Blue jeans blues
EN: Everytime my mom sees me wearing these jeans she’s like “ My poor kid, she has nothing to wear…She basically lives in one single pair of jeans, gifted by strangers from pity. And she wore them so much they have holes… Maybe we should try raising some funds so you can have a decent pair of pants, don’t you think?”
Yep, she hates them. And the truth is, I’m NOT a jeans person at all but these Topshop boyfriend jeans (which by the record, are not gifted and not worn to death-that’s just the way I bought them:P) are really comfy and I like them even though they make me look like a beggar some times:D
My blouse is vintage, my sandals are from Zara and the bag and the accessories are no name and vintage.
RO: De fiecare data cand ma vede maica mea purtand jeansii astia, tine sa faca misto de mine cu texte precum “ Saracul meu copil, n-are cu ce sa se imbrace… Traieste biata de ea intr-o singura pereche de jeansi, si aia primita din mila de la straini. Si i-a purtat asa de mult ca au facut gauri… Poate ar trebui sa facem cheta in bloc ca sa-ti luam si tie o pereche de pantaloni decenti, nu crezi?”
Mda, ii uraste. Iar adevarul este ca eu nu sunt DELOC vreo impatimita a jeansilor dar perechea asta de boyfriend jeans de la Topshop(care apropo, nu sunt nici primiti de la straini si nici purtati pana au facut gauri-pur si simplu asa i-am cumparat:P) sunt tare comfortabli si imi plac chiar daca ma fac sa arat ca o cersatoare uneori:D
Bluza e vintage, sandalele sunt luate din Zara iar geanta si accesoriile sunt no name si vintage.
Blazers don't come easy
I’m not saying I want winter back (god forbid, I’m mortified just thinking about that crapy ice and the cold) but as much as I love summer and the friendly temperatures, I have to admit I miss layering, wearing my vintage hats, over the knee boots, cozy jumpers and above all, my blazers. Most of them are too thick to wear during August so lately I’ve been on a continuous search for the perfect summer blazer or at least a shirt that looks like one. I finally found this one at H&M and it’s pretty much what I wanted-light, made from a soft fabric and perfect for layering.
In niciun caz nu-mi doresc sa vina iarna(doamne fereste, ma cuprinde spaima doar cand ma gandesc la porcaria aia de gheata care va fi pe asfalt si frigul insuportabil) dar oricat de mult as iubi vara si temperaturile prietenoase, recunosc ca mi-e dor sa port straturi, sa port palariile mele vintage, cizmele peste genunchi, puloverele pufoase si inainte de toate, sacourile. Majoritatea pe care le am sunt mult prea groase de purtat in August asa ca in ultimul timp am fost intr-o cautare continua a sacoului perfect pe timp de vara sau macar o camasa croita ca un sacou. Am gasit in sfarsit pe acesta mov la H&M si in mare, e cam tot ce mi-am dorit-subtire, facut dintr-un material moale si placut si foarte bun pentru straturi.
Here I’m wearing it with Topshop shorts, a vintage shirt, Steve Madden sandals, vintage YSL necklace, ASOS watch and Dasha clutch.
Aici il port alaturi de pantaloni scurti Topshop, o camasa vintage, sandale Steve Madden, lant vintage YSL, ceas asos si plic Dasha.
Am facut pozele acestea saptamana trecuta inainte de a-l duce pe fratele meu mai mic la antrenament, la fotbal. M-am imbracat destul de casual intr-o rochie gen anii 60(imi aduce aminte de Twiggy intr-un fel) luata din H&M acum ceva vreme. Forma patratoasa nu e tocmai genul meu dar imi place cum vine:)
As you probably notice, I wasn’t wearing too many accessories (no, 3 rings, sunglasses, a bag and shoes don’t qualify for many if you ask me) cause I needed my hands bare for later on when I went vintage shopping with my mom. I found the most amazing Lanvin jacket that day! I think I’m gonna do a post about the vintage pieces I found lately cause there are a few gorgeous things that I think you guys are gonna love!
