Terminator strikes again


EN: Soooooooooooooo. See anything different? 😀
First of all, I would like to say a big, fat THANK YOU to Gabriella, who made my day by helping me with a new banner for my blog. She is a super talented designer and illustrator “in love with crayons, art and life” and she owns The Fashion Crayon blog. Go show her some love!
Secondly, not only did she draw that pretty animal printed shoe but she also surprised me with a drawing of myself, which I totally love. You can see the initial photo here.
Thank you honey, I love them both to pieces!

RO: Deeeeeeeeeeeci. Vedeti ceva diferit? 😀 In primul rand, in incercarea mea de a evita multumirile de Oscar, pentru mama, pentru tata, pentru bunicul si pisica, pentru vecina din colt si cea de vis-à-vis(inca putin si-o dau in manea), chiar vreau sa ii MULTUMESC MULT Gabriellei, care a fost intr-atat de draguta cat sa ma ajute cu un nou banner pentru blog. E o tipa super talentata care se ocupa cu design si ilustratii, “indragostita de creioane, arta si viata”(ca sa citez). Ii puteti vedea frumoasele desene pe blogul ei, The Fashion Crayon. Go show her some love! In al doilea rand…Eu am contactat-o cu privire la banner. Insa, draguta cum e (v-am spus ca e draguta), m-a surprins si cu un desen ce ma infatiseaza. Tinuta e cea de la Absolutely fabulous, puteti vedea aici.



Lastly, an outfit post. I was wearing my new Topshop booties, some random jeans, a thrifted shirt and a looooong Escada cardigan that I found a while ago. I love it, keeps me really warm if I button it up.
Please ignore my Terminator face, I didn’t kill anyone before or after these photos were taken.

Si in al treilea rand, cateva poze cu un outfit de acum cateva zile. Purtam noile botine Topshop, jeansi oarecare, o camasa din sh si un cardigan luuuuuuuuuuuuung Escada gasit tot acolo acum ceva timp. Imi place mult, imi tine foarte bine de cald daca-l inchei pana jos si e bun si daca vreau sa ma duc la magazin in pijamale. Nu vede nici dracu’ ce-am pe dedesubt:D In incheiere, va rog sa faceti abstractie de mutra mea de Terminator. La modul cel mai serios ca n-am asasinat pe nimeni nici inainte, nici dupa ce am facut pozele astea.




I also got my hair cut! Yuppy.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, si m-am si tuns! A dat Dumnezeu.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRxaXmXvjnU]

Dr. Prints





EN: In my mind, it’s always the bold mixtures of prints or vintage and modern, that leave the longest-lasting impression. Two ladies that never cease to amaze and inspire me, are Kelly from The Glamourai and Jane from Sea of Shoes, two personal favorites. I check their blogs daily (although they don’t have a day-to-day blogging routine) and I’ve never been dissapointed by their dazzling, bold and quirky juxtapositions that usually make me wonder “how come I never thought of this before?”. Of course, not every of their style picks fits my personality, but generally speaking, I would kill for the closets they have.
So, given my appreciation, it is only natural that I kept them in mind while putting together this outfit. The skirt I’m wearing is a vintage Guy Laroche, no name turtleneck sweater, vintage belt, earrings and clutch, H&M rings, Meli Melo sunnies and Jeffrey Campbell booties.

RO: Pentru mine, tinutele care imi atrag cel mai mult atentia si-mi raman fixate pe retina o lunga perioada de timp, sunt acelea ce combina imprimeuri diferite sau piesele vintage cu cele moderne. Iar inspiratia majora in cazul acesta porneste de la doua dintre bloggaritele mele preferate, Kelly de la The Glamourai si Jane de la Sea of Shoes. Verific blogurile lor zilnic (chiar daca nu posteaza atat de des) si nu am fost niciodata dezamagita de juxtapunerile indraznete si excentrice din tinutele lor, ce ma fac deseori sa ma intreb “cum de nu m-am gandit si eu la asta?”. Desigur, discrepante exista, insa, la modul general, mi-as dori fabulos de tare garderobele lor. Astfel ca, este lesne de inteles ca am pastrat ceva din stilul lor in minte atunci cand am pus la cale tinuta aceasta. Fusta pe care o port este una bucata vintage Guy Laroche, helanca no name, curea, cercei si poseta vintage, inele de la H&M, ochelarii Meli Melo si botinele Jeffrey Campbell.


