It's raining? Perfect, then i'll wear my tutu dress

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A tutu dress, a towering pair of shoes, a leather jacket, red lipstick and a bit of vintage. Make a Tuesday rainy day so much better:)

O rochie tutu, o pereche de tocuri foarte inalte, o jacheta de piele, ruj rosu si putin vintage. Pentru o zi de Marti ploioasa…ceva mai frumoasa:)

Dress/Rochie: no name

Shoes/Pantofi: Topshop

Jacket/Jacheta: Kenvelo

Tights/Ciorapi: ASOS

Bag/Geanta: vintage Chanel


Et encore une fois

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Dress/Rochie: Zara
Bag/Geanta: Mango
Boots/Cizme: no name
Belt and hat: vintage

The curvy blazer

Lately I’ve been developing an obsession for blazers, especially if they’re vintage cause that makes them even more special. I’m still searching for a pink and red one but they seem impossible to find, all I can get are black ones.
In ultimul timp am dezvoltat o obsesie pentru sacouri, mai ales daca sunt vintage pentru ca asta le face si mai speciale. Inca sunt in cautari pentru unul roz si rosu dar par imposibil de gasit, tot ce prind sunt sacouri negre.
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This is one of my favourites, a Christian Dior blazer I got a month ago. What I love most about it is the amazing cut that makes it hang on my body as if it was made…for my body.
Acesta e unul din preferatele mele, un sacou Christian Dior luat acum o luna. Imi place in mod deosebit mai ales din cauza croielii atat de reusite incat arata ca si cum ar fi fost facut special pentru corpul meu.

Worn with a Bershka ruffled blouse, Miss Selfridge leggings, Asos booties and vintage Balenciaga bag.
Aici il port cu o bluza cu volane Bershka, leggingsi Miss Selfridge, botine Asos si o geanta vintage Balenciaga.

Happy weekend everyone!
Weekend placut tuturor!

Granny rulz

A while ago I was with my mom in a vintage shop and while I was browsing around, she found this skirt and came to me with it saying “hei, look, this is something granny would wear, I guess you’d like it :D” And I was like “hahaha, so funny. Gimme that!” I laugh a lot with her and altough we don’t have the same taste when it comes to clothing, me and my mom love shopping together and we buy things for each other. Actually she called me today saying she bought two colorful bags for me this morning(I drove her nuts with all this color blocking trend) so I can’t wait to go to my hometown and see them!

Acum ceva vreme eram cu mama intr-un magazin vintage si in timp ce ma uitam eu pe acolo, ea a gasit fusta asta si a venit cu ea la mine zicand ceva de genul “ia uite ce ti-am gasit, o fusta de mamaie:D M-am gandit c-o sa-ti placa” Si eu eram “Hahaha, foarte amuzant :-w Da-o incoace :P” Rad foarte mult cu mama si cu toate ca nu avem aceleasi gusturi in materie de haine, ne place foarte mult sa mergem la cumparaturi impreuna si sa cumparam lucruri una pentru cealalta. Defapt, m-a sunat in dimineata asta sa-mi spuna ca mi-a cumparat doua genti colorate(am tampit-o cu trendul asta al blocurilor de culoare) asa ca abia astept sa ma duc in orasul meu de “bastina” si sa vad ce-a luat:D

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Anyway, yeah, her guessing was right. Granny would wear that skirt and I totally loved it! The color is one of my favourites(I love so many shades of green) and the length feels just right for this transitional season.

Revenind…da, ghicise corect. O mamaie ar purta fusta aia(cel putin a mea) iar mie mi-a placut la nebunie! Culoarea e una din preferatele mele (imi plac foarte multe nuante de verde) iar lungimea mi se pare perfecta pentru sezonul asta de tranzitie.

Worn with vintage shirt, hat, belt and clutch
Purtata cu o camasa, palarie, curea si plic, toate vintage
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Daisy D, Beyonce and me