Poate ati observat ca nu am purtat multe accesorii(nu, 3 inele, ochelari de soare, geanta si pantofii nu se califica in categoria “multe” daca ma intrebati pe mine) din cauza ca am mers cu mama mai tarziu la cumparaturi prin sh uri si acolo trebuie dexteritate cand cotrobai, nu e de bijuterii:)) Am avut noroc in ziua aia, am gasit o senzationala jacheta Lanvin! Cred ca o sa fac in curand o postare cu ultimele noutati in materie de vintage pentru ca am gasit cateva lucruri superbe care cred ca v-ar place si voua!
Dress/Rochie: old H&M
Sandals/Sandale: no name
Bag/Geanta: vintage Chanel
Sunglasses/Ochelari de soare: ASOS
Rings/Inele: H&M and no name
New in: Miu Miu
RO: Treaba e ca mereu am fost obsedata de colectia Miu Miu primavara-vara 2010. Nici pana acum n-am vazut ceva mai dragalas decat ea, mai ales pantofii. Cum sa rezisti la asa cevaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:
Anyway, at that point, paying 800$ for a pair of shoes seemed rather unlikely, unless an unforeseen inheritance droped into my lap. Sweet dreams… So,for the moment I had to take my thoughts away from the satin candy goodness, untill this year, when I scored these babies over E-bay for a fraction of the first price. You know that feeling when you buy some awesome piece of clothing or some great shoes and you wonder how you ever managed to get dressed without it? Well, that’s how I felt after getting my new Miu Miu shoes.
Ma rog, la momentul acela, putin probabil sa fi avut 800$ de dat pe o pereche de pantofi, decat daca mi-ar fi picat in cap o mostenire de la vreo matusa pierduta prin Canare. Vise… Eh, pana la urma a trebuit sa-mi iau gandul de la bombonelele de satin, pana cand, anul acesta, am gasit perechea aceasta pe Ebay pentru doar o parte din pretul original. Stiti sentimentul acela cand cumparati o haina noua fabuloasa sau niste pantofi grozavi si apoi va intrebati “cum naiba am reusit sa ma imbrac pana acum fara asta?” ? Eh, cam asa m-am simtit eu dupa ce am primit pantofii astia.
What’s funny is that now I kinda don’t want to wear them because they are so perfect and I’m afraid I’ll spoil their perfection…
Ce e amuzant acum e ca nu prea vreau sa-i port de frica de a nu le strica perfectiunea…
Last Monday
RO: Lunea trecuta am petrecut o zi frumoasa cu fetele de la The Hearabouts: Sandra si Evelina. Sandra e una din persoanele alea cu picioare interminabile care ma enerveaza pe mine foarte tare(bine, eu defapt o urasc pentru asta) iar Evelina…sa zicem doar ca mi-ar place sa am parul ei. Fetele au venit in oras la mine si am fost in cautare de comori vintage, am mers mult, am dat de un nene dezbracat la Mc’Donalds(pe bune, era un ticnit care a intrat in fast food doar in chiloti. Sexi grav…dar ne-a cam speriat. L-au ridicat cu politia sau ceva), am ras mult, am vorbit mult si am facut si cateva poze!
I wore one of my favourite granny dresses
Eu am purtat una din rochiile mele de bunicuta preferate
No name and vintage jewllery and 6 inch heels, of course
Bijuterii no name si vintage si tocuri de 15, evident
Seeeeeeeeeeeee? Even with 6 inch plus and I’m not as tall as Sandra is! And she was wearing flats! Damn…
Vedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeti? Chiar si cu ditai tocurile si tot nu sunt cat Sandra! Si purta balerini:| Fir-ar
That’s the hair I’m talking about, I love it!
Despre parul asta vorbesc:D Imi place mult!
