Keep it simple?

For me, an outfit without accessories feels incomplete.
Looking at these photos makes me realise how important they are. Try picturing my outfit without the belt, the hat, the jewellery and the bag and think about it: wouldn’t it be dull and boring? 🙂

Pentru mine, o tinuta fara accesorii este incompleta.
Privind la pozele acestea, imi dau seama cat de importante sunt. Incercati sa va imaginati outfitul meu fara curea, palarie, bijuterii si geanta si ganditi-va putin: nu-i asa ca ar fi banala si plictisitoare?:)






Skirt/Fusta: vintage
T-shirt/Tricou: Bershka
Accessories and jewllery/Accesorii si bijuterii: vintage and no name

What do you think, can accessories make an outfit? Are you an accessories person or do you prefer it minimal?:)

Ce credeti, pot accesoriile sa fie partea cea mai importanta intr-o tinuta? Voi purtati accesorii(multe) sau preferati tinutele curate, fara prea multe artificii? 🙂


Ice cream

Yes, yes, I know; anything colorful has become my uniform. I’m basically wearing mixed colors all of the time and these ones make me think about strawberry and mint ice cream…Yum! Wore this skirt recently after scoring it at a vintage shop in my homecity. I felt in love with that green immediately! It would be lovely if I could also find a cute dress with a peter pan collar in the color. Ok, pinch me.

Da, da, stiu; culorile mi-au devenit uniforma. Practic, tot timpul(ok, mare parte din el) port culori amestecate iar acestea ma fac sa ma gandesc la inghetata de capsuni si menta…Yum! Am purtat fusta aceasta recent dupa ce am inhatat-o de un magazine cu haine vintage din orasul meu. Mi-a picat pe verdele ala instant: )) Ce dragut ar fii daca as gasi si o rochie cu guler peter pan in culoarea asta. Ok, ciupiti-ma.








Shirt/Camasa: vintage

Shoes/Sandale: Zara

Clutch/Geanta: ASOS

Jewellery/Bijuterii: no name

Watch/Ceas: ASOS

Skirt/Fusta: vintage

Happy weekend everyone!
Weekend placut tuturor!

Diva hair shooting

For me, yesterday was hell of a busy day: lack of sleep, stress, hunger, heels (well, wedges) worn for about 15h without taking them off at all, my last exam(yuppy!) and, the best part, the shooting for Diva hair’s Fashion Community, not only photos but also a video which I think will be really fun to watch!
It was quite fun, the atmosphere was lovely, the girls there were really pretty and I think we had a great time: ) At least I did 😀

Pentru mine ziua de ieri a fost una a dracului de ocupata: lipsa somnului, stres, foamete mare, tocuri(ma rog, talpa ortopedica) purtate pentru vreo 15 ore fara sa le dau jos, ultimul examen(yuppy!) dar, partea cea mai buna a fost shootingul facut pentru lansarea Comunitatii fashionistelor.Pe langa poze, s-a si filmat si cred ca va fi un material tare dragut si comic de vazut! Cel putin eu am fost un dezastru in fata camerei: )) Veti vedea.
A fost amuzant, atmosfera placuta, fetele frumusele, dragutele, bombonele toate si deci…cred ca am avut o experienta placuta:) Cel putin eu am avut:D








This photo is killing me : )))))))

Poza asta e criminala, ma bufneste rasul ori de cate ori o vad: )))))))







As for what I wore… I chose a vintage shirt with a great 70 esque print, Zara trousers, Mango bag, River Island wedges(I still can’t belive how comfortable they are, even after so many hours), random brand jewellery and vintage belt.

Cat despre ce am purtat…Am ales o camasa vintage cu un imprimeu grozav gen anii 70, pantaloni Zara, geanta Mango, sandale River Island(inca nu-mi vine sa cred cat de comode sunt, chiar si dupa multe ore de purtat), bijuterii no name si curea vintage.


Can’t wait for the video to launch to show it to you guys!

Abia astept lansarea filmuletului ca sa vi-l arat!

Get catty

I found this cute tutorial today and thought I should share it with you guys who are as helpless with eye liner appliance as I am.

Am gasit tutorialul acesta dragut astazi si m-am gandit ca poate va folosi si altcuiva la fel de neajutorat in aplicarea tusului ca mine.


