EN: As you have probably noticed, leopard print has slowly gained a special place in my heart. And to my boyfriend’s dismay, an increasing number of hangers in my closet.
There’s something just so irresistibly appealing about brown spots…so quirky, so fun, so sexy, so luxurious and so…brown! I love to see them worn together with some green or red, which are both colors I’m totally digging lately.
I bought this light-as-a-feather-made-of-the-most-fishiest-sort-of-fabric dress from H&M, a while ago. On its own, it hugs my body beautifully, but while I do like that, I find it a bit too “revealing” for daywear. So I decided to pair it with one of my mom’s trusty blazers and the comfiest pair of booties I currently own. I know you probably think I’m insane to go out wearing ONLY this, but trust me, somewhere hidden in the background, there was a thick coat (It’s winter so I’m always armed with a coat and a chunky scarf)
RO: Probabil ati observat si voi ca in ultimul timp, leopard printul a castigat un loc special in inima mea. La pachet cu un numar ascendent de umerase in dulap, spre exasperarea prietenului meu.
E ceva la imprimeul asta ce mie mi se pare ingrozitor de atractiv (iar lui doar ingrozitor)…petele maronii, atat de excentrice, de vesele, de sexy, de luxoase si…soc, de maro. Imi place foarte mult juxtapunerea lor cu verde sau rosu, doua dintre culorile care ma atrag in mod deosebit.
Am luat rochia asta facuta-din-cel-mai-dubios-si-subtire-material-posibil acum vreo 2 luni din H&M. Imi imbratiseaza corpul frumos si se aseaza bine, insa, desi imi place chestia asta, este putin cam mulata pentru purtare in amiaza mare, de una singura. O cerea, ma ruga frumos de mult, iar eu ma tot feream sa o port…pana cand am alaturat-o sacoului asta rosu de la mama si celor mai comode botine ever. Ma gandesc ca probabil aveti senzatia ca sufar de dementa patologica daca ies afara purtand DOAR asta, insa, pe cuvant de pionier, ca undeva in fundal, zace ascunsa o haina groasa, data jos de dragul pozelor.
In another train of thoughts…
Have you made any new year resolutions? I for one, I don’t do that anymore, as I always find myself incapable of achieving my
unrealistic goals. I’ve never been one to have much willpower with this sort of things and besides that, I believe we don’t need a new year to change or improve who we are. We should celebrate a new US whenever we want and as often as often as we choose. Yes, change is difficult, despite the „quick and without any effort” claims of motivational speakers and self-help books but there is no need to wait for the beginning of a new year. Start today. ( January 2 today-bad timing, I know)
In alta ordine de idei…
V-ati stabilit rezolutii de an nou? Eu una m-am lasat de sportul asta, fiind permanent incapabila sa-mi ating telurile nerealiste propuse cu ocazia aceasta. N-am dovedit niciodata prea multa vointa cu astfel de lucruri si pe langa asta, am ajuns la concluzia ca nu avem nevoie de un nou an, de o noua zi sau de un “maine” ca sa schimbam sau sa imbunatatim cine suntem. Da, schimbarea e dificila, in ciuda povetelor si metodelor pe sistem de “pierde 20 de kg in 3 zile, mancand untura cu zahar pe paine”, dar daca iti doresti cu tarie, asteptarea unui an nou e doar un pretext inutil si o motivatie falsa, dupa parerea mea. Incepe azi. (Draci, stiu ca e 2 Ianuarie si deci inceput de an-sincronizare nasoala, ce sa fac)
Rochie: H&M
Sacou: stolen from my mom
Botine: New Look
Ceas: Asos