Blue fever


EN:So this is what I wore to hang out and go shopping to buy clothes for a friend of mine a few days ago. Needless to say that by the time she got home, she didn’t like anything she’s bought anymore.

RO: Am purtat asta acum cateva zile cand am iesit cu o prietena in oras sa-si cumpere haine. Si-a cumparat. Si bineinteles ca dupa ce a ajuns acasa, nu i-a mai placut nimic din ce a luat.


In another train of thoughts…
When I first saw these boots, my first thoughts were about the aw 2011 Alberta Ferretti collection. If you remember how much I liked those velvet boots she sent down the catwalks, then I don’t have to explain my excitement at seeing these blue babies. I grabbed them off the rack, hurried to try them on and as I did, an evil grin spread across my face…The rest is history.
The mini dress I wore is something I bought a few months ago from a thrift shop and got it altered cause there was nothing mini about it at the beginning. I liked the busy pattern and the cute collar so I bought it anyway.

In alta ordine de idei…
Primul lucru care mi-a trecut prin minte atunci cand am vazut cizmele acestea, a fost colectia Alberta Ferretti toamna iarna 2011. Poate va aduceti aminte de postarea aceea in care va spuneam care sunt colectiile mele preferate pentru sezonul acesta si cum A.F. era una dintre ele, cu cizmele ei de catifea cu tot. Bineinteles ca exista diferente majore intre cele doua, dar asta nu m-a impiedicat sa tresar la ideea de catifea in jurul picioarelor mele. Le-am inhatat de pe raft, m-am repezit sa le probez si in timp ce-mi scufundam picioarele in materialul moale, un ranjet malefic mi-a aparut pe chip. Restul…e istorie.
Rochia mini pe care am purtat-o e o chestie luata acum cateva luni dintr-un sh. Nu era niciun mini la momentul cumpararii dar am luat-o oricum pentru imprimeul aglomerat si gulerul dragalas. Cu ceva ajutor de la tanti croitoreasa, am rezolvat si problema lungimii.



Couldn’t get a decent shot of the dress with my camera so I tried my luck with the phone while in a changing room. Sorry for the bad quality of the photo!

N-am reusit sa scot o poza decenta a rochiei cu aparatul meu dar mi-am incercat norocul si cu telefonul in timp ce ma pregateam sa probez ceva intr-un magazin. Sper ca sa vede cat de cat…scuzati calitatea:D

Dress/Rochie: thrifted
Boots/Cizme: no name
Coat/Haina: Zara
Bag/Geanta: vintage Chanel
Jewellery and belt/Bijuterii si curea: vintage


Seeing turtles


Inspiration: Jackie O and Marilyn


EN: Seems like they had much more in common than just JFK, haha.

RO: Se pare ca aveau mai multe in comun decat JFK, haha.


As a child I used to hate wearing sweaters with high necklines, aka turtlenecks. They made me feel like choking, so, for a long time I stayed away from them and embraced the V neck with all my heart. Anyhow, now they are my winter staple, perfect for layering underneath my dresses, vests or jackets. I like them to be fitted (which I strongly recommend) and soft ( you know, to prevent the choking childhood memories), preferably with long sleeves. Dressed up right, they will make you look classy, sleek and polished and will bring your face into focus. They usually give the illusion of elongating the neck, thus turtlenecks can create a blank canvas upon which you can build your outfit and show off statement necklaces, beautiful earrings or just your pretty face:)

For my outfit, I went for a 70s-inspired look with wide legged pants and a blazer. I’m wearing H&M pants, a no name turtleneck, vintage blazer and jewellery, Topshop shoes, no name bag and Meli Melo sunnies.

