Tina R giveaway

Sorry guys, this one it’s open to my Romanian readers only but stay tuned cause tomorrow I’ll be back with something ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!


Dap, giveaway! Sper sa va placa, dragelor:)
Mecanismul este urmatorul:

CÂŞTIGĂ ce-ţi place mai mult de la TinaR!

Lasă un comentariu AICI cu linkul produsului MUST HAVE pentru tine, de la TinaR, primăvara asta! Găseşti toate piesele de brand în magazinul online www.tinar.ro!
Scrie-mi şi în ce „poveste” l-ai purta, sunt curioasă cu ce planuri, vise, zâmbete l-ai asorta şi cum ţi se pare brandul TinaR, după 18 ani de modă românească.
La sfârşit de săptămână, eu voi alege cea mai inspirată poveste. Câştigătoarea se va bucura chiar de produsul cel mai dorit de la TinaR! Îl va putea ridica un-doi dintr-unul dintre magazinele din ţară ale brandului. (http://www.facebook.com/TinaR.Romania/info)

Spor la shopping, profitaţi de reducerea de 25% de Paşti!


P.S. Fiti pe faza maine pentru ca va pregatesc ceva ABSOLUT FABULOS;))

Devil's road





(River Island pants, vintage Versace blazer, vintage shirt, New Look booties, Stradivarius cuffs, H&M rings, thrifted bag and vintage Louis Feraud head scarf)

EN: So a few days ago I was heading home wearing this. I had my arms full of grocery bags, my feet were killing me after a looooong day of running errands (not that these shoes aren’t comfortable, they are! It’s just that I walked a lot), I still had some things to do and I couldn’t wait to get home. Anyway, as I was walking, my phone started to ring. I stopped, put the bags down and began searching frantically for my phone. Of course that by the time I’ve got it out of my bag, the phone had already stopped ringing and I was cursing so loud that people were staring at me. Lovely. I love it when people stare, don’t you?
I wasn’t familiar with the phone number so I didn’t pay too much attention to that call and started walking again. 2 minutes later the phone started to ring again. “Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn you!!!!!!!!!! Now what?!?!” This time I answered. I actually screamed a big fat “WHAT?!?!” instead of “hello” and I was surprised to notice that my mother didn’t go deaf from that. She suggested some Xanax though. Then she asked me if she should make an appointment with a psychiatrist that she knew.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny.
We started talking, she told me about her day, I told her about my almost dead feet and then she asked me what I was wearing.
“But what are you wearing, dear?”
“Some black booties”
“I got that, what else?”
“Uhm, those dropped crotch pants you hate, a green pussy bow shirt, the yellow printed blazer and a polka dot printed scarf”
“Are you sure about that Xanax?”

Oh, and just for the record, i swear that i received this e-mail this morning. (zoom to see better)

Ok, that’s it. And you guys thought I was interesting.

RO: Acum cateva zile, imbracata asa, ma duceam spre casa. Coplesita de sarsanale cu d’ale gurii, picioarele ma dureau in draci dupa o zi intreaga de alergatura (nu ca n-ar fi botinele astea comode, chiar sunt comode! doar ca am mers eu mult atunci), mai aveam niste chestii de rezolvat si abia asteptam sa ajung acasa in patul meu incomod din Bucuresti. Si cum mergeam eu asa, incepe sa sune telefonul. Draci. Ma opresc, pun sacosele jos si incep sa caut disperata telefonul prin geanta in care nu gasesc niciodata nimic. Trec 3 secole, il gasesc pana la urma si bineinteles ca se opreste din sunat. Ma enervez si incep sa zic de sfinti si de morti atat de tare ca lumea incepe sa se holbeze la mine. Minunat. Imi place mult cand lumea se holbeaza, voua nu? Nu cunosteam numarul care ma sunase, asa ca n-am acordat prea multa atentie, mi-am ridicat bagajele si am inceput sa merg iar. Trec 2 minute si iar incepe sa sune. “Manca-te-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar cioriliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! Acuma cine dracu mai e?” De data asta am ajuns in timp util la telefon si am raspuns. N-am zis “alo” bineinteles, ci un mare si gras “CE?!?!” care, spre surprinderea mea, n-a lasat-o surda pe viata pe maica mea. Ea era :-w A zis sa iau niste Xanax sa ma calmez. Sau macar o programare la psihiatru. Cunoaste ea pe cineva, a zis ca ma rezolva cu o programare.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Foarte amuzant.
Am inceput sa vorbim, mi-a povestit ce-a facut in ziua aia, eu am inceput sa vociferez ca ma dor picioarele iar ea m-a intrebat cu ce sunt imbracata, incaltata.
“Da’ ce-ai pe tine, draga?”
“Botinele alea negre”
“Am inteles asta, ce altceva?”
“Pai, pantalonii aia cu turul lasat de nu-ti plac tie si-mi spui ca am facut pe mine, o camasa verde cu funda mare la gat, sacoul cu imprimeu galben si o esarfa cu buline pe cap”.
“Aha…si esti sigura ca nu vrei Xanaxu’ ala?”

