Spinning And Twirling

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(Vintage skirt, River Island blouse, Zara sandals, Bershka belt, vintage clutch, no name jewellery and ASOS watch)

(Fusta vintage, bluza River Island, sandale Zara, curea Bershka, poseta vintage, bijuterii no name si ceas ASOS)

Don’t you just love it when a cool breeze moves up around your legs, reminding you that you have a skirt on?

Nu-i asa ca e splendida senzatia vantului jucandu-se in jurul picioarelor voastre, amintindu-va ca purtati fusta?

It's that time of the year

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So yesterday I had my second exam out of 8. 6 more to go but I already feel stressed and tired. I really hate this time of the year, it’s just too much stress! So for a month or so I’ll be quite busy studying but hopefully I’ll be able to update the blog frequently.
Now…about my outfit. I felt sooooooooo comfortable wearing it a few days ago, for classes and not only. I’m telling you, maxi lengths are the best thing to wear on summer! My skirt is from River Island, it has a sheer, soft fabric and a beautiful feathers print so it’s pretty obvious why I love it but I admit, I would’ve liked it to be longer and cover my shoes 🙂
Worn with a New Yorker crop tee, Jessica Simpson sandals, C&A bag, vintage belt and jewellery and a random brand hat.

Do you wear maxis? 🙂

Deci ieri am avut al doilea examen din 8. Da, am inceput sesiunea. Mai am inca 6 dar deja ma simt stresata si obosita si chiar urasc perioadele astea ale anului, e mult prea mult stres! Asadar pentru o luna, voi fii destul de ocupata cu invatatul dar sper sa pot updata blogul des.
Acum…despre tinuta mea. M-am simtit suuuuuuuuuuper comod purtand-o acum cateva zile, pentru cursuri si nu numai. Va spun, lungimile maxi sunt cele mai potrivite lucruri de purtat vara! A mea fusta este de la River Island, are un material moale si usor transparent deci e destul de evident de ce imi place(ah, ce previzibila sunt) dar recunosc, mi-ar fi placut mai mult daca era mai lunga si mi-ar fi acoperit si incaltamintea:)
Purtata cu un tricou scurt de la New Yorker, sandale Jessica Simpson, geanta C&A, curea si bijuterii vintage iar palaria e de la Meli Melo.

Voi purtati lungimi maxi?:)


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Ok, so I woke up this morning, opened my laptop and started reading blogs, as I usually do and big (actually huge) was my surprise when I saw myself drawn by the most talented girl i follow online, Rach. You can check out her blog here.
So…a big shout out for you my dear and thank you hugely! I love these sketches to pieces 🙂

Ok, ma trezesc eu in dimineata asta, deschid laptopul si incep sa citesc bloguri, asa cum fac de obicei. Si ce sa vad? O mare surpriza! Rach, cred ca cea mai talentata fata pe care o urmaresc prin blogger m-a desenat! Ii puteti vedea blogul aici.
Nu mai scriu multumirile si in romana, ideea e ca mi se par minunate desenele, le iubesc si ma holbez la ele si ma bate gandul sa la printez si sa le pun pe perete:D


Remember this dress(shown also herLinke)? I knew I had to have it from the first moment I saw it online, it’s just too cute for words(well, at least in my opinion) and too perfect for summer. And since yesterday the weather was so friendly, I finnaly got to wear it. Without any tights:D

Va aduceti aminte de rochia aceasta(o puteti vedea aici)? Am stiut ca trebuie sa o am din primul moment in care am vazut-o online, e prea dragalasa ca sa ii rezist(ma rog, cel putin asa consider eu) si prea perfecta pentru vara. Si din moment ce ieri vremea a fost atat de prietenoasa, am apucat in sfarsit s-o port. Fara niciun fel de ciorap:D
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I love its scalloped edging and the peter pan collar…

Imi plac mult marginile curbate si gulerul model peter pan…

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It has an open back…

Are spatele gol…

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Also wearing cat eye shaped glasses from ASOS

Deasemeni port ochelari in forma de ochi de pisica de la ASOS

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Dress/Rochie: ASOS

Bag/Geanta: vintage Chanel

Sunglasses/Ochelari de soare: ASOS

Belt and shoes/Curea si pantofi: no name


Hearts and hats

Have you had any problems with blogger lately? I don’t know what happened yesterday but I couldn’t use my account and my last post was deleted along with all of your comments. Superb.
Anyway, right now I’m very dirty and busy getting my room ready for redecorating cause I just got some new furniture yesterday. I feel quite excited:D and I wanted to post these photos I took yesterday, before unplugging my computer.
I was wearing a Miss Selfridge sheer shirt, a vintage Christian Dior blazer, Bershka tights, vintage shorts and hat, my beloved Litas by Jeffrey Campbell and the green Louis Vuitton bag.