In copilarie, nu uram nimic mai tare decat helancile (poate fesul pe care ma obliga mama sa-l port si pe care il indesam in ghiozdan imediat ce ma pierdea din vedere). Imi dadeau senzatia de sufocare si imi iritau gatul, motiv pentru care, dupa ce am scapat de cicalelile mamei, nu m-am mai atins de ele cativa ani buni si m-am amorezat de decolteul in V.
Acum insa, apelez la ele ori de cate ori temperaturile o iau razna in minus si ma incalzesc cu succes pe sub rochii, veste sau jachete. Imi place sa fie stranse pe corp (ceea ce va recomand si voua in cazul in care purtati) si moi (stiti voi, ca sa nu readuca amintiri neplacute cu privire la strangulare). Preferabil cu maneci lungi. Alea cu maneca scurta mi se par tembele si nu le vad rostul, cel putin pentru conformatul meu. Purtate corect (adica fara sa fie cu 3 numere mai mari si asezate peste ceva lalai, fara forma), vor crea o silueta eleganta, cizelata si atragatoare si va vor pune evidenta fata. In general dau senzatia de alungire a gatului astfel ca, helancile pot fii privite ca o panza goala pe baza careia incepeti sa va construiti sau accesorizati tinuta cu niste cercei frumosi lungi, coliere statement sau doar cu un chip placut:)

Pentru tinuta mea, am mers pe varianta inspirata din anii 70 cu pantaloni largi si un sacou. Port pantaloni H&M, helanca no name, sacou si bijuterii vintage, pantofi Topshop, geanta no name si ochelari de la Meli Melo.

So. Turtlenecks. Yay or nay?:)

Deci helanci. Ce ziceti? Purtati?:)

Astrid Tirlea


EN: I will start this post by wishing a big, fat “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to Astrid Tirlea, whose birthday is today. Tons of kisses and fluffy hugs for you, my dear!
So. If you’ve been with this blog for a while, maybe you remember the post I wrote about my Johnny Depp cropped top (yummy Johnny, yummy) I got as gift from the Motzilov duo: Astrid and Raul. In case you didn’t know, Astrid is part of the new generation of Romanian fashion designers, she graduated with an MA degree from the University of Art & Design, Cluj-Napoca, in Romania, she has her own creation shop and she has an awesome fashion sense and personal style! (you can check out her blog here). Also, her creations were many times down the runaways, she’s eccentric, she’s funny ( I recommend reading her texts) and she’s also nice enough to send me the skirt I’m wearing in today’s post. I got the pink one, she has the blue, but generally speaking, she can make one for your too in any color or size you want. Also, she creates cute dresses, cool t-shirts, jackets, pants or skirts. She’s got them all.

RO: Postarea de astazi o incep cu un mare si gras “LA MULTI ANI!” catre Astrid Tirlea, a carei ziua este astazi. La pachet cu 3 valize de pupici si imbratisari sufocante.
Bon. Poate va aduceti aminte ca prin vara ma laudam cu tricoul meu cu Johnny Depp (bunaciune full option) primit in dar de la duoul Motzilov, format din Astrid si Raul. In caz ca nu ati auzit de ea, Astrid face parte dintr-o noua generatie de designeri, absolventa a Universitatii de Artă şi Design Cluj-Napoca, are propriul ei atelier de creatie, si mai e si foarte tare in ale stilului personal (vedeti pe blogul ei aici). Pe langa astea, Astrid si-a expus creatiile in prezentari de moda, e originala, e funny (recomand citirea textelor de pe blog, sunt amuzante si naturale) si mai e si atat de draguta cat sa-mi trimita fusta pe care o port in postarea de azi. A mea e roz, am vazut la Astrid si una pe albastru, iar pentru voi, poate face in orice culoare sau marime va pofteste coraconul. Mai face si rochite dulci, tricouri cool, jachete, pantaloni sau fuste. Pe sistemul “avem di tăti”.



You can find her designs online on her personal blog and in the We Love Couture shop. Also, her creations can be found in Sibiu at the Gossip Tree store, in Oradea at the Galeria concept store and, since November, in Iasi at the Unik store from Iulius Mall and in Constanta, at Newelle.

Online ii puteti gasi creatiile pe blogul ei si in magazinul We Love Couture. De privit, pipait si luat acasa direct, se gasesc in magazinul Gossip Tree din Sibiu, in concept store-ul Galeria din Oradea iar din luna noiembie în magazinul Unik din Iulius Mall, Iasi si în Newelle, Constanţa.