Si ca sa fie treaba treaba, va jur ca in dimineata asta am primit mailul asta. (mariti imaginea ca sa vedeti mai bine)

Ok, gata. Si voi care credeati ca sunt interesanta.
Data viitoare, Kant. O ardem filosofic, promit.

Mr Dior would be proud

EN: Wow, it’s been a while since my last wishlist post, so I tought I’d start putting together my first one of 2012, to show you guys what I’m currently on the hunt for!
So what I would like to show you today is one of my favourite trends at the moment: 40’s inspired silhouettes. While I will always have a soft spot for miniskirts and the 60’s fashion, at the moment I’m going through a bit of a pencil dresses/skirts phase that ain’t going anywhere. I think they’re really flattering, they accentuate all the places that should be shown off, they add curves, they can be dressed up or down and are prefect for all seasons. The only thing I would suggest about wearing this kind of below-the-knee cut is making sure that the skirt is high waisted and that you’re NOT wearing it with flats. Especially if you’re not 5’10″. Of course,there are some people in this world who can pull that off quite nicely but in my humble opinion, it just doesn’t look right.
Ok, enough rambling, let’s cut to the chase and see what my picks are:

RO: Mama, de cand n-am mai mai facut un wishlist! Cred ca le faceam mai des cand m-am apucat de blog, nu stiu de ce am renuntat…doar salivez constant la chestii. Multe chestii. In orice caz, am pregatit unul acum, primul pe 2012 cred.
Asadar! Ce vreau sa va arat azi e unul dintre trendurile mele preferate la momentul de fata, si anume, siluete inspirate din moda anilor 40. Desi fustele mini vor avea intotdeauna un loc special in inima mea, cu tot ce includ anii 60, acum ma simt mai interesata de lungimele peste genunchi, stramte pe corp. Concret, rochii si fuste creion. Mi se pare ca sunt foarte avantajoase pentru majoritatea siluetelor, accentueaza multe dintre zonele corpului feminin care ar trebui accentuate, creaza o silueta frumoasa, pot fi purtate atat in tinute elegante cat si in cele casual si merg in orice sezon. Singura chestie care necesita atentie (dupa parerea mea, desigur) in purtarea unei asemenea lungimi este talia si pantoful. Preferabil ar fi ca ambele sa fie inalte, mai ales pentru cineva care nu are 1,80. Ma rog, bineinteles ca sunt si persoane carora le sta bine cu balerini si fuste creion, insa mie, imaginea per total, nu imi place:) E doar parerea mea, a nu se lua ca adevar general valabil.
Ok, gata cu vorbaria, sa va arat ce am ales:


So. Yay or nay?

Earth colors








(vintage Celine jacket, vintage Hermes shirt, Topshop pants, Topshop booties, vintage Ray Bans, New Yorker watch, vintage earrings and bag)

EN: Since I’m on an earth colors kick lately, I was delighted when I took the above outfit out for a spin, wearing pretty much nothing else. The weather was kind enough to let me pull it off without a coat so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to wear my vintage Celine blazer. Ever since I got it, I’ve been dying to wear it, but as usual, my biggest problem was the weather so I had to wait till Spring.
I’ve been wearing pants almost exclusively lately, which is weird, since usually I’m kind of doing the opposite of that. Especially now, when the days feel longer, the temperatures go up and the fresh air feels so good in my lungs again! Anyway, yesterday I went shopping and found some great outfits for spring. I got a few things (and some new obsessions for that matter) but more on that later. My biggest crave? This amazing top by H&M.