Hot mama, right?:D

Misto gagica, nu-i asa?:D

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I’m not a big fan of Beyonce’s music but I’m crazy about her bodyshape and sometimes I also like her outfit choices. I loved the videoclip she did for “why don’t you love me” and since I felt so inspired by it, I created this outfit.
Nu sunt o mare fana a muzicii cantata de Beyonce dar imi place enorm de mult corpul ei si cateodata chiar si alegerile vestimentare pe care le face. Mi-a placut foarte tare si videoclipul pe care l-a facut piesei “why don’t you love me” si din moment ce m-a inspirat atat de mult…am creat outfitul asta.
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Ever since I got them, I was dying to wear my Daisy D platforms. I couldn’t of course, because the country I live in could easily make a character along Manny the mammoth and Sid the…whatever he is, in Ice Age. Anyway, their time has come and I couldn’t be more happy. Many people asked me “are they comfortable? How can you walk in those?” Well…they are very comfortable! I mean it, that huge platform does a very good job and I could walk in these babies all day long and not feel any pain.
Imi rodeam unghiile din ianuarie, inca de cand le-am luat, in asteptarea unor temperaturi decente de purtat Daisy D urile:D(n-o luati mot a mot, n-am ros nimic dar am obiceiul sa folosesc expresii cretine si prefer sa nu le cenzurez aici pe blog). Evident ca n-am putut, doar traiesc in tara care ar putea face un rol de exceptie alaturi de Manny mamutul si Sid…ce-o fii el, in “Ice Age”. Din fericire le-a venit vremea:D Multa lume m-a intrebat “Sunt comode? Cum poti sa mergi pe tocuri asa inalte?” Ei…sunt chiar foarte comode! Serios, platforma aia hipopotamica face o treaba foarte buna astfel incat as putea merge toata ziua incaltata cu deliciozitatile astea si n-as simti nicio durere.
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The most perfect pair of jeans I own(there’s nothing better for me than this high waisted vintage pair of Levi’s jeans-I’m crazy about high waists and vintage Levi’s!)
Cea mai perfecta pereche de jeansi pe care o detin(nimic mai bun decat perechea asta vintage de Levisi cu talie inalta- sunt innebunita dupa talii inalte si jeansi Levi’s vintage!)
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Jeans: vintage Levi’s
Shirt/Camasa: Random brand mens shirt/ Camasa barbateasca no name
Shoes/Incaltaminte: Daisy D by Jeffrey Campbell
Scarf/Esarfa: vintage Lanvin
Purse/Poseta: New Yorker
P.S. I finally got a new haircut:D Pics to follow, these were taken before
P.S. Am scapat in sfarsit de matura In sfarsit m-am tuns:D In curand poze, in astea inca aveam halaciuga


Yesterday I wore velvet. I’m not usually a velvet person(I don’t know why) but I do like seeing it on other people. Anyway, the only velvet things in my closet are two blazers, this green one and another blue one (I’m hopeless when it comes to deciding over colors so I buy them all)
Ieri am purtat catifea. Nu sunt o fana a acestui material (nu stiu de ce) dar imi place sa-l vad purtat de altii. Singurele haine din catifea pe care le am ar fii 2 sacouri: asta verde si inca unul albastru( sunt identice, n-am putut sa ma hotarasc asupra culorii si ca intotdeauna cand ma lovesc de o asa “problema”…le-am luat pe amandoua)

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I’m trying to get as much wear of these boots as I can cause I know that real soon I’ll sleep in sandals and pumps (god, how I miss them!) and all of my winter shoes will be left for the next winter. So sad.
Vreau sa port cat mai mult cizmele astea(si restul incaltamintei de iarna) dat fiind ca in curand o sa dorm in sandale si pantofi( doamne, ce dor imi e de ele!) si toti botosii mei de iarna vor zace in cutii pana la urmatorul frig. Ce trist.
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Blazer/Sacou: River Island
Boots/Cizme: Deichmann
Coat, belt and bag/Haina, curea si geanta: Vintage
Happy weekend everyone!
Weekend placut tuturor!


As a vintage lover and collector that I am, I’ve always dreamed about a good vintage Pucci piece. The prints, the colors…just looking at those cheerful psychedelic fabrics and I feel happy! Anyway, so far I have had no luck in finding any authentic Pucci but what I did found are two dresses, with an incredible print, very close to Emillio’s point of view. This yellow one and and another blue one, which you’ll see later.
Ca o iubitoare si colectionara de vintage ce sunt, am visat intotdeauna la o ceva:D Pucci vintage. Imprimeurile, culorile…e suficient doar sa ma uit la jocurile de culori psihedelice ca sa ma binedispun! Cu toata dorinta si dragostea mea fata de imprimeurile astea, n-am avut pana acum nici cea mai mica bafta in a gasi o bucata autentica de Pucci dar in schimb am gasit doua rochii, cu niste imprimeuri uimitor de frumoase, foarte apropiate de cele ale designerului. Rochia asta galbena si inca una albastra pe care o veti vedea mai tarziu.