Ati avut probleme cu bloggerul in ultimul timp? Nu stiu ce s-a intamplat ieri dar nu mi-am putut accesa sau folosi contul iar ultima mea postare a fost stearsa din seninK La fel si comentariile voastre. Ceea ce este desigur superb :>
Eh, momentan sunt murdara ca un porcusor si bagata pana peste cap in cabluri, cutii, vechituri de aruncat si lucruri de mutat pentru ca am luat niste mobila noua si imi redecorez putin camera. Sunt destul de entuziasmata:D si vroiam sa postez pozele facute ieri inainte de a scoate computerul din priza.
Am purtat o camasa transparenta Miss Selfridge, un sacou vintage Christian Dior, ciorapi Bershka, pantaloni scurti si palarie vintage, mult iubitele Lite de la nenea Jeffrey Campbell si geanta mea verde Louis Vuitton.

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I’m seriously thinking to get another pair of Litas, I wore the heck out of these!
Ma gandesc serios sa-mi iau o pereche noua de Lite, astea le-am purtat in draci! Dupa cum se vede:D

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Ok, back to work now!

Gata, ma intorc la mobila!



Sitting on the grass watching the sunset in silence is one of my biggest pleasures in life. I love feeling the sun on my skin as much as I love wearing skirts or as much as I love wearing heels. The weather is still too chilly for bare legs but this last weekend I could not help it but leave the usual tights at home, in the closet.

A sta in iarba privind apusul soarelui in liniste este una din cele mai mari placeri ale mele in viata. Iubesc senzatia soarelui pe pielea mea la fel de mult cum iubesc sa port fuste sau la fel de mult cum iubesc sa port tocuri. Vremea e inca prea rece pentru picioare goale dar weekendul trecut nu m-am putut abtine sa nu las ciorapii acasa, in dulap.

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I’m was not usually a fan of midi lengths but while I still love my maxis(so perfect for summer) and minis, skirts that hit just below the knee look so amazingly fresh! The one I’m wearing is vintage…

In mod normal nu ma pasioneaza lungimile midi dar in timp ce sunt inca devotata celor maxi(atat de potrivite pentru vara) si celor mini, fustele care se termina chiar exact sub genunchi sunt atat de proaspete! Cea pe care o port eu aici este vintage…

…paired with nude wedges/alaturi de pantofi nude cu talpa ortopedica

…a purple suede belt/o curea mov din piele intoarsa

…and many other accessories/si multe alte accesorii.
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Its pleats and print remind me of Chinese fans, so beautiful and elegant for a lady to use during those hot hot summer months!

Pliseurile ei si imprimeul imi aduc aminte de evantaiele chinezesti, atat de frumoase si elegant folosite de doamne pe timpul verilor mult mult prea calduroase!

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Jacket/Jacheta: Levi’s

Skirt/Fusta: vintage

Shirt/Camasa: vintage

Belt/Curea: Pimkie

Shoes/Pantofi: random brand

Glasses/Ochelari: vintage Dolce& Gabbana

Bag/Geanta: vintage

Watch/Ceas: ASOS



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Introducing one of my favourite dresses. I’ve been wanting to wear it since last winter but it’s a bit too cleaveagy for cold weather, not to mention the short hemline. Don’t get me wrong, I love it this way-actually I had to get it shortened in order to fit my body cause it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to big for someone no taller than 5’5. Here I had to add some tights and a trench to keep me warm but I can’t wait to wear it barelegged in the summer time!

Va prezint una din rochiile mele cele mai iubite. Imi doream s-o port inca de iarna trecuta dar e un pic cam prea decoltata pentru vremea rece, asta pe langa faptul ca e scurta. A nu se intelege ca nu-mi place ca e scurta, din contra. A trebuit chiar sa o duc la modificat ca sa mi se potriveasca pentru ca era muuuuult prea mare pentru cineva nu mai inalt de 1,65, asa ca mine. Vremea inca nu-mi permite s-o port fara acompaniament, asa ca am adaugat si ciorapi si un trech sa-mi tina de cald. Dar abia astept s-o port cu picioarele goale pe timp de vara!