Isn’t Lauren Conrad preeeeeety?:)

Nu-i asa ca Lauren Conrad e frumusiiiiiica?:)

Getting sick during the summer shouldn't be allowed

Firstly, being sick during summer SUCKS. I always get sick at the worst time, especially when everybody is eating ice cream, wearing swimsuits, getting a tan and enjoying the sun.
Secondly, these photos were taken before I got sick, after a great shopping session with my mother. This is something very casual and comfortable for me, what I usually wear when we go shopping. And let me tell you, I totally love vintage shorts, especially Levi’s!
Thirdly, that day was one of my best shopping day ever! I found some amazing vintage dresses, a few blazers, a Moschino skirt and some other goodies that I have to alter before wearing them. I really can’t wait to share them with you guys! Oh, and I got so sad after finding a gooooorgeous Givenchy skirt which was so big (and I mean HUGE not big) that no tailor could’ve make it work for my frame. I had to leave it there. It was so sad:(
Forthly, is there anybody else sick now or am I the only person on the planet coughing, blowing my nose and sneezing?

In primul rand, racelile pe timp de vara sunt GROAZNICE. Intotdeauna ma imbolnavesc in cele mai proaste momente, mai ales cand toata lumea mananca inghetata, poarta costume de baie, se bronzeaza si se bucura de soare. Eu nu, eu ma bucur de Strepsils.
In al doilea rand, pozele acestea sunt facute inainte de a ma busi raceala, dupa o sesiune grozava de cumparaturi cu mama. Pentru mine tinuta aceasta este una foarte casual si comoda, cam ceea ce obisnuiesc sa port cand mergem la cumparaturi. Si, dati-mi voie sa adaug, sunt inebunita dupa jeansi scurti vintage, mai ales Levi’s!
In al treila rand, ziua aceasta despre care va vorbeam, a fost una dintre cele mai bune pentru cumparaturi pe care le-am avut! Am gasit niste rochii vintage frumoase tare, cateva sacouri, o fusta Moschino dar si alte bunatati pe care insa trebuie sa le duc la modificat inainte de a le purta. Abia astept sa vi le arat! Ah, si sa vedeti necaz… Umbland printre umerase, gasesc o fusta Givenchy. Mi-au sticlit ochii, Givenchy vintage este o raritate care nu mi-a fost dat sa intalnesc niciodata in cei 2-3 ani de cand vanez astfel de comori, deci va dati seama cum imi batea inima gata sa-mi sara din piept de bucurie: )) Eh, dezamagire totala… Era o marime, cum sa spun…mare daca zic, e delicat. IMENSA! Pe eticheta scria ceva 54 parca, marimea 54. Ca sa facem haz de necaz m-am “imbracat” cu ea si eu si mama si-a venit si vanzatoarea sa ne dea o mana de ajutor. Abia asa am reusit sa facem fusta sa se “potriveasca”. Nu exagerez. In mod normal as fi luat-o, as fi dus-o la croitor, vedeam eu ce-I faceam ca sa imi vina dar n-aveam ce scoate din ea, o stricam de tot. Am lasat-o acolo pana la urma. Cat de trist:(
In al patrulea rand, mai e cineva racit pe lumea asta sau eu sunt singura tusitoare, stranutatoare si nas stergatoare?







Shorts/Pantaloni scurti: vintage

Top: River Island

Sandals/Sandale: River Island

Sunglasses/Ochelari: New Yorker

Bag and jewllery/Geanta si bijuterii: no name


Cause ugly gives me thrills too

A few days ago, as I was checking a few online shops, my eye was caught by these hideous shoes from New Look. At first I was quite sceptical, you know “ what the f*ck are those?!?!?” but as I was staring at them I began to be more and more attracted by their wierdness and…well…uglyness. This is a freakin’ ugly pair of shoes. Having said that, it was obvious I had to have them! I had to, I was obsessed, the Lady Gaga in me said “go for it!” Just one tiny problem… they were all sold out! I think they lasted online only for a couple of days cause I usually check New Look regularly and last time I did, there were no such things. I started searching from them on ebay but no luck so far. I hope New Look will bring them back in stock cause I want them reaaaaaaaaally badly!

What do you think about these ugly, freaky, awful shoes? Would you wear them?

