoes, vintage Givenchy earrings and Stradivarius cuffs
 pink1 pink2 
Tina R blouse (love this one! Wore the black version here), Tina R trousers and bag, Asos sandals, vintage and no name jewelry
 trench2 trench1 
And here I’m wearing a gorgeous green dress (which you’ll see better in the next part), a Tina R trenchcoat and H&M earrings.
Which one is your favourite?


Khakis and browns

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(Stradivarius jeans, H&M leopard print dress worn as a top, vintage belt, River Island bracelets, no name bag, scarf and coat and H&M sunnies) 

EN: With a flared pair of jeans, a dress worn as a top and some sort of tunic as outerwear-plus the oversized scarf, I think it’s safe to say I’m channeling my inner Rachel Zoe/Nicole Richie. I used to be such a huge fan of this boho chic style in highschool…Not sure what happened, but then somehow my style evolved and still continues to evolve everyday. All in all, I like to think I’m going in the right direction but there sure are times when I miss my hippie self… 
Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend! Mine has been pretty great actually, even though I’ve been stuck in Bucharest. We’ve had a lot of rainy weather here but I’m not complaining, I have quite enjoyed it as it gave me the perfect excuse to curl up in bed all day with chocolate and watch creepy movies and tv shows. Hooray for serial killers
RO: Saptamana trecuta cand am luat pantofii ucigasi (din postarea asta), am trecut si pe la unul dintre magazinele Mini Prix. Nu mai fusesem din primavara in magazinele lor si m-am bucurat sa va ca lucrurile au ramas la fel: eterna debandada, forfota si hainele neetichetate m-au facut sa ma simt ca-n clasa 10a de liceu cand aveam asa ceva si in Buzau. Ehe…s-a desfiintat intre timp. Long story short, am plecat de acolo doar cu esarfa de-o vedeti la gatul meu. Imi pare rau acum ca n-am luat mai multe-a costat 14 lei si sunt super incantata de ea, mai ales de imprimeu si de textura… 
Ca sa radeti putin (Andy, esti pe faza?), am probat (si am fost foarte aproape sa cumpar) urmatorul exemplar: pantaloni. Duduia asta sta intr-o pozitie relativ decenta, unghi sau cum vreti sa-i spuneti, care avatanjeaza budigaii cu pricina dar imaginati-va ca veneau atat de hidos incat m-am stricat de ras pana si eu. EU care sunt fan! EU, iubitoare de pantaloni harem, angajata in lupta impotriva parintilor neaprobatori si a prietenilor sabotori, dornici sa distruga pantalonii cu olita incorporata! Asta spune multe… 
Am auzit ca au avut weekendul asta reduceri de 50% la magazinul din Militari, a fost cineva? Si-a luat cineva ceva? Am vrut sa merg si eu dar n-am putut sa ma urnesc din pat sub nicio forma, cu vremea pe care am avut-o… 

The messy hair diaries

Pictured above: perhaps the neatest hair I can get 
EN: Ok, so I’ve noticed there’s been a bit of talk about my not so perfect hair lately and I’d just like to point out the following: I’m a mess. No, not the sexy-Serena Van Der woodsen-going-with-the-messy-hair-look-today mess, but the Andreea type of mess which can be easily summed up in one word: hopeless
I don’t like spending time styling my hair, I’ve only used a hair straightener 5 or 6 times in my life, I don’t blow dry, I don’t use hairspray/styling mousse/hair cream, gosh, I don’t even use conditioner! I shampoo and I comb it and that’s it. 
 So, point is, while I do appreciate your concern (and my mom’s for that matter), I know that this will never change. Even though my hair will grow (and trust me, I haven’t cut it in about 7 months!!! which is a huge deal for me), I’ll never have pretty, long, luscious hair. All that time and effort…just for my hair? No thanks. 
This is who I am and I accept my crappy hair proudly. 
RO: Dupa ce am fost tunsa scurt pentru aproximativ un an, am decis prin iarna trecuta sa-mi las din nou parul sa creasca. Nu pentru ca nu mi-ar mai fi placut tunsoarea sau ca m-ar fi apucat brusc teama ca nu mă mai place băeţii, ci din nevoia unei schimbari. Nu mai reiau, am mai discutat. 
 Ideea e ca la momentul acesta parul meu e la o lungime incerta cu o forma incerta, careia nu prea am ce sa-i fac (nu pot sa-l prind fara un batalion de agrafe ca e prea scurt si ma seaca si sa-l las liber pentru ca sta in toate directiile) care vad ca mi-a adus usoare „reclamatii”. Stiu si multumesc pentru grija, dar dupa cum am scris si mai sus: chiar daca va creste (sau daca ma enerveaza iar si-l tund baieteste), tot n-o sa fiu o mademoisellă super coafata sau macar aranjata in ceea ce priveste parul. Nu e de mine. Cu toate ca apreciez si ma minunez cand vad cosite lungi, lucioase, sanatoase, prinse in feluri care mai de care mai sofisticate si alambicate, eu nu voi avea niciodata placerea sau aptitudinile necesare ca sa-mi fac asa ceva. Asadar, o sa raman cu privitul in ceea ce priveste partea asta:) Eventual o sa pipai pervers la altii >:) 
Revenind la mine…il spal si-l pieptan si gata. Nu folosesc nici macar balsam. Nu mai zic de spume/creme/fixativ… Am asa ceva in casa dar nu ma ating de ele decat foarte rar, in general cand sunt plictisita. Placa am folosit de un maxim de 5-6 ori in toata existenta mea (si asta pentru ca era o mare smecherie in liceu sa ai parul drept), nu-l usuc cu feonul, nu-l pun pe bigudiuri, nu-mi fac moate, n-am ce impleti si per total, ma intereseaza doar sa fie curat. 
Momentan astept sa mai creasca putin cat sa ma pot duce undeva la un salon sa-i dea forma, dar asta cred ca va fi la anul… 
 Hai ca-n poza arata relativ decent, nu-i asa?:)) 

So today I’m…

…having a bad hair day
…wearing a big, statement necklace

…drinking lots of tea
…I’m into florals 
…and big, bold shoulders
(Luella sweater, River Island skirt and bracelet, H&M necklace, no name belt) 
What are you doing today? 