Once again, happy birthday Astrid and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! So that I could brag about the clothes you gave me, of course.

Inca o data, la multi ani, Astrid si iti tin pumnii si labutele lui Bubu sa ajungi mare! Ca sa ma pot fali cu piesele tale, normal.

Skirt/Fusta: Astrid Tirlea
Sweater/Pulover: Vero Moda
Boots/Cizme: Stradivarius
Belt, earrings and bracelet/Curea, cercei si bratara: vintage

P.S. I know you probably think I froze my ass off while taking these shots but, do not fear, somewhere near was hidden a big, warm coat.

P.S. Stiu ca afara e un frig crancen. Nu va imaginati ca in momentul in care am facut pozele acestea nu aveam ditai paltonul ascuns undeva in lateralul grilajului de metal.


Exclamation. Point





EN: I love blazers. In fact, if I think about how many I currently own, that’s an understatement. Since last year my collection got bigger and bigger and will continue to grow untill I’ll have no closet space left (i never do anyway) or my mom will start throwing them out as she promised me a while ago. Evil, I’m telling ya.
So I found this cute cropped blazer while searching for some thick oversized knits in a thrift store. I liked how it had letters and exclamation points splattered all over it…and that it was only 1$. I wore it a few days ago paired with a River Island skirt, vintage belt, jewellery and scarf, Asos watch, New Yorker purse and Deichmann shoes.

RO: Imi plac mult sacourile. De fapt, daca luam in considerare cat de multe am, afirmatia anterioara paleste. De anul trecut am inceput sa le adun cu fervoare iar colectia mea s-a extins din ce in ce mai mult si va continua sa creasca pana n-o sa mai am loc deloc in dulap (ma rog, oricum n-am niciodata). Sau pana o sa mi le arunce mama in strada, dupa cum m-a amenintat mai demult. Naspa e, v-am spus eu. Am gasit bolerul acesta dragut cautand cu totul altceva intr-un sh, mai exact ma uitam dupa pulovere groase in marimi mari.. Mi-au placut literele si semnele de exclamatie de pe brate, plus…pretul de numai 3 lei. L-am purtat acum cateva zile cu o fusta River Island, curea, bijuterii si esarfa vintage, ceas Asos, poseta New Yorker si pantofi din Deichmann.


New in: topshop glittery shoes




EN: I can’t even begin to explain how obsessed I was with the glitzy shoes Miuccia Prada sent down the runaway for the Miu Miu Fall 2011 show. Unfortunately they’re out of my price range so there will be no Miu Miu sparkly fabulousness for me at the moment, buuuuuuut, THANK GOD for Topshop! As soon as I saw these booties I knew I had to have them…and now they are mine:D
Ok baby. I’m ready to shine.

RO: Nici nu stiu cum sa descriu cat de obsedata eram (si sunt) de incaltarile delicios de stralucitoare pe care Miuccia Prada le-a creat pentru colectia toamna iarna 2011 Miu Miu. Din pacate, preturile fiind cu mult peste puterile mele, n-o sa pup niciun Miu Miu lucios, daaaaaaaar, multumesc lui D-zeu ca exista Topshop cu preturi accesibile si modele asemanatoare pentru noi, pamantenii. Am salivat, m-am sucit si m-am invartit, mi le-am dorit si-am promis ca vor fii ale mele…iar acum sunt:D
Gata tati. Sunt pregatita sa stralucesc.

Absolutely fabulous


EN:Yesterday I was at the Absolutely Fabulous fair. Vintage, retro, sh and handmade clothing and accessories, lots of beautiful people, music, photos, all in all a great afternoon with my blogger friends. I didn’t take too many photos but here’s what I got:

RO: Ieri am fost la targ, la Absolutely Fabulous. Mult vintage, retro, sh, handmade, haine si accesorii, oameni frumosi, muzica, poze, una peste alta o dupa amiaza frumoasa alaturi de prietenii mei bloggeri. Am fost prea absorbita de produse si nu m-a ajutat nici lumina prea mult cat sa pot face poze, dar iata ce am reusit sa scot:


My biggest crush was on the jewellery, especially the earrings

Cel mai mult am fost incantata de bijuterii, in special de cercei






From left to right: Olivia, Costin, Laura, Sandra and Evelina, Raluca


Alice’s pretty handmade accessories




I wore a no name skirt, a Zara denim shirt, vintage belts and necklace, H&M rings, vintage Louis Vuitton bag and a Kenvelo jacket.

