Reprogram my memory


EN: I was in the mood for midi skirts yesterday so it seemed like a perfect oportunity to wear this silk skirt that has been hanging in my closet since last year. I remember I was completely in love with it and couldn’t wait to wear it when I found it sad and alone in a thrift store. Somehow, I managed to forget about it, as I usually do with most of my clothes. Does that ever happen to you?

RO: Ieri am avut chef de fuste midi asa ca mi s-a parut momentul potrivit pentru a scoate la aer fusta aceasta de matase. O tin chinuita in dulap de anul trecut, de cand am cumparat-o dintr-un sh. Imi aduc aminte ca eram complet lesinata de incantare cand am gasit-o singura in magazin si abia asteptam sa o port… Cumva, am uitat de ea, asa cum fac in general cu majoritatea lucrurilor pe care le cumpar. Vi se intampla si voua asa ceva vreodata?



I’m wearing a thrifted skirt and polka dots top, Zara shirt and sandals, Asos watch, vintage and no name jewellery and a vintage Moschino belt.

Fusta si topul cu buline sunt luate din sh, camasa si sandalele din Zara, ceasul Asos, bijuteriile sunt no name si vintage iar cureaua este un Moschino vintage.


Meant for me


EN: A few days ago I finally got to enjoy wearing a thicker jacket without melting. Never mind that, the heat waves are back and right now it’s too hot to even consider wearing it again.

RO: Acum cateva zile am profitat de vremea ceva mai racoroasa si am reusit astfel sa ma bucur de o jacheta grosuta fara sa ma topesc. As bate campii cu gratie sa va spun ca si azi mi-as permite asa ceva; caldura s-a intors (evident), iar acum pana si IDEEA unei astfel de haine pare penibila.


So this blazer is one of my best vintage finds. EVER. It’s one of the few vintage pieces I didn’t have to alter in order to fit me, it has a great shape and an awesome color. Plus, the icing on the cake is that I bought it for 3 bucks.

Sacoul acesta este una dintre cele mai bune achizitii de vintage pe care le-am facut. VREODATA. E una dintre putinele piese care n-au necesitat ore in mainile croitoresei inainte de a le putea purta, are o forma grozava iar culoarea e si mai grozava. Pe langa asta, cireasa de pe tort e ca am platit pentru el vreo 10 lei daca-mi aduc bine aminte.



I’m wearing a vintage Christian Dior blazer, a vintage shirt and jewellery, C&A jeans, Steve Madden sandals, Asos watch and a vintage Chanel bag.

Port un sacou vintage Christian Dior, camasa si bijuterii vintage, jeansi C&A, sandale Steve Madden, ceas Asos si geanta vintage Chanel.


“I want the fairy tale”


EN: Whether you are a fashionista, a clothes collector or just interested in fashion, you gotta love vintage! There is something special about objects from the past, not knowing where they’ve been, who have they been worn by, on what occasion, how much did they cost and so on; it’s a wonderful feeling that makes you (or me at least) think about the item’s history and value it even more.
I discovered vintage a few years ago and ever since I’ve been drawn to scouring local thrift shops just hoping I’ll stumble across a gorgeous 1950’s crinoline dress, a Chanel suit or some big glamorous hats. Still working to find that Chanel suit but I did find a lot of other goodies that are very dear to me and make me feel special every time I wear them.
The dress I’m wearing today is a vintage Louis Feraud number that I bought online a few months ago. It’s made from a very soft silk, it’s perfectly fitted for my body shape and it has this cute sash line which is supposed to be used as a belt. However, my two left hands are incapable of doing a pretty bow, so, as you can see, I decided to use it as a headscarf.
Somehow it reminds me about Julia Roberts in “Pretty woman”… Got the dress, now the only thing I need in my life is a Richard Gere. Yummy.