Acum cateva zile, in timp ce ma uitam pe niste magazine online, mi-a fost atrasa atentia de niste hidosenii de la New Look. La inceput eram usor sceptica, ma uitam blocata la pantofi intrebandu-ma ce mama naibii sunt astia?!?!?! Si pe masura ce ma uitam, incepeau sa-mi placa mai tare. Tocmai de ciudati si…urati ce sunt. Urati cu spume. Tocul este de 18,5 cm : )) Ma duc cu gandul la modelul lui McQueen,acesta adica, alte hidosenii(in opinia mea, desigur). Bun, deci era evident ca nu mai exista cale de mijloc, ca ii vreau, ca Lady Gaga imi va bantui noptile daca nu-I iau, facandu-mi in ciuda ca ea are si eu nu. Trecem peste detalii minore cum ar fii pretul si anume ca ciudateniile ei costa sigur niste multe zerouri iar coloraciunile astea de la New Look pe care le vroiam eu erau 50 de lire, deci vreo 250 ron. Spun erau pentru ca m-am lovit de o micuta problema: nu mai era nicio pereche in stoc. Cred ca au rezistat vreo 2-3 zile inainte de a fii cumparati toti…Ma uit destul de des pe New Look iar ultima data cand am facut-o n-am vazut aratarile cu pricina. Cauta pe ebay, googaleste…nimic. Sper doar sa ii bage iar in stoc New Look caci ii vreau rau de tot!

Ce parere aveti despre aceasta urata, ciudata, groaznica pereche de incaltaminte? Le-ati purta?:D

Ah, si-ar mai fii ceva… Daca mai tineti minte, acum ceva timp ma plangeam de pocinogul patit cu ASOSul. Cu coletul pierdut si pantofi trimisi cu un numar mai mic, n-o mai iau de la capat. Eh, am tot incercat sa gasesc o solutie pentru sandalele cu pricina, tocmai pentru ca imi plac enorm de mult si mi le-am dorit si mai enorm dar afara de a-mi taia un deget sau calcaiul nu prea am ce le face. Sunt nevoita sa renunt la ele, n-am cum sa le port in veci fara o doza crunta de masochism indreptata asupra bietelor mele picioare. Am inceput vanatoarea pe ebay, sper sa apara o pereche in numarul meu…
Asa, asa, asa. Deci! Se vinde o pereche de sandale ASOS, noi noute, marimea 37(4uk), merg tot asa de bine si pentru 37,5. Talpa interioara are 23 cm, tocul este de 14,3 cm iar platforma din fata are 3,1 cm. Eu le gasesc destul de comode, tocul gros le face foarte stabile. Se inchid cu fermoar la spate. Sunt probate doar prin casa, nu le-am scos niciodata afara deci sunt in stare perfecta. Pretul la care le vand este cel la care le-am achizitionat( sunt sold out pe ASOS de cateva luni, mai pot fi gasite doar cele pe negru, link aici), 95 de lire, adica 440 ron. N-am mai atasat poze facute de mine pentru ca e acelasi lucru cu cele de pe site, dar daca e nevoie si e cineva interesat, prestez. Pentru alte detalii, da-ti-mi un mail la
Asos Haven

Pop of color!

Lately I’ve been all about color. Actually COLORS since I like being adventurous and wear more than one at a time.
In ultimul timp am devenit si mai ahtiata dupa culoare decat eram. Defapt dupa CULORI din moment ce imi place sa experimentez cu mai mult de una la un loc.




My closet was suffering from a very severe lack of yellow so I was extremely happy when I found this shirt a few weeks ago in a vintage store. It’s so light and soft and the color is exactly what I was looking for!
Dulapul meu avea niste carente mari de galben astfel ca am fost foarte incantata cand am gasit camasa aceasta acum cateva saptamani intr-un magazin cu haine vintage. E foarte usoara si placuta la atingere iar culoarea este exact ceea ce cautam!

Worn with Zara sandals I got two years ago, River Island skirt, vintage belt and no name bag.

Purtata cu niste sandale Zara luate de vreo 2 ani, fusta River Island, curea vintage si o geanta no name.
Happy Sunday everyone!
O Duminica placuta va doresc!


Almost as comfortable as maxi skirts/dresses, wide leg trousers are one of my top picks for those days when it’s too hot, too usual or just too boring for fitted clothing. These pants are made of a very light fabric, they have extremely wide legs(and how perfect is that?) but I do have a problem with them and that is…the low waist. Since I’m a petite girl and a long legs fan, shortening my legs ain’t actually a thing I like doing but there are exceptions such as this pair of pants. I decided to wear them a few days ago for dinner paired with colorful pieces, great for spicing out the outfit.