Am purtat o fusta no name, camasa de denim Zara, curele si colier vintage, inele H&M, geanta vintage Louis Vuitton si o jacheta Kenvelo.

Have a great week everyone!

O saptamana frumoasa va doresc!


Granny style, baby

EN: Let me introduce you to my latest granny dress. I thrifted it a few weeks ago for like 2$ and I love it. I’m not sure why I’m so attracted to clothes that make me look older than I really am. Somehow I feel my heart beating way much faster when I buy an old, mid length skirt that probabably belonged to a grandma (judging from the smell) than when I buy some itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny shiny polyester skirt from Zara. I love some of that plastic polyester stuff as well but nothing compares to the feeling I get whenever my mom says I look older than her. Haha. You’re evil, mom. Just kidding.
Anyway, i paired this dress with some of the most painful shoes I own. I really can’t wear them more than 3 hours (tops) and that’s without walking too much. So yeah, I’m a bit sadistic when it comes to shoes but I just can resist to a pretty bootie. And they are pretty, riiiiiiiiiiiight? <3

RO: Faceti cunostinta cu cea mai recenta rochie de bunicuta cumparata. Luata din sh acum cateva saptamani pentru vreo 6 lei. Imi place mult. Nu sunt sigura de ce ma simt atat de atrasa de hainele care ma fac sa par mai in varsta de cat sunt defapt. Cumva, entuziasmul si bucuria traita cand cumpar o vechitura care trece de genunchi si care a apartinut cine stie carei mamai (judecand dupa miros), intrece senzatia mirosului de polyester nou emanat de o fusta itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny de la Zara. Nu ca nu mi-ar place si lucrul nou facut din plasticul polyesterul ala dar nu se compara cu sentimentul trait atunci cand imi spune mama ca arat mai octogenara decat ea. Haha. Esti naspa, mama. Glumesc. Totusi ca sa nu ma regasesc complet in cuvintele maica mii, am incaltat la tinuta asta, una dintre cele mai ucigase parechi de pantofi pe care le detin. Nu stiu cum naibii au calapodul ala facut ca dupa 2-3 ore deja simt ca imi iau picioarele foc. Iar asta fara sa ma misc prea mult. Sunt sadica da, imi chinui talpile uneori, dar…sunt eu vinovata ca-mi plac? (inserati figura de bambi aici)




Dress/Rochie: thrifted
Booties/Botine: no name (bought them from Leonardo)
Hat and clutch/ Palarie si plic: vintage
Belt/Curea: no name
Jewellery/Bijuterii: vintage and no name


Currently overdosing on baked chestnuts…Yum!

Momentan “sufar” de o supradoza de castane coapte…Yum!


?How to wear animal prints?

(Alaia, a/w 1991-1992)

EN: Today I want to discuss about animal prints. I know it’s a very common theme, extremely debated in the fashion world but still, I see a lot of people on the streets getting it wrong, wrong, wrong. I’m sure we’ve all seen those scary images where ladies were dressed head to toe in leopard print, had very long red nails, pointy boots, too much make-up or to much skin on show. Think Jordan. See what I mean? However, animal print is one of those trends that comes and go all of the time and, although is not an easy print to wear, seems to be loved by many fashionistas. Depending on how you wear it, animal print can look both tasteful and modern without being too over the top or trashy. Anyway, i for one, have only 3 leopard printed pieces in my whole closet and, I must admit, until recently I had no idea how to wear them without looking like a bimbo. So I did some research and I put together this little article to share with you guys the tips I found out. Here it goes:

RO: Vroiam sa discutam astazi despre animal print. Stiu ca e o tema arhi-dezbatuta si super cunoscuta, inclusiv in blogosfera romaneasca, dar am senzatia ca inca a ramas un subiect delicat, atat pentru mine cat si pentru altii. Impresia mi se trage prioritar de la repulsia cvasi generala (pe care obisnuiam s-o impartasesc si eu pana de curand) fata de imprimeurile “animalice” datorita unor personaje de genul celor care apar in emisiuni cancaniste: capatos, acces direct sau happy hour. Emisiuni de mare success, cu audienta fulminanta. Doar suntem in Romania. Fara sa generalizez, intelegeti genul. Mai exact, ma refer la “divele” cu probleme de dictie si exprimare, uneori cu intelect subdezvoltat, cu inclinatii accentuate spre nuditate si alte artificii, printre care imprimeul animal purtat GRESIT. Desigur, sistemul fiind democratic, avem cu totii dreptul sa ne imbracam si sa aratam cum vrem, indiferent ca unora le place si altora din contra, insa, cel putin in cazul meu, parerea vis-à-vis de imprimeurile acestea era strans legata de duduile de succes din televiziunea romaneasca. Sau de pe strada. Cred ca suntem multe care asociem imaginea leopardului cu unghiile rosii vrajitoresti, fard pana-n urechi, cizme cu bot ascutit si toc cui, decoltee prea adanci sau picioare prea expuse. Dupa cum am spus, pana de curand imi era imposibil sa scindez cele 2 imagini si sa nu stramb din nas cand vedeam cel mai mic petec dungat de zebra. Bun, bun, bun, unde vreau sa ajung. Am 3 piese mari si late in garderoba imprimate astfel. Le-am cumparat in ideea ca, nu stiu, le las pe umeras pana la pastele cailor ca acolo arata bine si nu-s trashy si nu risc sa arat ca Jordan (ah, dac-ati stii cat ma abtin sa dau nume romanesti;))). Dar ca o Ioana d’Arc ce sunt, am decis sa iau problema in maini si sa ma documentez despre cum pot purta animal print intr-o maniera placuta ochiului. Am citit multe articole si-am privit multe fotografii, dupa care am decis sa scriu articolul acesta in speranta ca va fii de folos si altor necunoscatoare ca mine. Mentionez ca nu sunt niciun guru in domeniu, nu am studii de specialitate iar ce scriu este pur subiectiv si bazat pe abilitatile mele de comprehensiune a ceea ce au scris si facut altii. Sa incepem asadar.



1. More is less

Don’t show too much skin. Skirts that are too short, short shorts, cleavage revealing tops or too tight clothes will only make you look cheap, as if you’re ready to go on the set of Pretty woman and replace Julia Roberts in those first scenes.
A tasteful trench style dress, a simple blouse or a knee-length straight skirt can look very elegant.

1. Mai putin inseamna mai mult

Evita sa porti haine prea decoltate. Fustele sau pantalonii prea scurti, topurile cu decolteu adanc sau croielile prea stramte nu vor face decat sa dea senzatia unei tinute ieftine, demna de primele scene ale Juliei Roberts in Pretty woman. Un trench, o rochie pana la genunchi sau o bluza simpla, sunt niste alegeri suficient de discrete pentru senzualitatea deja emanata de animal print. Traducere: Esti suficient de sexi ca leopardita, zebroaica, serpoaica samd. Expunerea unei suprafete mari de piele proprie este nenecesara si nerecomandata.





2. Start with accessories

If you are little shy about wearing animal prints, try using accessories to make you a little more “roaaar” chic. Invest in a great snake-print handbag or a fabulous pair of shoes that will definitely make you the center of attention. A scarf, some gloves or some pretty jewellery aren’t bad ideas either.

2. Porneste de la accesorii

Pentru inceput, pana esti suficient de indrazneata sa-ti acoperi o mai mare parte din corp cu un astfel de imprimeu, incearca sa injectezi doze mici in tinutele tale. O geanta, o pereche de manusi, o esarfa din matase, o curea subtire in jurul taliei sau o pereche de pantofi sunt doar cateva optiuni care vor arata senzational alaturate unui background negru.


3. Keep in mind your figure when choosing to wear animal prints

This sort of prints are great for emphasizing your best features! Remember they are a bold choice and you can definitely use them in your advantage by drawing attention from flawed areas. Chinch your tiny waist with a skinny animal print belt or use a big scarf to show off your pretty neck and shoulders. Try not to wear this trend from head to toe, but if you decide to do it, keep in mind that it will only look good on small frames.