RO: Din nu stiu care motiv, atentia mea zilele acestea se concetreaza asupra culorilor pamantului, motiv pentru care am fost extaziata sa ma imbrac exact asa, fara nimic altceva pe deasupra. Pentru frig, stiti voi (inca am sechele). Vremea a fost de gasca, soare afara si prea putin vant, astfel incat mi-am permis in sfarsit sa port sacoul acesta vintage Celine. L-am luat undeva pe la inceputul iernii daca nu ma insel, iar de atunci am tot vrut sa-l port. N-am putut, normal. Era prea frig doar pentru sacou iar cu haina pe deasupra n-am vrut.
Ciudat e ca am tot purtat pantaloni de cand s-a mai incalzit, ceea ce in mod normal nu fac…prefer fustele si rochiile in general. Mai ales acum ca zilele par mai lungi, temperaturile cresc si simt iarasi aerul ala curat in plamani! In orice caz…am fost ieri la cumparaturi si am gasit multe lucruri frumoase, primavaratice. M-am ales cu cate ceva (plus multele obsesii generate de dorintele mele nesincronizate cu grosimea portofelului) dar mai multe despre asta mai tarziu. Cea mai mare obsesie? Topul asta de la H&M. Peplum, normal!


Get out


EN: Took these photos a while ago and totally forgot to post them. See?!? Told ya the alzheimers creeping in.

If i remember correctly, there was snow on the ground therefore cold, so It was only natural that I decided to continue my masochistic habits and freeze my ass off in…just a poncho.
Worn with Stradivarius jeans, Zara booties, C&A bag, no name beret and tops (yes, I was wearing 3 tops underneath that bloody poncho and I was still cold) and Meli Melo sunnies.

Anyway…it’s a beautiful day outside so what are you doing inside reading this?!?

RO: Pozele astea sunt facute acum ceva vreme (posibil in Cuaternar) dar am uitat complet sa le postez. Vedeti?!? V-am spus eu ca ma paşte un alzheimer mic.
Daca imi aduc aminte corect, era un frig crancen afara, troieni de zapada inca pe asfalt (normal) si deci, conditiile ideale pentru a da frau liber pornirilor mele masochiste si a capitula neconditionat in fata gerului. Adica am inghetat bre. In ponchoul ala tricotat.
L-am purtat cu jeansi de la Stradivarius, botine Zara, geanta de la C&A, bereta si cele 3 bluze de pe dedesubt (impotente de altfel in a-mi tine cald) no name si ochelarii de la Meli Melo.

Trecand peste vremurile astea crancene…sper eu duse dracului pana la iarna de anul viitor, e o zi frumoasa afara, asa ca ce faceti in casa citind asta?!? Afara!

Wishful thinking








(Primark dress, Topshop coat, vintage Escada belt, no name boots, no name and vintage YSL necklace, Meli Melo sunnies, H&M rings braceletes from Stradivarius, New Yorker, C&A and vintage earrings)

EN: I picked up this Primark dress two or three weeks ago and it’s quickly become one of my most beloved pieces. It’s fitted and sleeveles, which means I would normally play around with layers, unless I’m going through an I-can’t-stand-wearing-anymore-layers phase. Which I am.
This dress, a pair of sandals, a bag and some sunnies. It’s all I’d want.

RO: Am luat rochia asta Primark acum doua sau trei saptamani si a devenit rapid una dintre cele pe care le iubesc cel mai mult. E ajustata pe corp si nu are maneci, ceea ce in mod normal mi-ar crea entuziasm gandindu-ma la posibilitatile de stratificare. Asta in cazul in care n-as trece printr-o faza sa-nu-mai-aud-de-straturi-5-ani-de-acum-incolo. Ceea ce trec.
Rochia asta, o pereche de sandale, o geanta si niste ochelari de soare. Atat as vrea.

Happy weekend everyone!

Weekend placut tuturor!

For the last time






(Topshop coat, River Island wedges, vintage clutch, vintage Ray Ban sunnies, jewellery from H&M, Stradivarius, New Yorker and vintage)

EN: Hopefully the last time I wore this coat this year. Not that I don’t like it anymore, it’s just that I’m so tired of winter and I can’t wait to put away my coats, boots and sweaters and drag out my sandals, shorts, and crop tops! I officially declare myself ready for spring.
We had some pretty nice weather over the last few days so I thought it would be a good idea to debut my sparkly wedges. I know they look super tall but you wouldn’t believe how comfortable they really are. Decided to pair them with black tights and a pink leopard print dress that I recently got. It’s one of those pieces I love because I can play with it in many ways and dress it up with jewellery or down with a denim or leather jacket.