RO: Indiferent ca esti o fashionista, o colectionara de haine sau doar pasionata de moda, nu ai cum sa nu iubesti vintageul! Pentru mine, fiecare obiect din trecut are ceva special, o aura misterioasa creata din nestiinta. Nestiinta locului din care provine, a oamenilor care l-au posedat/purtat sau a pretului platit ; e un sentiment minunat care te face (sau cel putin pe mine ma face) sa te gandesti la trecutul obiectului si sa-l valorezi chiar mai mult decat o faci.
Am descoperit vintageul acum cativa ani si de atunci, deseori mi se intampla sa-mi petrec timpul prin second handuri locale cotrobaind, cautand, rasfirand umerase, in cautare de…o rochie cu crinolina din anii 50 sa zicem. Sau un costum Chanel. Sau macar niste palarii mari, opulente. Inca lucrez la partea cu gasirea costumului Chanel dar, in schimb, am gasit multe alte “comori”, foarte dragi mie si care ma fac sa ma simt special de fiecare data cand le imbrac.
Rochia pe care o port in postarea de astazi este o piesa vintage Louis Feraud, cumparata de pe un blog autohton in vara aceasta. E facuta dintr-o matase foarte fina, vine ca turnata pe forma corpului meu si are si aceasta bucata de material, pe care, banuiesc ca ar trebui sa o folosesc pe post de curea. Evident ca nu-s in stare sa fac o funda decenta, astfel ca o port ca esarfa legata pe cap. Intr-un fel imi aduce aminte de Julia Roberts in “Pretty woman”… E bine zic. Rochia o am, ce mai imi trebuie acum e un Richard Gere. Yummy.





Dress/Rochie: vintage Louis Feraud
Sandals/Sandale: Jessica Simpson
Bag/Geanta: vintage
Belt/Curea: vintage Escada
Necklace/Colier: vintage Yves Saint Laurent
Ring/Inel: H&M


Happy thrills






EN: Today “Thrill of the heel” turns 1 year old. THANK YOU! I couldn’t have done it without you 🙂

RO: Astazi “Thrill of the heel” a implinit un an. VA MULTUMESC! Nu as/ar fi ajuns aici fara voi 🙂

Pants/Pantaloni: Topshop
Blouse/Bluza: vintage
Shoes/Pantofi: no name (miniprix)
Belt/Curea: no name
Earrings/Cercei: vintage from my granny/vintage de la bunica
Clutch/Plic: vintage


They don't make them like they used to


EN: Why don’t they make blazers like this anymore? I’m starting to get annoyed by that straight up and down, boyfriend cut blazer, which can be found in any highstreet shop and not only. Have you noticed that those colorful blazers Zara did for the last season, are EVERYWHERE? Yeah, me too.
As for me, lately I’m really into jackets with big shoulder pads. Think Dynasty.
Anyway, the thing is I found this one in a thrift store and fell in love not only with the shoulders but also with the nipped-waist, which is a big plus for a waistline lover as myself. So yeah, I had to buy it and show it some love. Now…let me ask that question one more time. Why don’t they make blazers like this anymore?!?

RO: De ce nu se mai fac sacouri de genul asta? Incepe sa ma calce pe nervi modelul acela drept, boyfriend, care se gaseste in toate, toate, cam toate, magazinele de highstreet si nu numai. Daca ati observat, in special modelele alea colorate care au aparut la Zara in colectia trecuta, sunt peste tot.
In ceea ce ma priveste, in ultimul timp ma intereseaza tot mai mult sacourile cu umeri “bufanti”,umpluti cu pernite, cum se purtau in anii 80. Ganditi-va la Dynasty. Intamplarea a facut sa-l gasesc pe asta, care nu numai ca indeplineste cerinta umerilor de rugbyist (nu stiu cum e croit de stau umerii aia asa, dar pernite n-are), dar are si un sistem de prindere pe talie destul de misto. Deci DA! Imi PLACE PLACE PLACE! Si acum repet intrebarea… De ce nu se mai fac sacouri de genul asta?!?


