So twirl and twirl again


EN: I still can’t quite believe the holidays are over and it’s already January. They just went by so fast! I’ve gotten so lazy and lethargic since being home for the Christmas break and now, as I’m back to college and my exams are almost here, I feel extremely stressed and overwhelmed. Needless to say, projects are pilling up and (starting today) most of my time will be spent studying boring subjects. Yay for lots to do and no time to do it!

RO: Inca nu-mi vine sa cred ca s-au incheiat sarbatorile si deja e Ianuarie. Cand naibii au trecut?!? De cand am fost in vacanta de Craciun am devenit o lenesa si-o letargica, animata doar de ideea bunatatilor de rontait si a somnului, iar acum ca m-am intors in Bucuresti si examenele bat la usa, ma simt coplesita si extrem de stresata. Mda, era de asteptat. Nu mai e nevoie sa spun ca s-au adunat proiecte (care, soc, trebuie facute), am de citit tampenii, si, incepand de astazi si pana in Februarie, majoritatea timpului meu va fi petrecut invatand. Splendid.


(Topshop coat, Deichmann boots)

So now that I complained, let’s move on to the outfit shall we! I went pretty crazy with coat shopping this last year…Especially at Topshop. This is probably one of my favourites that I’ve worn in a while: it’s made of the most perfect soft, thick fabric, it has a gorgeous shape with the most adorable circle skirt that makes me wanna twirl every single time I wear it, it chinches at the waist, it’s red and it also has the sweetest brown faux fur collar! What more to ask?!?

Ok, need to get back to unpacking now…

P.S. Speaking of Topshop, have you seen their latest collection? So far I’m not very impressed with them but I’m super excited about what River Island is promising for spring!

Bun. Acum ca m-am plans suficient, sa vedem si ce-i cu pozele. In 2011 mai mult ca oricand, m-am axat pe cumpararea hainilor de iarna, 4 dintre ele fiind de la Topshop (cum e si asta). Dintre toate, dansa cred ca imi place cel mai mult. E cea mai feminina si mai dragalasa dintre ele, materialul e foarte moale si gros, croiala ma incanta enorm prin fusta aceea clos ce ma face sa vreau sa ma invart de fiecare data cand o port, e cambrata pe talie, e rosie si mai are si gulerasul detasabil din blana. Ce as putea sa mai cer?!?

Ok gata, trebuie sa ma intorc la despachetat… Uf.

P.S. Ca tot veni vorba de Topshop, ati vazut ultima lor colectie? Nu sunt foarte impresionata de ce au pus deocamdata pe site, insa ma super entuziasmeaza lookbookul River Island pentru primavara. Si din fericire, au inceput sa livreze si la noi… Yuppy!

Gata, m-am tirat. Pupicios

Let the shoes come to me

(Zara jacket, new look t-shirt, no name jeans, vintage bag and topshop booties)


EN: Super happy to be playing with my new topshop booties!

RO: Super fericita sa ma pot juca cu noile mele botine topshop!

Topshop Velvet Playsuit





(Topshop playsuit, New look booties, no name socks, H&M rings)

EN: I only slept like 2 hours last night so today I woke up really late, washed, drank a big coffee cup, and got dressed in approximately 5 minutes (be proud, people). I decided to wear this new velvet playsuit that I got as a Christmas gift from my mom – new things always look good to me for some reason. I think this is the cutest thing she ever bought for me, I can’t even put into words how much I like the crocheted collar and how lovely the soft velvet feels on my skin! The fit is really nice, it cinches at the waist and flares out over the hips, making it perfect for everyday wear or to dress up in the evening. Oh, and did I mentioned the pretty collar? Yes, I love it. You never would’ve guessed, I’m sure.
Anyway, at first I tried to take the photos indoors (pic 5 and 6). It proved to be more tricky than I thought, so I failed (yey! wasting my time is always such a joy) and had to bribe my brother to take them from me. Not really bribe though, more like a reward. So we went into town and had a lovely hot chocolate drink, then we popped into my favourite thrift shops (where the racks and shelves were almost empty-so sad) and tried on a few tops. Didn’t really buy anything, just eyed a lot of ludicrously overpriced stuff in some other shops, and later on we stopped to take these shots.
Also, I was one super happy lady today as my latest order from Topshop arrived. Can’t wait to show you guys what i got!