I would just like to say happy birthday for their blog 1 year anniversary! I would’ve bought a cake or something if I knew earlier… So Happy Birthday, girls! xoxox
In inchiere as vrea sa le urez un calduros la multi ani pentru aniversarea de 1 an a blogului lor! As fi luat un tort sau ceva daca stiam de mai devreme… Deci LA MULTI ANI, fetelor! :*:*:*
It must have been love
RO: Inspiratia mea pentru tinuta asta a plecat de la Uliana Sergienko. Stiti voi…rusoaica aceea superba, cu ochi albastrii, buze pline, picioare lungi si un stil genial? Perfect daca ma intrebati pe mine. Ma obsedeaza cu fustele alea ale ei lungi si tocurile inaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalte!
Anyway, I started with this pleated yellow skirt(which I totally love) and as much as I wanted to create a more romantic outfit with a sheer shirt and a cute clutch, I had to go with a crop top and a big bag to fit all the junk I had to carry with me while running errands in the city at 90ºF.
Asadar, am plecat de la fusta plisata galbena(pe care o iubesc) cu ideea de a crea o tinuta eleganta si romantica dar oricat mi-as fi dorit eu asta, a trebuit sa ma multumesc cu un top scurt si o geanta mare in care sa-mi incapa toate porcariile de carat cu mine cat imi fac treburile prin oras. In amaiaza mare, la doar 33 de grade.
I’m wearing a vintage skirt, New Yorker crop top, Topshop shoes, no name accessories and vintage Moschino belt.
Port o fusta vintage, top New Yorker, pantofi Topshop, accesorii no name si curea vintage Moschino.
Despite the heat, the many blocks I had to walk and the stares, I felt really fabulous dressed like this:) What clothes make YOU feel fabulous?
Insa in ciuda caldurii, multelor strazi colindate si a holbarilor, m-am simtit cu adevarat fabulos imbracata asa:) Pe VOI ce haine va fac sa va simtiti fabulos?
Marc by Marc Jacobs FW 2011. Alternatives
RO: Una dintre colectiile care mi-a placut foarte mult pentru urmatorul sezon este colectia Marc by Marc Jacobs.
I fell deeply in love with the deep rusty shades, the pussy bows, the hats!!! and the wide legged trousers but most of all,I loved the greens.
M-am indragostit profund de nuantele de ruginiu, de fundele de la gat, de palarii!!! si de pantalonii largi dar cel mai mult si cel mai mult, mi-au placut nuantele de verde.
EN: And to be more specific, this dress has really caught my attention. I have a soft spot for that green and the pussy bow makes it even more perfect…not to mention that it’s made out of silk.
RO: Si ca sa fiu si mai precisa, rochia aceasta mi-a atras atentia in mod deosebit. Am o slabiciune pentru verdele acela iar daca mai punem la socoteala ca are si funda, e dragoste curata. Asta ca sa nu mai spun ca e facuta in totalitate din matase.
EN: Anyway, I checked online and it’s…500$. TOO DAMN PRICEY! If you can afford it, ok, I hate you, but for me, there has to be an alternative. Check out what I found:
RO: Frumos, da, doar ca sa nu uitam de eticheta. Am verificat online si costa 500$. MULT PREA MULT! Cel putin pentru buzunarul meu…In cazul in care voi vi-o permiteti, ok, va urasc, dar pentru mine, trebuie sa caut alternative. Si iata ce am gasit…
Dorothy Perkins, 69$
Same color and buttons line. Quite similar, don’t you think?
Aceiasi culoare si linie a nasturilor. Destul de similare, nu vi se pare?