Blazer/Sacou: thrifted C&A
Jeans: Topshop
Shoes/Pantofi: ASOS
T-shirt/Tricou: C&A
Jewellery/Bijuterii: no name




EN: In case you’re wondering why do I look so bitter in these photos and even worse, why do I wear flats ( this is a first here on my blog), the answer is…the lack of sleep. I live near a bar/restaurant where every weekend( but also during the week) are organized parties. Usually the music is loud but still, one can sleep. Last night though, I thought I’m going mad. The music was extremely loud, people were screaming and not even the police could restore order. It was a bloddy circus! And it lasted till 5 a.m! At 6 o’clock I finally got to sleep but, of course, my happiness ended quickly since my neighbours thought it was a good idea to start breaking walls. Anyway, the thing is I have a terrible headache and I hope that tonight I’ll finally catch some sleep.
Hope you had a better night than me!

RO: Poate observati ce moaca de acritura am. Poate va intrebati de la ce mi se trage. Ei bine, am creierii terci. Ma doare capul si sunt nedormita de niste multe ore datorita programului artistic cu care m-am delectat azi noapte.
Povestea a inceput pe la ora 24:00 cand, neclubista si nebambooista cum sunt, am zis sa ma culc. Intamplarea face ca locuiesc in apropierea unui local, jumatate carciuma jumatate restaurant, unde, mai ales in weekenduri, dar si in timpul saptamanii, se organizeaza petreceri. Muzica e tare intotdeauna, e imposibil sa nu auzi, dar in general poti dracului sa dormi fara flaconu’ de extraveral. Azi noapte insa nu. Se zguduiau geamurile de tare ce era…A fost o aniversare banuiesc, care m-a tinut treaza pana-n zori. A BĂGAT BĂEŢII MANELE pana la 5 dimineata. Cu tambalagii, cu acordeonisti, cu dedicatii, cu zbierete, cu chiuituri, ce mai, un vis! Inca imi pulseaza cultura in vene la ce am auzit acolo… Am retinut si cateva versuri dar ma abtin de la asemenea informatii. Vedeti ce va menajez?
Se pare ca n-am fost eu singura oripilata iar suferinta mi-a fost impartasita si de alti locatari care au chemat politia. A venit si politia, nu stiu ce-au rezolvat sau ce n-au rezolvat mai bine zis, ca circul ala nu s-a oprit nicio secunda. La un moment dat, am scos capul pe geam. Nu m-a surprins sa vad ca erau parcate in fata localului numai masini scumpe(nu ma pricep) dar se vedea ca nu erau luate cu programul rabla. Numai sange albastru era acolo, va spun. Ma gandeam la biata mama care conduce un Logan. Fraieră, n-are valoare. Nu s-a orientat. O arde cu Leonard Cohen, Chris Isaak si alti papagali d’astia. Asa-i trebuie daca n-a prins ritmul, sa conduca Logan acum. (Poate ati observat ca in general astia axati pe rafinament muzical gen Salam, o duc destul de bine. De la sunci revarsate peste cureaua cu sclipici D&G si cefe groase, pana la lantauri de aur atarnate suav pe toata burta. Deh, au oamenii cu ce.)
Sublim. Pe la un 5-6 s-a terminat paranghelia. Am pus capul pe perna si am reusit sa dorm vreo 2 ore. Atat nu mai mult, ca la 8 au inceput vecinii sa sparga ziduri. Asadar m-am trezit cu o dispozitie senzationala. La noapte, daca nu deranjez pe cineva, poate si dorm.
Despre tinuta nu stiu ce sa va zic decat ca m-am imbracat cu o mare lipsa de chef si poate observati ca port sandale fara nici cel mai mic toc. N-am avut nervi de asfalt romanesc.