RO: Am dormit azi noapte vreo 2 ore maxim, asa ca m-am culcat peste zi, m-am trezit foarte tarziu, m-am spalat, am baut o ditai cana de cafea (ca sa ma asigur ca nici in noaptea asta nu dorm) si m-am imbracat in aproximativ 5 minute (sper ca sunteti mandre de mine). M-am hotarat sa port aceasta salopeta noua din catifea primita cadou de la mama de Craciun-parca intotdeauna am mai multa tragere de inima catre lucrurile noi, nu stiu de ce. Cred ca e cel mai dragut lucru pe care mi l-a cumparat vreodata, nici nu pot sa descriu in cuvinte cat imi place gulerasul crosetat si cat de placut se simte catifeaua pe piele. (Vezi mama, imi place. Poti sa mai imi iei). Sta aseazata foarte bine pe corp, cambrata pe talie si usor “evazata” peste solduri. Ah, si v-am zis ceva de gulerasul dragalas? Da, imi place. N-ati fi ghicit niciodata, sunt sigura.
Am incercat mai intai sa fac pozele singura in casa, cu trepied si telecomanda (poza 5 si 6) si bineinteles, am esuat fulminant (ah, ce-mi place cand imi pierd timpul aiurea). Pana la urma a trebuit sa-mi mituiesc fratele ca sa-l scot afara din casa si sa mi le faca el. Ma rog, mai mult o recompensa decat mita. Am mers in oras, am baut o ciocolata calda buna, l-am tarat prin cateva shuri sa vedem care-i situatia (foarte trist, n-au mai bagat marfa dupa anul nou si deci rafturile erau complet goale) si apoi am probat cateva bluze in alte magazine. N-am cumparat nimic pana la urma, doar am pus ochii pe niste lucruri ridicol de scumpe si mai tarziu ne-am oprit ca sa facem pozele acestea.
Ah, si am topaiat cu o duduie super fericita astazi, cand, dupa lupte seculare si trafic postal la menopauza, comanda mea Topshop a ajuns. Aplauze.
Abia astept sa va arat ce-am comandat!


How the leopard got his spots


EN: As you have probably noticed, leopard print has slowly gained a special place in my heart. And to my boyfriend’s dismay, an increasing number of hangers in my closet.
There’s something just so irresistibly appealing about brown spots…so quirky, so fun, so sexy, so luxurious and so…brown! I love to see them worn together with some green or red, which are both colors I’m totally digging lately.
I bought this light-as-a-feather-made-of-the-most-fishiest-sort-of-fabric dress from H&M, a while ago. On its own, it hugs my body beautifully, but while I do like that, I find it a bit too “revealing” for daywear. So I decided to pair it with one of my mom’s trusty blazers and the comfiest pair of booties I currently own. I know you probably think I’m insane to go out wearing ONLY this, but trust me, somewhere hidden in the background, there was a thick coat (It’s winter so I’m always armed with a coat and a chunky scarf)

RO: Probabil ati observat si voi ca in ultimul timp, leopard printul a castigat un loc special in inima mea. La pachet cu un numar ascendent de umerase in dulap, spre exasperarea prietenului meu.
E ceva la imprimeul asta ce mie mi se pare ingrozitor de atractiv (iar lui doar ingrozitor)…petele maronii, atat de excentrice, de vesele, de sexy, de luxoase si…soc, de maro. Imi place foarte mult juxtapunerea lor cu verde sau rosu, doua dintre culorile care ma atrag in mod deosebit.
Am luat rochia asta facuta-din-cel-mai-dubios-si-subtire-material-posibil acum vreo 2 luni din H&M. Imi imbratiseaza corpul frumos si se aseaza bine, insa, desi imi place chestia asta, este putin cam mulata pentru purtare in amiaza mare, de una singura. O cerea, ma ruga frumos de mult, iar eu ma tot feream sa o port…pana cand am alaturat-o sacoului asta rosu de la mama si celor mai comode botine ever. Ma gandesc ca probabil aveti senzatia ca sufar de dementa patologica daca ies afara purtand DOAR asta, insa, pe cuvant de pionier, ca undeva in fundal, zace ascunsa o haina groasa, data jos de dragul pozelor.