RO: Traiesc cu speranta ca asta a fost ultima data cand am purtat haina asta pe 2012. Nu ca nu mai imi place, atata tot ca mi s-a acrit teribil de iarna si abia astept sa inchid in dulap hainile, cizmele si puloverele si sa scot sandalele, pantalonii si topurile scurte. Ma declar asadar mai mult decat pregatita pentru primavara!
Am avut o vreme frumusica saptamana asta (cel putin aici in Muntenia, am auzit ca prin alte zone a bagat ninsoare strong) asa ca m-am gandit ca n-ar fi o idee rea sa dezvirginez platformele mele sclipicioase. Stiu ca par (si chiar sunt) super inalte dar pe cuvant ca nu v-ar veni sa credeti cat sunt de comode si usoare. As putea merge in ele o zi intreaga. Ma rog…pe asfalt decent, nu pe hartoapele din Congo. Romania pardon…Desi aia s-ar putea sa aiba asfalt.
Le-am purtat cu ciorapi negrii opaci si o rochie cu imprimeu roz de leopard despre care nu stiu sa va spun de unde e fiindca n-are eticheta. Imi place mult, e una dintre piesele alea care ma atrage pentru ca imi ofera multe optiuni de a ma juca cu ea, fie intr-o abordare eleganta cu bijuterii, fie intr-una casual cu o jacheta de piele sau denim.








All from River Island:
1. Oversized leopard print hat
2. Miu Miu look-a-like shoes
3. Tropical print pencil skirt (it hits just below the knee and it’s super fitted, therefore also super sexy. Therefore i love it)

Toate de la River Island:
1. Palarie oversized cu imprimeu de leopard
2. Pantofi asemanatori Miu Miu
3. Fusta creion cu imprimeu tropical (e mai lunga decat am reusit eu sa captez in poze, ajunge pana sub genunchi, e super mulata si deci, super sexi. Si deci o iubesc)



What i wore today:







No name skirt, thrifted sweater, Topshop booties, Asos tights, vintage YSL parka, vintage bag, vintage Lanvin sunnies, Oasap, Asos, C&A and vintage jewellery

Nighty night!

Selfish spoiled brat










(Vintage Renatto Nucci skirt and shirt, Deichmann boots, vintage belt, Stradivarius cuffs, no name earrings and necklace, vintage Chanel bag)


EN: The day I wore this, many people told me that they liked my “dress” and asked me “where did you get it from, where did you get it from?” and every single time I was like “oh, it’s not a dress, it’s actually a matching shirt & skirt. But thanks, I got them from a thrift shop!” And then they groaned. And I couldn’t help but feel joy because of that great feeling of having something no one else has. Muhahahaha. Hahaha. Haha. Ha. Ha. You get the point.
I’m actually pretty selfish when it comes to sharing anything my clothes (not to mention my shoes) with other people and I like having unique things that can’t be found anywhere else. That being said, you now know the main reason why I love vintage.

Ok, so after class, I went with a few friends to this bar for the first time. Beautifully decorated with vintage furniture and ornaments, sorry I didn’t get more shots. Still, not sure if I’m coming back, the coffee was too cold for my taste. Anyway, after that I went home to get a few things and then off to the railway station (see the last photo). I got there early and had to wait about 50 minutes before the train arrived but I’m not complaining. I’ve always liked spending time in train stations, especially when it’s empty and quiet and I can watch the trains coming and leaving. Makes me think about a lot of things, you know?
Anyway, as we speak, I am in my hometown, busy enjoying myself.

Ok, enough rambling. Bye now.

RO: In ziua in care am purtat asta, multa lume mi-a spus “vaaaaaai, ce-mi place rochia ta! De unde ai luat-o, de unde ai luat-o?” iar eu ca un robot bagat in priza, raspundeam “ah, pai nu e rochie, e defapt fusta si camasa, set. Merci, le-am gasit intr-un sh”. Dupa care urma oftatul interogatorilor si jubilatia mea interioara la ideea ca am ceva ce nu mai are nimeni. Muhahahaha. Hahaha. Haha. Ha. Ha. Ok, ati priceput.
In realitate sunt destul de egoista in ceea ce priveste impartitul. In special cand e vorba de orice hainele mele, nu mai zic de pantofi. Imi place sa am lucruri unice, care nu mai pot fi gasite in alta parte si ma irita nespus (mai ales la capitolul asta), sa vad pe cineva purtand acelasi lucru ca mine. Probabil acum va dati seama motivul principal pentru care iubesc vintageul si vechiturile in general.