Dress/Rochie: vintage

Trench: Bershka

Shoes/Pantofi: Daisy D by Jeffrey Campbell

Hat and bag/Palarie si geanta: vintage

Tights/Ciorapi: ASOS


Zara crochet dress

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You know me, I’m not normally a big fan of Zara but I have to admit that, for this season, they sell the best colorblock pieces the highstreet has to offer! I went there a few days ago, tried one some stuff but I couldn’t decide what to get cause I liked too many things. Rich offer, less rich wallet.
Anyway, beside the rainbow, I felt in love with a maxi dress with beautiful crochet detailing! I liked it very much but it’s kinda dressy and I’m not sure I’ll get that much wear of it… And the price is a bit too high. 180$ Maybe sales?:D

How about you? Anything that caught your attention at Zara lately?

Ma stiti, nu sunt in mod normal un fan Zara dar trebuie sa recunosc ca pentru sezonul acesta, acolo am gasit cea mai bogata oferta de colorblocking din cate are high streetul de oferit! Am fost acum cateva zile, am probat niste lucruri dar mi-au placut prea multe ca sa ma pot decide. Oferta bogata, portofel mai putin bogat.
Pe langa curcubeul de culori, m-am indragostit de o rochie maxi cu detalii frumoase de croset! Mi-a placut foarte mult dar mi s-a parut pretentioasa si nu sunt convinsa ca as purta-o prea mult…Deci nu si-ar merita banii. Iar pretul nici el n-a fost prea convingator. 500 ron. Poate la reduceri?:D

Voi? V-a atras ceva atentia la Zara in ultimul timp?

Back in business

Ok, I’m back. Actually I’m back since this evening(right now is 3 a.m. and I’m still not sleeping) but I have to work for a crappy paper. Don’t judge, I only found out about it yesterday.

Ok, m-am intors. Defapt m-am intors de seara trecuta, de pe la vreo 7(acum e cam 3 dimineata si eu tot nu dorm) dar trebuie sa termin o porcarie de referat. Nu dati cu rosii, am aflat abia ieri altfel nu lasam pe ultimul moment…
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Anyway, my trip went pretty well except for the weather which was pretty…”wetty”. Still, I was able to get some photos:D Yuppy! In case you were wondering, I went visiting the Olt Valey, a gorgeous place in our country mostly because of the view. There are many resorts and spas along the river’s course but also very old churches and that thing like a fortress you’re seeing above is actually a Roman Castrum, a place where people gathered on feasts and celebration days(this was like 2000 years ago so… it’s pretty old)

Una peste alta, excursia a mers destul de bine cu exceptia vremii cam…umede. Oricum, am reusit sa fac cateva poze in momentele in care iesea si soarele:D Yuppy! In caz ca va intrebati, am fost pe Valea Oltului. E un loc superb mai ales din cauza privelistii. Mai sunt si statiunile de relaxare pe cursul raului dar si manastiri si biserici foarte vechi plus chestia aia de mai sus ce seamana cu o fortareata si care e defapt un castru roman, de pe vremurile cand erau romanii smecheri pe aici. 2000 de ani…cam vechi.

As for what I wore…
Steve Madden sandals(reaaaaaaaaaaally comfortable), random brand jeans,blouse and accessories, vintage Escada jacket(the green one) and a vintage bag

Cat despre ce am purtat…
Sandale Steve Madden(suuuuuuuuuuper commode), jeansi,bluza si accesorii oarecare, jacheta vintage Escada(aia verde) si o geanta vintage

Ok now, sleep tight! xoxo

Gata, m-am tirat. Somn usor! :*:*:*

Color Up! by Sebastian Kim

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source: Vogue Germany Editorial: Color Up! by Sebastian Kim

Definitely the best color block editorial I’ve seen so far this year!
Categoric cel mai bun editorial color block pe care l-am vazut pana acum pe anul asta!

Spring or autumn?

Even if spring, the temperatures feel like autumn. So what better than some neon colors to brighten up your day ?

Desi este primavara, temperaturile se simt ca unele de toamna. Deci ce poate fi mai potrivit sa-ti inveseleasca ziua decat niste culori neon?

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Blazer/Sacou: vintage(Yep, I finally found a red blazer!!!)

Top: New Yorker

Cardigan: Next

Jeans and bag/Jeans si geanta: random brand

Sandals/Sandale: Mini Prix

P.S. I’m helpless when it comes to eyeliner application but my mom is a master so, from time to time, I ask her to do my eyes. Well, this time she exaggerated a little but I like experiments so…why not?

Sunt praf si pulbere cand vine vorba de aplicarea tusului, imi ia mult pana reusesc sa trasez niste linii relativ egale dar mama le face intr-un minut. Perfect simetrice si fara sa-i tremure mana.Cum? Nu stiu. Dar din cand in cand o mai rog pe ea sa ma ajute. De data asta a exagerat putin insa avand in vedere ca-mi plac experimentele…de ce nu?


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