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This one was a mess, much longer than what you see now, a bit ragged and really dirty. But there’s nothing a good granny c
an’t do when it comes to clothes:D
Asta a fost un dezastru, mult mai lunga decat ce vedeti acum, rupta pe alocuri si foarte murdara. Totusi i-am “mirosit” bine potentialul, am inhatat-o iar de restul s-a ocupat bunica mea, martirul principal cand vine vorba de modificari aduse hainelor mele.
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So here I am, wearing it with a “new” vintage hat I just bought, a vintage bag, my trusty faux fur coat and over the knee boots.
Pozele sunt facute sambata, cand era soare si frumos afara, numai bine de scos rochia la bronzat. Am purtat-o cu o palarie vintage pe care abia am luat-o (parca bate un pic a palariile Dior din colectia de toamna 2010, nu vi se pare?), o geanta vintage, mult purtata blanoaca artificiala si cizme peste genunchi.
Dress/Rochie: vintage
Boots/Cizme: Stradivarius
Bag and hat/Geanta si palarie: vintage
Necklace and ring/Lant si inel: C&A
So tell me. Do you like Pucci?
Voua va place Pucci? Ati purta niste imprimeuri asa nebune?

Peter Panish

No words can describe my love for these shoes. As soon as March arrived, I couldn’t wait anymore to wear them so today I decided to pair them with a peter pan collar dress I recently got, a thick purple coat to keep me warm and some tights. I must admit, it was kinda challenging to walk around the town considering there’s still some snow left but I managed.
Nu exista cuvinte sa descrie dragostea mea pentru pantofii astia:D Ma manca pielea de muuuult sa-I port si de indata ce a venit Martie, n-am mai rezistat si i-am scos de la naftalina. I-am alaturat unei rochii cu guler peter pan(aveti idee cum se traduce in romana expresia asta?), un palton mov si gros sa-mi tina de cald si desigur, ciorapi. Recunosc, a fost o provocare sa ma invart prin oras incaltata cu ei avand in vedere ca inca mai e niste gheata/zapada pe alocuri…dar m-am descurcat.
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Dress/Rochie: Stradivarius

Shoes/Pantofi: Dany by Jessica Simpson
Coat/Palton: no name
Bag/Geanta: vintage



I hope these beautiful photos will inspire you as they’ve inspired me:) And…

Sper ca aceste fotografii frumoase va vor inspira asa cum m-au inspirat pe mine:) Si totusi…

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(photos via Flickr,, deviantart, tumblr)

Although here in Romania it’s actually Siberia and we will have to wait some more time till spring arrives, I wish you all a beautiful spring and lots of love:)
Desi sunt vizibil impotenta sa fac o urare de primavara (avand in vedere ghetalau de pe jos, turturii si desigur zapada), va urez tuturor o primavara frumoasa. Sa fiti iubite!

Very 70's

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As I’ve told you before, all of my fur coats are faux. My mother has a biiiiig collection of real fur coats and they are really beautiful but I could never wear one. It just wouldn’t feel right…I love animals too much. Anyway, being surrounded by fur all the time, I became quite sick of it or any imitation but this one you see me wearing here, I just L-O-V-E. True love, from the bottom of my heart. I’m not sure what is made from (nevertheless, ain’t real fur!), it’s incredibly fluffy, keeps me really warm and it is probably my most beautiful coat. Here I’m wearing it with bell bottom jeans, a vintage shirt I totally love(I was obsessed with it last year), a floppy hat, a vintage bag and the Litas. The weather is still awful here, but as you can tell I am refusing to let go of my heels!

Dupa cum v-am mai spus, toate hainile mele de “blana” sunt imitatii. Mama are o colectie maaaare de haini de blana naturala si sunt chiar frumoase dar…eu n-as putea sa port niciodata una. Pur si simplu nu m-as simti in regula cu mine…iubesc animalele prea mult:) Asadar, fiind inconjurata de blanuri tot timpul, mi s-a acrit de materialul asta sau chiar de imitatii dar haina asta pe care ma vedeti purtand-o aici, o I-U-B-E-S-C. Dragoste curata, din adancul inimii mele:)) Nu sunt sigura din ce material e facuta (oricum, e blana artificiala clar!), e super pufoasa, imi tine de cald si probabil este cea mai frumoasa haina pe care o am. Aici o port cu jeansi evazati, o camasa vintage care imi place enorm(eram obsedata de ea anul trecut), o palarie cu bor larg, geanta vintage si Litele. Vremea inca e cumplita, dar din cate vedeti nu renunt la tocuri nici in ruptul capului!

Coat/Haina: Vintage
Jeans: Stradivarius
Shirt/Camasa: Vintage
Shoes/Botine: Litas by Jeffrey Campbell
Hat/Palarie: Meli Melo
Bag/Geanta: Vintage

Happy weekend everyone! xo
Weekend placut tuturor :*

Prada Spring/Summer 2011 (video) campaign



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