In another train of thoughts…
Have you made any new year resolutions? I for one, I don’t do that anymore, as I always find myself incapable of achieving my unrealistic goals. I’ve never been one to have much willpower with this sort of things and besides that, I believe we don’t need a new year to change or improve who we are. We should celebrate a new US whenever we want and as often as often as we choose. Yes, change is difficult, despite the „quick and without any effort” claims of motivational speakers and self-help books but there is no need to wait for the beginning of a new year. Start today. ( January 2 today-bad timing, I know)

In alta ordine de idei…
V-ati stabilit rezolutii de an nou? Eu una m-am lasat de sportul asta, fiind permanent incapabila sa-mi ating telurile nerealiste propuse cu ocazia aceasta. N-am dovedit niciodata prea multa vointa cu astfel de lucruri si pe langa asta, am ajuns la concluzia ca nu avem nevoie de un nou an, de o noua zi sau de un “maine” ca sa schimbam sau sa imbunatatim cine suntem. Da, schimbarea e dificila, in ciuda povetelor si metodelor pe sistem de “pierde 20 de kg in 3 zile, mancand untura cu zahar pe paine”, dar daca iti doresti cu tarie, asteptarea unui an nou e doar un pretext inutil si o motivatie falsa, dupa parerea mea. Incepe azi. (Draci, stiu ca e 2 Ianuarie si deci inceput de an-sincronizare nasoala, ce sa fac)

Dress/Rochie: H&M
Blazer/Sacou: stolen from my mom
Booties/Botine: New Look
Watch/Ceas: Asos


Wishing you a sparkling new year!


May 2012 be the best year of your life! I wish you all the best and hope all your dreams come true!
Thank you for being here 🙂

Happy New Year!

La Multi Ani!

Fur sure


(Faux fur coat, River Island pants, vintage hat, no name booties and H&M rings)

EN: You get it. I’m a shepherd.

RO: V-ati prins. Sunt Gigi. Asta insa nu-mi iese.

Olive Oyl


EN: I have short hair, I love it and because of that, during winter, I’m pretty much obsessed with head scarves. This one I’m wearing is my favourite of all time and it’s actually a band you tie around your waist (worn previously here, with the vintage Louis Feraud dress it came with). It looks great with every outfit , super easy to do and very wearable.

RO: Am parul scurt, imi place parul meu scurt si din cauza asta, in timpul iernii, am devenit destul de obsedata de esarfele legate in jurul capului. Cea pe care o port aici este preferata mea din toate timpurile. Ea defapt ar fi un fel de centura de legat in jurul taliei (poate va aduceti aminte de postarea aceasta in care am purtat-o cu rochia vintage Louis Feraud de la care provine). Arata bine cu orice, e usor de legat si foarte purtabila.



The coat I’m wearing is something vintage I recently bought from the thrift store. At first, I thought it was too big for me, it was only after trying it on that I realized how much I like it! I’m not very sure but I suspect it came from the 70’s (I’m seriously thinking of writing an article about dating vintage. Let me know in the comments section if you would like something like that!)

I’m wearing a vintage coat, bag and head scarf, Stradivarius jeans, a C&A scarf and New Yorker jewellery.

Haina pe care o port am descoperit-o recent intr-un sh. Am cumparat-o desi am crezut initial ca e prea mare pentru mine. Am probat-o (ceea ce o smecherie, avand in vedere ca foarte rar probez ce cumpar din shuri- nu de alta, dar nu stiu cat e de igienic) si gata, m-am indragostit de croaiala gen pelerina si-am luat-o acasa s-o iubesc si s-o inghesui in dulap. Nu sunt foarte sigura, dar la cum o vad eu asa, judecand dupa etichete, cusaturi si perioada in care a functionat firma ce a produs-o, suspectez ca e de prin anii 70. Apropo, ma gandesc serios sa incerc sa scriu un articol despre datarea pieselor vintage(pe romaneste: ce e vintage, ce nu e si daca e, de cand e). Nimic foarte elaborat, doar niste informatii simple, acumulate din ce-am citit, din ce-am vazut si ce-am simtit, referitor la “problema” asta care pe mine una, ma seaca ori de cate ori aduc acasa ceva ce pare mai in varsta decat mine 🙂 Amatoare? Anuntati-ma daca e cineva care doreste sau pofteste:P