Aproape la fel de comozi ca fustele/rochiile maxi, pantalonii largi fac parte din principalele mele alegeri pentru acele zile cand ba e prea cald, ba e prea banal sau pur si simplu prea plictisitor pentru haine mulate. Pantalonii acestia sunt facuti dintr-un material foarte usor, au croiul extrem de larg(si ce bine-mi pare, haha 😀 ) dar cu astea, am si o problema cu ei…anume talia joasa. Nu-s deloc vreo inalta si imi plac foarte mult picioarele lungi, motiv pentru care nu prea ma incanta sa mi le scurtez optic purtand talii joase. Dar mai sunt si exceptii…ca pantalonii acestia. I-am purtat acum cateva zile pentru cina, alaturi de piese colorate, numai bune de accesorizare.







Pants/Pantaloni: Mango

Blouse/Bluza: no name

Sandals/Sandale: Steve Madden

Bag/Geanta: Mango

Jewellery/Bijuterii: no name

P.S. Thank you sooooo much for all the birthday wishes you guys sent me! Thank you for being here with me and for me, thank you for reading this blog and thank you for being so awesome! All of you are truly wonderful! Fluffy hugs

P.S. Va multumesc din suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuflet pentru toate urarile de la multi ani pe care mi le-ati facut! Va multumesc ca sunteti aici cu mine si pentru mine, va multumesc ca cititi acest blog si va multumesc pentru ca sunteti atat de grozave(nu stiu daca si grozavi, mai slabut cu masculii pe aici :)))! Sunteti cu toate minunate! Imbratisari pufoase

Happy 20

Well hello. Remember me? I know I’ve been missing these last days but as I told you, I’m kinda busy with my finals(I still have 4 to go) . Also, last Sunday was my birthday (now I’m 20, yuppy, I’m older) so I was even busier eating huge amounts of cake and getting fat.
Ei buna. Va aduceti aminte de mine? Stiu ca am cam lipsit in ultimele zile dar dupa cum v-am spus, examenele imi mananca zilele(si ultimii neuroni ramasi). Pe langa asta, Duminica trecuta a fost ziua mea (am facut 20 de ani, ce bine, incep sa imbatranesc) deci am fost chiar mai ocupata mancand cantitati industriale de tort si ingrasandu-ma . Inca incap pe usa deci e ok.





I wore a River Island skirt, a vintage blouse, belt and clutch, ASOS watch and River Island sandals.
I know it’s hard to belive but, despite the 6 inch heel, these sandals are incredibly comfortable and my newest shoe addiction. Actually I think I’m getting a River Island addiction, I’m quite obsessed with 80% of their stuff.
Am purtat o fusta River Island, bluza, curea si poseta vintage, ceas ASOS si sandale River Island.
Stiu ca nu ma credeti (nimeni nu ma crede in cazuri de genul asta), dar, simt nevoia sa imi racesc gura de pomana si sa va spun ca, sandalele acestea, in ciuda celor 15 cm de toc sunt incredibil de comode si ultima mea obsesie in materie de incaltaminte. Defapt, cred ca am capatat o obsesie pentru River Island la general, salivez la 80% din produsele lor (vedeti ce exacta sunt?)

Yes! Now we have Jeffrey Campbell

It’s not a secret what a huge Jeffrey Campbell fan I am. I love almost all of his designs, the guy is a genious! So it’s only natural that I was thrilled to hear that we’re finally going to have a shop here, in Romania, that actually sells his shoes. Real shoes! No online shopping, no taxes, no anxiety or any pain at all(trust me, I know what I’m saying about the pain). The launch was yesterday and since I got invited…how could I not attend? 😀

Nu e un secret pentru nimeni ce fan imens Jeffrey Campbell sunt. Imi plac aproape toate creatiile lui, ce sa mai, tipul e un geniu! Deci va dati seama ce bine mi-a parut cand am auzit ca vom avea in sfarsit un magazin aici, in Romania, care chiar sa-i vanda pantofii. Pantofi pe bune! Fara shopping online din afara, fara taxe, nerabdare sau dureri de orice fel(crede-ti-ma, stiu ce zic). Lansarea a fost ieri si din moment ce am fost invitata…cum as fi putut sa nu particip? 😀

The boutique is called Chantal…

Magazinul se numeste Chantal…

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There were the white Foxy’s

Am putut gasi acolo Foxy urile albe

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The pink ones

Cele roz

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The glitter ones

Cele sclipicioase

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The Lita’s(of course!)