ASOS, 58$
Also available in orange and blumarine
Disponibila si in portocaliu sau albastru
Philosophy di Alberta Ferretti, 208$
This one is a bit pricey but it’s actually on sale from 524$(wow, even more expensive)
Aceasta e un pic mai scumpa dar se pare ca de fapt e la reduceri de la 524$(wow, asta inseamna ca defapt a fost chiar mai scumpa decat MJ)
Debenhams, 131$
That’s an interesting detail on the shoulders
Interesant detaliul de pe umeri
Rusty zipper, 32$
And a bit of vintage, from the 1970
Si o varianta vintage din 1970
River Island, 50$
This one is my personal favourite! Ah, if only River Island would deliver outside the UK…
Personal, aceasta imi place cel mai mult! Ah, daca ar livra River Island si in afara UK…
Yes style, 80$
Last but not least, a very cute chiffon dress, also available in pink.
Nu in ultimul rand, o rochie foarte draguta din chiffon, disponibila si pe roz.
Which collections are you lusting after for autumn?
Voi ce colectii ravniti pentru toamna?
Darling, i'm not swimming in it
“Yep. So what? You wouldn’t know if I didn’t tell you anyway”
Just for the record, he loves it anyway:P
RO: Va place topul meu? Ei bine, defapt nu prea e un top ci un costum de baie vintage Christian Dior care a starnit o serie de reactii diferite ultima data cand l-am purtat. Eram afara cu prietenul meu iar el zicea ceva de top(nu mai stiu ce) si in timp ce vorbea, i-am spus ca nu e niciun top, ci costum de baie. Iar el era stupefiat:
“Adica ce porti tu acum e un costum de baie?!?! :|”
“ Dap. Si daca e, ce? Oricum nu-ti dadeai seama daca nu-ti spuneam eu”
Eh, pana la urma se pare ca-i place si asa:P
EN: Don’t get me wrong, it’s great for the pool but I like it more as a top! And I’m crazy about that backless cut… I plan on wearing it with a lot of stuff, from wide leg pants to maxi and midi skirts…
RO: Nu ma intelegeti gresit, e grozav si pentru piscina dar mie imi place mai mult ca top! Iar croiala aceea cu spatele gol ma innebuneste… Am de gand sa-l port cu multe lucruri, de la pantaloni largi pana la fuste maxi si midi…
I love these shoes!
Top(swimear)/Top(costum de baie): vintage Christian Dior
Skirt/Fusta: River Island
Belt/Curea: vintage Escada
Shoes/Pantofi: no name
Watch/Ceas: ASOS
Bag/Geanta: vintage
P.S. Last week I answered to a few questions in a cute interview the lovely Kristel from En la moda did with me. You can read it here if you like:)
P.S. Saptamana trecuta am raspuns catorva intrebari intr-un interviu dragut pe care Kristel, detinatoarea blogului En la moda, mi le-a adresat. Il puteti citi aici daca vreti:)
Sequins are something that I usually didn’t wear…untill recently. I don’t know why but I used to have something against sequins, satin and everything glittery and that’s why this blue sequined top is the only shiny thing in my closet. I got it about 2 weeks ago and since then I kept thinking how to wear it and on what occasion(obvious, I came to no conclusion). So, last weekend I finally got to wear it. No special event to attend, I wore it just because I wanted to and because I feel good in it. And after all…why should I need a special occasion to wear something that makes me feel good?:)
Paietele sunt ceva ce eu in mod normal nu purtam….pana de curand. Nu stiu de ce dar aveam o chestie care ma tinea departe de paiete, satin si in general de lucruri sclipicioase, motiv pentru care topul acesta albastru este singurul si cel mai lucios obiect din garderoba mea. L-am luat acum vreo 2 saptamani si de atunci m-am tot gandit cu ce sa-l port si cu ce ocazie(evident n-am ajuns la nicio concluzie). Asa ca weekendul trecut l-am scos in lume fara vreun eveniment deosebit la orizont, doar pentru ca asa am vrut si pentru ca ma simt bine in el. Si pana la urma…de ce ar fi nevoie de o ocazie speciala ca sa port ceva care ma face sa ma simt bine?:)
Worn with vintage pants, no name belt, YSL vintage necklace and ASOS shoes and watch.