Asa, deci dupa cursuri m-am dus cu 3 prietene undeva la un bar unde nu mai fusesem. Frumos decorat, in stil vintage, atat mobila cat si atmosfera-imi pare rau ca nu m-am gandit sa fac mai multe poze. Mi-a placut acolo insa nu sunt foarte sigura ca ne vom mai intoarce, undeva e o problema. Ori in cazul meu ca nu stiu sa explic suficient de bine, ori in cazul chelneritei ca nu intelege romaneste. Traiesc totusi cu senzatia ca “4 espresso fierbinti, va rog” e destul de clar cat sa priceapa ca NU VREM CAFEA CALAIE. Ma rog… Dupa asta, m-am intors acasa sa impachetez cateva lucruri si am plecat spre gara, in ideea de a veni in weekend la Buzau. Am ajuns acolo mai devreme cu vreo 50 de minute si a trebuit sa astept in frig pana a venit trenul dar nu ma plang. Mi-a placut din totdeauna sa stau in gara si sa privesc trenurile cum vin si pleaca, in special cand e mai liniste si lipseste forfota specifica aglomeratiei. Ma face sa ma gandesc la multe lucruri, stiti?
Iar acum, cum va scriu asta, sunt acasa, ocupata cu relaxarea si mucenicii bunica mii. Tradu trai-ti-ar, mucenic in engleza. Hai, cine stie? Ne ne ne ne ne, nu cu martyr, vrajeli d’astea. Nu, tradu gastronomic mucenic :)) Recunosc ca pe mine m-a dovedit eGnima asta.

Gata, tac. Pupici acum.

Brighten up







(Stradivarius jeans, old Gap top, Zara coat, no name beret, scarf and gloves, Six necklace, Meli Melo sunnies and vintage Louis Vuitton bag)

EN: So I got these jeans for 25$ on a sale. I’m constantly in search of this sort of jeans as I’ve always had a soft spot for flares and I only own 3 or 4 pairs, because I find them so hard to get! I really can’t understand why women stores are selling mostly skinny jeans, jeggings, tights, and leggings, without considering any other design options. Some variety would be nice. I, for one, sure would like to be able to enter a store and also try on a wide legged or a boyfriend cut, in addition to skinnies. Anyway, as i was saying…I was super happy to find this pair on sale since it was the last one in my size. I paired it with some old leopard print top, a cardigan that unfortunately you can’t see in the photos, a coat and my accessories.
Lately I have been trying not to spend too much on clothes and shoes and put myself on a budget as I wanted to save up for something else but of course I couldn’t help it and now, surprise, I’m broke again. Funny to notice how the more unhappy i am, the more I shop. And lately I’ve been shopping A LOT 🙂
You’ll see.

RO: Deci am luat jeansi astia la aproape 70 de ron la reduceri. V-am mai spus, si stiti probabil ca sunt in permanenta cautare a genului asta de jeans pentru ca imi plac foarte mult si pentru ca n-am decat vreo 3-4 perechi, fiind destul de greu de gasit. Nu prea pot sa inteleg de ce majoritatea magazinelor pentru femei vand preponderent croieli skinny, jeggingsi, colanti si leggingsi, fara sa ia in considerare si alte modele. Niste varietate asa n-ar strica, daca se poate. Mie una, mi-ar place sigur sa pot intra intr-un magazin si sa pot sa iau la cabina de proba si un pantalon evazat si o croiala boyfriend si o lungime 7/8, samd pe langa pantalonul skinny. In cadrul aceluiasi magazin, nu sa ma duc sa ma plimb prin 30 de shopuri diferite, sa ma dezbrac si sa ma imbrac de o mie de ori in cabine diferite, pentru ca apoi sa decid ce vreau si sa dau iar ture la magazinele initiale. Ma rog, cum spuneam…am fost super incantata sa ii iau pe astia la reduceri, mai ales ca era si ultima pereche in marimea mea. Ii port aici cu o bluza veche cu imprimeu de leopard, un cardigan care din pacate n-a iesit in poze, haina si accesoriile.
Am incercat in ultimul timp sa ma mai abtin, sa nu mai cheltuiesc mult pe haine si pantofi, sa mai adun niste bani pentru diverse alte treburi, si bineinteles ca am esuat fulminant, in dulcele-mi stil clasic. Amuzant de observat cat de direct imi influenteaza nivelul de serotonina volumul portofelului… Cu cat sunt mai nefericita, cu atat cumpar mai mult. Iar in ultimul timp am cumparat MULT 🙂
Va arat curand, astept pachete.

Looking for Something?