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The Hathaway’s

Hathaway urile

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But also many lovely clothes, from jeans to dresses

Dar si multe alte haine dragute, de la jeansi pana la rochii

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There was a raffle and the winner could choose any pair of Jeffrey’s shoes he wanted!

A fost si o tombola iar castigatorul si-a putut alege orice pereche de JC a vrut!

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And guess what? My friend Silvia won! You lucky girl 😛

Si ghiciti ce? Prietena mea Silvia a castigat! Norocoaso 😛

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She picked the pink Foxies

Si-a ales Foxiurile roz

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Besides the de
licious shoes, there were delicious macaroons, martinis and lemonade

Pe langa incaltamintea delicioasa, mai erau acolo delicioasele macaroons, martiniuri si limonada

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Of course I couldn’t resist trying them on…

Normal ca n-am rezistat fara sa probez…

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Here I was talking to the friendly owner(she actually went to Jeffrey’s home in America! How cool is that?)

Aici vorbeam cu proprietara foarte prietenoasa (imi povestea cum a fost acasa la Jeffrey in America! Cam cat de tare e asta?)

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Aaaaand(drums please), I finally got to meet the lovely girls from The Hearabouts…

Siiiiiiiiiii(tobe va rog), am reusit in sfarsit sa le cunosc pe fetele dragute de la The Hearabouts

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The girls from Bucharest style and some other cuties

Pe cele de la Bucharest style dar si alte fete simpatice (ale caror poze ba nu le am, ba nu au iesit clare)

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As for what I wore… River Island pants, Zara blouse, Giuseppe Zanotti wedges and no name accessories.

Cat despre ce-am purtat eu…pantaloni River Island, bluza Zara, sandale Giuseppe Zanotti si accesorii no name.

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Feast for the eyes

Last night, while I was browsing online, I came across some old magazines such as Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar. I have a huge folder on my computer with vintage photos, adverts and editorials but covers are usually something hard to find (I only collect stuff from the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and the 70’s; I don’t like 80’s magazines). So, I was sitting here looking at these covers, desperatly trying to save them on my computer(as if they ran away or something-paranoia, I know) and thinking…wow…how could something be so beautiful? The photos are just breathtaking, I loooove the make up, the clothes-you can imagine how I drool but my favourite thing has to be these women’s body shapes. Those tiny tiiiiiiiiiiny waists, always cinched with a belt are driving me nuts!

Here are some of my favourites…

Azi noapte, in timp ce bantuiam online, am gasit niste reviste vechi (scanari ma refer) ca Vogue sau Harper’s Bazaar. Tin in computer un folder imens cu poze, reclame si editoriale vintage dar din cate am observat eu, copertile sunt in general greu de gasit ( nu colectionez decat pe cele din anii 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 si 70; astea de la 80 in sus nu-mi plac deloc). Stateam lipita de ecran, uitandu-ma la coperti si incercand disperata sa le salvez ( de parca dispareau in secunda urmatoare sau cadea curentul-paranoia, da) si ma gandeam…wow…cum poate ceva sa fie atat de frumos? Fotografiile ma lasa fara grai, machiajul e splendid iar hainele…mai are rost sa spun cum imi ploua in gura? 🙂) Insa, ce imi place cel mai mult este forma corpului acestor femei. Taliile acelea miiiiiiici mici, intotdeauna incinse de o curea, ma obsedeaza!

Iata o parte din favoritele mele…

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Look at that waistline!
Priviti talia aceasta!

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This cover and the next one are from 1933. How cool is that?
Coperta aceasta si urmatoarea sunt din 1933. Tare, nu?

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My personal favorite is this one, a vogue cover from 1961
Dintre toate, preferata mea este aceasta, o coperta vogue din 1961

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Vogue cover from 1917
Coperta Vogue din 1917

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A 60’s editorial
Un editorial din anii 60

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An amazing Yves Saint Laurent editorial:
Un superb editorial Yves Saint Laurent:

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I love her haircut!
Imi place tunsoarea ei!

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Aaaaaahhhh, those dresses!
Aaaaaahhhh, rochiile alea!

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This is a Christian Dior advert from the 50’s
Aceasta este o reclama Christian Dior din anii 50

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Hopefully one day I’ll own some of these magazines – I dream. And wish : )

Sper ca intr-o zi o sa pun mana pe genul acesta de reviste- Visez. Si-mi doresc : )

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