Dress/Rochie: Orsay
Belt/Curea: Pimkie
Sandals/Sandale: New Yorker
Bag/Geanta: C&A
Hat/Palarie: Meli Melo
Jewellery/Bijuterii: vintage si no name


Not even once

EN: I think I’m starting to develop an obsession with wide legged or flared pants. And the obsession is turning into collection. This may seem as a disagreement with myself and what I always say, that I feel better wearing skirts and dresses instead of pants, don’t you think? Well, I think it’s all about the shape. This type of wide legged pants, like the ones I’m wearing today, have this great cut that makes my legs feel free, almost untouched by the fabric and me feeling like I wear a skirt. And sometimes, they do look as a skirt.
Anyway, I tried more than one combo before getting to this final outfit and my first options were all about a fitted upper part and the loose bootom. That of course, would be the best choice (especially for non-tall gals like me) but let’s not forget about belts and how well they can play with proportions and give structure to an outfit. So I started with the loose pants, added the printed shirt (which is too big for me), then the drapped vest and finished off the look with a waist belt and some accessories. I love the final result, especially the juxtaposition of textures and colors! Of course I could’ve tucked the shirt into the pants and give up the vest and the belt, but that would’ve been too boring, too common and too lacking of personality. And that never happens in my world:P

RO: Cred ca am inceput sa dezvolt o obsesie pentru pantalonii largi sau evazati. Obsesie care degenereaza in colectie. Ar putea parea ca ma contrazic singura, nu-i asa? Avand in vedere de cate ori am afirmat ca ma simt mai bine in fuste si-n rochii decat in pantaloni… Ei bine, cred ca explicatia rezulta din croiala. Genul acesta de pantaloni, ca cei pe care ii port in postarea de astazi, sunt croiti de asa natura incat imi simt picioarele libere, abia mi se ating de material (gratie excesului) si imi dau senzatia ca defapt as purta o fusta lunga, nicidecum pantaloni. Priviti din anumite unghiuri, chiar pot parea fusta. Am incercat mai multe variante inainte de a ajunge la tinuta pe care o vedeti in poze, m-am jucat cu proportiile si culorile si am vrut initial sa aleg ceva mai stramt pe corp pentru partea de sus. Asa ar fi fost normal si corect din punct de vedere al regulilor pe care le gasiti pe orice site sau revista de moda: balansarea jumatatii inferioare cu cea superioara. Mai pe romaneste, ti-ai luat ceva larg in partea de jos, iti iei ceva mai stramt in partea de sus. Si invers. Ceea ce e corect. In caz contrar, mai ales pentru duduile ca mine, neinzestrate cu picioare pana-n gat si multi cm in inaltime, apare efectul piticului bondoc, inghitit de masele de material fara forma sau structura. O alta varianta pentru echilibrarea proportiilor, care mie personal imi place mai mult, tine de centuri. In cazul de fata, camasa pe care o port imi e cu vreo 3-4 numere mai mari, vesta e pe marimea mea, insa tot ar fi aratat lalai si drept de colo pana colo daca nu ma foloseam de curea. Imi place mult juxtapunerea de texturi si forme care a iesit! Puteam eventual sa bag camasa in pantaloni si sa renunt la vesta drapata si curea, insa era prea banal, prea plictisitor, prea inspid, prea lipsit de sare si piper. Iar asta, in lumea mea, nu se intampla niciodata:P




Pants/Pantaloni: River Island
Shirt/Camasa: thrifted
Vest/Vesta: Topshop
Belt/Curea: vintage Escada
Sunnies/Ochelari de soare: vintage Ray-Ban
Bag/Geanta: Mango
Jewellery/Bijuterii: vintage and no name



EN: For some reason, in the past few years I chose to stay away from wearing prints, even less mixing them. I don’t know why I felt like I’d rather wear 10 colors all at the same time instead of mixing some bloody stripes with, I don’t know…polka dots? What’s the worst that could have happened? People staring? Oh wait…that happens all the time. God, I love my country! (please detect the dose of sarcasm)
Anyway, I finally started exploring the world of mixology and surprise! i’m starting to get the hang of it. Well, I’m not quite there yet, throwing prints together in a matter of seconds that work perfectly, but I’m slowly working my way around! For now I’m just sticking with the safer options but soon enough you’ll be seeing me thinking outside the box and having way much more fun with this trend.