Never met a [midi] skirt I didn’t like

1 2 3 
(thrifted skirt, Tina R top, Zara shoes, vintage Escada belt, River Island earrings and Stradivarius cuffs)

EN: I’m really into midi skirts at the moment and I think that this particular outfit is spotlighting one of my favorite ones ever: the thrifted purple number that I found a year ago. I love it because it’s the most feminine of them all and every time I wear it, I feel like I’m part of the royal family or something… 
However, this didn’t stop the excruciating pain I was feeling in my feet because of these shoes. Our weather has been beautiful these days and perfect for venturing out without tights so I thought it would be a good idea to wear these new pumps just like this, without hosiery. Terrible idea, I can barely walk at the moment because of all the blisters on my feet. 
Pray for me, people.
RO: Nu stiu de voi dar mie imi plac mult fustele astea de lungime medie, clos. Daca se poate si ca materialul sa fie unul rigid, tare, “cu prestanta” si foarte voluminos, atunci…soarta-mi este pecetluita si indragosteala devine permanenta, iremediabila si ireversibila. 
Nu am foarte multe (si nici in magazine vad ca nu prea gasesc ce caut) dar ma gandesc sa incerc sa-mi cumpar materiale si sa ma duc la tanti de la etajul 2-tanti croitoreasa, s-o rog sa-mi faca. 
Cea din pozele astea am gasit-o intr-un second hand anul trecut si se pare ca e o fusta pentru copii, conform etichetei. Banuiesc ca e parte din vreun costum ceva, altfel nu-mi explic lungimea. Poate sunt o printesa? Cea mai printesa, cum zice băeţii ţambalagii, sa-nnebunesc? 
Fusesem undeva prin Herastrau si spre nefericirea mea, am avut proasta inspiratie de a pleca de la dracu-n praznic incaltata cu pantofii astia. Frumosi si comozi (din pozitie de repaus) dar nu de mers ore, ore, ore si distante lungi. Pe jos. Pe mega asfaltul romanesc. Fara ciorap. Mi-au facut niste rani infioratoare iar acasa am ajuns mai mult in maini (asta trecand de faptul ca m-am descaltat din momentul in care am intrat in bloc si am urcat etajele desculta). Iar acum sunt in convalescenta, ma dreg cu unguente, plasturi si ma coc in cizme. Pe de alta parte nu ma plang, am un apetit grozav pentru ele (de cizme zic) si chiar am vazut cateva perechi delicioase prin magazine… Am fost aseara prin Afi (la Starbucks desigur-cred ca dezvolt o obsesie; ma termina astia CU CAfelele si croissantele lor) si am trecut in fuga si prin magazine. Cred ca numai la Zara am vazut vreo 4 perechi care mi-au placut. Plus H&M ul de rigoare unde m-au ucis vreo 2 pulovere si-o fusta… 
Gata, am fugit la cursuri ca nu mai termin aici. Cred ca am limbarnita azi. 

One, two, three

pantofi2 cana rochii 

One: Zara shoes 
So these are the pretty babies I was talking about yesterday. Got them from Zara this weekend during some sort of a surprise sale (anyone knows why were they having a shoe sale in Octomber?) and I really love the burgundy suede detailing on them! Wouldn’t recommend walking long distances in them though… They kill, trust me. 
Two: Hot cappuccinos and croissants 
Not like I needed an excuse to overly indulge on sweets but ever since the weather got colder, I can’t start or end my day without a big mug of my favourite hot beverage. Furthermore, lucky for me-and oddly enough, but now I have a Starbucks near my house… 
Three: Trying on pretty dresses 
Left-Primark, Right-Debenhams 
Recently found this outlet near me and bought myself a whole bunch of discounted clothes, including that pink number on the right… 


1 2 3 4 5 
(Lee Cooper jeans, Steve Madden sandals, no name t-shirt, vintage shirt, Zara necklace, New Yorker bag, River Island bracelets) 
So this is what I wear when nothing fits right: comfy jeans, any clean t-shirt, some sort of shirt on top to keep me warm at night and my trusty Steve Madden sandals. I’m so happy that I bought them last year cause they are so surpsingly comfy (considering the height) and I can wear them with pretty much anything! They more than paid from themselves… 
Anyway, so I was all blah about my wardrobe lately and the only thing that still seems to work is the above combo. I guess it’s easier at this point to just put on track pants and not bother with makeup, right? Unfortunately, not even shopping could put an end to my low inspiration phase. I went looking for a jacket with leather sleeves (I’m crazy for this style at the moment!) and while I did found something pretty (very similar to this one I may add), my size was long gone by the time I saw it. 
Nevertheless, I got myself a pretty high heeled treat that day… 

Sparkly chic

1 2 3 4 
(no name skirt and jacket, River Island shirt, New Yorker bag and watch, H&M sunnies, River Island bracelets)
One of my favourite combos at the moment, sequins and stripes. Love being able to play with different textures, colors and prints, mix and match and wear sequins during the day… 

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