Haina, geanta si esarfa de pe cap sunt vintage, jeansii sunt de la Stradivarius, esarfa roz e cumparata din C&A iar bijuteriile din New Yorker.



If we must winter, let us winter in style


EN: Cause even in the depths of winter and despite the polar temperatures, candy looking dresses warm my heart in more ways than a self-harmful person (aka me, the girl who yesterday thought she was going to die freezing) can express. I hope they have a good heating system there in hell.

RO: Caci pana si in toiul iernii, si chiar si-n ciuda temperaturilor polare, rochiile bombonicioase imi merg la inima in feluri mult prea greu de exprimat pentru cineva guvernat de sadism contra propriei persoane (adica eu, duduia care ieri a crezut ca va muri congelata). Sper ca dau drumu’ la caldura astia in iad.





Coat/Haina: Topshop
Dress/Rochie: no name
Shoes/Pantofi: Miu Miu
Jewellery and bag/Bijuterii si geanta: no name


P.S. Do not get constipated. I DID wear tights.

P.S. Nu va constipati. AVEAM ciorapi.

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas everyone!

Craciun fericit tuturor!




EN: I’m not very sure why, but I hate leather pants/leggings and love them at the same time. Possibly because, these past few years I’ve seen tons and tons of fur vests paired with black leather (raise your hand if you’re tired of that combo too!) and now…they bore me. And yet…here I am…wearing faux leather leggings.

RO: Nu sunt foarte sigura de ce, dar ma enerveaza si imi plac in acelasi timp, pantalonii/leggingsi de piele. Ma enerveaza probabil pentru ca am vazut in ultimii ani tone si tone de veste de blana alaturate pielii negre pe picioare (sa ridice mana cine s-a saturat de combinatia asta!), iar acum…ma cam plictisesc. Si totusi…ete ca port. Leggingsi din ceva ce nu e piele, dar seamana a piele.


No, that is not dog poop!

Stiu ca pare, dar ala chiar nu e caca de catel 😀




Anyway, I very rarely wear all black-it just doesn’t suit me, unless I’m aiming for a classic or goth style or I decide I wanna be Morticia Addams for a day.
So yay, that is the goth in me talking (I used to be one of them in high school, can you belive it?!?)

Foarte rar mi se intampla sa port negru din cap pana-n picioare-in general nu mi se potriveste si nu e pentru mine, decat daca vreau s-o ard clasic, gothic sau decid sa ma costumez in Morticia Addams pentru o zi.
Astazi va vorbesc eu, cea gothica :> Ceea ce si eram…prin primul an de liceu. Puteti crede?!? Eram ciudatica tare :))

Leggings: New Yorker
Blazer/Sacou: Zara (with a hand stitched broch and pearls by me/cu brosa si perlele cusute de mine)
Booties/Botine: Topshop
Blouse/Bluza: New Look


No idea


EN: A quick post of something I wore recently before I’m off to town to do some gift shopping. And some thrifting for that matter!

RO: Sunt pe punctul de a iesi pe usa, asa ca m-am gandit sa fac o postare rapida cu ceva ce am purtat recent. Ma duc prin magazine dupa cadouri (groaznic, in fiecare an ma intorc cu idiotenii pentru tata). Eventual si prin sh uri :-“


Oh how I miss you sun, it’s so cold today!

Ah, ce mi-e dor de soare! E foarte rece azi.




I’m wearing an Asos coat, a vintage dress and clutch, Jeffrey Campbell shoes, vintage YSL necklace and H&M rings.

Port o haina Asos, rochie si plic vintage, pantofi Jeffrey Campbell, colier YSL si inele de la H&M.


Looking for Something?