Have you had any problems with blogger lately? I don’t know what happened yesterday but I couldn’t use my account and my last post was deleted along with all of your comments. Superb.
Anyway, right now I’m very dirty and busy getting my room ready for redecorating cause I just got some new furniture yesterday. I feel quite excited:D and I wanted to post these photos I took yesterday, before unplugging my computer.
I was wearing a Miss Selfridge sheer shirt, a vintage Christian Dior blazer, Bershka tights, vintage shorts and hat, my beloved Litas by Jeffrey Campbell and the green Louis Vuitton bag.
Ati avut probleme cu bloggerul in ultimul timp? Nu stiu ce s-a intamplat ieri dar nu mi-am putut accesa sau folosi contul iar ultima mea postare a fost stearsa din seninK La fel si comentariile voastre. Ceea ce este desigur superb :>
Eh, momentan sunt murdara ca un porcusor si bagata pana peste cap in cabluri, cutii, vechituri de aruncat si lucruri de mutat pentru ca am luat niste mobila noua si imi redecorez putin camera. Sunt destul de entuziasmata:D si vroiam sa postez pozele facute ieri inainte de a scoate computerul din priza.
Am purtat o camasa transparenta Miss Selfridge, un sacou vintage Christian Dior, ciorapi Bershka, pantaloni scurti si palarie vintage, mult iubitele Lite de la nenea Jeffrey Campbell si geanta mea verde Louis Vuitton.
I’m seriously thinking to get another pair of Litas, I wore the heck out of these!
Ma gandesc serios sa-mi iau o pereche noua de Lite, astea le-am purtat in draci! Dupa cum se vede:D
Ok, back to work now!
Gata, ma intorc la mobila!