RO: Nu stiu din care motiv, in ultimii ani am avut niste pitici pe creier care imi dictau sa nu ma ating de imprimeuri, cu atat mai putin sa port mai multe in aceiasi tinuta. Habar n-am de ce mi se parea mai ok sa port 10 culori deodata dar cand auzeam de dungi cu buline, ma lua alergia. La fel de bine, nu stiu ce se putea intampla daca incercam. As fi comis o crima teribila probabil…si m-ar fi criticat aceleasi somitati in domeniu care m-au “invatat” ca negru merge cu orice :> Oh, dar stai…asta se intampla cam tot timpul. Si cred ca v-am mai spus cat de mult imi iubesc tara. Mai ales cetatenii umblatori pe strada foarte preocupati sa ma informeze ce parere au despre cum sunt eu imbracata. Intr-un mod extrem de civilizat, desigur. Doar suntem in tara lui Salam si a Printesei Ardealului. (Sper ca simtiti doza de ironie).
Una peste alta, a inceput sa-mi surada ideea combinatiilor de imprimeuri si surpriza, nu musca. Ba chiar imi place, si, usor usor, incep sa ma familiarizez cu jocul. Inca nu am ajuns la nivelul la care sa reusesc o potrivire perfecta din primele secunde, dar experimentez cat de mult pot cu amestecurile “sigure” si sunt convinsa ca in curand, voi capata ceva mai multa abilitate.





So, this is what I wore yesterday. Zara top, Topshop skirt, thrifted vest, no name wedges, vintage Chanel bag, Asos watch, H&M rings, no name belt and earrings. Oh, and I made that necklace with some gold chain I had and my granny’s choker:D See? I’m mixing stuff already.

Asta am purtat ieri. Bluza Zara, fust Topshop, vesta luata din SH, pantofi no name, geanta vintage Chanel, ceas Asos, inele H&M, curea si cercei no name. Ah, iar colierul l-am facut acum cateva zile dintr-un lant auriu vechi si un alt colier luat de la bunica. Vedeti? Deja amestec treburi. Alte treburi decat imprimeurile:P



EN: Normally, this time of the year draws everybody’s attention to the ss collections. I for one, try to stay away from them and focus mostly on the aw ones. Not that I don’t like them, not that staying away could make my heart beat slower when I think about them but I prefer not to deceive myself into thinking about bare legs, golden shoulders, chiffon, silk, straw hats or sandals when what I’m going to face here is the winter nightmare. I’m getting scared just thinking about the low temperatures, the ice on the ground (“can’t wait”), the dirty snow, the short days and the long nights, too many layers, hats, gloves, scarves, ugly boots, cold hands and legs, and of course, the hibernation mode. Last year I missed a lot of the classes I had to attend because of the freakin’ cold and I think this year will be no exception. You get the point. However, I’m pretty excited about the coming of autumn and I’m looking forward to experiment with all the ideas I got from the catwalks.
In case you haven’t noticed yet, I hate minimalism so none of what I’ll show you here will have anything to do with that. So, let’s start:

RO: In mod normal, perioada aceasta a anului indreapta atentia tuturor pasionatilor de moda catre colectiile de primavara-vara. Eu una insa, ma feresc de ele si “studiez” in detaliu pe cele de toamna-iarna, prezentate acum cateva luni. Nu ca nu mi-ar place, nu ca mi-ar infrana catusi de putin dorintele sau m-ar ajuta sa-mi indrept gandurile catre alta directie, insa prefer sa nu ma amagesc sau iluzionez cu picioare dezgolite, umeri aurii, chiffon, matase, palarii de paie si sandale, cand pe mine ma asteapta cosmarul iernii, cu temperaturi pe minus, gheata pe jos (oh da, “abia astept”), zapada murdara, zile scurte si nopti lungi, aburi la orice suflu, treijda’ mii da straturi, caciuli, manusi, fulare, bocanci urati, maini si picioare reci permanent, plus, desigur, hibernare pana la venirea primaverii. Pot s-o tin asa la nesfarsit sau sa va povestesc cat de mult am absentat de la cursuri iarna trecuta, de urat ce-mi era sa ies din casa si sa infrunt viscolul (cu precizarea ca stateam la 5 minute distanta de cladirea facultatii). Ma rog, ati inteles ideea. Ma consolez totusi cu ajutorul temperaturilor intermediare ale toamnei si oferta bogata de idei propusa de designeri.
Recunosc ca n-am avut rabdarea de a lua la puricat toata rubrica de fall/winter 2011-2012 de pe, dar, din ce am rasfoit, iata ce m-a incantat si am salvat in computer pentru a-mi servi ca inspiratie in lunile urmatoare. Mentionez ca nimic din ce am ales nu are de-a face cu minimalismul.





1. Dior, the collection I liked the most, same as the Gucci one
Capes, hats, otk boots, laced booties worn with thick socks, fur coats and collars, rich colors and textures such as velvet, chiffon, cashmere, silk, leather, masive jewellery (especially the massive necklaces with the cameo pendants), spiced up with the dark make up, they all create in my mind an obscure, mysterious and romantic image (all at the same time), which I can’t wait to reinterpretate in the upcoming months

1. Dior, pe prima pozitie in topul preferintelor mele, la egalitate cu cea Gucci
Cape, palarii, cizme peste genunchi, botine cu siret purtate cu sosete groase, gulere si haini din blana, culori si texturi bogate din catifea, voal, casmir, matase, piele, bijuterii masive (mai ales colierele cu pandantive stil camee), completate de un machiaj intunecos, creaza in mintea mea o imagine obscura, misterioasa si romantica in acelasi timp, pe care abia astept s-o interpretez in lunile ce vor urma




2. Gucci
Amazing. A gorgeous mixture between the 70’s and the 40’s that holds a special place in my heart because of the rich, jewel-tone color pallete, the flawlessly tailored wide-leg trousers, the opulence, the chinched waists, the big hats, the sheer dresses, the midi skirts and the fur collars. LOVE

2. Gucci
Mirific. O combinatie senzationala intre anii 70 si 40, ce m-a cucerit incepand cu paleta coloristica in nuante de pietre pretioase si terminand cu pantalonii largi croiti impecabil. Opulenta, taliile marcate, palariile mari, rochiile transparente, fustele de lungime medie si gulerele de blana sunt doar alte cateva detalii care fac deliciul subsemnatei.




3. Marc by Marc Jacobs
This is not the first time I share my love for this collection. Remember the green dress? You can read the entire post here.

3. Marc by Marc Jacobs
Nu e prima data cand imi exprim dragostea fata de colectia aceasta. Va spuneam acum ceva vreme cat de mult imi place rochia verde din prima fotografie si cum cautam alternative pe piata de highstreet. Puteti citi postul intreg aici.

alberta feretti1

alberta feretti2

4. Alberta Feretti
I only liked the first outfits, the ones wich had a strong 60’s and 70’s vibe in them, along with the rich colors: petrol blue, purple and pink. Also, I thought the otk velvet boots were amazing.

4. Alberta Feretti
O colectie care m-a incantat preponderent la inceputul showului prin bogatia culorilor (albastru petrol, mov si roz) si a siluetelor inspirate din moda anilor 60 si 70. De remarcat cizmele peste genunchi din catifea.

diane von furstenberg1

diane von furstenberg2

5. Diane von Furstenberg
She’s usually not one of my favorites, but for this season, I really liked the high waisted pencil skirts, the wide belts placed on the waist, the autumn shades, the golden details and the eccentric prints.

