EN: Normally, this time of the year draws everybody’s attention to the ss collections. I for one, try to stay away from them and focus mostly on the aw ones. Not that I don’t like them, not that staying away could make my heart beat slower when I think about them but I prefer not to deceive myself into thinking about bare legs, golden shoulders, chiffon, silk, straw hats or sandals when what I’m going to face here is the winter nightmare. I’m getting scared just thinking about the low temperatures, the ice on the ground (“can’t wait”), the dirty snow, the short days and the long nights, too many layers, hats, gloves, scarves, ugly boots, cold hands and legs, and of course, the hibernation mode. Last year I missed a lot of the classes I had to attend because of the freakin’ cold and I think this year will be no exception. You get the point. However, I’m pretty excited about the coming of autumn and I’m looking forward to experiment with all the ideas I got from the catwalks.
In case you haven’t noticed yet, I hate minimalism so none of what I’ll show you here will have anything to do with that. So, let’s start:
RO: In mod normal, perioada aceasta a anului indreapta atentia tuturor pasionatilor de moda catre colectiile de primavara-vara. Eu una insa, ma feresc de ele si “studiez” in detaliu pe cele de toamna-iarna, prezentate acum cateva luni. Nu ca nu mi-ar place, nu ca mi-ar infrana catusi de putin dorintele sau m-ar ajuta sa-mi indrept gandurile catre alta directie, insa prefer sa nu ma amagesc sau iluzionez cu picioare dezgolite, umeri aurii, chiffon, matase, palarii de paie si sandale, cand pe mine ma asteapta cosmarul iernii, cu temperaturi pe minus, gheata pe jos (oh da, “abia astept”), zapada murdara, zile scurte si nopti lungi, aburi la orice suflu, treijda’ mii da straturi, caciuli, manusi, fulare, bocanci urati, maini si picioare reci permanent, plus, desigur, hibernare pana la venirea primaverii. Pot s-o tin asa la nesfarsit sau sa va povestesc cat de mult am absentat de la cursuri iarna trecuta, de urat ce-mi era sa ies din casa si sa infrunt viscolul (cu precizarea ca stateam la 5 minute distanta de cladirea facultatii). Ma rog, ati inteles ideea. Ma consolez totusi cu ajutorul temperaturilor intermediare ale toamnei si oferta bogata de idei propusa de designeri.
Recunosc ca n-am avut rabdarea de a lua la puricat toata rubrica de fall/winter 2011-2012 de pe style.com, dar, din ce am rasfoit, iata ce m-a incantat si am salvat in computer pentru a-mi servi ca inspiratie in lunile urmatoare. Mentionez ca nimic din ce am ales nu are de-a face cu minimalismul.
1. Dior, the collection I liked the most, same as the Gucci one
Capes, hats, otk boots, laced booties worn with thick socks, fur coats and collars, rich colors and textures such as velvet, chiffon, cashmere, silk, leather, masive jewellery (especially the massive necklaces with the cameo pendants), spiced up with the dark make up, they all create in my mind an obscure, mysterious and romantic image (all at the same time), which I can’t wait to reinterpretate in the upcoming months
1. Dior, pe prima pozitie in topul preferintelor mele, la egalitate cu cea Gucci
Cape, palarii, cizme peste genunchi, botine cu siret purtate cu sosete groase, gulere si haini din blana, culori si texturi bogate din catifea, voal, casmir, matase, piele, bijuterii masive (mai ales colierele cu pandantive stil camee), completate de un machiaj intunecos, creaza in mintea mea o imagine obscura, misterioasa si romantica in acelasi timp, pe care abia astept s-o interpretez in lunile ce vor urma
2. Gucci
Amazing. A gorgeous mixture between the 70’s and the 40’s that holds a special place in my heart because of the rich, jewel-tone color pallete, the flawlessly tailored wide-leg trousers, the opulence, the chinched waists, the big hats, the sheer dresses, the midi skirts and the fur collars. LOVE
2. Gucci
Mirific. O combinatie senzationala intre anii 70 si 40, ce m-a cucerit incepand cu paleta coloristica in nuante de pietre pretioase si terminand cu pantalonii largi croiti impecabil. Opulenta, taliile marcate, palariile mari, rochiile transparente, fustele de lungime medie si gulerele de blana sunt doar alte cateva detalii care fac deliciul subsemnatei.
3. Marc by Marc Jacobs
This is not the first time I share my love for this collection. Remember the green dress? You can read the entire post here.
3. Marc by Marc Jacobs
Nu e prima data cand imi exprim dragostea fata de colectia aceasta. Va spuneam acum ceva vreme cat de mult imi place rochia verde din prima fotografie si cum cautam alternative pe piata de highstreet. Puteti citi postul intreg aici.
4. Alberta Feretti
I only liked the first outfits, the ones wich had a strong 60’s and 70’s vibe in them, along with the rich colors: petrol blue, purple and pink. Also, I thought the otk velvet boots were amazing.
4. Alberta Feretti
O colectie care m-a incantat preponderent la inceputul showului prin bogatia culorilor (albastru petrol, mov si roz) si a siluetelor inspirate din moda anilor 60 si 70. De remarcat cizmele peste genunchi din catifea.
5. Diane von Furstenberg
She’s usually not one of my favorites, but for this season, I really liked the high waisted pencil skirts, the wide belts placed on the waist, the autumn shades, the golden details and the eccentric prints.
5. Diane von Furstenberg
In mod obisnuit nu una din preferatele mele, Diane von Furstenberg, mi-a captat atentia sezonul acesta datorita fustelor creion cu talie inalta, centurilor late plasate pe talie, culorilor tomnatice si a detaliilor aurii plus imprimeurile excentrice.
Besides these 5, I also liked, here in there:
Pe langa acestea 5, mi-au mai placut, pe alocuri:
6. Etro
7. Chloe
8. Stella McCartney
In case you’re interested, I made a litlle collage in photoshop (see below) using some of these images and some others I saved in my inspirational folder. I use it as a wallpaper:) You can download it from here.
Adunand imagini din colectiile acestea plus alte fotografii salvate in folderul meu inspirational, m-am jucat putin in photoshop si am facut colajul de mai jos. Daca intereseaza pe cineva, il puteti descarca la dimensiune mare de aici. Eu il folosesc pe post de wallpaper:)
Your turn now. What were your favorite a/w collections? What are you going to wear this season?
Bon. Voua ce colectii de toamna/iarna v-au placut? Ce veti purta in lunile care urmeaza?