3. Tine cont de silueta ta

Poti folosi imprimeurile de origine animala pentru a pune in evidenta punctele tale forte si a distrage atentia de la defecte: foloseste o curea pentru a accentua o talie subtire sau leaga o esarfa voluminoasa in jurul gatului pentru a focusa atentia in partea superioara a corpului si a distrage de la cea inferioara. Nerecomandabil ar fii sa te imbraci din cap pana-n picioare in leopard. Totusi, daca alegi sa o faci si ai senzatia ca e de bine sa fii pisi centurist, tine minte ca o astfel de tinuta va arata bine doar pe o silueta zvelta, inghitindu-le si aglomerandu-le complet pe cele mai putin filiforme.



4. Pay close attention to the fabric

Avoid any stretchy, shiny, glittery fabric and try not to wear sequins or beads. The print is bold enough to stand out by itself.

4. Acorda atentie texturii

Alege tesaturi naturale. Evita impopotonarile inutile ce tin de materiale stralucitoare, elastice, compozitii dubioase, accesorizari cu paiete, margele sau sclipici.



5. Don’t mix&match prints

Pick one print and stick with it. While I do love mix&matching, it’s strongly recomanded to stick with a single print and play around it with basic colors: black, red, white, blue or even Kelly green. Of course, if you’re already in a long-term relationship with animal prints, go ahead and step out of line.

5. Nu exagera cu imprimeurile

Mai ales daca nu ai experienta in juxtapuneri, este recomandabil sa nu amesteci animal print-ul cu alte imprimeuri. Daca doresti totusi sa incerci, poti incerca varianta alaturarii clasice de buline sau dungi discrete. Evita micky mousii, imprimeurile psychedelice sau orice alt gen de imprimeu aglomerat. Nu-i asa c-ar arata relativ labil psihic din partea ta sa pui funde roz deasupra unei rochii cu imprimeu de piton? Asa ma gandeam si eu. Alege o culoare de baza si creaza-ti lookul in jurul acesteia. Negru pare sa mearga cel mai bine dar poti incerca si alb, bleumarin, rosu sau chiar verde Kelly. Poate va aduceti aminte de una dintre tinutele lui Andy din “The devil wears Prada” cand purta acel palton frumos verde Kelly cu guler si mansete din blana artificiala de leopard. Absolut superb.





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To end with, I want to apologize if my post somehow offended you and just wanted to ask if you’d like me to keep writing this sort of articles or I should stick with my style posts:)

In incheiere, cer iertare dac-am jignit pe cineva cu adnotarile mele personale si as vrea sa-mi spuneti daca v-ar interesa genul acesta de articole pe viitor sau ar fii mai bine sa raman la postarile obisnuite de daily style:)



Metallica – Best Ballads – Fade to black







EN: This outfit reminds me so much of my high school days! I didn’t wear heels so big back then or jeans as tight as these, my hair was so much longer and I didn’t own such a cool jacket either. I found it in a thrift shop a few months ago and I was lucky enough to discover it’s a small size, unlike most of the jackets I usually find. A bit pricey but totally worth it. And…don’t know if you’re noticing but I’m wearing a Metallica t-shirt I’ve had since seventh grade. Still a big fan 😀

RO: Tinuta asta imi aduce aminte tare mult de anii de liceu! Desigur ca nu purtam tocuri asa inalte atunci sau jeansi atat de stramti, aveam parul muuult mai lung si nici jachete asa misto ca asta n-aveam. Am gasit-o intr-un sh acum cateva luni si am fost suficient de baftoasa cat sa o prind intr-o marime mica, spre deosebire de majoritatea jachetelor pe care le gasesc in general. Putin cam scumpa dar nu regret nicio clipa ca am luat-o. Si…nu stiu daca observati dar port pe dedesubt un tricou imprimat cu Metallica pe care il am din clasa a7a daca nu ma insel. Still a big fan 😀

Jacket/Jacheta: thrifted
Jeans: no name
Booties/Botine: ASOS
Bag/Geanta: C&A
Jewellery/Bijuterii: no name


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