5. Diane von Furstenberg
In mod obisnuit nu una din preferatele mele, Diane von Furstenberg, mi-a captat atentia sezonul acesta datorita fustelor creion cu talie inalta, centurilor late plasate pe talie, culorilor tomnatice si a detaliilor aurii plus imprimeurile excentrice.

Besides these 5, I also liked, here in there:
Pe langa acestea 5, mi-au mai placut, pe alocuri:


6. Etro


7. Chloe

stella mc1

8. Stella McCartney

In case you’re interested, I made a litlle collage in photoshop (see below) using some of these images and some others I saved in my inspirational folder. I use it as a wallpaper:) You can download it from here.

Adunand imagini din colectiile acestea plus alte fotografii salvate in folderul meu inspirational, m-am jucat putin in photoshop si am facut colajul de mai jos. Daca intereseaza pe cineva, il puteti descarca la dimensiune mare de aici. Eu il folosesc pe post de wallpaper:)


Your turn now. What were your favorite a/w collections? What are you going to wear this season?

Bon. Voua ce colectii de toamna/iarna v-au placut? Ce veti purta in lunile care urmeaza?

Are we done yet?




EN: It’s supposed to be autumn, or at least that’s what I heard. In a few months I know I’ll be dreaming about these times when I could actually get out of the house without wearing an entire rack of thick sweaters, but for now, I must admit I am getting sick of summer clothes. However, there are a lot of easy breezy pieces that I haven’t worn this season and I’m trying to get as much wear as I can from them. For example…
I got this embelished top from H&M a while ago and I think it’s great for layering (well, you need some decent temperatures to do that, so of course this outfit doesn’t qualify ). I paired it (also) with a H&M skirt, Zara sandals, vintage Louis Vuitton bag, no name and vintage jewellery and a Nina Ricci scarf that I used to make a turban. Thank god there’s Youtube to show us, the people with two left hands, how to do things. Things such as head wraps:P

RO: Se presupune ca a venit toamna. Sau cel putin asa stiam eu ca ar trebui sa fie. Sunt destul de sigura ca peste cateva luni, cand ma voi tavali si lovi de toti peretii disperata de frig si nu voi putea iesi din casa fara 38656,5 pulovere, imi va fi dor de vremurile acestea. Pentru moment insa, recunosc ca mi s-a acrit de caldura si de hainele de vara. Ma rog, n-am reusit sa port multe dintre hainele subtiri, moi, vaporoase, specifice verii, asa ca incerc sa ingras porcul in ajun cat de mult pot. Par example…
Am luat bluza aceasta acum ceva vreme de la H&M, atrasa fiind de detaliul cu margele din jurul gatului. Mi se pare interesanta pentru layering (asta daca ai si o vreme decenta care sa-ti permita layering. La 35 de grade, e clar ca outfitul asta nu se califica). Am purtat-o asadar cu o fusta tot de la H&M, sandale Zara, geanta vintage Louis Vuitton, bijuterii no name si vintage si o esarfa vintage Nina Ricci pe care am folosit-o ca sa imi fac un turban. Nu va imaginati ca sunt in stare sa fac ceva (ce necesita indemanare) de capul meu fara instructiuni precise, NU. Mai indemanatic decat mine e probabil un bizon cu pensula in copita, pus sa picteze pe panza, dar multumesc ‘alui de sus ca exista Youtube care ne arata cum sa facem chestii. Chestii ca turbanele:P







Pants/Pantaloni: River Island
Shirt/Camasa: vintage
Blazer/Sacou: Topshop
Sandals/Sandale: New Look
Sunnies/Ochelari de soare: vintage Lanvin
Jewellery/Bijuterii: vintage and no name

Have a great week everyone! xoxo

O saptamana frumoasa va doresc! :*

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